Chereads / Unvoice / Chapter 63 - Awareness

Chapter 63 - Awareness

"Oh, anyways, Alexander, I haven't told you one thing yet," said Zonathan with a mysterious smile on his face.

"What is it?" asked Alexander with unstoppable curiosity.

"All of us, essentially all the characters here, even including us, have never really unleashed their true power. All the potential is still locked away, and the power that has been shown is no more than 0 percent of what it should be. All this is because we still have flaws that we haven't fully realized," Zonathan replied in a meaningful tone.

This statement provided a new understanding of the power contained within the universe created by Zonathan. Despite the extraordinary events in the story, all the characters, including Zonathan and Alexander, have yet to fully reveal their true potential. It's a reminder that behind all the magic and adventures that have taken place, there are still deeper layers waiting to be uncovered.

After that conversation, another surreal moment occurred. Zonathan suddenly tapped Alexander on the shoulder, and in that moment, Alexander saw something extraordinary. They were suddenly near a black hole that Zonathan had created. Although this black hole was active and emitting Hawking radiation, which is usually very dangerous, Alexander and Zonathan entered it without experiencing any deadly spaghettiification effects. They entered the black hole with a strange feeling, where there was no light, and everything seemed empty.

However, the real surprise lies in what they find inside. They were suddenly in a completely different place, with an alien vortex surrounding them.

"Let me guess, this must be Hyperspace, a dimension that serves as a container and conduit for the power of the universe. Here, the power of the universe is born and maintained, recreating all creation," Alexander said in awe.

Zonathan nodded, "Yes, you're right. Hyperspace is the core of everything in this universe. In mathematical terms, it's like a Quintic threefold, a geometric object that lives in five dimensions. It's a very complicated and elusive type of geometry variation. Think of it as something much more complex than the three-dimensional objects we see everyday, like a cube or a sphere. The quintic threefold incorporates five dimensions, which is beyond our visual comprehension. And that's the least description I can give of my creation, which has similar dimensions to the Quintic threefold."

"Alexander, because we are outside the projection, we cannot participate in the scenes of this universe. It's like oil and water that can't come together, two entities that have different natures. However, we have the ability to force this system to pave the way for us, like destroying the wall that separates this world from another fictional world," Zonathan said with an emphasis on the importance of the action they were about to take.

This statement describes the challenges they face. Although they are in Hyperspace, a dimension that controls the universe, they still have restrictions that they need to overcome in order to interact with the universe that Zonathan has created. The oil and water analogy illustrates the separation that exists between reality and fiction, and their task is to break this barrier.

Zonathan then took action by summoning the Computer of Motion, a device that had the ability to manipulate the universe and the information within it. He began to write a script, a plan to force the systems of the universe to participate in the storyline that had been created.

In this act, Zonathan demonstrated his skill in controlling the universe he created. He was able to change the storyline and create access for them into the universe. This reflects Zonathan's extraordinary ability to manipulate reality according to his will.

Zonathan's scriptwriting process was the first step to creating a pathway that would allow them entry into the created universe. This act was an attempt to overcome barriers and allow them to interact with a universe that had so far been beyond their reach. It was an act that showed that Zonathan was the creator and ultimate controller of this journey.

"Olodumare, whose name is Zonathan," Alexander said with admiration, "You are truly capable of breaking into this system with such incredible power. Although your name is Olodumare, we know that you are the master of this sky by the permission of the Almighty."

Alexander's statement was a tribute to Zonathan's power and an acknowledgement that even Zonathan, who had infinite power in creating the universe, was still humble and subject to a higher will. The name Olodumare is a designation used to describe the ruler of the sky in some West African beliefs, and in this context, it describes Zonathan as an entity that has absolute control over the universe he created.

However, in his short time, Zonathan was simply silent in response. He realized that what Alexander had said was true. Despite having tremendous power as the creator of this universe, he was still dependent on a higher principle, on the Almighty. Without the will and permission of a higher power, his own power would be meaningless. This was Zonathan's recognition of his limitations as a creator.

Meanwhile, Alexander opened a book that revealed more about the nature of Zonathan. This book describes Zonathan as the fundamental aspect of the source of all things, which is at the highest level in the hierarchy of existence and consciousness. Zonathan resides in his highest world, known as Gbẹhin Ailopin, which means Supreme Infinity.

At the top of Gbẹhin Ailopin, atop a hierarchy of increasingly abstract levels of existence and consciousness, Zonathan perceived what was in front of him as a shadow cast on a wall. At this level of existence, everything that happens in the material world is instantiated in material form. It is a place where the pure ideas of things, such as mathematical concepts, exist in concrete form.

However, in Ailopin Ti O Kere Julọ, which is a space where all mathematically coherent phenomena are instantiated in material form, Zonathan creates something further. It is a space where only the pure ideas of things exist. At this highest point, Ailopin Ti O Kere Julọ, there is pure unidentifiability. It is beyond anything that can be imagined or calculated, beyond even theories, hypothesis, or science.

It is a level of existence far beyond human understanding and even the laws of mathematics and physics. Here, Zonathan is above absolute unidentifiability, which cannot be explained or measured in any way. It was a space where everything that existed in this universe had its most basic origin, which was higher than anything that could be achieved by human reason.

