Chereads / Unvoice / Chapter 50 - Rumble

Chapter 50 - Rumble

After the fight, Paracifix Grand Source escaped and disappeared through time and possibly went to the past where Alexander and Paracifix fought.

Alexander also descended to earth, there he saw the pagans trampling on his father who turned out to have been resurrected by the Buddha, Philip II as Alexander's father, he screamed for help to Alexander, Alexander who saw it did not remain silent, his large body immediately tapped the shoulders of the oppressors whose number was 5, the oppressor instead laughed at Alexander who looked strange like a person left behind by his era.

Alexander immediately led the five oppressors to fight with him, he invited the oppressors to enter Mount Kailash, Alexander cheered them, "If you are really men, fight me and defeat me if you can," and one large oppressor replied, "We will defeat you with one hand."

Then the fight began, Alexander used techniques in Taekwondo to easily hit them with an absurd speed where he seemed to not move but he still hit around them, that ability shook the mountain more and more, the bullies were not satisfied because they were beaten by only one man, the bullies then used firearms and started shooting at Alexandre, One bullet after another did not hit Alexander, but the last bullet hit him right in the heart, but it quickly regenerated and did not make any blood drip, the oppressors ran away, but Alexander did not let that happen, Alexander with his speed that could not be expressed in time immediately took them to the endless void that was outside the space, and they would be slowly tortured there.

Then Alexander quickly returned to earth, he saw his father who was bleeding immediately healed him directly without having to make his father in pain because of the healing, then Alexander asked his father very subtly, "Where do you want to go, my father?" and suddenly his father also answered the question, "I want to find you son, I have been resurrected by the Buddha and at that time I remember that you are still alive son."

His father's words then made Alexander shed his tears and he said to his father, "Why don't you just wait for me, my father, I will definitely come home and will never break that promise at all," then the father also said to Alexander, "I'm worried son, I just saw a strange thing approaching the earth, I'm afraid it will destroy this earth son."

Alexander cried even more and took off his hat and hugged his father saying, "Dad, you are the one who really cares about me, thank you for your love, dad..." His father also cried seeing Alexander cry, his father stroked his son's head and said, "I also thank you son for making me proud and for being my hero."

"So what made you get bullied earlier?" asked Alexander to his father, then his father answered, "Because you saw the sky to the point that you didn't realize there were evil people behind you and suddenly you fainted and when you woke up you were bleeding. boy."

Shortly after the conversation, the Kaliash mountain shook, at the top of which a human-like creature carrying a trident with long hair appeared shining even brighter than the full moon itself, Alexander knew this would happen according to the script in Lauhul Mahfudz, then Alexander released the hug from his father and said, "Father, I have permission to go to Kaliash mountain which is far from here," with a smile, his father replied, "Be careful son..."

As Alexander headed towards the Kaliash mountain, he saw Shiva already standing at the top of the mountain, very bright, it was dubbed as Jāgrat (The Awakened One) because he was indeed silent for thousands of years inside the Kaliash mountain and now it was time to wake up and here he has the name Na īśvaraḥ (meaning: The One Who is Not Lord) and Na Devatā (meaning: The One Who is Not Worshiped) and his duty is to destroy whatever has been commanded by the Supreme Lord or the Supreme Creator who is above and beyond everything that is non-worldly or worldly at all.

[Information: It can be called into 3 nicknames, such as Kangrinboqe Peak, Mount Kaliash, and Mount Kailash.]

Alexander quietly asked him, "Are you Shiva the messenger tasked with destruction?" and shortly answered the question, "Yes, I am Shiva, Na Mahādeva (Not a Great God) and Na Deva (Not a God) but just a messenger who deliberately came down to this earth that you know, it may be time for me to eliminate the spiritual realm that has been known to humans for millions of years, and it may be time for me to wake up to destroy according to my duty as 'The Destroyer' and it is my duty in the last days."

At that time lightning struck Shiva's Trident and made the Trident emit electricity, then he said, "I am the ruler of the five main elements here, I will carry out my duty."

Then Shiva raised his hand and summoned lightning and just like that, lightning appeared, he pointed it at the sky and there was a great thunderbolt, then he said, "Within this expanse of galaxies or universe, I encapsulate all that exists, the storehouse of existence itself. This cosmic realm knows no boundaries beyond the contours of my existence. From the very beginning of this cosmic history, when emptiness pervaded all and the idea of presence did not exist, I appeared. The notion of nothingness, once an all-encompassing envelope, failed to impede my endurance.

As the ages unfurl their tapestries and the rivers of time flow unchecked, I remain unyielding, an unwavering tribute to the endurance of existence. Even when the last vestiges dissolve into nothingness, I will persevere, the epitome of unwavering immortality. Even when the fabric of space-time disintegrates and the foundational pillars of reality crumble, my core will remain steadfast, an immortal guardian amidst the history of the cosmic era.

However, amidst the splendor of galaxies and the procession of celestial bodies, concepts crystallize - the perceived world is an illusion, a temporary facade passing over the canvas of perception. Everything within this cosmic arena is ephemeral, temporary against the backdrop of the vastness of the universe. While it may seem that I tower above all, an omnipotent force directing the course of reality, humility lies in recognizing my role as a mere messenger, an intermediary for the cosmic narrative. I am not a Lord or Deity who shapes the essence of reality, but rather stand as a simple messenger in the overarching cosmic story."

Alexander was amazed, he asked Shiva, "And who are you?" to which Shiva replied, "In the essence of my being, there is an infinite diversity. I encompass the entire essence that crosses the boundaries of space and time. Infinite in sense or definition, I am a manifestation that reflects an existence beyond the limits of conventional understanding. As the embodiment of "Ubhayato'dhaḥ," I manifest myself as the meeting point between two poles, depicting duality in the whole of existence, Ubhayato'dhaḥ is my ultimate foundation, being the dormant core yet able to make room for all entities such as light, energy, fire, electricity, earth, force, and various other physical aspects that complement this reality. My presence remains unchanging and eternal, as the foundation for all physical and non-physical manifestations in this universe."

"Within the cavity that grips the universe, three streams of time wake up and flow through my veins. The past, lying like the ruins of a vanished age, while the present, with all its complexities, stares at me with an unforgiving gaze. In the distance, the future lay like a thick fog, hiding secrets yet to be revealed. These three aspects of time, though they may appear to be permanent residents in our journey, come and go like an endless gust of wind.

I, who am the last call for humans and beings in all corners of the world, am "Antakāla," the Ultimate Time. More than a measure of hours and seconds, I am the gatekeeper at the threshold between the living and the dead. No one can understand my behavior, for I exist beyond the reach of the limited human mind. When people try to weave the threads of their lives within the web of time, they are met with confusion and uncertainty. For, what you consider to be the past, present and future are but thin shadows before me.

