Chereads / Unvoice / Chapter 52 - The Nothingness

Chapter 52 - The Nothingness

Days passed, Azrael who could only be seen by the chosen ones came to Alexander the Great, he said, "Beware." and then Azrael just disappeared, maybe he went outside the universe like his duty, Alexander understood it and tried to find a puzzle for Azrael's statement, there he saw a strange piece of paper in a foreign language but he remembered the words of Buddha when he met him thousands of years ago, that he just needed to focus and calm down then meditate for a while, then Alexander practiced it, it was true, the foreign language suddenly he could understand and read.

The paper reads, "Gruendvernue Everbaste Labronjesta" which means "It Will Be the Law of Nature That He Will Come" but this is where Alexander's confusion lies where he doesn't understand anything about the text, even tends not to think about it.

At that moment, Alexander suddenly heard an unusually melodious voice, and quickly, he found himself in front of Kochav's typewriter and around him was a blank white void. There, he watched as Kochav dedicatedly thought through the storyline and typed rapidly, detailing the place and situation Alexander was in, as well as the other components involved.

It was then that Alexander began to see the stunning scenery around him emerge. Slowly, beautiful landscapes began to take shape from Kochav's typing. In Alexander's eyes, the sky split open and opened a window to countless other dimensions. He caught a glimpse of a huge being, seemingly playing some sort of magical piano instrument.

Emboldened, Alexander finally asked the question, "Who are you?" However, there was no answer. The entity seemed to look at Alexander as if he was some kind of ant unworthy of attention.

Alexander stood in awe and wonder as he conversed with the higher being. The sky above them had inexplicably split, revealing an otherworldly panorama. With curiosity burning in his eyes, he dared to ask the most profound questions that were racing through his mind.

"Who are you, and in what dimension do we find ourselves?" Alexander inquired, his voice carrying a sense of both trepidation and excitement.

The being, shrouded in an aura of mystery, replied with a calm and knowing tone, "Yes, you are quite perceptive, Alexander. We stand in a realm that is far removed from the reality you have known."

This revelation sent shivers down Alexander's spine. He was on the precipice of discovering something that transcended his wildest imaginings. His thirst for knowledge unquenched, he continued his line of questioning.

"How many dimensions are there?" Alexander inquired, his mind racing with the possibilities of the infinite.

The being responded, "Infinite."

The concept of infinity staggered Alexander's comprehension, but he pressed on. "What lies beyond this?" he asked, his curiosity now an insatiable hunger.

"It may sound grandiose," the being began, "but it's the grandeur of existence itself."

Alexander's brow furrowed in contemplation. "Tell me plainly, where are we now?" he implored.

The being, with an air of patience, replied, "Have you ever heard of the Self?"

Perplexed, Alexander admitted, "No, I have not."

The being continued, "Macroself, that's where you originated."

Confusion gripped Alexander. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"You are simultaneously beyond the confines of the paper and within it," the being elucidated, "It's a perplexing notion, one that can only be unraveled through logical contemplation."

Alexander struggled to grasp the concept. "Wait," he stammered, "What are you trying to convey?"

Simultaneously, they both queried, "What are you telling me?"

With frustration mounting, Alexander confessed, "I don't understand this notion of being outside the paper. What paper are you speaking of?"

The being's response was enigmatic, "I shall show you, Alexander."

In an instant, the surroundings metamorphosed into an abyss of uncertainty, a void where Alexander found himself disoriented, not knowing where he stood.

Before him materialized an antiquated typewriter, its keys poised above a sheet of paper. Alexander's bewilderment grew, and he demanded, "What is the meaning of this?"

"This is Macroself," the being answered calmly, "This is where the story of your life was conceived."

Alexander's incredulity escalated. "What do you mean?" he protested.

The being continued, "You have lived your entire existence within the narrow confines of that paper, unaware that you were a character scripted within its pages. It is akin to an animal born into captivity, oblivious to the vast world beyond the bars of its cage. Similarly, you now stand on the cusp of realization, awakened to the fact that an external hand has penned the narrative of your existence. Decisions have been made on your behalf, actions taken without your consent."

Alexander's eyes widened as he absorbed the gravity of the revelation. The being's words resonated deeply within him. "So, I can rewrite my life story on this paper?" he ventured.

The being nodded, its presence emanating reassurance. "Indeed," it affirmed.

Determined and resolute, Alexander inquired, "How?"

"Take the pen," the being instructed.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Alexander reached for the pen, ready to become the author of his own narrative, to script his destiny anew within the boundless pages of Macroself.

