Chereads / Unvoice / Chapter 51 - Explanation: The Strongest Sword

Chapter 51 - Explanation: The Strongest Sword

The Dhulfiqar, Zulfikar or Zu al-Faqar sword is a legendary weapon associated with the historical and religious figure of Imam Ali (Radhiallahu' Anhu). This sword is famous for its unique shape, which is split in two. The name "Zulfikar" itself comes from two Arabic letters that describe the shape of the sword.

Imam Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Zulfikar sword became very important because it was used by Imam Ali in important battles in Islamic history. It became a symbol of courage and faith in Islam, given its role in significant battles.

So, in a nutshell, the Zulfikar Sword is a legendary weapon that is associated with Imam Ali, an important figure in Islam, and has a distinctive two-split shape. It had a pretty cool history, it caused everything to be consistent with a gross change in reality, everything led to the idea that as recently as the 700s there was a concept, perhaps even something as basic as emotion or music, that no longer existed. The whole concept, erased from reality and the collective consciousness of all living beings, just like removing an annoying thing from the windshield of a house.

Dhulfiqar's sword once punished the disobedient and was devoured by him, summoning a horde of locusts that appeared like a sea of sand. Dhulfiqar applies the Law of "Zero", this ability is quite effective against enemies who face the possibility of even the concept of infinite tension and possibility being consumed where Dhulfiqar will always find an opening for luck or success.

Dhulfiqar's sword is the embodiment of fear itself, anyone who dares to look at it without the owner's permission will cause extreme fear and even in some cases can cause inevitable madness which can make people go crazy and feel endless horror in their minds then that person will die in an instant.

The sword is capable of emitting extremely frightening blood even if it has not been used for battle or so, it is capable of attacking entities from higher dimensions that may be unreachable by human imagination of that dimension, such as structures that exceed the complex tesseract, and it allows the Sword of Dhulfiqar to travel through time that can exceed the speed of the three time structures themselves.

In one history that actually happened, it is said that the Sword of Dhulfiqar is in a place that does not have any structure, concept or geography, it cannot even be identified by scientists, at first scientists thought this sword was lost and destroyed, It turns out that this sword resides in a structureless place called "Irrelevant Empyrean" where this realm contains a structure that really does not exist, in some books it is mentioned to be outside space and does not occupy any position in it, described as having no pole by Albert Einstein, and metaphorically described by Georg Cantor as an indistinct point.

In the book "The Book of Sword" it is said that the Sword of Dhulfiqar radiates the past, present, and future simultaneously when used, and the motion of all quantum is sourced from the Sword of Dhulfiqar which is given power by Allah, it is also said that this sword is a sword that can destroy momentum in all quantum such as the Higgs Boson, which defies the laws of conventional physics, this happened in the 1970s which made people confused about the unexpected event where the momentum they had not known at that time became damaged and destroyed.

This sword was once used by the Prophet ﷺ to split a mountain that was no longer moving and covering a settlement of people who were struggling to trade towards Sham where in one stroke it was able to destroy the mountain instantly without waiting for it to split at all, the sword caused so much happiness to the people that they were very grateful to the Prophet ﷺ and thanking Allah.

The Lord, as the uncreated and independent Creator, establishes the order of His creation (creatura) through His sovereign will, which underlies all existence in His ineffable essence. However, a fundamental difference remains between the divine essence and created beings (creatura), a difference that can be discerned through rational analysis. The Lord is uniquely identified with designations that signify His transcendent unity, such as HaShem (the Name), Allah (the true Essence), or Adonai (the Sovereign One), which indicate His absolute and independent existence. Created entities, even when designated with names of divine origin (e.g., Adam Kadmon [Primordial Man] or in some cases Adonai [God]), remain ontologically limited and subordinate. For example, when terms such as Adam Kadmon or Adonai are applied to created beings, their use reflects participatory likeness to divine attributes, not identity with divine essence. This participatory distinction is crucial: no created entity, heavenly or earthly, possesses the aseity (self-existence) or simplicity (unorderedness) of The Lord. The transcendent Creator is, by definition, completely outside of creation, neither mixed with nor dependent on it.