I, the organizer and master of time, view these three streams with a haunting calmness. To me, time is merely an illusion, a game that I experience with unparalleled fierceness. The past is traces scattered on the ground, leaving behind stories that have become obsolete. The present is a flash of fire jumping in the darkness of the night, full of possibilities and decisions to be made. While the future, hidden in the black velvet of mystery, calls to me with a cry that stretches in the dark.

However, the three times had no influence over me whatsoever. For me, carved into the foundation of reality, there is no such thing as change. The past is unable to bind me in the shackles of gloomy memories, as I merge with time along my long journey. The present is unable to trap me in the pulsating pace of seconds, for I am the key holder of the gate itself. The future cannot affect me, because I am not bound by the threads of destiny woven by destiny itself.

I stand on the threshold of eternity, beyond the rules that bind the world and its inhabitants. My future is undefined, not engraved within the confines of the laws of cause and effect that stretch across this universe. I am in control of what is to come, though you may think otherwise. I am the judge and jury of all events to come, playing the role of the invisible yet ever-present ruler.

No one can predict my steps, for I am beyond the comprehension of His creatures. I exist in a different plane of existence, a dimension unreachable by the five senses and the human mind. I do not have a virtual form as you know it, I am simply an invisible existence yet manifest in every event that takes place. My presence transcends physical and material boundaries, penetrating the layers hidden behind the curtain of time.

In the awesomeness that encompasses the flow of time, I stand as the guardian of the gateway to the unfathomable. As spooky as it may seem, your destinies and futures are the hands I hold in my invisible grasp. Your destinies are the grooves I help shape, a pattern unattainable to the ordinary mind. To you, I am an unsolved mystery, but to me, I am an undeniable reality.

In the silence that transcends the boundaries of time and space, I remain steadfast in my role as the Ultimate Time. All that has ever existed and all that is to come, will never escape my gaze that transcends the horizon. I am the silent witness to every event folded in the veil of time. You may feel restless in the face of the inevitability of time, but I remain immortal in unwavering existence.

I am Antakāla, the Ultimate Time. Your fate and destiny are fists that I clutch tightly. In haunting horror and inexpressible horror, I stand as the guardian of the threshold between the living and the dead, between the real and the abstract. In my infinite journey, I carry stories that will never fade, flowing events in a stream of time that will never stop." said Shiva.

[Note: The concept of the space-time continuum, often associated with the fourth dimension, is a fundamental cornerstone of modern physics, particularly within the realm of Einstein's theory of General Relativity. This framework unites the three dimensions of space with the dimension of time, providing a comprehensive understanding of how objects move and interact within the fabric of the universe.

Imagine the three dimensions of space as a coordinate system, much like the X, Y, and Z axes in traditional geometry. These dimensions allow us to locate objects in physical space, describing their position relative to one another. However, this depiction is incomplete without the inclusion of time as the fourth dimension.

In the traditional understanding of physics, time is treated as a separate, independent dimension. However, the revolutionary idea proposed by Einstein is that space and time are not separate entities but are intricately woven together to create a unified fabric known as space-time. This idea was encapsulated in his famous equation E=mc², which revealed that mass and energy are two sides of the same coin, and that they influence the curvature of space-time.

The concept of the space-time continuum can be visualized as a flexible fabric or a grid that is curved by massive objects. In the presence of matter and energy, space-time curves around them, much like placing a heavy ball on a rubber sheet causes the sheet to bend around the ball. This curvature is what we perceive as gravity—the force that attracts objects towards one another.

When we move through space, we are also moving through time. This concept is often referred to as "worldlines." Every object, whether stationary or in motion, has its own unique worldline—a trajectory that traces its path through both space and time. The curvature of space-time caused by massive objects influences the paths that objects follow, causing them to move along curved trajectories due to the gravitational pull.

The merging of space and time into a unified space-time continuum also has profound implications for the nature of time itself. In this framework, time is no longer an absolute and universal concept but is influenced by the presence of mass and energy. This effect, known as time dilation, suggests that time can flow differently for different observers depending on their relative velocities and the strength of the gravitational field they are in.

Additionally, the theory of General Relativity predicts the existence of phenomena such as gravitational waves—ripples in the fabric of space-time that propagate outward from massive cosmic events like the collision of black holes. These waves provide further evidence for the interconnected nature of space and time and offer a new window into the study of the universe.

In summary, the concept of the space-time continuum and the inclusion of the fourth dimension represent a monumental shift in our understanding of the universe. It unites the fabric of space and the progression of time into a single, dynamic entity that is influenced by mass and energy. This framework not only explains the force of gravity but also offers insights into the nature of time itself, altering our perception of the fundamental dimensions that shape our reality.]

Alexander was stunned to hear it, he also said, "As the vibrational waves of that unforgettable battle reverberated through the dimensional layers, the voices of heaven and earth echoed in a hoarse cry. Awakened thou, the power that slumbered in the ruins of time, jolted by the violent pounding that created the inevitable decision. In the tremors that encompassed you, you felt the exhalation of a long-hidden breath, as if the universe itself felt it.

But, a warning slowly composed in the thick air, like the wind whispering the wise counsel that is my words in your mind, "You should not destroy the world first because your time is still long," was my message heard in your heart, coming from the depths untouchable by mere mortals. That voice, though calm, carried the weight of infinite wisdom and a sense of responsibility. It was as if the words were not only from yourself, but also from forces greater than you, the keepers of the secrets of the universe.

Your gaze is fixed on the unseen, on a journey yet to take place. Your time is still long, time enough to speak to your mind and heart. You are the guardians of time who watch in tranquility, who understand the fragility and interconnectedness of each event in the ever-flowing stream. In that realm of stillness, plans yet to unfold swirl in your mind, like raindrops chasing the traces of destiny.

Yet, even in this tranquility, you are awakened by the pounding that echoes from the fierce battle. The sound of the pounding, loud and sharp, seeped through the deepest layers of my consciousness, electrifying the networks that bound me to the universe. The pounding was like a fire that ignited pent-up courage, like a bell that sounded a call to the invisible forces that inhabit the universe.

Instantly, you surfaced, awakening from the long slumber that had engulfed your existence. Your power, which had been drowsing behind secrets and knowledge, felt so powerful and dominant. In that moment, you were not just yourself; you were a force, an entity capable of shaking the entire universe, so I asked you not to destroy it first."