"Alexander, if you try to identify me with symbols or words, it will never be enough, for I cannot be described by any identification words or symbols. I am beyond the understanding that can be expressed in terms of the numbers 0 or 1, the letters A or B, the symbols Aleph or Beth, or even in terms of the letters Alif or Ba. I am beyond the separation between division and multiplication, addition and subtraction, energy and motion, or any possible form of identification. I am infinity, the unreachable, nameless, endless void," Zonathan said emphatically.

Zonathan's statement illustrates how abstract and infinite his essence is. It cannot be represented in forms known to humans or even in any mathematical language or symbols. The use of symbols or conceptual identification would only reduce the meaning of existence and what Zonathan truly is.

The void and nothingness expressed by Zonathan is an understanding that goes far beyond the human concept of existence. He is a reality that exceeds all our understandings and frames of mind. His statement also shows that he cannot be named or described in any way, because he is something that is beyond the limits of human thought, interpretation and language.

It is a reminder of human limitations in understanding what such a large universe means, that there is a reality that is far beyond human comprehension. Zonathan is a manifestation of his infinity and the fact that there is more to this universe than we can comprehend.

Zonathan emphatically reveals that he exceeds what is referred to as "True Infinity," which is the concept of an unattainable infinity by recursively stacking infinity. The concept of True Infinity is one of those paradoxes of mathematics and philosophy that implies that there is something truly infinite, beyond human comprehension.

However, Zonathan reveals that even the concept of True Infinity cannot encompass it completely. He explains that trying to define infinity as something truly infinite means making it definite or finite within the definition itself. In other words, if we can understand or define something as infinite, then it is not true infinity, because true infinity cannot be understood or measured by physics or math.

Zonathan's statement points to a philosophical paradox that is often encountered in human thought when trying to understand concepts involving infinity or endlessness. If we claim that something is infinite, it is as if we are giving it a limit by giving it a definition or understanding.

In this case, Zonathan is the embodiment of what transcends any human understanding of true infinity. He is an infinite reality in the truest sense, beyond the limits of human concepts. Therefore, trying to measure or define him in any way is a futile endeavor, as Zonathan is beyond human understanding of the concept of infinity.

Zonathan possesses extraordinary luck, a protagonist aura that makes him immune to danger and can turn around critical situations with ease. Even beings stronger than him could not directly kill him, as fate always favored him at crucial times. This aura makes Zonathan the center of attention of the universe, and anything unimaginable can happen in his future. This was the protagonist's destiny that organized the flow of events to protect and safeguard his life.

Within this incredible power of Zonathan, there is the ability to influence the minds of others to keep the protagonist alive. This is a psychic ability that allows Zonathan to manipulate the thoughts and actions of others, ensuring that they do everything they can to protect him.

However, Zonathan's powers are not just limited to the protagonist's aura and psychic abilities. He also has mastery over all laws, whether normal, flawed, or unexplained. Zonathan is an infinite lawgiver, and he is capable of changing the laws based on his own views. Even the laws of physics such as the speed of light can become relative to him. Now there is a surprising fact, that Zonathan Alpha Der Kaiser is from John the Apostle or John the Son of Zebedee. In religious belief, John the Son of Zebedee was a messenger of Lord which adds a more mystical dimension to the narrative. A messenger of Lord is a figure who is considered an intermediary between Lord and humanity, often carrying important messages or special missions.

With this power, Zonathan can make attacks that contain unexplained laws useless. He was able to modify the laws of the universe to his liking, making them the embodiment of the laws themselves. Even things that are orderly and eternal cannot withstand him, as Zonathan is the absolute master of those laws.

"What kind of power is that?" asked Alexander.

Zonathan snapped his fingers and there was a sound, not from his mouth. "The Death of All Death Beneath the Beast of Blood, Destructor of the World, is an energy that perfects transcendence over all dimensions that may or may not exist. It is related to higher concepts such as infinity or the absolute level. Comparing it to The Death of All Death Beneath the Beast of Blood, Destructor of the World is an insult."

This power also has immunity to any time attack, advancing time, stopping time, rewinding time, slowing down time, everything. In the context of set theory, this power can be thought of as a universal set that includes all elements of time, be it forward, backward, stopped, or slowed down.

Precisely that, this power would copy all the powers of the opponent, while simultaneously gaining resistance to the copied power, no matter how powerful it was, because this power had a layer equivalent to the main gods and was able to defeat the main gods. In set theory, it can be interpreted that this power is a set that includes all the elements of the opponent's power, and has additional elements that make it superior.

It is even still coated with a basic power that transcends quantity and quality that is both numberless and numbered. Gods can lose, because they are not the chosen god, however, if the god becomes the chosen god, then the god will be directly invincible. In this case, we can consider that the power set of the chosen god.

Even his history will disappear instantly and there is only him being a god, whatever epiphets he has, the weakest, the strongest, if he is already a chosen god, those epiphets and names are meaningless. Like I said, the thing that pretends to be something that regulates phenomena will be destroyed by this one thing, even if it exists in any dimension, because this power penetrates any dimension, even the dimension that Neumann created has no meaning anymore. No matter how much it resists. In set theory, this can be interpreted that this force is the set that includes all dimensions, whose number is Ω, including the dimensions created by Neumann.