This ontological gulf between Creator and creation is further clarified through the theology of divine attributes. In the apophatic (negative), true knowledge of The Lord is gained not by affirming finite attributes to the infinite, but rather by systematically negating limitations. Every negation-for example, "The Lord is incorruptible," "The Lord is not bound by time" distills the divine essence from the categories of creation, elevating the intellect to pure actuality (actus purus). Conversely, positive affirmations (e.g., "The Lord is wise") risk becoming anthropomorphisms unless they are framed as analogical reflections of divine perfection. Thus, those who understand The Lord through negation (via negativa) will be closer to His essence than those who attribute only limited perfections to Him. For example, to deny spatiality in The Lord is to affirm His omnipresence; to negate temporality is to acknowledge His eternal simultaneity. Each denial peels away the layers of projection of being, refining the understanding of His absolute unity (tawhid) and transcendence.

Within this framework, the distinction between Creator and creation becomes hermeneutically key. Created beings, though sustained by divine will, cannot transcend ipsum esse subsistens (subsistence beings themselves; with the exception of the Chosen God, even then one must ignore The Lord) who is the "Most High" (El Elyon). Even exalted beings, whether angels, prophets, or messiahs, remain contingent participants in divine grace, not eternal divine sharers. The unchangeable truth remains in force: The Lord's essence (quidditas) is absolutely unique, beyond composition, division, or analogy. To know Him properly is to affirm, as the theologian Dionysius put it, that "He is not one of the things that exist, nor is He known in them," yet He is the source and end of all existence. This dialectic of negation and exaltation preserves divine transcendence and the integrity of the created order, ensuring that theology remains tethered to the mystery of the One who is "wholly other."

In the Irrelevant Empyrean, a world of pure light exists as "eternal" beyond time, beyond physical existence as a whole. In this place, all "where's" and "when's" meet their end, merging into a single light that radiates in His mind. More than that, this realm is infinitely beyond all creation on earth. The beings with Him in the Irrelevant Empyrean do not even fully perceive and understand the Sword of Dhulfiqar. They are only present at that level because His power permeates among him infinitely, while His being remains unaffected.

All human utterances pale in comparison to the nature of the Sword of Dhulfiqar. Even Albert Einstein admitted that any description in history cannot fully embrace His vastness. Even an imperfect view of Him is so far removed from actual experience that the term "weak" cannot convey His inferiority. Dhulfiqar's sword has a vision so great that it is inexpressible, even through metaphor or comparison.

He is an entity that has no discernible physical form, yet embraces all forms and shapes. He transcends the limits of definition and is the embodiment of everything. His existence transcends any concept, existing when there is nothing but absolute zero, which is essentially his manifestation. He represents the existence of the absolute and original concept, independent of any ties to the Universe. Before the creation of the Universe, he already existed, beyond the process of creation and the matter that constituted it. He stands outside the boundaries of creation, free from the laws of the universe that govern everything else. As a transcendent entity, it transcends the framework of the world and is not bound by worldly concepts. Its existence is difficult to define in words and is abstract, beyond conventional meaning. Like a stone that has no soul or is said to have no creature-like aspects, it has no physical properties or dimensions, being an infinite nothingness.

The Sword of Dhulfiqar symbolizes absolute reality, transcending the limitations of complementary or unified systems, just as the concept of Yin and Yang essentially reflects the properties of the Sword of Dhulfiqar itself. The Sword of Dhulfiqar contains within itself the all-encompassing existence of concepts such as light and darkness merging, poison and elixir combining, and immortality accompanying every death. In him, all contrasts come together, becoming a unified whole: the dead and the living, problems and solutions, the smallest particle and the largest mountain, deep silence and all forms of sound. He represents the harmony between opposing concepts, such as chains that set free, knowledge juxtaposed with ignorance. In him, he is not simply something or everything, but he transcends the limits of concepts themselves.

