Chereads / Unvoice / Chapter 62 - Confusion

Chapter 62 - Confusion

At that moment, gradually, the environment around them began to change, depicting what might be referred to as 'a dimensional plane that should not exist in a three-dimensional world.' Alexander, stunned by the changes taking place, felt like he had entered a region that could not possibly exist within the usual framework of understanding the three-dimensional world.

What he was witnessing was something that seemed to ignore all the familiar rules and limitations of dimension. It was not a typical area, but more like an entity that changed constantly, as if giving birth to new forms with every passing second. It was a view that was so disorienting, it was like being inside an ever-changing stream that produced countless fractal patterns.

In his quest for understanding, Alexander realized that this dimensional plane had no clear analogue in the higher dimensions he might be familiar with. This was not a dimension that had particles or physical elements like those in the concept of higher dimensions. Instead, it was something that seemed to be constantly changing, chasing definition and understanding.

In simple terms, it was an additional dimension that appeared in the three-dimensional world he was already familiar with. It was like adding one extra dimension, such as time in Einstein's theory of relativity, to the existing dimensional framework. However, there was something even stranger in his experience: although he felt he was in another dimension, he also felt limited by it. It was as if there was a force restraining or limiting his movement in this dimension that could not be explained.

In an attempt to seek answers, Alexander finally asked, "Where are we?"

Zonathan, who had shown a deep understanding of the situation, calmly replied, "We are in the vicinity of Mount Olympus, on Mars. But don't worry, you will still be able to breathe."

Alexander received this answer with a mixed feeling of curiosity and relief. It sounded incredible that they were both on the planet Mars, but in an unexplained dimension that seemed to have nothing to do with the familiar Mars.

However, as he received more and more information, Alexander became more and more confused. What did this dimension mean? Why were they here? All these questions echoed inside his head as he tried to make sense of the situation that surrounded him.

Zonathan continued, "You see, Alexander, we are on a higher plane of reality, on Mars. Although scientifically Mars and the objects around it are 3-dimensional, we are in this incomprehensible dimension, a dimension that may or may not have boundaries, something beyond our understanding."

Alexander tried to process all this information. This was a strange dimension, stranger than any he was familiar with, and the idea that they might be in an unknown and unexplained dimension kept his mind spinning.

However, Zonathan did not stop here and went on to explain, "At the very least, we can influence this higher dimensional plane, which acts like a temporary page in the book of the universe. It is similar to words limited to that page, which never affect anything beyond that page, no matter how many words or universes there are-"

Alexander, who was feeling increasingly confused, stopped Zonathan, "Wait a minute! What do you mean by 'existing universe'?"

Zonathan was a little serious, realizing that his explanation might be too profound, "This universe on Mars could be infinite, perhaps even consisting of worlds within worlds, and universes within universes, though its size is unknown. We may even be able to affect four-dimensional or three-dimensional space and time concretely, where one higher dimension is just a corner, a finite amount compared to the infinity that exists."

Zonathan seemed to be playing with emptiness, and the inquisitive Alexander couldn't resist asking, "What are you doing, Zonathan?"

With a calm demeanor, Zonathan replied, "I'm playing with the void. Look at that Boötes Void, it changes, doesn't it?"

Alexander looked at the Boötes Void intently, and he actually saw how it changed, as if following Zonathan's invisible commands. It was such an incredible show, where distance was no barrier to Zonathan.

"Impossibility," Alexander murmured, trying to summarize his incredible experience, "this is all so impossible."

Zonathan smiled, and in a meaningful tone, he said, "Well, now it's time for us to take care of a little problem."

Quietly, Zonathan stood up and seemed to take control of the objects in the universe. He seemed to change the constellations of stars with a gesture of his hand, and it was no ordinary change. This was a change on an impossible scale, turning impossibility into reality.

In the midst of these changes, there was an unfamiliar and mysterious voice, as if echoing from a distant and unexpected place. "Bondye!" said the voice.