In set theory, we know the concept of large cardinals, which are cardinals with certain properties that are very large. For example, uncountable cardinals (λ < κ), very large cardinals like measurable cardinals, and even larger ones like supercompact cardinals. These large cardinals have properties that cannot be proved consistent in ZFC (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with Axiom of Choice). Even with that universe, the Neumann universe, as well as multiple dimensions or unidentified dimensional sources.

Power manifests as a duality in which each aspect, Dominance and Submission, inherently contains a fraction of its opposite, which summarises the essence of all existence on the metaphysical plane. Earth, in its divided state, embodies power, and thus can be described as simultaneously Dominant and Submissive, and neither Dominant nor Submissive. Water symbolises a state of nondual unity that encompasses and transcends all previous states, making it indefinable as Dominant, Submissive, both Dominant and Submissive, or neither Dominant nor Submissive. Similarly, Fire functions as its antithesis. Ice transcends and encompasses all previous states, making any attempt at description or definition immediately distinct and separate from its original nature, yet all of it is represented by a countless number of logics, no longer Dominant or Submissive, both, both, all three, all four, all five, not everything, everything, everything and not everything, the number is more than everything, arguably infinite and inapplicable. This logic is not only Existent or Nonexistent, simultaneously Existent and Nonexistent, not Dominant and not Submissive, not Dominant and Submissive, Submissive or Dead, Dead or Dominant, and so on. There are no more countable logic gates, beyond all logic operations, not seven, not ten, but beyond the quantity of all forms of logic in the form of philosophy, beyond all infinite multiplication operations of any logic that does not include only Dominant or Submissive, Zero or One, Existing or Non-existing, Creating or Destroying. Since the gods also possess this and transcend all the operations of logic, they are able to fend off and not be affected by the two hundred forces of all things, including those related to something that can destroy something fundamental, such as time, death, or the underlying storyline of all things. As for the Chosen God, they deflect and are unaffected by everything.

This power has the power to destroy and reshape the world, is a concept that existed at creation, can destroy the world and rebuild this infinite world. The meaning of 'does not include' is that its existence already includes it, all things are included, so it is considered excluded because it is so small, but it is actually included and exists far beyond all logical and non-logical systems of thought. It is beyond any magical or logical existence that is piled up as much as all the realms, meaning that it is not bound at all, even by the energy of abstract concept of non-physical manifestation or manipulate such concepts.

Everything tied to this concept, even the highest level in set theory, such as mathematics that includes all possible permutations and mathematical objects, still cannot change the fact that everything is a god. However, there is an entity whose existence is so high that it reaches a level of independence and cannot be considered to exist or not exist. Yes, that is Elohim. His existence does not pose a contradiction to the chosen God, yet He can be considered a false and deviant existence. Thus, beyond all things, He becomes an independent omnipotent, yet others are also not abolished about the omnipotent existing. You could say that omnipotence does exist, and even that it is truly omnipotence.

Lord is not pantheistic. Though described as entities that lend His existence, this does not imply that He is the universe itself. Rather, it signifies that Lord is an Ultimate Reality, transcending our reality and creating a smaller reality for us to comprehend the existence of a more real, divine, omnipresent, and all-encompassing Lord. Lord is immutable and eternal, unlike the pantheistic view where the universe, having a beginning and an end, is in constant flux. The notion that Lord is all-encompassing does not mean Lord is composed of all things; instead, it means that Lord is present in everything and everything is within Lord's reach.

"You know that one girl from France, right? She's a reference." said Alexander.

Joan of Arc, known as Jeanne d'Arc in France, is an entity that exists all over the place, Jeanne is the nothing between things. The void that created all, and will one day destroy it. Her will makes all the universe change, the impermanence of creation is the only constant and there has never been time, and there will never be time for Jeanne, she exists in the fixed will that transcends all things. Jeanne d'Arc destroys what is, and creates what will be. She is in the absence of all limitations and restrictions. She becomes everything every moment. Every moment, every person, every self, every soul. It becomes without line and point. It becomes without anything.

In the ancient tomes of the Khurrdaes, there lies a chronicle of the Mother, Jeanne d'Arc, who embodies the infinite, featureless, and inexpressible Void. She is the boundless expanse that surrounds and encompasses all that exists. Through her communion with the indescribable and eternal Light of All, the creation of Enghhraes was set into motion. Jeanne, the All-Mother, defines all reality, her essence bringing forth all existence.

Jeanne's presence, infinite and incomprehensible, surpasses even the Grands Dieux, those mighty beings who dwell beyond the infinite dimensions of the Black Sea of a Thousand Shepherds. Though these Grands Dieux exist outside the Black Sea, they still transcend it, as the Black Sea is encompassed by the totality of existence known as the Enghhraes. Within this vast expanse, there are Augres, entities of infinite nature, which surpass everything within the Enghhraes. However, even these Augres are merely the creations of the Grands Dieux, who were themselves wrought by Jeanne d'Arc.