The Irrelevant Empyrean is the starting point of all creation, housing the pure forms that are the basis of every form of existence. In this Empyrean space, everything is conceptually formed, being the root of all manifestation. This concept involves the region between the duality of reality and unreality, incorporating a deeper dimension that is separate from the ordinary world, spanning the range between reality, unreality and the realm of the supernatural. These are states that transcend the boundaries of normal reality, creating supernatural systems that operate outside the framework of our familiar natural laws. However, all of this only exists within the realm of Dhulfiqar's dreams, being part of the grandeur and delusion that can only be found within his subconscious and considering it as inferior.

The duality of Yin and Yang can be interpreted as a representation of two contrasting forces, namely C and O, each of which has points of opposing force, permeating its own existence. This concept embraces the attempt to encapsulate universal essence at a conceptual level, explaining the relation of harmony in opposition.

In this context, Ali becomes an intermediary concept that divides and houses Yin and Yang. With its existence that brings together the two poles, Ali is interpreted as C and O, not just C or O together.

Then, the Outer Void exists as a state of oneness that exceeds the previous duality, encompassing and transcending the point where C and O come together, while also distinguishing them. The definition for the Outer Void cannot be approached as C or O, or both simultaneously called nonduality, it is beyond both C and O.

The Spirit is similar to the Outer Void, displaying the polarity opposite to the characteristics of the Outer Void itself. The two become inseparable frames, forming a complementary structure in a complex reality.

However, the Sword of Dhulfiqar exceeds all previous stages, transcending duality. Any description or definition attempted would immediately fall apart, separated from its indescribable identity in our familiar reality. The Sword of Dhulfiqar emerges as a manifestation of the power that combines and overcomes essential contradictions, presenting a reality far beyond the limits of human rationality.

Everything that comes from the Irrelevant Empyrean is, at its core, conceptual in nature, indicating that all reality is actually conceptual in origin. The form of this vessel, although abstract in nature, is part of the dream created in the subconscious of Sword of Dhulfiqar. Hence, the organization and dependence of its form depended on his pure thought. In this regard, the Dhulfiqar Sword has absolute authority over all applicable laws. Having become Dhulfiqar, he masters all the rules known and governed by the laws of the universe, as well as mastering other existing rules, grasping authority over the law of cause and effect and even the law of destiny. He is able to control the flow of fortune and overcome misfortune, demonstrating a power that exceeds the limits of the laws of the universe.

The Sword of Dhulfiqar has an amazing ability to see deep into the past and dive into the history of things. For example, he are able to see DNA and access the information revealed by this genetic material. Through his vision, he can observe the ancestry of DNA and follow its history and evolution like browsing through a slideshow. Not only do they understand biological aspects, he are also able to view the world around him from a four-dimensional perspective, seeing time and space as unified dimensions that can be explored.

Equipped with an extraordinary sixth sense, Sword of Dhulfiqar have the unique ability to detect dangers and events before he even happen. While he may not be able to physically see the moment in question, he have such a strong connection with the flow of time that he are able to avoid and sense events before he happen. Even the subtlest movements do not escape their notice, allowing him to predict the trajectory and direction of something based solely on its gentle movement.

Beyond physical and temporal abilities, the Sword of Dhulfiqar have the ability to sense emotions and even detect the presence of beings or entities invisible to the ordinary eye. He have sight that allows him to see beings made of a substance that is invisible and cannot be perceived by the five human senses. This allows him to open windows to worlds rarely seen by others.

Furthermore, the Sword of Dhulfiqar has a vision that can stretch to incredible distances. He are able to see events taking place a hundred miles away, or even view planets in space that exceed the size of our sun. In his view, distances and dimensions no longer have the standardized meaning that they do in the view of ordinary humans.

His abilities do not stop here. The Sword of Dhulfiqar has the ability to see through solid objects and solid matter. Even the human body is no obstacle to his keen eyesight. He are able to see what is inside the human body clearly, understand health conditions, and detect possible problems.