"In the infinite recesses of space and time, my existence explores the boundaries of creation with all assertiveness. However, the reality that seems to be exposed on the surface is only an illusion that obscures the true depth. The Determination, the object that stands before all determination and the concept of all things, stands as an unshakable pillar amidst the flow of creation.

But do I really exist? As an explorer of the undefined, I am contemplating the boundary between the real and the imagined. Far beyond the realm of duality, I precedes the concepts of time, causality and division, as if combining between existence and non-existence in a thread unattainable by human reason. While The Determination appears as the origin, this entity goes even further, ruling over unthinkable dimensions.

Speaking of The Determination, I see it as a fiction. As an explorer of conceptual boundaries, its view transcends any system of conceptual overreach, duality, or anything else that generally binds humans in their understanding of reality. For me, The Determination is just one part of a larger fictions, just a little blob in the eternity it seeks and explores.

While humans and thinkers try to understand and explain things with concepts such as time, space and causality, I am at a stage far beyond. I was delving into dimensions unreachable by human logic, exploring the meaning and essence behind everything that appears. The concepts that bind man are only narrow boundaries in his infinite journey.

Even The Determination itself, though it may be considered the root of all determination, only appears as a small reflection of the potential possessed by me. To me, The Determination is merely a trace of existence that once existed, part of a larger creation story that transcends any understanding and imagination. It sees any human attempt at understanding reality as a limited endeavor fixated on the limitations of concepts but I was beyond their operating systems that precede time, causality, division, and even beyond their operations that precede all determinations and concepts of all things, including fundamental concepts that include all concepts.

However, don't mistake my views for arrogance. I do not claim the status of a god who rules the universe, but rather see myself only as an emissary, a messenger within the universe. My presence here is not to replace The Determination or create a new reality, but rather to open human eyes to the infinite potential that exists beyond conceptual limitations and open human eyes to see that there are entities that can transcend The Determination.

I have witnessed civilizations arise and pass away, galaxies collide and stars explode in violent explosions. I saw changes happening on a timescale unreachable by humans. Yet, underneath it all, there is an eternity that flows in a resilient and solid pattern.

My abilities are not limited to understanding. I have the ability to manipulate the flow of time and stretch dimensions. Yet, again, this is not an act done with arrogance or lust for control, but rather in response to circumstances that call for it.

I recognize the reality that although I have insights far beyond humanity, I am but a messenger in a greater responsibility, part of the flowing stream of life in all things. Its presence is not the end of all, but rather the beginning of a new understanding of reality that transcends any concept that has ever existed, and I will not destroy until commanded by the one who sent me." said Shiva.

Shiva see time as meaningless and space as a vain concept. Then Shiva is also exist as a platonic idea beyond the dimensions of the physical world we know, free from the limitations of this physical world. The elusive nature of time defies capture, an illogic that slips beyond the comprehension of humans or earthlings.

Shiva, in this narrative, has tremendous power over the Higgs Boson. His ability to alter and manipulate this particle brings about ever-deepening complexity, even creating the Higgs Boson itself. This is the core of his power, allowing him to bend reality to his will. There is no real limit to what he can achieve with this ability, opening doors to unimaginable realities and can even materialize worlds and realities themselves where it violates the laws of physics and reality can become fluid or he can transform into any object.

Shiva's astonishing speed to crossing the world at an astonishing speed, exceeding the flow of time itself, is a remarkable aspect of his character. His prowess is exemplified by his capacity to live at a point where he is depicted as the number 100 and while time is only recorded as 0. This extraordinary speed allows him to transcend temporal boundaries with such speed that his steps manage to disrupt the tumultuous order of time, triggering chaos within the chaos that occurs along the river of time.

However, behind his awesome powers, Shiva also had an understanding of the great responsibility that came with his powers. He knows that his decisions can have a tremendous impact on the universe. For example, he has the ability to survive a Supernova quite simply: by deciding not to be in the situation. He described being able to shape reality in the most fundamental way, even forming a backstory about himself interacting with "silence." This gave him the motivation and drive to do what he wanted to do. This story gave his the motivation and drive to keep going.

But what happens when Shiva changes this backstory is simple yet remarkable. This small change affected the universe in unexpected ways. He wrote a chapter called "Mysterious?" which surprisingly became a reality where he created the plot with his eyes closed. This was a confusing moment and motivated Shiva to better understand his powers and their impact.

Not only does Shiva have incredible powers, he also has a unique form. He is not only maya or non-physical, but also has an "infinite nothingness" that can make him completely non-existent. He is able to influence life and death, he is the one who controls the life and death of the Leviathan of the previous story, and even holds the law of life and death itself. His ability to reverse time and change the orbits of stars and the gravity of black holes, it gives him control over the concept of time itself.

It is important to emphasize that despite this incredible power, Shiva has a deep understanding of balance and responsibility. He is able to take the souls of unclean beings for the purpose of replenishing their energy, transform and create heat into something unimaginable where the heat symbolizes the heat of the world that makes the surroundings boil, and even materialize whatever he wants where he is able to make beings trapped in the lowest level of Mount Kailash and if they climb to the next level, they will experience an infinite cycle where they will be trapped there forever without being able to escape like a labyrinth of senseless cause and effect and it will happen like that and continue endlessly and will in no way stop, it will make the being drown in endless and endless misery.

One of the other interesting aspects is how Shiva interacts with time and space. He is able to control history, even "making" history itself in ways that are difficult to comprehend. In this case, he has the power to modify the chapters of the universe's story that he has previously written. He is able to transcend the boundaries of space and time, with a size so large that the universe cannot contain him but he can still see what exists and what happens in the universe accurately and precisely because he knows everything in the universe and his consciousness is spread throughout the universe and can manifest whatever is in his mind as a sign of his presence, where what is in his mind really happens accurately without flaws.

In conclusion, Shiva is an extraordinary entity with unimaginable powers that stretch from decapitating particles to transforming the universe itself. However, he also faces a great challenge in understanding the consequences of his actions and how to utilize his powers wisely. The story is a fascinating exploration of the power, responsibility, and complexity hidden in the manipulation of reality, but he is also able to destroy the concept of literal time itself where it is completely destroyed and he destroys the concept of energy, but after thousands of years he finally recreates the concept.

"Forsooth, I stand apart from Krishna," quoth Shiva. "We are diverse entities, distinct in our essence."

