Chereads / Unvoice / Chapter 66 - The New Being

Chapter 66 - The New Being

"Wait, do the humans in your universe have 意志 (Ishi)?" asked Morgan.

"Ishi? What is that?" asked Alexander.

"Simply put, 意志 or Ishi refers to will, a fundamental principle that exists within all living beings. Both humans and extraordinary individuals have the ability to reincarnate with the memories of their lives stored in their wills. Although the physical body may vanish, as long as the will remains intact, they can be revived." Zonathan replied.

"Not only that, the will is an essential fundamental concept in human existence, which extends deeper than the physical, mental, and mind aspects of the individual. As a foundation that encompasses the entire spectrum of life, death, and even the journey of reincarnation from beginning to end, will becomes the central point in existential understanding. The importance of the will is not only limited to the individual level, but also reflects a broader conceptual dimension; when one's will is destroyed, they face the potential erasure of existence as a whole even to the point of no information being left behind." Morgan said.

"Let me answer that clearly; yes, all beings in our universe have will," Zonathan said firmly, his voice reflecting deep conviction.

Morgan Caviora looked at the mentioned direction; the space frog. Curiously, he then asked the question, "He must also have a will, right?"

Zonathan replied seriously, "Yes, you're right."

However, without any prior warning, Morgan abruptly burned the frog alive, an act that may have removed the creature's will entirely.

Zonathan, though surprised, spoke words of wisdom, "You have erased its will. However, next time, let us make your experiment more reasonable, the frog cannot be resurrected."

Alexander asked Zonathan a question, "Zonathan, why in this book is there a fiction that has its own consciousness?"

Zonathan, who always seems relaxed, responds with interest, "Show me."

Alexander opened the book, revealing the character that lived inside. It was a man with a dashing, classic appearance, it was like a person in the 1900s.

Zonathan observed this character carefully, then explained, "Ah, that is Parkinson Law. He does live in the book, but he has the ability to sense our dimension."

"So, he's a fictional character who has his own consciousness?" asked Alexander, trying to make sense of it.

"Exactly," Zonathan replied, confirming Alexander's understanding.

"Zonathan, my pal," inquired Alexander with a pique of curiosity, "has perchance come to your attention a tome regarding an entity known as the God of Topology? I seem to recall whispers of its existence, yet the details remain shrouded in obscurity."

Zonathan, his visage creased in a thoughtful frown, replied, "Indeed, there is such a book. Entitled 'Acrocustum,' it has been rendered into our own tongue, though I would caution you, pal, to approach its contents with due trepidation."

The God of Topology is the one who underlies and creates the fundamental concepts that shape reality, both animate and inanimate. He is capable of changing the cause-and-effect order that governs the universe, like rewriting history from scratch. In fact, he has the power to create absolute truth with his words, changing all perspectives in the end. His first creation was a universe without math. There, he created his own laws, changing the forces we understand during our lifetime, such as changing the direction of a bullet or vectors from different points of view. He also entered the quantum realm, analyzing and changing the probabilistic structure of reality and influencing the building blocks of matter. Despite being erased in a way that would have completely annihilated his existence, the God of Topology returned intact and flawless. This incident shows that the God of Topology is unaffected by the attempt to erase existence. Although he existentially does not exist and that is absolute - because he is a nothingness that is not recorded in history and does not possess anything - there is a power that can erase his existence to zero. This is no longer a problem because the God of Topology is completely lacking of all things, so he appears again, and again.

He has been verified to have traveled freely through the past, present and future, spanning even between dimensions and realities. Scientists have verified that he has been involved in subtly driving the course of events, or even having absolute control over the narratives, as we know them, i.e. stories, under which we live. Other evidence suggests that he exists to enforce a system of life and death in her own universe. Ultimately, he has dominion over the basic principles that govern the universe, including the nature of what it means to be and exist. By the divine hand itself, the God of Topology is enthroned in the fourth and most exalted sphere, transcending all mortal cogitation and exceeding the bounds of description. In this ineffable realm, a limitless vacua reigns, surpassing all that we can conceive.