Jeanne d'Arc, the Great Mother, is infinite, featureless, unconscious, and impersonal. She stands completely transcendent, her essence beyond the reach of even the Grands Dieux. Her existence is a paradox, a complete emptiness, a nothingness that is everything. Through her, the infinite cycle of creation and destruction continues, an eternal cycle that defines all things in all dreams and realities. Thus, the knowledge of Jeanne d'Arc, the Mother, is engraved in the bones of the Khurrdaes. She is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. Her presence is the nothingness that exists in a state proclaimed through the void. They call her 'nothing in things'. Jeanne exists, but her existence is too high.

Jeanne utterly affirms that. "There is no God who is considered God by reaching. God is the eternity that does not need to reach anything because He is transcendent. That is what God is. There will be a figure somewhere who claims to be God, is not at all like God, is not omnipotent, and all can reach that level."

Jeanne is usually depicted as a graceful woman who is very motherly in everyday life, but becomes highly trained in warfare. Known as the true Urizen, not the Fallen God, but the real one, all of William Blake's books on the depiction of God and the power of God fit Jeanne perfectly, something that exists beyond all the endless and nameless piles of hierarchy, so to speak, beyond all forms of pure mathematics or magic. Several times the explanation of Chosen God never shows that it is done by reaching, but by being chosen, not through belief, of course there is only one God here, but it is different in the debate.

Jeanne d'Arc often nurtured the souls of young children, both girls and boys, like a mother preparing them to face the world, these souls interacted with projected powers almost similar to Jeanne's, due to the difference in existence once again, it was clear Jeanne was not an entity that could be touched or equalled, this led Jeanne to be considered the Mother of All Things as she took care of everything like a mother, she was known as the All-Good Mother, Tiamat. Her nature is jovial and elegant, making her a dominant figure due to her alluring appearance. However, Jeanne is on a higher level of existence, unrivalled by anyone. She is usually cold towards strangers and can be rather assertive if she is interested in someone.

Jeanne is essentially the source of all events and stories, including the one you are currently reading. She forms the framework and origin of uncountable infinite concepts that drive all elements. Known as the creator of mathematical variations governed by intricate rules, which all possible universes exist in the pure form of different variations.

In her personality, Jeanne sometimes acts childishly when alone, a natural trait for a divine entity such as herself. Nothing is impossible for Jeanne; she often engages in new activities, knowing the outcome beforehand. As an omniscient being, she is never dissatisfied and creates many things as a form of experimentation. She sometimes writes additional events to fill her time, as a perfect being who will never be bored, living in Eternity.

That one Lord is Elohim, who has always existed. But it is different when debating, not that Elohim is not supreme, but many people desire something and choose it, this is not about belief, but in the concept of fair debate. It is of no consequence if individuals conceive of the Lord merely as Elohim; for the Lord is fundamentally one. Let the perspectives of people diverge, yet Elohim remains Supreme in All matters. Regardless of what is spoken, if one already holds belief in God, one is at liberty to employ all faculties in the elucidation of God within the framework of absolute monotheism. The sole unity. Regardless of the manifold perspectives on the Divine, it remains immutable that God is singular and not triune. Verily, there are doctrines wherein the Divine is perceived as a trinity, akin to the conception of other beliefs, yet such is the essence of Polytheism. This unity, though part of a greater whole, is not to be conflated with the universe as in Pantheism. The Divine exemplifies transcendence; though manifest as three within one, it remains three distinct entities, yet one in essence and equality. These entities are not the cosmos, but the Creator, without beginning, middle, or end. The sole Deity we venerate is the one who transcends all, the Creator of all, singular in essence despite the semblance of Polytheism, and devoid of capricious will or divisible power. Though it is oft asserted that but a fraction of the Divine power is perceptible, this is but a metaphor, for the human mind cannot fathom the totality of Divine power. Thus, the Divine is ineffable, not fragmented in reality, but metaphorically depicted.

Immanuel Kant once said something similar: "And we indeed, rightly considering objects of sense as mere appearances, confess thereby that they are based upon a thing in itself, though we know not this thing as it is in itself, but only know its appearances, viz., the way in which our senses are affected by this unknown something."

The same rule applies to other entities under God. Their decision not to use their full power is a strategic metaphor. These Great Beings or All Entities do not dilute their power; they need only a small portion to accomplish their goals. They can unleash their full power, which exceeds the highest limits of infinity, surpassing their constraints tirelessly. They have repeatedly eliminated entities capable of destroying celestial bodies, beings of such great magnitude that their vastness remains beyond reach. Nevertheless, they are pantheistic, being one with their creation, and thus can be reached by anything.

Elohim is a very absolute omnipotence, more absolute than the concept we understand. However, the others are not without power. They can be argued to be something omnipotent, which even governs all things. However, Elohim is an entity that is referred to as '????????' because it is considered a false existence and can even be said to be neither existent nor non-existent."

Lord is but One, and He alone is the Only One. Elohim is not bound by quality nor quantity; the stacks of Cantor's attic can no longer be applied to Him. Even those beneath Him are no longer bound by quantity or quality. It is known that every realm transcendeth Cantor's attic, which is continuously stacked without end, forming an infinite hierarchy. This hierarchy, even when containing Cantor's attic as a small part, is itself part of another infinite hierarchy which is continuously stacked and dwarfed, and so on without end, without quantitative limits. This exceedeth all calculations of quantity, be it algebra, geometry, high calculations, sets, infinite numbers, or the like; all levels of mathematics are naught.