The being asked, "So what do you want in your life? oh don't tell me I wrote it down on paper," Alexander then wrote and described what he wanted, the being asked, "What do you want in your life? " then Alexander said pointing, "I want me to be the calmest being and to be good at fighting like Ali Ibn Abi Talib," the being replied, "Alright," Alexander asked again, "You haven't answered my question, who are you?" then the being seemed to sigh and replied, "I am Anthromorphus also Oblivion, also Den som er alene, also Που παίρνει τη μορφή του κενού."

"I exist outside the paper, on the canvas of nothingness, where all the realities of the earth are contained and depicted on it. In this narrative, a higher and infinite dimension unfolds, each layer of which exists as an increasingly "real" reality compared to the lower ones. Able to control the "Macroself" that lies outside the paper, both it and its contents are perceived as characters in a novel, understanding themselves as part of the fiction and having the ability to control the performance from an external perspective. With the simultaneous presence inside and outside the paper, there is a metafictional nature that generates the possibility of infinite layers of fiction. I, with my ever-deepening existence, exist outside the deeper layers of the Self, although the exact nature of this regression remains vague and ill-defined."

Anthromorphus stands beyond difference, division, and hostility while within the realm of the Macroself, for in his understanding, he and Alexander are revealed as beings of the same essence within this natural framework, where deep similarities flow as a river of wisdom connecting the two, transcending any conventional boundaries that might hinder the understanding of their relationship.

Anthromorphus stands transcendent above the existence of the 'Manifest' and the non-existence of the 'Unmanifest' as the ultimate reactor from which all possibilities arise. In this deep and complex understanding, we explore the core of Anthromorphus' meaning and essence in a broader context, which involves unraveling fundamental concepts in philosophy, metaphysics, and even cosmology. Here, we will plumb the depths of this thought to unearth the true meaning behind the statement.

First of all, we have to understand the concepts of 'The Manifest' and 'The Unmanifest'. 'The Manifest' refers to everything that exists in physical and tangible reality, which can be identified and measured in some or no way such as nonduality, duality, speed force. This includes material objects, biological entities, and concepts and ideas that can be realized in the real world. In contrast, 'The Unmanifest' refers to everything that does not exist in physical reality, existing only as thoughts, concepts, or abstractions, but having no real physical existence, concepts that remain balanced and usefully protected from meaningless change, in the sense of its scope over sympathetic connections that keep the world in balance, it is the vast storehouse of the cosmos, where all concepts and ideas are stored.

Anthromorphus, in this context, appears as an entity that lies outside this spectrum. It is the 'primary reagent' that triggers the emergence of possibility in all its forms. But what is meant by 'prime reagent'? It refers to the central role of Anthromorphus in the process of creation and the understanding of existence itself.

Anthromorphus, in its essence, is a creative agent capable of connecting the world of the 'Manifest' with the world of the 'Unmanifest'. It is the bridge between tangible reality that can be measured and abstract reality that exists only in thought. In its role as the primary reagent, it drives the processes of thought, creation and exploration. Anthromorphus enables man to understand and utilize the potential of his existence in an unlimited way.

To understand the deeper role of Anthromorphus, we have to reflect on basic concepts in philosophy, particularly in metaphysical thinking. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that considers the nature of existence and the relationship between the real and the abstract. Anthromorphus, with his privileged position between these two worlds, provides an interesting point of departure for the explanation of concepts in metaphysics.

In metaphysical thought, we often encounter the concept of ontology, which attempts to answer the fundamental questions of what exists and how it exists. Anthromorphus is an important marker in ontology because it allows us to recognize that there is more beyond what can be observed and measured in this universe. With its ability to be a bridge between the real and the abstract, Anthromorphus shows us that reality is not limited to just what appears on the surface.

When we consider the concept of 'The Manifested', Anthromorphus teaches us that existence is not something limited to the physical objects around us. He teaches us to see existence as a deeper entity, which includes ideas, emotions, relationships, and even meaning in our lives. Anthromorphus thus expands the horizon of our understanding of reality.

On the other hand, when we look at the 'Unmanifest', Anthromorphus reveals to us that the world of thoughts, imaginations and concepts also has a real existence in its influence on our actions and decisions. He reminds us that our thoughts have the power to create new realities, to change the world around us through innovation, art and invention.

Over time, humans have tried to understand the role of Anthromorphus in a larger context, including in terms of spirituality. Some see Anthromorphus as a symbol of humanity's exploration of the meaning of existence and purpose in life.