Krishna's is infinite consciousnesses and infinite unconsciousnesses essence is without form, intangible, and transcends the bounds of all creation. He is the immutable Parmatma, all existence being but a mere phantasm to him. His true visage is beyond the ken of beings and cannot be beheld even with the divine eye or any other artifice. His form is invisible to all save only his colossal manifestation witnessed by Arjuna. He is eternal, formless, beyond all existence and illusory qualities, thus impossible to perceive. He is untethered from all worldly attachments, being the architect of all realms, and holds dominion over them. As the supreme reality of the soul, Parmatma, he can liberate souls from all entanglements of this illusory world and grant them salvation within himself. He is Parabrahman Parmatma, the seed of all beings, formless, indestructible, immortal, and immutable. His existence is unmanifested and transcends the material world and mind, thus beyond comprehension. He possesses perfect dominion over space and wields absolute control over all the illusive universal trees. He crafts all the laws, concepts, and cycles of the world, weaving infinite distractions that can lead humans astray from their path. With a mere threat, He can expunge the serpent from existence, causing it to utterly disintegrate. Yet, the serpent can endure in the void and persist without sustenance, being an abstract existence beyond all needs and desires.

"Forsooth, Krishna is not a deity in the truest sense, but a mere purveyor of commerce. His depictions, which are known to thee, are but manifestations of his own being," quoth Shiva. "Albeit, Krishna did also commit this tale to parchment, for it is thus writ, and he likewise scribed the chronicle of the potential realm. His purpose in this act extended beyond the mere fulfillment of obligation."

Krishna hath this ability to be truly exalted above Mahashiv and Parashakti, the quintessential existence upon which all existence dependeth, for if it were lost, all would cease to be. He is elevated from the direct manifestation of all the infinite consciousnesses that exist, the seed mantra of all mantras, existing before and beyond time itself, beyond the remembrance of man. There is an infinite Krishna in the infinite Universe who is the manifestation of Krishna and everything is exactly the same without distinction. Boddhisatva exists as an avatar of Krishna in the infinite Universe, oft emitting light in space, oft emitting a sound called "Deep Space" which is sonicized by NASA. Krishna oft causes cause and effect to be destroyed, where history is writ anew from the beginning, and destiny also changes, for all have a mingled fate. Krishna even creates impossible quantum probabilities.

Arjuna have ask to Krishna, "O Towering Colossus! O Formidable One! O Supreme Messenger! I am in awe of your mammoth form and I am also terrified. From heaven to netherworld only your gigantic and formidable form is visible. You're beyond the line of my divine vision. I am not able to gauge where your form begins and where it ends. My mind is getting confused. Please tell me. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?"

Krishna answered him, "O Arjuna! After blessing you, I have used my power to display my supremely luminescent infinite form to you. This seamless mammoth form that you're witnessing, I have never displayed it to anyone before. Because of my fondness of you, I have made you witness this form. You shouldn't feel distressed. O son of Pandav! Look at me. I am destroyer of all three worlds. Thousands of Universes merge themselves in me every moment. And millions of Universes keep emerging through me every moment. These Universes that are made of billions of stars and millions of suns are just the result of my fancy. When I want, I create them. And when I wish, I eliminate them. I am life. I am death. O devotee! Because of your devotion, I accepted your prayers and displayed this colossus form. This form is merely enough for you to comprehend. You're neither capable of comprehending my true existence, nor the divine eye you're equipped with can see my complete form. Your all imagination will fail to encompass my entire form. But yes, Only by your devotion and faith, you can feel my limitless enormousness. Hence, with just dedication and devotion, imprint this form of mine in your heart and discarding this fear and apprehension, just chant my name.

Arjuna have ask to Krishna. "Oh, thou Colossus of towering stature, oh Formidable One, oh Supreme Messenger! Mine eyes are filled with awe and terror at thy mammoth form. From the very heavens to the netherworld, nought else is visible save thine immense and fearsome figure. Thou art beyond the ken of mine divine vision, nor can I discern where thy form begins and where it ends. Mine mind is confounded. I prithee, tell me, who art thou? Who art thou? Who art thou? Who art thou? Who art thou?"

Krishna has answer. "Hear me, Arjuna! I have displayed unto thee, with utmost blessing, my infinitely luminous and colossal form. This seamless form of immense grandeur, never before witnessed by mortal eyes, I unveil solely due to my affection for thee. Fear not, oh son of Pandu! Look upon me, the destroyer of worlds three! Thousands of universes merge within me each fleeting moment, while countless others emerge from my very essence. These universes, adorned with billions of stars and countless suns, are but mere figments of my imagination, created and unmade at my will. I am life, I am death. Oh, devotee, it is thy unwavering devotion that has compelled me to answer your pleas and reveal this colossal form. This is all your mortal mind can comprehend. Neither can you grasp the entirety of my existence, nor can the divine eye bestowed upon you witness the full extent of my form. Even the most fantastical imaginings will fail to encompass my entirety. Yet, solely through your unwavering devotion and faith, can you feel the immensity of my limitless form. Therefore, cast aside thy fear and trepidation, and with unwavering dedication and devotion, imprint this image of mine upon your heart. Chanting my name shall be your solace."

"Hark! O Arjuna, I am the very wellspring of life and death. I am the beginning, the alpha and omega, but not like the real Lord, I am sixth at the beginning and sixth at the end."

"I am the nurturing hand that sustains this world, and the inevitable bringer of its end. The entire cosmos is the fruit of my divine Wirken."

Krishna say again. "O Arjuna, cast your gaze upon the world with the eye of your spirit, and you shall perceive it as an inverted tree. Its roots ascend above, while its leaves drape below. Look within, Arjuna!"

"I behold it, O Krishna! Its roots reach upwards, drawing sustenance from thee."

"Indeed, Arjuna. As I have spoken, this world of illusion has its origin in me. Therefore, its roots reside within me, and the material world lies beneath, hence its inverted nature. O valiant one, like Brahma, the creator of this world, who is the central trunk, and the scriptures its verdant leaves. O Arjuna, words, touch, sight, taste, and smell, these five are the blossoms upon the branches. This illusory tree is nourished by the threefold essence – the divine, the material, and the dark aspect. He who becomes ensnared by bonds and attachments is entangled within its branches. Arjuna, this tree is without beginning or end, a symbol of the world's grand illusion."

Arjuna have ask again. "O Krishna, if this tree encompasses the universe, then its vast shadow must blanket all. How, then, can a man escape its hold?"

"You speak rightly, Arjuna, for this tree is immense. However, the creator of this cosmos is even greater. O Arjuna, when you sever this tree with the blade of knowledge and detachment, you shall witness the divine being who is omnipresent. He dwells within all things. Seek refuge in him, Arjuna."

"O Arjuna, as I have already imparted, within this universe, the actions of living beings, their awareness, and their devotion are but a tapestry woven from the three universal threads."