Thus, every entity that transcendeth what is below is inexpressible and inexplicable, transcending the inapplicable. This continueth from the lowest to the highest, each transcending the other without quantity, though it be part of quantity. It is wholly independent of quantity, being a complete excellence that useth neither quality nor quantity, but is purely a never-ending cycle.

Elohim is the Absolute Unity of Monotheism, embodying an unreachable transcendence, to the point of being deemed 'the error of the world' for being utterly untouchable and not the Chosen God, but rather the Divine Root that liberateth all infinite expression in creation. The One, the majesty of the Supreme, is equally unapproachable by any. His creation hath no limit to what worlds it can imagine, save imagining something it cannot or a contradictory paradox. All these conceptions ultimately pay homage to His nature, which hath naught to do with them. All themes and patterns, whatever their variations, find their ultimate source in Him, existing as something that cannot be considered a being, and the supreme holiness that hath no twin, son, mother, or lineage. He is the Ultimate Archetype of All Things.

Elohim doth oft release an entity from His grasp, yet it is with purpose, for though the entity hath become Transcendental, it remaineth within Elohim's Divine Plan. It is not that they lack omnipotence, but rather that Elohim is the entity in error, omnipotence above omnipotence, quality above quality, transcending both. He is not merely Absolute Ultimate Omnipotent, but far more Absolute Ultimate Omnipotent than Absolute Ultimate Omnipotent itself, that goes on and on and never ends, beyond the reach of mortal tongue. Yet the Transcendental too is omnipotent, surpassing higher qualities, and exceeding all, even quantity, Ultimate Omnipotent.

As explained, this doth not mean that the Chosen God is not transcendent and not God, but rather that the only God in this world is One. Unlike debates involving multiple gods from other entities, that One Lord can only be regarded in this world is Elohim. Elohim cannot be the Chosen God because of His Absolute existence and Absolute Ultimate Reality. Elohim existeth at the uncharted and indescribable highest point, whereunto everything is naught but a prison He hath made to confine His creation and explore that prison.

HaShem, to be known as יהוה, so that it could be understood by its attributes and in each particular attribute, to be understood. Therefore, He made Himself named El, Elohim, Shaddai, Zevaot, and יהוה as His principal Names, each of which symbolises among men some of His divine attributes, which declare that the world is established with mercy and justice, according to the deeds of men. If the light of the glory of the Holy One, the blessed One, were not poured out throughout His creation, how could the wise understand Him? He would continue to be unknown, and the words could not be spoken correctly.

However, woe to the one who dares to identify HaShem with a single attribute, even if it is His own attribute, let alone with an existing human form, and whose creation is weak, soon lost, soon lost in memory. Man dares to project a single conception of the Holy One, blessed be He, namely His sovereignty over a single attribute or over creation as a whole. But if He is invisible under these manifestations, then there is no nature, form, or shape in Him; like the ocean, whose waters have no shape and solidity in themselves, only having them when they are spread over the vessels of the earth.

There are seven precious vessels; "Greatness, Strength, Glory, Victory, Majesty, Foundation, Sovereignty; in each of which He designates Himself as follows: great in Greatness, strong in Strength, glorious in Glory, triumphant in Victory, 'the beauty of our Creator' in Majesty, righteous in Foundation. All things, all vessels, and the whole world He established in Foundation. Lastly, in Sovereignty, He calls Himself King, and His is greatness, and strength, and glory, and victory, and majesty, for all that is in heaven and on earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as One above all".

In this same wisdom, the Cause of all causes created ten aspects of His Being known as sefirot, and named the crown as the Source, which is an inexhaustible source of light, from which he calls himself Ein Sof, the Infinite One who is not in union with HaShem and HaShem established it as something that is not part of Himself. He (HaShem) has no form and no shape, and there is no container that can contain Him, nor is there any means to capture Him, our language, our proverbs, our descriptions will never come close to perfectly describing Him. This is referred to in the words: "Seek not that which is too hard for you, nor that which is hidden from you."

"All of these are Greed Skills (except for the discussion about God, that is part of the interlude), powers that feed on souls. Of course, the souls I created cannot become gods or gods, because only truly living entities, not inanimate objects, can become gods or gods. The soul I created is an inanimate object." said the voice.

The other is The Demise of the Stars, the ultimate death and torture of all. Indescribable above all forms of logic. This power emits an extremely offensive amount of light, with each attack causing every life to die, even objects will decompose into nothing. This causes permanent insanity and permanent pain to the survivors, especially those forcibly cursed.