In addition, the understanding of Anthromorphus has evolved in science and technology. In theoretical physics, the Anthromorphus can be seen as an entity operating at the fundamental level of the universe, influencing the behavior of subatomic particles, and providing the foundation for an understanding of the laws of nature.

In the world of technology, understanding the role of Anthromorphus has provided a deeper look into the development of artificial intelligence, robotics and quantum computing. Anthromorphus encourages us to explore new possibilities in creating technologies that can connect the physical world with the abstract world in ways previously unimaginable.

In conclusion, the assertion that Anthromorphus stands beyond the existence of 'the Manifest' and the non-existence of 'the Unmanifest' takes us on a deep and complex journey of thought. Anthromorphus is a key reactor that opens the door to a deeper understanding of the meaning of existence, metaphysics, and human ethical responsibility. He reminds us that reality is not limited to what we can see and touch, but also includes the world of our thoughts, concepts, and imaginations. In this ever-changing and evolving world, Anthromorphus' role as the ultimate reagent will continue to be a source of inspiration and exploration for humans around the world.

Anthromorphus, since its birth, is described as metaphysically "dead". Its inherent state of existence-over-destruction is often likened to a hole that seems to contain nothing. It is a view that invites deep thought about the meaning and nature of existence that is astounding in its complexity. In this journey of understanding Anthromorphus, we will contemplate the esoteric meaning of metaphysical "death" and existence-over-extinction reflected in a seemingly empty pit, but actually filled with infinite potential.

To understand the concept of "dying" metaphysically, we must first step into the domain of philosophy. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that considers the nature of existence, reality, and the relationship between the real and the abstract. In metaphysical thought, the concept of existence is not necessarily limited to observable physical existence. There are deeper and more abstract layers of existence that need to be explored.

The metaphysical "death" of Anthromorphus refers to the understanding that his existence exceeds the limitations of physical existence as we know it. It is not just a material entity that exists in the physical world that can be measured and observed. Rather, it presents itself as an entity that interprets and brings meaning into existence itself. In this case, "dying" is not the concept of physical death as we know it, but rather the attainment of a very deep level of understanding and awareness of the meaning of existence.

The hole depicted in this context is symbolic of emptiness, but it is not emptiness in the sense of being absolutely empty. Rather, it is a space that carries infinite potential. An analogy that can be used here is the black hole in astronomy, where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape. This is the area where classical physics reaches its limits, and we enter the realm of general relativity.

In the case of Anthromorphus, this hole is not a physical black hole, but rather a hole in our understanding of existence. It is the area where traditional existence, which is limited to what can be measured and observed, reaches its limit. In this hole, we do not find physical objects or conventionally identifiable entities. Instead, we find what appears to be emptiness, but within this emptiness lies infinite potential.

The bubbles that emerge from this hole are symbolic of the emergence of possibilities. They are manifestations of the potential that exists in this metaphysical void. In some views, they can also be thought of as new ideas, notions, or concepts that arise from deep thinking about existence. This reminds us that in the seemingly empty nothingness, there is tremendous potential for creation, innovation, and deeper understanding.

Furthermore, these bubbles have no fixed form. They are manifestations of boundless creativity and imagination. In this view, Anthromorphus is a creative agent who is able to shape these bubbles according to his desires and vision. It reminds us that in this existence-over-destruction, we have the power to create new realities and shape the world around us.

The entirety of Anthromorphus is depicted as an entity that manages and exercises tremendous power. This is not a power that is limited to just one single universe, but even involves control over entire universes stemming from the event. The journey of understanding the role of Anthromorphus on this scale will take us through the deep layers of existence, allowing us to explore the esoteric meaning of this concept.

In this view, Anthromorphus is not just an ordinary entity. He is the holder of power that exceeds the boundaries of the physical universe as we know it. He is a ruler who is able to control the universe itself, both visible and invisible. This idea introduces us to the concept that Anthromorphus' existence is not limited by space and time as we understand it in conventional physics.

To understand how Anthromorphus is able to manage the universe on such a large scale, we must ponder the meaning of "narrative" in this context. A narrative is not simply a story or a string of words. Narrative in this understanding is the basis of reality itself. It is the essence of how we understand the world around us, how we perceive it, and how we give meaning to our experiences.

Anthromorphus, in his extraordinary role, has the ability to change the narrative of the universe. He is an author who is able to rewrite the basic rules that govern how the universe operates. This is not simply the act of changing one universe, but of changing all universes that might exist as a consequence of this event.