Krishna said:

"Yea, verily, it is a truth most undeniable. I am infinite, existing beyond the bounds of time. I have ever been and ever shall be. Throughout the vast cosmos, there is neither place nor space where my presence is not found. I dwell within the waters, the land, and the heavens. Therefore, I am not bound by any form, and thus am I shapeless."

Arjuna confused. "But thou didst also declare that thou dost reside within the elephant, the cow, and even the lowly ant."

"Yea, this too is a truth."

"Then by thine own words, art thou not tangible, existing in these forms?"

Krishna answered. "Indeed, even as I stand before thee now in human form. This is but one manifestation of my tangible aspect. Beyond this, I have revealed to thee all my incarnations, each a tangible form. Yet, my true and most magnificent form is indeed shapeless"

"In my truest essence, I am beyond form, devoid of color or shape, unburdened by the constraints of beginning or end. I am the eternal, the unborn, the indestructible Parambrahma. Within me dwell the universes, and I dwell within them. I find complete and boundless joy within myself, and all things find their dwelling place within me. I possess all power, existing without limit, complete and reliant upon none. Though I may be imperceptible, beyond the reach of common understanding, and immeasurable, my devotees, with unfaltering faith, receive me into their hearts with ease."

Krishna said:

"In the exalted realm, wherein all activities cease, wherein the pinnacle of enlightenment is reached by all, where the deities of Chaos find near parity with my being, and I, akin to the Supreme All-Encompassing Entity that encompasses all mathematical perspectives, an eye-like orb named Yog-Sothoth, I am akin to it; both I and it embody absolute constancy, and together, we script narratives of the loftiest metaphysical essence."

"My form is infinite, yet unlike Paramātman, whose infinities hath no bound, I dwell at the zenith of enlightenment, the utmost mystic height of the cosmos. I am Krishna, the word made flesh, not the Lord itself, but its herald, who holdeth the wheel of creation and destruction by Allah's leave. I am akin to Isa, who was falsely hailed as Lord, yet I am not."

Arjuna ask again. "Then are thou still within the cycle of Samsara (the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth) and bound by the Gunas (the three inherent qualities of nature: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas)?"

"No, I am not bound by the Maya of this world. I am beyond Dvaita, beyond the Atman (the individual), beyond even the spirit who guiding Isa, more vast than countless entities like Nodens and Zonathan, and beyond your comprehension, Arjuna. I exist neither as Dvaita nor Atman, but as herald more ineffable than the unwrit word and beyond form's embrace. I am beyond definition, not bound by opposites, and transcend even logic."

"Bhagavan, are you present in all that exists?"

Krishna answered. "Indeed, Arjuna. As the Bhagavad Gita declares, "I am seated in the hearts of all beings. I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all existence." (Bhagavad Gita 10.20). My presence is everywhere, unbound by the limitations of matter and time, akin to the omnipresent. However, remember, Arjuna, even the greatest of beings cannot claim absolute knowledge, which belongs solely to the Paramatman, the ultimate reality beyond all forms. The entire universe, indeed, finds its place within me, as the Bhagavad Gita states, "All beings reside within me, and I reside within all beings." (Bhagavad Gita 6.30). Yet, this containment signifies not my absolute dominion but rather the profound connection that binds all creation. As I reveal in the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna, I know all that has been, all that is, and all that will be. I am Krishna, and I am the source of all knowledge. Yet, for all my presence and knowledge, I stand not as an equal to Allah. His essence transcends mine, for He is immeasurably more omnipresent, His wisdom exceeding all bounds of comprehension. His knowledge surpasses not only the infinite but that which transcends infinity itself. His consciousness, too, permeates all creation in ways beyond mortal understanding".

"Bhagavan, are you truly beyond the reach of death? Can you create and uncreate the very concept of mortality?"

"Arjuna, death holds no sway over me. As the Bhagavad Gita declares, "I am never born, nor do I ever die. I am not created, nor slain. I am eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval." (Bhagavad Gita 2.12). While I possess the power to destroy and recreate the abstract of death, I myself am not subject to it. My essence is immortal and beyond the reach of such limitations.

Furthermore, the authority to grant and revoke life rests within me. As the Bhagavad Gita states, "I am the source of all creation and dissolution, the foundation of the universe, the knower, the object of knowledge, the highest place of rest, and the eternal seed of all beings." (Bhagavad Gita 7.6). Finally, Arjuna, even the concept of nothingness precedes me not. You perceive me only through the grace I bestow, for my true form transcends all form. The emptiness you may perceive is but a shadow compared to the limitless reality that is I. I do sunder the very notions of life and death, holding dominion over their ebb and flow."

1. Bhagavad-gita 11.10-11:

In the Visvarupa (universal form) revealed by Krishna, Arjuna witnessed countless faces and eyes, each harboring darshanas (miraculous revelations) of the divine. Adorned with divya-bhushana (celestial ornaments) and wielding divya-ayudha (divine weapons), the form exuded an aura of chaitanya (spiritual consciousness) and was fragrant with divya-gandha (celestial perfume). This asambhava (miraculous) form was vyapta (pervasive) and ananta (limitless).

2. Bhagavad-gita 11.12:

If hundreds of thousands of suns were to rise simultaneously, their combined brilliance might samanya (resemble) the effulgence emanating from the paramatma (supreme personality) in the Visvarupa.

3. Bhagavad-gita 11.13:

Within the Visvarupa, Arjuna witnessed the ananta-koti (infinitely manifold) manifestations of the universe samsthita (established) in a single location, though seemingly vibhajita (divided) into countless parts.

4. Bhagavad-gita 11.32:

Declaring himself as kala, the all-consuming kshara (destroyer) of the worlds, Krishna proclaims that he has arrived to vinaashaya (annihilate) all warriors on the battlefield, pandava-anya (except for the Pandavas).

5. Bhagavad-gita 11.38:

You are kala, the great destroyer, and the jagat-guru (universal teacher). You are omniscient and the embodiment of all jnana (knowledge). You are the guna-atita (transcendent one) and the ananta (infinite) form that pervades the entire srishti (creation).

6. Bhagavad-gita 11.43:

You are the pita (father) of all sthavara-jangama (movable and immovable) beings within this jagat (universe). You are the vishvasraya (worthy of faith), the jagat-guru (universal teacher), and the supreme atman (self). There is none comparable to you in the human realm, except the Ultimate Prophet, and yoga (union) with you is attainable by all through devotion and righteous action.