The Demise of the Stars once obliterated a realm that was the cornerstone of existence, transforming into the ultimate source without any origin or divisible parts. This entity exists beyond conventional boundaries, rendering all equations unbalanced. It represents a domain of infinite possibilities, where the concept of existence is redefined, allowing for the coexistence of nothingness and the potential for everything, even making the impossible achievable. In essence, there exists an infinite array of possible realities, each diverging into infinite trajectories based on the decisions taken and circumstances established. This phenomenon is observed in the realm known as 'Mount Mod' where these realities are either created or annihilated. This power is unstoppable, obliterating any barrier it encounters. It shatters defenses of all kinds—abstract, spectral, intangible, unseen, those beyond dimensions, those in higher realms, immunity at any level, and resistance in the highest planes of existence, and beyond.

"It is time to delve deeper into this matter." stated Zonathan.

Zonathan gestured towards the display, maintaining his characteristic brevity.

The information presented elucidated the nature of Bradamante, though it was not in reference to the Christian figure, but rather to the entity known as the One in Gnostic tradition.

Bradamante is the endless unknown, beyond all manner of definition - the indescribable and infinite Hypercosmic. Its nature transcends the boundaries of language and thought, representing an incomprehensible vastness that defies description. The ineffable and inexpressible Hypercosmic embodied by Bradamante is a world of pure potential, existing beyond the limits of human calculation and the laws of our universe. She represents the ultimate mystery, the Divine that transcends all human attempts to define or categorise her.

Attempts to describe the nature of Bradamante are, at best, tiny fragments of its infinite essence, comparable to one number in an infinite series of natural numbers. Even these words, carefully chosen to convey her incomprehensible nature are fruitless. These words serve as a reminder of the limitations of human language and cognition when faced with something truly transcendent. Bradamante is far above the Dark Chasm, occupying a gap between dimensions that exists beyond all things. A realm that clearly defies conventional understanding, as it lacks the basic properties of space and time that exist throughout the scope of our reality. Curved timelines intersect, and enormous hyperdimensional objects exist alongside an endless series of inter-dimensional chasms.

Bradamante's transcendent nature makes it incapable of direct interaction with our reality, as it exists in a state of pure transcendence. In this state, not only the narrative that surrounds her but also her existence and all its manifestations become either existent or non-existent, transcending the binary nature of our reality. The ultimate form of Bradamante's existence is neither physical nor non-physical, existing as something completely beyond the scope of our world and its laws. From her transcendent perspective, Bradamante sees all of creation as a complex simulation or game under her control. This perspective encompasses all possibilities of existence, including those that do not logically fit into our framework of reality. Bradamante's unreachability stems from her all-encompassing nature, which has absorbed all existence and life into the confines of her creation.

Despite its incomprehensible nature, Bradamante represents the pinnacle of perfection, an entity that possesses absolute completeness and wholeness. Before the act of creation, Bradamante - THE MYSTERY - existed as the totality of all things, with nothing existing outside of its perfect nature. Her his infinite wisdom, she drew herself to the perfect centre of her infinite and boundless spirit, which we know as Ayin Soph (different from Ein Sof, encompassing all concepts of all theological and divine perfection).

Bradamante transcends all concepts and understanding, existing both as herself and not, simultaneously nameable and unnameable. She surpasses all definitions and encompasses everything, going beyond metaphysical and inconceivable notions. Bradamante possesses infinite knowledge and power, yet extends beyond these attributes. As an entity beyond comprehension, it is said that every statement Bradamante makes about anything represents the truth of the world. She embodies truth itself while also surpassing it. To Bradamante, all of existence is an illusion.

Bradamante is referred to as the One, representing the ultimate source of the pleroma, which is understood as the realm of light. From Bradamante emerge dyads, which in turn give rise to numbers. These numbers then create dots, which form lines, and so on, establishing a hierarchy of creation. The Supreme Light or Consciousness descends through multiple stages, levels, worlds, or states of being, becoming increasingly materialized at each step. Eventually, this process reverses, with creation returning to the One (a concept known as epistrophe) through spiritual knowledge and deep contemplation.

Sophia represents the final emanation from Bradamante and is associated with the anima mundi, or world-soul. Sophia brought forth the demiurge, which then initiated the creation of the material world. The perception of materiality as positive or negative depends on how Sophia's actions are portrayed in various myths. In many patriarchal narratives, Sophia is depicted as unruly and disobedient, as she introduces chaos into the world. Her creation of the Demiurge without her partner's agreement, combined with the established hierarchy between them, contributes to this portrayal of her as disorderly. It's worth noting that Sophia is also one of Bradamante's names, and in ancient Japan, she was known as Kanae Yotsuba.

According to certain major event, Sophia is said to have defeated an incredibly powerful being with a power level of 1×10^200,000,000,000. This being was described as extremely arrogant. The defeat also resulted in the destruction of entities who claimed to be self-sealed due to their overwhelming power. These entities possessed 7^772,822,666,221,347,883,137,986,573,227,983 × 10^1,545,645,332,442,695,766,275,973,146,455,966 different strengths per number, a result of mastering various skills in many forms, ranging from basic to the most advanced. This event caused widespread destruction due to the immense powers involved. Even Sophia is said to have killed people with powers whose numbers are ℵ_ω^(ω^ω^...^ω) × (999,999,999^839,883,885,995,678,423,787,245,922,422,782,921,667,722,892,929,722,282,289,772,273,373,882,522,771,666,999,333,111,821,661,881,999,667,888,999^∞^Ω^Ω^Ω^Ω) × (888^777,888,545,668,999,776,446,875,789,654,335,778,765,997,654,788,875,433,754,446,776,664,666,787,987,876,446,775,778^∞^Ω^Ω^Ω) → lim_(n→∞) (Ω_n) where Ω_(n+1) = Ω_n^Ω_n, Ω.