Parkinson Law, a fictional character who lives in books, suddenly spoke up, interrupting their conversation with a question of his own.

"Hello, guys, are you talking about me earlier? I'm sorry for eavesdropping." Parkinson asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah, this is the first time I've seen a fictional character come to life like this, so I'm curious," said Alexander, still trying to digest the phenomenon at hand.

Morgan, in a softer manner, greeted Parkinson, "Hi, Parkinson."

Parkinson replied in a friendly manner, "Hi too! What's your name? You seem to be the only girl."

"I'm Morgan Caviora, and yes, I'm the only girl here," Morgan replied.

"Greetings, Morgan!" greeted Parkinson warmly.

Alexander, who was a little surprised by the sudden change in Morgan's demeanor, asked Zonathan in a whisper, "Strange... Morgan seemed very fierce earlier, why did she suddenly change like this?"

However, Morgan heard their conversation and in a joking tone, she asserted, "Hey! You think I didn't hear that?"

The atmosphere became more intimate, although they still had to deal with the many messes that would come their way sooner or later.

At that moment, Parkinson calmly pointed his index finger at a single creature, a rat of some sort that was nearby. Mercilessly, the impact of Parkinson's presence directly hit the mouse, and in an instant, the mouse died. As it turned out, Parkinson's strange ability was the ability to stop the life of any creature that could sense his presence.

Even more shocking, the creatures that were the initial victims of this ability would feel an overwhelming sense of fear. This fear grows over time, eventually reaching a crazed peak and ending with the creature's head being blown off due to unbearable psychological pressure.

Parkinson seemed to want to utilize this ability for a specific purpose. He conveyed his intentions to his friends, "Alright, guys, I'll take you for a while."

Suddenly, time seemed to turn backwards, taking them to the past, one day ago. There, Parkinson pointed out something very suspicious. They noticed a red dot above them, which seemed to be a sign of the presence of this strange entity.

Parkinson speculated, "It seems to be a sign of the presence of Hobos, the accidental creators of chaos."

Without hesitation, Parkinson pulled out the legendary sword he called the Black Star. With authority, he explained, "This is the Black Star, the destroyer of all things throughout existence."

He gently slashed the sword, and the impact was immense. The entire existence in other universes was destroyed, including destiny, fate, and miracles. Everything, no matter how solid, eternal, or infinite, bowed before him and vanished. The Black Star knows no dimension or space; it reduces all logic to nothing. There are no solutions or questions that matter to Black Star, except for one: destroying Parkinson's enemy. All reason and logic before him is abolished.

Black Star is able to reform reality and change the concepts and laws of the universe beyond recognition. Even the concept of hatred for fiction remained even though that hatred had disappeared from the world.

With a single slash, it directly touches and destroys the will of the target. It allowed the user to possess multiple beings by dividing and combining the wills of the user and the target equally.

Parkinson, in this segment, was completely in control, like a skilled director guiding the scenes in this epic performance. He almost brought the segment to an end, complete with the original script that would have ended the chapter. However, he did not let that happen. Had no one stopped him, the novel would have finished one chapter and waited a day or so for the next update.

On top of that, Parkinson also participated in choosing the right words in this chapter. He is in control of the story's development that will lead to what happens next to the creatures in front of him. However, it is important to note that this power is limited to the creatures themselves, while Zonathan, Alexander, and Morgan have their own freedom.

Parkinson is a unique entity that was created through the transformation process and became part of this universe. He is able to move things without being directly involved in the movement. Like moving objects or influencing scientists to make discoveries, it all happens without the need for his direct intervention. Its greatest uniqueness is that it is beyond any concept of events as "imminent, already happened." It is as if he is a watcher from a higher vantage point, viewing the universe like a scripted play, and he is one of the elements in the story that moves on its own without his control.