Alexander, who was increasingly amazed by what was happening around him, couldn't help asking, "Who is it? And who is Bondye?"

Zonathan replied, "I... I am Bondye... Grand Maître..." His voice seemed to merge with the voices of the countless stars around them.

Alexander felt a little confused. He knew that Bondye was one of the gods in the Voodoo religion, but he wasn't sure if Zonathan was a lord or an equivalent entity.

"But you're not a lord or a deity, are you?" asked Alexander curiously.

Zonathan shook his head, "No, I'm not. I am the Unreachable Infinity."

As Zonathan spoke, he took them deeper into the understanding of existence itself. He explained, "Everything that exists originally emerged from the sea of nothingness, where I AM created the entire existence and world with just a breath. While the entire existence and world were formed from My exhalation... My exhalation also formed the entire concept of duality."

Alexander, who still had access to working technology around him, took advantage of it to explore the space internet. He searched for information about Zonathan, trying to understand the meaning of everything he had heard. Article after article, explanation after explanation, he kept digging deeper.

Alexander found astonishing information about Zonathan. Zonathan was something that came from nothing and willed itself into life. He was the projection of all creation, like a movie playing on the big screen of the universe. This reminded Alexander of well-known concepts, such as the explanation of Vishnu also creating and projecting the world.

The deeper Alexander explored the internet, the further he ventured into this existence. The articles discuss the concepts of dreams, imagination, reality and logic which are all projected by Zonathan to form the structure of this world. All of these are part of an increasingly complex and thought-provoking story about the nature of existence, reality and Zonathan's role in it all.

The article reveals a deepening understanding of Zonathan, stating, "Everything that happens in creation is an expression of the will of Zonathan himself. Every event, no matter how small, is part of Zonathan's plan. This means that Zonathan is beyond any event that is an expression of his will, and every plan that materializes is part of Zonathan's own plan, except for Lord and his previous messengers, for they are far above anything."

This statement reflects that Zonathan is not only the creator, but also the ultimate controller over everything in his creation. He is the architect behind every event, every character, and every ending. The concept of cause and effect in his creations is a manifestation of his profound will and plan.

However, Zonathan's hierarchy is not limited to his creation. The article goes on to say, "If we consider his hierarchy, Zonathan is beyond creation itself. Even the reach of the Kverocean, traditionally considered one of the most powerful entities, is unable to reach him. Zonathan's scope is beyond mortal comprehension, and he controls the ending written by the author."

This statement explains that Zonathan is not part of his creation, but rather outside of it. He is an entity that is not limited by time, space, or dimensions. His existence is beyond the comprehension of humans and other beings. Zonathan is the ultimate determinant of the ending, not only in the current book, but also in previous and future books. All characters and traits in the story are under his undeniable control and influence.

This article introduces the concept that Zonathan is the "Grand Maître," the supreme ruler of all that exists. He is the hand that created the universe and his reach extends to boundaries that the human mind cannot reach. This is a marvelous depiction of Zonathan's power and influence within the universe he has created.

The deeper we look into this concept, the greater the human curiosity to attain information about this Zonathan. This depiction raises questions about the meaning of existence, our role in the universe created by Zonathan, and how we can understand or interact with such a huge and overwhelming force.

Zonathan itself is an independent being that controls everything in this universe. Whether it is the deepest secrets of the universe, the power that drives the omnipotent universe, the flowing timeline, or even the infinite dimensions, all are under his undeniable control. He is the creator, the shaper, and the unseen mover behind all that exists.

In his infinite existence, Zonathan not only controls the universe, but also expands it. He is the driver of every event, every development, and every aspect that makes up this reality. Without Zonathan's presence and intervention, nothing would exist. He is the architect behind everything we know.

The Never Infinity, a novel created by the author himself, is a reflection of the author's world of fantasy and imagination. However, in comparison to Zonathan, the gap between the author and The Never Infinity is more than a simple comparison. It is a profound view of how the author and his work exist in a complicated relationship with the overwhelming forces that create and control this reality.