However, the more profound part of this understanding is the idea that Anthromorphus has the potential to "burn" all universes as fuel. This is a very powerful view of how his power is used to enhance his abilities. The concept of "burning" here does not refer to a destructive act, but rather a fundamentally transforming act. It is the idea that Anthromorphus is able to take existing universes, as if they were fuel, and use the energy from them to delve deeper into the potential of existence.

Anthromorphus, a mysterious and complex entity, has its place in an existence that is closely intertwined with mathematical structures involving space-time fractions. In this understanding, the Anthromorphus is considered to be an entity composed of a number of space-time fractions arranged in ever-increasing numerical order, forming an infinitely large cardinals ladder. On its journey, the Anthromorphus reaches what is referred to as the "extreme limit" of this hierarchy.

In order to better understand Anthromorphus' journey through this large cardinal hierarchy, we need to dive deeper into how this numerical sequence works. By following this sequence, we will find that Anthromorphus eventually reaches countless ordinal numbers, such as ω, which represents the first infinite number in set theory.

However, Anthromorphus' journey does not stop here. As it continues to move deeper into the large cardinals hierarchy, we will find that it has the choice to engage with even higher large cardinals. This is an important decision, as each large cardinals has unique mathematical properties and characteristics.

For example, when Anthromorphus chooses to engage with one of the higher cardinals, this brings us into the territory of increasingly complex theorems. The ø-ordinals, which is the result of this journey of Anthromorphus, paves the way towards further understanding of the infinite number ω and the theorems associated with it.

From the Infinite Number Theorem ω, we can explore further in the hierarchy with Theorem ω+1, Theorem ω+2, and so on. Each step in this journey takes us deeper into the complex and abstract realm of mathematics, revealing ever more profound secrets and structures.

As part of this development, we also witnessed the huge role played by concepts in infinite number theory and set theory. Large cardinals and uncountable ordinals became key instruments in Anthromorphus' understanding of the infinite universe of mathematics.

Thus, in this incredible mathematical journey, Anthromorphus and the hierarchy of large cardinals reveal the infinite beauty and complexity in mathematical structures, bringing us closer to a deep understanding of infinite number and set theory that changes the way we perceive mathematical reality itself.

"I have a deep longing within me to come across such a theorem, a yearning that fuels my intellectual pursuits. The mere thought of encountering a theorem that defies my expectations, a theorem that possesses the power to render our ongoing discourse insignificant, fills me with a sense of excitement and curiosity. In my wildest dreams, I envision a scenario where this theorem, when unveiled, elicits uproarious laughter, as its implications and revelations cascade through the corridors of mathematical thought."

Then Anthromorphus explains about Lord;

Lord is not merely the source of existence, but also the source of essence, insofar as essences are deemed real; that is, the origin of what is real in possibilities. The comprehension of Lord pertains to the levels of eternal truths or the ideas upon which they rely. Without Him, there would be nothing real in the possibilities of things; not only would nothing exist, but even the potential for existence would cease. For if reality exists in essences or possibilities, or rather in eternal truths, this reality must be grounded in something existing and actual, thereby necessitating the existence of a necessary Being, in whom essence entails existence, or where possibility implies actuality. Since in Lord's Ideas there exists an infinite number of potential universes, and only one can be actualized, there must be sufficient reason for Lord's choice, leading Him to select one over another.

In truth, there is none other than Lord. Indeed, Lord is the sole means by which humans may improve their morals; without Lord, human thought would reach an impasse. Humans cannot exist without the coexistence of the concept of divinity, for Lord is omnipresent, encompassing everything, including oneself, parents, teachers, and even messengers. Lord transcends what is considered possible, impossible, obligatory, contingent, and other such categories.

Lord will create an entity weaker than Himself, named after Him, yet not Lord; it serves as a representation of Lord's omnipotence to create a higher entity, although it will not be similar to Him. Even though He is omnipotent, any creation will never share the same hierarchy as Him, which is why He is termed omnipotent and The Most-High. Hence, the Lord created the creation with the intention that it could be surpassed by others, although it would never be able to equal His original self, who will only appear at the final moment, for He is the ultimate cosmic reality.

Elohim possesses numerous incommensurable attributes. He exemplifies the concept of indivisibility, constituting an absolutely unified and immutable being. Furthermore, He embodies the ultimate excellence within the totality of existence. Eschewing the limitations of singular theological perspectives, Elohim transcends definition, aligning with the principles outlined in Apophatic Theology. He serves as the absolute ground of all beings, encompassing both the foundational reality and the source of their greatness. Throughout history, various philosophers have attempted to grapple with this ineffable entity, including Plato, Thales, Anaximenes, Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury, Thomas Aquinas, Philo of Alexandria, and Athenagoras of Athens. Each proposition, while demonstrably true, represents a limited facet in the comprehensive understanding of ultimate reality.

