Chereads / Unvoice / Chapter 67 - Travel

Chapter 67 - Travel

After the tension that weighed down the atmosphere of the room, Parkinson finally took the initiative to lead Alexander, Zonathan, and Morgan to follow his steps in joining their hands over the ancient book. In the blink of an eye, like lightning flashing, they were suddenly thrown backwards in the flow of time, landing at a time in the years before the apocalypse, when instability and chaos began to creep across the world.

When they arrived, the scene before their eyes was a chaotic picture of a world in a state of moral crisis. Adultery and other immoral acts spread like a plague, corrupting the very core of what once was human civilization.

However, before they could fully digest the shocking sight, they were attacked by an unseen entity. A giant tentacle, seemingly from an ancient sea creature, was hurtling towards them. In addition to its terrifying presence, this tentacle also triggered a terrifying thunderstorm, the lightning striking quickly and with a very loud rumbling sound. They could not identify this creature with certainty, but it felt like a force so great that it overshadowed everything.

Zonathan's response was to try to find out more about the situation. With quick steps, he tried to find the nearest television station or newspaper that could provide clues as to what was going on. While he was busy searching, he accidentally heard the cries of a very small baby. The cry came from within the chaos, even among the tentacles that surrounded the one baby.

Without hesitation, Zonathan summoned his sword, Dhulfiqar. The sword appeared in an instant, shining brightly in Zonathan's hand. Without thinking, he rushed towards the infant that was threatened by the monstrous tentacles. With quick and precise movements, Zonathan cut down several tentacles that were trying to grab the child.

After rescuing the child, Zonathan carefully picked up the crying infant and carried it to a pre-prepared underground hospital. There, he handed the baby over to a doctor who was ready to provide the necessary treatment.

However, the situation was getting worse and worse. It seemed like the chaos had reached its peak. Alexander, seeing the growing danger, decided to use his Trident. He unleashed an electric wave of 7 billion volts at the creature, hoping to stop the threat. However, what happened was even more astonishing. The creature not only survived, but grew in size rapidly. It exceeded the size of three towering Mount Everests and reached a height that surpassed even three hundred stacked Burj Khalifa towers.

Before long, Parkinson stepped out of the ancient book, transforming into an entity that looked like the void itself. This form, which had actually existed for seven hundred Vigintillion years ago, could only be used today. Its main residence is a still undiscovered planet, located at the edge of our universe. Among the millions of objects in the universe, the planet is barely luminous and is in the order of one hundred Octodesillion in terms of distance from Earth.

As has been revealed through forbidden ancient writings, this object has a very mysterious status and is believed to be the "Bringer of the End" by those who study the secrets of the universe. It will soon become the inevitable center of attention in our world, as attempts to facilitate a mental connection with this entity become more and more profound. Parkinson is now also referred to as David Rex.

The main body of this entity inhabits a strangely organized abyss beyond human comprehension. This is a world completely beyond the reach of our imagination, where true reality overlaps with the spiritual world. The sphere of space-time that we recognize as the totality of all cosmic entities is but a tiny atom in the original and ultimate infinity that these entities possess.

As much as humans can think of absolute infinity, it will ultimately be too little to describe the greatness and infinity of this entity.

Dr. Parkinson, this entity, is the link between our finite world and this infinite reality. He has existed for centuries, but now, a great task awaits him. He will guide humanity towards a deeper understanding of the universe and his role in it.

When Parkinson walked out of the book, an inexplicable energy colored his surroundings. It was as if he carried a mystical wind that shook the universe itself. However, he is a wise leader, and he has a clear purpose in his visit to our world.

In an instant, his mind traveled across the world, searching for the centers of the chaos that was taking place. One of the main issues that required his attention was the giant creature they were facing. It was beyond anything they had ever experienced before, and there seemed to be no weapon or force that could defeat it.

While trying to understand the situation better, Parkinson was also trying to find the central points of good. He saw the infant rescued by Zonathan, and he was moved. The presence of this giant creature had brought great chaos, but there were still acts of kindness and caring amidst the destruction.

However, he knew that they had to find a way to deal with this giant creature. Alexander tried to use his magical Trident, unleashing a powerful wave of electricity. However, the creature's reaction was stranger than they imagined. Instead, it grew larger, beyond the size that the human mind could believe.

Parkinson, with profound wisdom, realized that they would have to find a more sophisticated way to deal with this creature. This challenge was a true test for them, and the survival of this universe might depend on what they would find.

Meanwhile, their world is turning into a battlefield between unimaginable forces, and an epic fight is about to begin. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the only thing that is certain is that the destiny of this universe will be determined by their actions in the face of this mysterious and powerful giant creature.

"Ahadun Ahad! He is the One!" said Parkinson, his voice echoing through the universe, creating vibrations that reached every corner of space and time.