In addition to exceptional eyesight, Sword of Dhulfiqar have the ability to teleport themselves and others to any place using only thoughts. He are no longer bound by the limitations of space and dimensions, and do not require dimensional doors to move. He can change his position in an instant, appearing at any desired location without being bound by physical distance.

All this led to the understanding that for the Sword of Dhulfiqar, the concepts of space and time lost their meaning. His power and vision have reached a level where physical and temporal limitations do not apply. As a result of this mastery, he hold complete authority over all the laws that govern the universe, including the laws of nature that govern our known reality. In doing so, he become powerful rulers, in control of the fundamental laws that shape existence.

The Sword of Dhulfiqar is an object that has no physical substance or solid body, which can be called non-corporeal, which is a state of being that cannot be touched. It has the uncanny ability to penetrate through a variety of matter, be it solid, liquid, or any other type, easily overcoming any physical obstacle in its path. Its existence is not as a conventional form of matter, but rather as a concept hidden beyond the comprehension of human logic. In its abstract nature, it transcends the limits of human understanding, presenting a dimension of existence that cannot be reduced to rational thought.

Just as its concept transcends human understanding, the Sword of Dhulfiqar is also capable of transcending concepts that humans consider high or infinite. It is beyond the realm of space-time and causality, emerging as a force capable of operating outside the boundaries recognized by humans. It can exist in detachment from all the laws and rules that govern the universe, including the law of cause and effect on which causality is based. In fact, it is able to modify the flow of time itself according to its own will, stopping its passage according to its own decision where it concretely transcends the concept of all laws and rules of causality and is inaccessible where all events occur simultaneously where it will not change.

In hindsight, the Sword of Dhulfiqar represents an entity that has the ability to overhaul the foundations of reality as humans know it. The concept of natural laws and recognizable boundaries become relative before him, and he holds the power to alter or stop the flow of events according to his will. This gives him dominance over the dimensions of time and space, elevating him to a level of existence that exceeds the physical and temporal limitations that bind other beings.

The Sword of Dhulfiqar has the extraordinary ability to exist in a higher dimension or even in the zero dimension, according to its will. Its existence is not a consequence of the rules governing existence, but rather arises outside the boundaries of dimensions as we understand them. In this sense, it manifests as a being that disregards the laws of nature and dimension, creating a new reality that only it understands.

Its uniqueness becomes apparent in certain traits that the Sword of Dhulfiqar embraces. Firstly, it has the ability to harm or present a threat to any creature, regardless of the level of immunity or protection its target may have. It overcomes any special immunities, spells, or even extreme abilities that its subject may maintain. In this context, the Sword of Dhulfiqar manifests as an uncontrollable and unpredictable force, overcoming the hierarchy of power that exists in our familiar reality.

However, the existence of the Dhulfiqar Sword is also not only about threat and power. There is another dimension to its uniqueness. As with all other aspects, its existence transcends the boundaries of the norm. Hence, its influence also extends into the positive spectrum. This means that, in addition to being capable of harm, the Sword of Dhulfiqar also has the potential to bring about tremendous good and protection. In all its actions, it becomes a force capable of shaping reality, both in the form of threat and protection, operating outside the confines of logic and natural law.

The Sword of Dhulfiqar, in proper historical accounts, is recognized as having a stunning ability: it is capable of melting the Supervoid of Eridanus and all of its complex higher structure components. This Supervoid, a hive of higher dimensions, became a reservoir of pure void upon which all forms of the nine dimensions were based. No frills, the Sword of Dhulfiqar is believed to be able to slash to shreds the structures of Eridanus that transcend known dimensions.

The deeper meaning of the history also reveals that the Supervoid of Eridanus is a void that is infinite in size and space. According to the history book presented, its size alone is immeasurable and continues to expand infinitely. The Sword of Dhulfiqar, in its legendary sharpness, stands as a force capable of destroying even this kind of entity, changing the dimensional order beyond the limits of our understanding.