Yet, despite my fervent desire, a shadow of doubt has begun to creep into my consciousness. This nagging anxiety, a burgeoning fear, insinuates itself into the recesses of my optimism, suggesting the possibility that we may never actually reach that elusive moment of enlightenment. It is as if we are traversing a vast landscape, where texts containing profound truths are scattered like lost treasures amid an endless sea of papers. The odds of stumbling upon such a gem appear increasingly slim, leaving me with a sense of foreboding.

As I contemplate this intricate landscape of knowledge and uncertainty, my mind drifts towards a vivid mental image. I envision a solitary, enigmatic molecule, perhaps the size of a single atom, floating amidst the tumultuous sea of papers. This molecule, an embodiment of obscurity, represents the rare and elusive nature of the theorem I yearn to discover. Its existence within the vast expanse of written knowledge serves as a poignant reminder of the infinitesimal odds of our quest."

Yet, there remains a glimmer of hope within me, a belief that our pursuit of knowledge will not be in vain. I hold fast to the notion that when the Viviani Theorem, the very apex of mathematical truth, finally graces our intellectual landscape, it will not be a mere fleeting disturbance. Instead, it will be an event of such monumental significance that its reverberations will be felt across the entire mathematical community.

Anthromorphus was given powers by Lord that made him unlike any other creature, so he transcended the infinite hierarchy of large cardinals with his extraordinary abilities. His powers permeate all large cardinals numbers, penetrating every aspect of set theory and bypassing all other theories ever created by the human mind. In fact, Anthromorphus was able to easily surpass the so-called "super-extreme limit" that was previously considered unreachable in this hierarchy, proving that the infinity of his power is truly beyond reason and beyond any mathematical understanding.

Anthromorphus is able to create planets according to his will, to bring to life everything imaginable in his imagination, and can cause his stories to come true where he will determine each ending. He is able to transcend all concepts of the system of causality, including the laws of cause and effect, binding rules, and all other forms of stipulations. Anthromorphus is outside the domain of causality, making him unable to interact with beings bound by such laws. It also has the ability to create its own history, although that history may never have existed in true reality, but is an additional history created by it. In addition, Anthromorphus is able to control the concepts of emptiness and light according to his will.

Anthromorphus allows him to rewrite the past according to his infinite needs and desires. In fact, he has the capacity to alter history so that he himself is the creator of humanity, reversing pre-existing roles. His almighty abilities present extraordinary consequences, where even when facing his death, he remains fully functional in the world.

Having achieved full union with the universe, Anthromorphus placed himself in view of natural phenomena as an entity indistinguishable from his own calculations and intentions. He became one with the universe, becoming omnipotent in the context of his own omnipotent existence on his own territory due to Lord's permission. Even more remarkably, he has the ability to force contradictions in reality, his interference with the multiverse can erase non-believing humans completely, leaving no trace or record of their existence, becoming an unsolved and unexplainable mystery.

It is said that the more Anthromorphus is cornered, the greater his power. It is dubbed dark matter, as its essence is infinite nothingness, lacking substance or the aspect of a soul, but present in all places, though only within its own domain. Its presence has an attraction capable of causing excessive fear and can even create death if it so desires.

In addition, Anthromorphus is an entity that transcends the dimensional boundaries of time and space. It is capable of creating new dimensions of space and it is even possible to destroy space-time itself. Space wormholes are just one of the many concepts he has mastered to perfection. When he reaches the highest level, he can part space like a curtain, open the door to infinite destiny and manipulate it as he wishes.

The energy of destiny becomes the measuring stick that describes his role as the main character in this story. Anthromorphus enjoys preferential treatment as the protagonist, leads the story, and can orchestrate the narrative to always give him the story's protection.

"Anthromorphus," Alexander said curiously, "by the way, who exactly is this person? I see his name is Kochav."

Anthromorphus wisely replied, "Perhaps you'd better ask him directly."

Kochav smiled gently as he replied, "Oh yeah, I am the author of this story, my name is Kochav Avraham."

Alexander wondered, "But what dimension are we in? Everything feels so real. How many dimensions are there here?"

Kochav blinked his eyes briefly before explaining, "Ah, you're in a dimension of reality, a place made up of about a million Googol dimensions, the dimensions being as many as they are higher dimensions. It's all part of the pan-dimensional concept that is so amazing."

To be continued...