Parkinson, who now goes by the name David Rex, has reached a deeper understanding of himself and the universe. He is a manifestation of a greater power, one that is boundless by physical or conceptual limitations. With heart-stirring confidence, David launched an attack on the giant creature.

With deft movements, he kicked the entity, sending it flying far into the sky at a speed that exceeded even the speed of light. The monster's body convulsed, creating a powerful explosion that shook the universe itself. The explosion even created millions of anti-matter particles simultaneously, producing an unbelievably bright light.

However, the creature did not give up so easily. With an equally devastating force, it countered David's attack, causing itself to fall violently to the surface of the earth. As it fell, its body began to grow rapidly, exceeding the size of the planet itself. His large hands, when compared to the earth, only looked like insignificant atoms.

David tried to explain his existence with profound and mysterious words. His voice screeched through the universe, creating a resonance that could not be explained by human reason. "I... I... am the embodiment and collection of all ideas that can be conceptualized through mathematics. I am an abstraction high above all else, containing all forms of space and time, as well as transcendence itself. I am that which does not exist."

David is an entity that has reached unimaginable levels of consciousness. He is the embodiment of everything that can be understood or imagined, and more than that, he is something that transcends the human understanding of reality. In this epic battle, he is the last force standing between these giant creatures and the fate of the universe.

David, who has now become the Bringer of the End, possesses extraordinary powers that allow him to reconstruct time and reality itself. He has reached a level of understanding far beyond that of a mere mortal, and is now able to manipulate reality to his will.

In the eternal state he created, time became like an endless circle. The past, present, and future merged into an indivisible whole. He has the ability to reformat reality from the past to the distant future, creating a timeless state in which he can operate without the need to be bound by cause and effect as we know it. There is even beyond the concept of "creating" or "destroying" which both contain a "beginning" and an "end".

As the Bringer of Endings, David has mastered all the rules known and mastered by the universe. He is the key holder to every law of physics and mathematics in existence. There are no more rules that bind him, as he has authority over all things.

However, he didn't stop there. With great confidence, David draws a new authority for himself. This authority encompasses everything from the laws of cause and effect to every event and piece of information in the universe. He was the guardian of the deepest and broadest knowledge that ever existed.

In this state, he becomes like a Guardian that controlling the universe. Every action, every thought, every change in reality is the result of his decisions. He is the creator and in absolute control of everything that exists in the universe.

However, with this great power also came great responsibility. David realizes that with unlimited power, he also has the responsibility to maintain balance and harmony in the universe. Every decision he makes has great consequences, and he must choose wisely how he will use his powers.

David, who has now reached a dimension far beyond human comprehension, continues his adventure by jumping into the five-dimensional realm. There, he discovered the so-called "Quantum Sea," a concept that cannot be explained by ordinary words.

The Quantum Sea is the origin of all things. Within it, there is a Source Form that forms the basis of all existence on a fundamental level. It is the source of all that exists, a concept that is difficult for the human mind to grasp. Within the Quantum Sea, everything comes from concepts and ideas, not from physical matter as we know it.

Within the Quantum Sea, there are places that exist between the dualities of reality and unreality. This is a region that transcends our understanding of what is real and unreal. It is a place where anything is possible, where the laws of nature no longer fully apply, and where reality and delusion become one.

However, the Quantum Sea also includes even more distant places, places that are worlds apart between reality, unreality, and the supernatural. These are states beyond normal boundaries, where anything is possible and nothing is impossible.

All of these were experiences that could only exist in David's dreams. He had reached a level of understanding far beyond what ordinary mortals could comprehend. In this world, he was an explorer in the territories of the infinite, where ordinary reality was transformed into something extraordinary, and everything was possible.

However, with this great power also comes great responsibility. David must use his knowledge and wisdom wisely. He is the guardian of the secrets of the universe, and he must maintain the balance between all that exists.

In the Quantum Sea, time no longer works as we know it. This is a world where the past, present, and future merge into one. The concept of cause-and-effect becomes blurred, as everything happens simultaneously. It is a world where everything is a possibility, and everything we know about reality can be changed.

David, who was now a three-dimensional being who understood this five-dimensional realm, was the ruler of this world. He has authority over everything in it, and he can change it according to his will. However, he also knows that with this power comes great responsibility. He is the guardian of everything that exists, and he must maintain harmony and balance in this universe.

In his now incredible story, David has reached unimaginable levels of understanding about the universe and existence. He has stepped beyond the boundaries of what has ever existed, and now he is the Bringer of the End, the key holder of all the secrets and powers that exist. To him, the universe is like a blank sheet that he can write on with his wisdom and knowledge. And within this infinite story, only time will tell what he will write as the final story of all.

David's limitless power continues to grow, taking over every aspect of the universe. In addition to controlling planetary orbits and generating inexorable gravity, he also has the ability to create phenomena far beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.