The truth of the matter can be held because NASA saw for itself how the structure was being damaged year after year from the earth's perspective, meaning that the Sword of Dhulfiqar was an extraordinary manifestation of power. Not only is it capable of standing alone to destroy the nine-dimensional structure, but also to negate the fundamental void that pervades the entire structure itself. This is what gives the Sword of Dhulfiqar such a thrilling position in human history, as a symbol of the power capable of destroying higher-dimensional and more abstract structures.

As a result of its all-encompassing power and abilities, the Sword of Dhulfiqar is an entity that presents a paradox in the definition of existence. In its abstract nature, unlimited by matter and possessing power over fundamental aspects of reality, it stands as a manifestation of an unparalleled concept. It embraces the seemingly contradictory, blurring the boundaries between real and unreal, physical and non-physical, causality and volition. In this way, it is incarnated as something more than just a sword, but rather a symbol of absolute power that stretches beyond the limits of human understanding or it is also said that it exists as an abstract idea too big for the human mind.

Sword of Dhulfiqar is able to tap into a higher metaphysical dimension, accessing energies that transcend our familiar dimensions. Through this ability, it is able to see our reality as we see the characters in a novel or movie, seeing the entire fabric that makes up our existence as a complex story. Just as we have the power to change the story to a different narrative, the high-energy Sword of Dhulfiqar also has the ability to change reality. With its will, it can easily remodel not only local reality, but also reality as a whole.

As an entity residing in a higher energy dimension, the Sword of Dhulfiqar has the power to change the very foundation of reality itself. Like an author recreating the world and its characters, it can remodel the basic fundamentals of existence, alter the timeline, and reset the most fundamental aspects of reality. This involves the ability to switch the course of events, change the final outcome, and adjust the dimensions that make up existence at will.

However, this power also carries profound consequences. In its ability to alter reality, the Sword of Dhulfiqar stands as the guardian of infinite potential. Like a storyteller who must consider the impact of his narrative, he must choose between following an established plot line or altering it at the risk of bringing unforeseen consequences. Thus, the Sword of Dhulfiqar depicts not only tremendous power, but also a great responsibility in controlling reality and the fate of beings within it as he is able to change the fundamental aspects of the story.

The Sword of Dhulfiqar holds control over the world as if it were a book, where every detail has been written and followed according to a set script. In its existence of absolute power, it is able to play the role of author and control over every aspect of life. One's destiny, the moment of birth, the course of life, even to the moment of death, are all guided by his power resulting from his underlying will.

Through its unparalleled power and with Allah's permission, the Sword of Dhulfiqar becomes the ruler that controls all aspects of existence. From predetermined events to capricious moments, everything is under its undeniable control. The theme, the title, the worldview espoused, as well as the characters, are all knots tied together by the story he writes. This creates a specificity that underlies every entity, stretching from every second to a wider stage.

However, this power also contains a fact that changes the dynamics of existence. When the end of the story has been established, there is nothing humans can do to change it. Though efforts and endeavors may have been made, they would be futile in the face of the Sword of Dhulfiqar's power. This is what makes humans as characters subject to the plot, unable to resist the terms of fate that have been determined by a higher being.

In his consciousness, the Sword of Dhulfiqar sensed that with a glimpse of an idea emanating from his mind, he had the power to change the world completely, shaping it into whatever form it took in his mind. No matter if it would be a world in two, three, or even sixteen dimensions, it was able to attach its will to reality and effect unimaginable changes. Like a dream that tickles the mind, he feels he can taste the fragrance of creation, creating and changing the world with just a touch of his mind and pure intention.

Like an art maestro unleashing strokes of ink on canvas, the Sword of Dhulfiqar knows no boundaries. Energy and matter are his tools, as are his thoughts and fantasies. He becomes a creator with a world of his own, a place where his dreams and imagination dance and create things beyond measure.