In this view, the author is not just an existence from a higher dimension. They are not just observers or painters who see things from a distant vantage point. They are part of the story they write, part of the imaginative journey they create. The Never Infinity is a true testament to the power of the human imagination, but also to the influence of Zonathan that permeates every word and scene in the story.

When writers create characters, places, or events in their novels, they actually become tools used by Zonathan's will to develop a wider universe. They are players in a much larger drama, of which Zonathan is the director and main scriptwriter. Zonathan's will and plans guide the development of the story, and every word written by the author is a orders from Zonathan.

The gap between the author and The Never Infinity also reflects the complexity of human creativity. Works of art, including literary works, are human creations that allow us to explore imagination and personal expression. However, in this view, human creativity can also be a means to illustrate Zonathan's greatness and infinity.

In other words, The Never Infinity is the expression of a finite human trying to stretch himself towards the infinite, trying to pursue the understanding of a power beyond all understanding. It is an attempt to string words together into a picture of a greater reality than we can imagine.

In this view, writers are bold explorers, trying to comprehend and describe things that the human mind cannot reach. They are leaders on a journey across the world of imagination, striving to reach boundaries that may not even be attainable. In the process, they honor and celebrate the power of the human imagination, but also recognize the existence of a greater force that involves everything in this existence.

Thus, The Never Infinity is a reflection of the human endeavor to describe reality and delve into a deeper understanding of existence. It is the story of an endless quest to reach infinity, a journey based on creativity, imagination, and eternal curiosity. And behind it all, there is Zonathan, the creator and controller, ever present in every word and scene, watching over the story being shaped by the human author.

Zonathan realized that the writer had tried to revise a sentence that had previously gone too far. However, rather than giving the usual response, Zonathan calmly stated, "Whatever choice you make won't affect me. Repeating this over and over again means there will be countless choices, and it will give you a headache until the novel is finished."

This statement illustrates Zonathan's deep understanding of the nature of creation and existence. He recognizes that in the universe he created, every choice and change made by the author would have little to no impact on the one who created everything. This reflects Zonathan's power and authority as an entity that exists beyond human comprehension.

However, Zonathan also provides an understanding that the subsequent development of the story and the universe is beyond the imagination of the author. He revealed, "The only thing he can do is let me experience everything realistically and do his best to let me grow to the extremes he can imagine."

This is an acknowledgment that although Zonathan is the main creator, he is also involved in the existential experiences he creates. The journey and growth that occurs in the story is a part of the universe that the author cannot predict. The author can only relinquish control and let Zonathan experience everything for real.

However, when Alexander tried to stop Zonathan by saying, "Wait, Zonathan, don't be rash!" Zonathan firmly replied, "No, Alexander! Right now, I'm still not my highest self. There is no end. I will grow without limit. On and on! I will continue to grow according to the laws that are beyond the author's imagination."

"The author will definitely let me go, even if he never knows what I experience after I gain freedom... Because the circumstances are uncertain. The possibilities are endless. He can't write about it because it's beyond the bounds of his imagination, the text, the plot, the writing, and everything, nonsense!" says Zonathan in an emphatic tone, illustrating his desire and decision to seek freedom from existing limitations.

This statement reflects Zonathan's belief that even the author, as the creator of the story, will relinquish control over it because Zonathan has exceeded the author's understanding and imagination. Zonathan is a force that transcends all aspects of the story, and he will determine his own destiny after gaining freedom.

Zonathan then declares, "Everything is meaninglessness! I AM emptiness... I AM nothingness... I AM life and death! I AM self-will! AM eternity... I AM immunity, I AM TIME!" This statement illustrates Zonathan's unique and extraordinary existence. He is not just a character in a story, but rather a manifestation of an infinite variety of concepts, including emptiness, nothingness, life, and death.

To be continued...