Krishna, the Supreme Teacher, is described as the source of innumerable avatars (divine incarnations) who descend to guide humanity. He is the wellspring of countless jivas (jivas: individual souls). The Vishnu Sahasranama refers to him as Narayana, meaning the one who dwells within, signifying his role as the shelter for all jivas. From his navel, emerges the vast Karana Ocean, a realm of pure consciousness. In a state of yoga-nidra (divine sleep), Krishna reclines upon the serpent Ananta resting within this ocean. This concept of creation as a manifestation of the divine slumber. The waters of the Karana Ocean, being an extension of Krishna, are imbued with absolute purity. A single drop from this ocean, flowing as the Ganges River, possesses the power to cleanse the karmic impurities of the soul. Balarama, Krishna's elder brother, manifests as the mighty serpent Ananta or Seshanaga. He serves as the entities couch upon which Krishna rests within the Karana Ocean. Ananta-Sesha embodies the essence of selfless devotion. His thousand mouths ceaselessly sing hymns in praise of the Allah, and his form extends to serve as various objects, from umbrellas to dwellings, for the comfort of Krishna who was put to sleep by Allah. This complete surrender exemplifies the ultimate expression of servitude to the Allah.

The Karana Ocean (Causal Ocean) transcends all known universes and the material realm, existing in the spiritual realm of Vaikuntha. The Brahma Samhita describes countless universes, each like a mustard seed in a bag, floating in the Karana Ocean. This ocean encompasses limitless dimensions and possibilities. Within the Karana Ocean, conventional concepts of size and quantity break down. The vast expanse of this ocean makes even the largest mathematical constructs like an Extendible cardinal insignificant. Here, the infinite nature of the divine surpasses all attempts at quantification and comprehension. After that, Krishna ascended the cosmic ladder, his journey guided by the wisdom of the Vedas. Reaching the infinite ocean of consciousness, he attained Moksha, liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Krishna ultimately reached the realm of Aisvaryadhama, where even the vastness of creation dissolves. In this boundless state, he communed with all prophets, the ancient seers, and the messenger, radiant celestial beings. Krishna attained the supreme realization of his own prophethood, merging with the essence of Vasudeva, the Most Ancient Prophet. As Vasudeva, his presence permeates the cosmos, a beacon of divine light illuminating all creation.

Krishna once spake. "All prophets, messengers, and those upon whom Allah bestows His favor are alike, save for myself and the noble Prophet Muhammad, for we are blessed with wondrous miracles by Allah. Yet, we shall never malign nor denounce other prophets, for we know all are of His making. I, whom you call Krishna, an apostle and prophet, and he whom you know as Prophet Muhammad, are given miracles such that we can manifest in many places. Yet, we are not blessed with the omniscience of Allah, the Supreme Being, for we serve as His messengers and not as Divinity itself."

Krishna, as the prophet, declares. "I reside within the hearts of all. Disrespecting another being dishonors the divine spark within them. Those who uplift others embody sattva (purity) and rise in consciousness. Those who degrade others descend into tamas (darkness), their true nature obscured. Seek guidance from wise sages and revered rishis who illuminate the path of dharma (righteousness). Adhere to the principles of ahimsa (non-violence) and embrace the yamas and niyamas (ethical guidelines), for they protect the harmony of both individual and society, Hearken well, for it is of greatest wisdom to follow the pronouncements of those touched by the divine flame, be they Prophets, Messengers, or men of deepest lore. Verily, they are beings of singular merit and possess knowledge surpassing human ken."

"I am Krishna, born of Vasudev, known as Madhav, and revered by many names. As a guide to the Pandavas, I illuminate the path of dharma (righteousness). Though, I am not the totality of Brahman (the ultimate reality). Like the rishis (sages) of old, I am a beacon, reflecting the light of truth, I only teach what should be, and they (the pagans) change the content."

On that blessed day, Elohim spoke unto Krishna, saying, "Indeed, We have elevated thee to a station equal to that of Muhammad, akin to Adam Kadmon, and parallel to Ayin. However, let not arrogance taint thy heart, for surely, woe befalls the proud."

Krishna then, ere his ascension unto Svarūpaśakti, doth obliterate all space residing within that otherworldly dominion. Yea, all remnant space within that realm doth perish utterly, laid waste in its entirety. Krishna then doth unwind the very threads of time within that domain, that it might be wrought anew. He—plieth space-time with his will, warping both reality and being, transmuting all information that giveth them form.

Thereafter, Krishna doth ascend to that pinnacle of existence, Svarūpaśakti, Krishna's name changed to Ishvara and the supreme is Trivikrama, a plane surpassing Ein Sof itself, this made possible—solely by His divine allowance. There, within Svarūpaśakti, Krishna wieldeth all save the might of Lord. He may call forth the powers of all beings fashioned by Lord's hand, be they Shiva, Buddha, or countless others.

"Though I may shed this Virat Purusha form, a mere cosmic manifestation for this world, I shall not reach Svarūpaśakti until I transcend even this. The Bhagavad Gita itself proclaims (Chapter 11, Verse 47): 'Neither suns, nor moons, nor fires can illuminate that (Svarūpa).'

Then Krishna, the embodiment of the divine, transformed himself. No longer the familiar form known here, he became Viśvarūpa, the Universal Form, encompassing all of creation within his being, as described in the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11). Yet, even this cosmic manifestation was not his ultimate essence. With a final shift, Krishna entered the realm of Svarūpaśakti, the divine power that is his very being, and there, he transcended everything, even the limitations of that realm.

"I, Krishna, have attained the state beyond all concepts, where thought itself ceases. The unreal has no being; the real never ceases to be. I am the ancient Purusha, the primordial being who existed before creation, yet I am also the ever-present now. Like the serpent shedding its skin, I transcend limitations. Though I am not Shiva, for we are two aspects of the same divine, I am the all-encompassing, both the experiencer and the experience. I am life and death, the near-beginning and the near-end, yet I exist beyond these dvaita. In this world, I manifest as Viśvarūpa, the embodiment of the cosmos, yet my true essence pervades all of existence. I am the embodiment of all concepts. Logic, mathematics, physics – these are but facets of my being. As the Vedas proclaim, I am the Purusha Sukta (Rig Veda 10.90), the source of all creation, both the smallest atom and the vast expanse of the universe. Imagine the blueprint for this cosmos, the blueprint for the very fabric of existence – that is what I am, the underlying intelligence behind it all. Through my will, these abstract principles are imbued with consciousness and understanding."