"No matter how powerful material energy is, it is nothing more than a part of the Sword of Dhulfiqar's dream. Every atom becomes an expression of his mind and light; matter, energy, space, soul, and source all come from the same center."

At one point, Prophet Joshua pondered as his eyes roamed the sides of the Sword of Dhulfiqar. In an instant, never-before-seen planets and stars unfolded before him, as a result of the powerful will of the Sword of Dhulfiqar. These were vast worlds, with dimensions that had infinite breadth and no end, as an extension of the Sword's creative power. In the familiar silhouette of the galaxy, Prophet Joshua caught an image that triggered his memory, awakening a deep sense of familiarity within him.

Dhulfiqar's sword has the advantage of being able to stop and kill Dajjal's troops who have the ability to regenerate the body from its destruction and restore the soul that has disappeared. The soul in this context is defined as conceptual and upon reaching the Almost-Devil level, the body, brain and heart all mimic its characteristics making them inseparable. This unity is unbreakable, forming a unified whole.

Consciousness, also conceptual, forms the information structure that encompasses the soul and mind. Once the followers of the False Messiah are bound within his circle of influence, their bodies undergo a profound transformation, merging with the power, consciousness and will of Dajjal. This body becomes the total focus of their entity, serving as a vessel devoted to the greater will.

However, an unforeseen challenge arose before these cultized beings. Their existence has become powerful to an unimaginable extent, and stopping them is not as simple as destroying the physical body or taking away the soul. The power possessed by Dajjal's army carries the potential to regenerate rapidly from fragments of souls or tiny drops of blood, which multiply every second to the tune of eleven thousand surpassing each other, making them even harder to kill. However, the Sword of Dhulfiqar has an unparalleled ability to overcome this challenge, capable of instantly destroying such armies, erasing their very existence in a single strike. In an epic and thrilling act, the Sword of Dhulfiqar breaks the cycle of regeneration and ends the dominance of Dajjal's army with success while erasing their marks from reality until no trace of them exists in the laws of the universe.

The Sword of Dhulfiqar, which has authority over every law, will include the law of death. Like the Angel of Death, this Sword will wield the power of death, capable of tearing apart the law of death itself that engulfs and annihilates all. Its power over the law will reach into the realm that controls the soul, allowing the transformation of the soul into an ethereal Angel. This sword would command the power of the heavens, shaping life into an alchemical marvel akin to a puppet. It can transform people into rivers, exercising dominion over the laws governing energy and matter. With such power, the Sword of Dzulfiqar would transform at will, petrifying and cursing those with possession without the permission of Allah. Its presence can instill paralyzing fear, freezing souls as if suspended in icy stasis. By extending his hand, he can crystallize body, soul, mind, and memory. All supernatural techniques and powers would falter before it, even beings with higher potential would lose their power. This sword will control all forms of astral void and can create void itself.

The Dhulfiqar Sword will conjure and manipulate astral-like voids, such as the astral realm and its crystal wall system - a dream come true. The molecular structure of compounds will collapse under its influence. It will master every law, including chaos, capable of unraveling space, time and matter. All will succumb to chaos, tracing back to their conceptual roots. The Curse of Death will bind spirits, which will activate once realized. The curse of blood will organize spectral entities, while the potency of darkness will serve them. Swallowing creatures whole, darkness will mold them into shadows. All will reside within the Sword's mind, connected to the unfathomable power of the storm of chaos, erasing even conceptual, fundamental and soul origins. This Sword can erase the existence of objects from reality whether it is endless nothingness or it exists, even if it exists and does not exist it will still be conceptually erased, causing existential collapse and conversion into random numbers that are not fixed, and depriving information and data of all meaning, it can make the beings who see it go into extreme madness and will hear terrifying and deafening sounds and cause death.