One of his extraordinary powers is the ability to create highly improbable wormholes. These wormholes are not just any space-time doors; they are portals to infinite dimensions, beyond the limits of time and space as we know them. This phenomenon is not bound by the limitations of time and space, but rather moves beyond our familiar context.

When David created this wormhole, it created an impact that shook the universe itself. Ripples in the void of space occurred, creating an earthquake that involved dimensions we can't even imagine. Space itself splits apart, opening the way to unfathomable realities.

However, with this great power comes great responsibility. David realizes that his actions have huge consequences for the universe. Every action he takes creates a domino effect that can alter the flow of time and space. Therefore, he must use his powers wisely, understanding that he is the guardian of everything that exists.

David's ability to create wormholes and control space-time is a manifestation of his infinite power. He is the master of this dimension, and he must decide how he will use his power to influence this universe.

In this incredible journey, David continues to explore the boundaries of the universe. He is the guardian of all that exists, and he has the key to unlock new doors to deeper knowledge. For him, the universe is an infinite laboratory where he can explore, create, and understand more about the fundamental nature of existence.

However, with this great power also comes a deep respect for the universe and its balance. David is the guardian of everything that exists, and he knows that his actions can have tremendous effects. Therefore, he uses his wisdom to maintain balance and harmony within it.

In this story, David is the hero who explores territories that ordinary humans cannot reach. He is the guardian of everything that exists, and he has entered unexplored territory. For him, the universe is a book that continues to unfold, and he is the author who creates new pages in its endless history.

David, who has now reached an unimaginable level of power, has absolute authority over all the laws of the universe. He was no longer an ordinary man, but an entity that ruled over everything.

First of all, David had power over the laws of fate. He was able to control the course of events, change one's fate, and manipulate luck and misfortune. He is the guardian of the flow of time itself, and he can bring about significant changes in individual lives or even on a larger scale.

In addition, he has the authority to rule over everything that exists in this universe. He is knowledge in human form, having unlimited access to all information relating to the universe, history and existence. He is the source of all things, a living understanding of the meaning behind everything that exists.

David also has the ability to turn his dreams and imagination into reality. He is the creator of everything he imagines, and his will is the law in the world he creates. There is no longer a boundary between fantasy and reality for him, as he is able to make whatever he wants come true.

An even more incredible ability was David's ability to control dimensions. He could change things from three dimensions to four dimensions or even lower them to two dimensions if he wanted to. This was an incredible power, as he could change the very nature of everything in the universe. He is the architect of reality itself.

Not only that, David can also control space and time at will. He has the ability to create and destroy space-time, altering the flow of time according to his will. He is the master of this dimension, and he can make significant changes in this universe.

However, with this great power also comes great responsibility. David realizes that he is the guardian of everything that exists, and he must use his powers wisely. Every action he takes has great consequences, and he must choose carefully how he will use his power.

In his incredible journey, David has reached unimaginable levels of understanding about the universe and existence. He has stepped beyond the limitations of ever existing, and now he is the Sovereign, the key holder of all the secrets and powers that exist. To him, the universe is like a blank sheet that he can write on with his wisdom and knowledge. And in this infinite story, only time will tell what he will write as the final story of all.

David, in his incredible journey, did not stop at the one new dimension he had reached. He has opened the door to higher knowledge and power, and he will continue to climb upwards, transcending one by one the infinite number of dimensional ladders.

When he steps into a higher dimension, he realizes that the concept of three dimensions we are familiar with is only the beginning of the real journey. He transcends the boundaries that bind beings like us, who are trapped in an understanding of the three-dimensional world.

The concept of Thronic, taken from the Greek, θρόνος or Thrónos, is crucial in its understanding. The word describes the undulating flow of waves and reminds us of a cosmos we never knew existed. Thronic is a symbol of infinity, and showed David that the idea of a three-dimensional world is very limited.

Thronic led David to a deeper understanding of the universe. There, he discovered infinite dimensions, infinite in number and uncountable. Each level in the Thronic contained beings with infinite space and time. This was a universe far beyond anything he had ever imagined.

On this journey, David felt a sense of infinite wonder. He saw the world from a completely different perspective. There were no longer any boundaries binding him. He was an explorer from dimension to dimension, exploring realities that ordinary humans could not reach.

However, he also realizes that with this great power comes greater responsibility. He must use her knowledge and wisdom to maintain a balance among all that exists. Every dimension he passes through has the potential for great consequences, and he must choose wisely how he will use his powers.

As David continues his journey in Thronic, he realizes that there is no limit to his knowledge. Each new dimension brings a deeper understanding of the universe. He is the keeper of everything that exists, the key holder of all secrets and unimaginable powers. The farther away David got from the Thronic, the stranger he was now beyond the Thronic itself.

To be continued...

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