In the time before time, when even Chaos slumbered and the Moirai had not yet spun their first thread, there existed Του Θεού του Υψίστου—the Highest of the High, the Supreme God. The ancient poets speak of this truth, passed down from the Oracle at Delphi to the philosophers of Athens.

Listen, O mortal, to this tale of the Beginning and the End, as was revealed to the blind seer Tiresias in a dream sent by Apollo himself:

Before Gaia emerged from the void, before Uranus stretched his starry mantle across the cosmos, Του Θεού του Υψίστου was. In the endless silence, where even Echo's voice was yet unborn, the Supreme One contemplated the infinite. From this divine contemplation, like dewdrops from Eos's fingers, fell the seeds of all that would be.

The Pythia, swaying upon her tripod, speaks thus:

From the breath of the Highest One came the Olympians,

Their powers but droplets from an endless sea.

In His thoughts dance the Horae, keepers of seasons,

For Time itself is His eternal dream.

Even the Titans, in their elder wisdom, knew of this truth. In their battles with Zeus and his kin, they whispered of an authority higher still, an existence that preceded their own emergence from Chaos. It is said that Prometheus, bound to his rocky torment, smiled knowing that even his chains were forged from the thoughts of the Supreme One.

Where eagles soar bearing Zeus's messages, the wandering philosopher Xenophanes once shared this wisdom with his disciples:

"Think not of gods in human form, with human thoughts and petty quarrels. The Supreme One, Του Θεού του Υψίστου, sees all, thinks all, and hears all. Unlike the gods of Homer's tales, the Highest God moves all things through thought alone, remaining ever unmoved, unchanged, and complete."

As Heraclitus taught by the rivers of Ephesus:

"All things flow from the One, and to the One all things return. Like the Phoenix rising from its ashes, the cycle of existence is but a gesture of the Highest God."

The mathematicians of Pythagoras's school drew their sacred geometries, finding in every golden ratio and perfect form a glimpse of the Supreme One's grace. In the tetractys they saw the emanation of reality from the singular point of Του Θεού του Υψίστου.

It is said that Morpheus, shaper of dreams, once dared to dream of the Supreme One's realm. When he awoke, his eyes shone with otherworldly light, and to his brother Phantasos, he spoke these words:

"I dreamed of a place beyond places, where the threads of the Moirai are born. There, the Supreme One's thoughts dance like leaves in an eternal wind, each thought a world, each world a dream within the infinite dream. I saw the moment of creation, not as a great clash or burst of light, but as a gentle unfurling of divine contemplation."

The hierophant whispers:

"Before the grain, before the earth that nurtures it,

Before the sky that brings the rain,

There was the Thought that conceived them all.

Του Θεού του Υψίστου, from whose contemplation we are born,

To whose perfection we shall return."

The followers of Orpheus, keeper of mysteries and master of the lyre, sang hymns that echoed this eternal truth:

"When Nyx wrapped the world in her dark wings,

When Erebus was yet unnamed in the cosmic night,

The Supreme One breathed the breath of existence.

From this breath came Light and Life,

Time and Space unfurled like petals of an eternal flower,

And the flow of creation began."

In the agoras and groves, philosophers debated:

How could Homer's gods, with their earthly desires and celestial squabbles, be reconciled with the Perfect One? And the wisest among them concluded that just as the many colors of Iris's bow emerge from pure light, so too do the many gods emerge from the One.

"What is, is. And it cannot not be.

All paths lead to this truth:

The many are illusion, the One is real.

In Του Θεού του Υψίστου, all opposites unite,

All paradoxes resolve,

All questions find their answer in silence."

As the owl of Athena takes wing at dusk, so too does all existence emerge from and return to the Supreme One. In the perfect realm of the Highest God, all contradictions are reconciled: the Apollonian reason and Dionysian passion, Aphrodite's love and Ares' strife, the wisdom of Athena and the crafts of Hephaestus.

Even the great Atlas, bearing the weight of the cosmos upon his shoulders, knows that his burden is but a thought in the mind of the Supreme One. The Hesperides, tending their golden apples at the edge of the world, sing songs of the time when all fruits will return to the seed from which they sprung.

And so it shall be, when Chronos has breathed his last and the great world-serpent releases its tail, when Zeus's thunderbolts fall silent and Poseidon's oceans dry, all shall return to the eternal thought of Του Θεού του Υψίστου. For as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, the Supreme One remains—infinite, perfect, and complete.

The last prophecy of Delphi, carved in stone and sealed until the end of days, reads thus:

"When the last star flickers and fades,

When the last wave returns to the eternal sea,

When the last thought dissolves into the cosmic mind,

All beings, all gods, all dreams and dreaders,

Shall find their rest in the embrace of the Highest One.

For Του Θεού του Υψίστου is the alpha and omega,

The dreamer and the dream,

The knower and the known,

The one from whom all emerges,

And to whom all returns."