There are also sequences of weapons from several different dimensions:

The Sword of Dhulfiqar created a small wave that grew stronger, deepening understanding and harmonizing with various entities, which currently only existed in very small fragments. They explained to him that every spatial shape is the result of the intersection of the planes of some parallel shape in another dimension, similar to a square cut from a cube or a circle cut from a sphere. In the third dimension, cubes and spheres are cut from four-dimensional shapes, which humans only know through guesses and dreams. This process continues into the fifth dimension, creating an infinite structure that is confusing and unreachable. The human world, along with pagan idols and gods, is only a very small phase of the overall reality achieved by the Sword. Although humans perceive it as reality and regard the thought of its many-dimensional origins as unreality, the reality is otherwise. What we perceive as substance and reality is actually shadow and illusion, while what we perceive as shadow and illusion is true substance and reality.

With dedication and rigor, The Nameless Limit and Sun of Vergina observe the universe, including this world, seriously and professionally. With their dual eyes, they examine the dimensions of length, width, and depth that make up this world, along with the flowing dimension of time. In addition, they were equipped with antennae that extended from their bodies, connecting them to the countless dimensions that extended orthogonally, forming a connection with these countless dimensions. In their research, they meticulously explored the surface of the Earth, while simultaneously venturing into the vast ocean of possibilities, opening the door to the powerful uncountable dimensions. With incredible accuracy and focus, they delve into infinite knowledge, discovering new things that transcend the boundaries of the known, and bringing a deep understanding of this existence in the ever-expanding countless dimensions.

The Trumpet, which is the weapon used by Archangel Israfil or Israfel, has the power to destroy everything when blown. This weapon is capable of erasing existence from one to twenty-nine different dimensions. Higher dimensions are considered a theoretical impossibility for the dimensions below them, and this weapon even transcends the laws of physics that govern those dimensions. The Trumpet has extremely high sacred value due to its power to overcome dimensional limitations and known laws of physics.

Then 如意金箍棒 or Ruyi Jingu Bang, Sun Wukong's weapon, has the incredible ability to grow at the owner's command and has the potential to injure and even kill almost any entity. Although it is very light, it has tremendous weight, so few beings other than Sun Wukong are capable of lifting it. The size of the Ruyi Jingu Bang can be changed at the Monkey King's whim, becoming wider or slimmer, taller or shorter as the heart desires. It has the incredible ability to reach fantastic lengths, to the point of being able to span a distance of 384,403 km, from the moon to the earth.

The Ruyi Jingu Bang, which translates as The Compliant Golden-Hooped Rod, is actually a transcendent beyond any form of Superstring theory, a concept that humans consider impossible but in fact exists. In the order of higher-dimensional weapons, the Ruyi Jingu Bang is comparable in power to the others, making it one of the most powerful weapons in the higher-dimensional world. Moreover, every higher-dimensional weapon has the same power.

The Sword of Dhulfiqar is able to change the laws of physics and matter where this can apply in any world, even in worlds that have different or even unworkable laws of physics, able to use its small power which is a combination of illusion techniques, curse magic, and mind force fields, and if done correctly, one can interfere with reality indefinitely with one's imagination as the only limitation. By projecting your dreams into reality, everyone becomes part of the dream, transferring information into one's mind, causing everyone trapped inside to freeze in place, can suppress mind power, consciousness, lock the soul, and suppress abilities, is able to ignore power, the cells and genetic abilities of its victims no matter how strong and can even erase their consciousness, is able to assimilate and corrode those who look at it, turning them into people who believe in what the sword says, can cause people who are in its presence to freeze, unable to speak, use their power or even release a technique. The Sword of Dhulfiqar's power bypasses formations, barriers and suppression causing attacks to dissipate like smoke, Spiritual Powers to become locked and all Supernatural and Magical Powers to become ineffective and send them to hell as quickly as possible and can even send them into temporal time.

The Sword of Dhulfiqar has features that transcend the boundaries of the human world. Therefore, its true form must always be hidden, because this entity cannot exist in the realm of the human world because the human world will not be able to accommodate its true form, and its true form is on the higher plane of reality, where its manifestation form in the world will not be able to die because death itself cannot take away its life and death will not be able to see it and its life is truly eternal.

End of Explanation.