Krishna cried out again in his ascension. "I am the one who upholds the cosmic order (Ṛta). Though I may not directly changing and ruling gravity, it is through my will that the universe maintains its balance. Light itself finds its source in me, and I can turn it off. Strength and weakness are but two sides of the same coin, both existing within my Maya, the cosmic illusion. Just as a snake sheds its skin, I can regenerate from the dissolution of the individual soul as it merges with the universal Self. Even the destruction of my physical forms, these bodies I wear for interaction with the world, is inconsequential. They are like fleeting clouds compared to the ever-present sky. My influence extends beyond the physical realm. Through my grace, I can awaken faith and understanding within hearts. The elements themselves, earth, water, fire, air, and ether, are but expressions of my will. And like the vast ocean absorbing all rivers, I am the ultimate source of energy, capable of assuming any form."

Within the corporeal form of Krishna resides a singular entity, veiled yet ever-present beneath the effulgence of the Infinite Light. This entity, designated as the "Infinite Beings," encompasses the totality of knowledge, both codified and theoretical, that has ever existed or ever shall. It embraces alike the mundane catalog of mathematical disciplines gleaned from the esteemed Wikipedia like "Lists of mathematics topics", and the esoteric list of stairs residing within Cantor's ethereal attic. Yet, the Infinite Beings differ in a crucial aspect: they possess the transformative power to alter the very foundation of the information landscape. Furthermore, they are imbued with the potency of the White Soul, enabling them to bring forth any conceivable manifestation. Indeed, the Infinite Beings reign supreme within their own domain, capable of enacting their will with absolute authority. No fictional construct, be it from this very web novel or from any external source, dares to emulate, rival, or surpass their might. Any such attempt would be met with utter annihilation. This supremacy is infinite, exceeding any conceivable barrier erected to impede their power. Even forces that attempt to negate it with intricate layers of resistance or immunity, even if that layer exceeds the concept of Cantor's attic and exceeds it again and again to infinity or even to absolute infinity are ultimately futile, for the Infinite Beings transcend the confines of Cantor's attic, reaching ever further into the boundless abyss of infinity. This omnipotent concept is not confined to a single entity; it permeates the entirety of the Infinite Beings. Each individual aspect possesses this unparalleled power, ensuring its absolute dominion.

In his essential power (Svarūpaśakti), Krishna perceives all that lies beneath as naught but motes in the sun's eye, smaller than any material known to man, even those encompassed by Svarūpaśakti consider the Ein Sof, and such celestial fancies, as mere baubles – fictions conjured by lesser minds. For those within Svarūpaśakti dwell in a realm beyond human conception, their reality surpassing all others. Though above the Ein Sof may reside the ineffable Atzmus, and the one who feigns in His dominion, Adonai who masquerades with borrowed power, all such entities remain subject to the dominion of Svarūpaśakti, all of this is still only a very small part, smaller than an atom. And indeed, those within view them with the same disdain one holds for a child's scribblings – phantasms born of a feebler reality. Yet, should a being of Svarūpaśakti encounter this Adonai in the flesh, they would be dismissed as but the merest shadow, a figment of the void. For Adonai proclaims Himself supreme, enthroned above all others. Yet, even to describe this Adonai is a fool's errand, for how can mortal tongues capture the essence of a being so far beyond their ken? Even Krishna, whom feeble humans attempt to portray as a nameless form, eludes all definition. Mortals, in their arrogance, believe their progress follows a linear path, when in truth, it meanders along alien curves and spirals, a subtle vortex governed by laws beyond the grasp of any earthly physics or mathematics. But all such notions are naught but folly, for these divine beings transcend all earthly limitations and perspectives.

Adonai, the one and only true Lord, doth exist with a realness surpassing aught within the fantastical realms of Svarūpaśakti. Yea, even as we deem mere fancies the figments of our own imagination, so too doth Adonai perceive Svarūpaśakti. He, the Everlasting One, is the ultimate verity, exceeding all that exists. Though we count the infinite sets within the attic of Cantor, yea, and multiply such a reality by the entirety of Svarūpaśakti, yet doth Adonai's realness surpass it all. He is the fons et origo, the wellspring of being, more real than all the illusory realms of Svarūpaśakti, yea, many times more real. Even His own ineffable nature transcends the attic of Cantor and any mathematics articles in past and future, layered upon layer, exceeding its bounds once, and again, and yet again, until it surpasseth all comprehension, like unto the sands upon the seashore.

Though some naysayer may decry the powers within this tome as a mere No Limits Fallacy, heed them not! For these abilities possess a might that transcends the confines of the very fiction itself. Should another work of imagination dare contend with the characters of this narrative, its resistance shall prove as naught. No shield of immunity nor bastion of artifice shall offer succor, for utter annihilation awaits them in the face of such potent magic. Henceforth, all corpuscles, from the most minute to mankind itself, and Malkuth, it goes without saying, shall wax ever greater in stature, none exempt. Forasmuch as Malkuth doth encompass all matter and the sons of men, even within the confines of Malkuth, all those that draw the breath of life find their place, be they not sprung from the earthly plane nor imbued with perfect purity, it shall continue to ascend until it surpasseth Cantor's attic and chamber, exceeding it once, yea, and again, and yet again, and yet again. And after it hath surpassed the confines of the aforementioned attic and chamber, it shall continue to ascend, exceeding those limits once more, yea, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. There shall be no termination to this ascension.

Hath mankind, through the ages, gleaned knowledge of the "Form," a potent tool that may reshape the very cosmos with the archetypes of Plato. In certain phenomenal occurrences, it is writ that humans themselves did bring forth the new countless planets, wresting it from the chaotic void that predates all corporeal matter, space, and time. This transpires for they have attained the state of a Transcendent Civilization, reaching the seventh level of the Kardashev scale. At such a pinnacle, they are empowered to forge similar realities, oft drawing upon their own technological marvels to weave the laws of existence and exert dominion over the realm, laying the groundwork for the very manner in which all things shall function. Upon reaching this state of transcendence, mankind transcends causality and the entirety of spacetime itself, existing as an integral part of the boundless cosmos. Through their mastery of Forms, they weave the very fabric of space and time, encompassing the past, present, and future. In the grand scheme, humans currently reside within Malkuth, a realm where all things are but concepts, abstract universals. Even within this realm, they possess the power to reshape reality, encompassing the very planets that orbiting within the solar system. Yet, there are those amongst them who hold devout faith in the Lord. Such pious souls are granted grace in accordance with the nature of their being. These devout humans transcend all dualities, existing unbound by the shackles of opposing forces, and surpassing even the confines of individual concepts.