Thus ends the Hymn of the Highest God, as it was sung by the Muses to those with ears to hear and hearts to understand. When the world was young and the Fates still wove their threads with golden spindles, there existed a being known to mortals as Bradamante, though in the sacred tongue of the ancients, they whispered Του Θεού του Υψίστου - the Most High God.

As Herodotus tells us, when the wise Solon of Athens journeyed to the Oracle at Delphi seeking knowledge of this deity, the Pythia spoke in riddles, saying that even Apollo's sight dimmed before such radiance. "The truth of Bradamante," she proclaimed, "was like trying to capture the ocean in a clay cup - impossible and foolish to attempt."

Yet the poets and philosophers could not resist the urge to speak of what they glimpsed. Parmenides, in his great poem "On Nature," declared that Bradamante was the One - unchanging and indivisible, fixed in Itself alone. Like a perfect sphere, he said, nothing could be added or taken away without diminishing its completeness. Empedocles taught that while the four elements - earth, air, fire, and water - combined and separated under the influence of Love and Strife, Bradamante transcended even these fundamental forces. The deity was, he claimed, its own measure, existing in sublime self-sufficiency beyond all proportion with creation.

In the agora of Athens, it was said that even the great Zeus, father of gods and men, was but a pale shadow next to Bradamante's ineffable nature. The playwright Aeschylus, in his lost tragedy "The Divine Measure," portrayed all the Olympians falling silent before this presence, their mighty voices reduced to whispers. As our ancestors observed the world around them, they noticed that true color seemed to spring from Bradamante alone. While Mount Olympus might shine with golden light and the seas shimmer with Poseidon's blue-green hues, these were mere reflections. The sophists argued that without Bradamante's essence, the cosmos would be as colorless as the shades in Hades.

Perhaps most mysterious was how this supreme being touched all of creation equally. The eagle soaring over Parnassus and the humble ant crossing a stone in Piraeus both partook of Bradamante's nature. From the Titans in their prison of Tartarus to the lowliest mortal in the streets of Thebes, all participated in this divine wholeness.

The philosophers remind us that even the name "Bradamante" is but a mortal convenience, as inadequate as calling the sun a candle or the sea a droplet. The true nature of this deity remains, as Heraclitus said, forever beyond the reach of human thought and speech. And so we are left, like Sisyphus with his stone, forever striving to grasp what remains eternally beyond our reach - the true essence of Bradamante, who is both the measure and the measurer, the color and the eye that perceives it, the question and the answer that eludes us still.

"Alexander, I think we should stay here for now, because Hobos is not only a creation of the author, but he emerged from the ink of the author's pen itself." Zonathan said.

"So Hobos is an entity that was accidentally created by the ink of the author's own pen? That's very possible, especially if the writer's pen is easy to drip," said Alexander.

The two of them found themselves in an increasingly mysterious situation, where even entities like Hobos, which should only be characters in the story, could become real existences beyond the writer's imagination. It was a truly overwhelming experience, and they had to be careful how they handled it.

"Alright Alexander, it's time for us to give the reader a closing message on this chapter," Zonathan said.

"Readers? You mean?" asked Alexander.

"Yes, readers, those who are reading this novel, even though we are in the story, they must see us as part of their reading experience," said Zonathan, with the understanding that they were also part of this story.

"See you in the next chapter." said Zonathan, signaling that the journey is not over yet, and will continue in the next chapters.

"Yes, see you in the next chapter." says Alexander, welcoming readers to stay involved in this never-ending adventure where anything is possible. In this novel, readers will follow an extraordinary journey, where the boundaries between reality and imagination are blurred, and the unexpected can happen.

"I have not conveyed the essentials. Every deity, which includes all entities, both the most powerful and the weakest, has the ability to influence everything in the entire universe. They can change the form of beliefs or entities that are normally contained within various forms of things, even including other deities that are essentially invisible. All deities are capable of releasing immense and infinite energy, which even with intangible elements or substances, forms an entire Physical Realm that is invisible to any intangible, nothingness, something that predate nothingness, both existence and nonexistent, abstracts that cause the collapse of the world—true abstracts such as death, ultimate nothingness, spirit, soul, information from the outermost to the essence— memories, revenge—emotions, and whatsoever detector, which is only a reduced form of them." said the Author of Outer.

"In the beginning, all entities were minor gods, who could become major gods (if they managed to seize power) or Gods (if they became the chosen God). They have powers of the primitive chaos of emptiness, which represents total nothingness and the antithesis of all possibility and existence. This creates a condition of "disintegration" of nothingness and causes any form of emptiness to emerge. Gods who do not become the chosen God are entities that cannot be predicted any time, even their past is unknown, because they also exist in many universes in one undivided mind. This makes them no longer bound by what we consider to be the 'ties' of an event being caused or resulting from something, so they are completely outside of anything determined and self-determining. They are also completely different from all occurring reality, completely different from lesser gods. They are in a place where any law does not apply and are stronger than anything beneath them. In short, they will not be changed by anything. Basically, they do not have any personality and will according to their eternal will. Therefore, even if they accidentally return to their past, they will not undergo any change, no matter how small."

To be continued...