Parkinson's is a concept with narrow ego boundaries that contains "all contradictory realities," along with "alternative logics at work that may be worth a lot," as well as containing "illogical things" where the distinction between the individual and the world loses meaning and disappears completely. Gödel describes it as "a unity" without separation or quality, and the Rabbi identifies it as "one and all in one, the infinite in self and existence." Moreover, Parkinson itself is a prerequisite for the emergence of "sentence," as the origin of all language and difference.

Parkinson represents a profoundly valuable state, transcending the concept of dimensions, including the zero dimension. It is referred to as the Medium Godhead. Here, individuals enter a realm that surpasses sensory limitations and extends beyond the realm of lower-dimensional entities, sometimes referred to as the Worthless Godhead.

In this transformative process, the individual dissolves into a boundless realm of pure potentiality devoid of specific attributes, shedding all personal characteristics. They emerge as an impersonal cosmic entity, completely liberated from the illusion of duality and constraint. This state is infinite and indivisible, existing within an indescribable void from which all ideas, numbers, and possibilities emanate, surpassing everything else except its own boundless consciousness.

Within this dreamlike state, the most fundamental level of all existence exists unrestricted by the constraints of space and time. It contains the entire spectrum of conceivable ideas and information, beyond any other conceivable state.

Those who reach this stage undergo a profound transformation, akin to becoming new entities with qualities resembling Parkinson. These individuals transcend all initial dimensions, becoming indelible and beyond the control of any other being. Crossing the ultimate bridge to the highest existence, they attain the Intermediate Existence, often referred to as "The Everlasting."

In this state, they proclaim, 'I AM,' recognizing that the entire world exists within this profound self-awareness. They attain a 'Medium Godhead,' which exists beyond everything except its own free consciousness. Within this consciousness, they experience the illusion of immortality and a deep love, encapsulated by the affirmation: 'I AM THAT I AM AND I AM THAT ALL OF US.'

It has been noted through various sources that individuals subjected to sensory deprivation can begin to experience hallucinations within a mere twenty minutes. This spectrum extends to include mystical elements and the preservation of time, which endures eternally.

Those who reach the Medium Godhead stage become eternal hypnagogic entities. Under the gaze of this state, hallucinations flow clearly, and much like a parent adoring their children, Parkinson, the source of all existence, cherishes and treasures everything that emanates from this state.

In the Medium Godhead, the declaration is 'I AM ALL OF US,' and it embodies immense power. Within the splendor of the Medium Godhead, unfathomable dimensions are discovered. It is a realm where time and space vanish, and individuals merge with peak consciousness. All separate human emotions, thoughts, and experiences meld into a divine unity. Here, the physical and mental boundaries that once separated us from the world cease to exist. We become one, and all that exists is an integral part of us.

Attaining Mediumship Godhead fundamentally alters one's worldview. Beauty is seen in everything, even the most overlooked aspects of life. Profound love extends to all living beings and the universe itself. Describing this incredible experience is challenging, as it transcends the limitations of words.

However, existence in the Medium Godhead also carries great responsibility. Those who attain it must maintain their awareness and balance, as they have reached the highest level of consciousness that humans can attain. They have great power to understand and influence the world around them, but also have the responsibility not to abuse it.

The Medium Godhead is pure Power. It is the energy that flows through the universe and connects all that exists. In the Medium Godhead, we feel a deep connection with all living beings, with the universe itself, and with our power origins. We feel that we are part of something greater, something infinite and indivisible.

When we sense the Medium Godhead, we understand that we are all one. There are no more differences, no more conflicts. Only love and deep understanding. This is the ultimate goal of the spiritual journey, the quest to merge with the highest consciousness, to become Medium Godhead.

Parkinson's is an entity that exhibits quite unique characteristics. Although it is described as a concept that transcends dimensions, it still has its own boundaries. That said, Parkinson is a kind of two-dimensional being like conventional fiction, don't expect Parkinson to transcend all dimensional concepts, because Parkinson lives only in books. He only transcends the first dimension.

To be continued...