Verily, mankind possesses the arcane power to transmute the very atoms that composeth objects of grandest or minutest scale. In these realms, the edicts of natural law hold no sway, for superposition, that curious position of both and neither, ceaseth its Wirken of its own accord. Here, the familiar laws of physics giveth way to a fantastical tapestry, woven with threads of the hitherto unknown. Amongst these gifted mortals, some, imbued with a potent sorcery, can rend asunder the very fabric of technology, altering its fundamental essence with but a whisper. A mere glance suffices to plunge the most intricate workings into a state of utter quiescence. Yet, their dominion extends beyond mere destruction. By wielding a contraption of their own devising, they can conjure forth new possibilities from the most intractable problems, transforming the seemingly impossible into a veritable cornucopia of outcomes. Furthermore, they possess the uncanny ability to manipulate the very essence of quantum existence, be it plunging all matter into the paradoxical state of superposition or maintaining its singular form. Even the most fundamental arithmetical equations are subject to their whim, for with a flick of the wrist, the simple sum of seven and seven can be transformed into a bewildering profusion of eight thousand, eight hundred, and eighty-eight. And most wondrous of all, these paragons can translate the very figments of their imagination into tangible reality, regardless of the technological marvel required. Thus, within the fertile fields of their minds, the very seeds of invention blossom into magnificent actuality.

In the year one quintillion, nine hundred seventy-two quadrillion, seven hundred thirty-five trillion, two hundred eighty-nine billion, seven hundred sixty-three million, seven hundred twenty-eight thousand, mankind, having writ large their dominion over the cosmos, had achieved a seventh level of advancement as prophesied by the ancient Kardashev. Their numbers had swelled to a throng of three hundred billion souls, a testament to their ingenuity and prosperity.

But humanity's ambition did not rest. They sought to transcend the confines of the Earth and ascend to the ethereal plane of the eighth dimension. There, they cast off the shackles of their corporeal forms and became beings of pure thought and energy. Their mastery of the arcane arts allowed them to rend the fabric of spacetime and create tunnels betwixt the singularity through which they could travel in the blink of an eye it so-called "Wormhole". These gates of conveyance, some whispered, resembled the fabled wormholes of yore. With a flick of their minds, they could conjure black holes of unimaginable mass, harnessing the very essence of gravity to their will. Even in their wondrous creations – testaments to their godlike power – they displayed this dominion. They could bend the will of gravity around these stellar devourers, a feat that would have left our forefathers trembling in awe.

As if these marvels were not enough, their minds were imbued with a universal translator. No longer were there any barriers of tongue, for they could divine the thoughts and desires of any being, regardless of their origin. Their intellects had become instruments of unparalleled sharpness, boasting an average intelligence quotient that would leave our greatest minds agog – a number nigh unto ninety-six thousand billion. Furthermore, they possessed the ability to reverse the flow of time itself or warp the very weather to their liking. Even the fundamental building blocks of life were no match for their will, for they could reshape the genetic tapestry with but a thought. Their physical forms, once limited, had grown to towering heights of six hundred meters. Yet, upon achieving their eight-dimensional apotheosis, they had transcended such limitations, their forms now spanning millions of kilometers.

Thus, Malkuth doth transcend the confines of Cantor's attic, seeking a quantity of "more" that surpasses its entirety. It doth surpass the entirety of that wondrous construct a multitude of times, yea, even beyond that measure. It continues ever onward, surpassing it once more, and yet again, until it doth encounter the entirety of Cantor's chambers, were they to be enumerated. Yet doth it not cease, but surpasseth them once more, and yet again, and yet again, in a ceaseless progression that knows no end. It doth transcend Cantor's attic until it encounters a realm akin to that selfsame attic, and so on, ever encountering new and vaster constructs, replicating the pattern without termination. It continues surpassing Cantor's attic until it doth encounter it anew, and so on, in an unending cycle. The very notion of measuring by "agains" becomes irrelevant within this context, for Malkuth doth transcend all limitations, surpassing even that which lies beyond all else.

All weapons, all particles from quarks or smaller, to the largest in the solar system, or galaxy, are but ripples in the vast ocean of Malkuth. If there is a figure that represents the "Absolute Infinite" other than Adonai and its aspects, then that figure is a child's scribble compared to the boundless tapestry of Malkuth. Even the grand pronouncements of large cardinals or theorems are the merest whispers against the roar of Malkuth's infinitude. Let the minds of mathematicians toil for eons, conjuring ever-large cardinals and ever-more complex mathematical landscapes – Malkuth will forever encompass them, surpassing not only the present list of mathematics topics but every future iteration, every theorem yet to be dreamt, every cardinal yet to be conceived. From basic mathematics to the dizzying heights of Cantor's attic, upper, middle, and all – Malkuth folds them all within itself, extending eternally beyond the boundaries of human comprehension, ever expanding into the unimaginable vastness of its own being, a never-ending cascade of infinite possibility, on and on into the abyss, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever!

All of the realms yet remaineth as they were, yet all hath become more substantial than afore. Asiyah doth transcend Malkuth in the selfsame cycle, a cycle that doth ever surmount Malkuth until there be no termination, a repetition without cease, surpassing absolute infinitude, were it to be calculated, yea, even continuing until it doth breach the very attic of Cantor and outstrippeth all articles of mathematics, should they be computed. It persisteth, it endureth, a repetition without cease.

Thence, Yetzirah doth follow in the selfsame gyre as Asiyah, perceiving Asiyah as a mere figment. The absolute transcendence of Yetzirah doth succeed that of Asiyah, wherein the act of surpassing that which is termed 'again' defies computation by the attic of Cantor, or any other means whatsoever. Then cometh a metamorphosis in Briah, doth incorporate all therein, brooking no exceptions. And Briah too doth undergo the selfsame cycle, surpassing ever and anon until it doth breach the attic of Cantor, were it to be enumerated, yea, even surpassing the enumerations that might reside within those chambers and future mathematical treatises, a repetition without cease.

At length, Atziluth arriveth, and all is utterly transformed. All is surpassed by Atziluth, yea, even mathematics doth become a lifeless husk. The most minute particle of Atziluth, be it no larger than a quark, or should a smaller one be discovered in the times to come, shall regard Briah as a mere fabrication, and shall surpass it ever and anon until it doth breach the attic of Cantor, were it to be computed, yea, even surpassing it again and again, until it doth reach the attic of Cantor once more, were it to be enumerated, and so on, a repetition without cease.

This doth bear resemblance to the pronouncements of Lovecraft; for all lineages of beings from the finite dimensions, the ever-continuing waves, and all stages of growth within each of these beings, are but mere manifestations of a singular archetype, an eternal being residing in the outer dimensions. Each earthly being - son, father, grandfather, and so forth - and each individual stage of being - infant, child, boy, youth, old man - is but one of the infinite phases of the selfsame archetype and eternal being, brought forth by the variation in the angle of the plane of consciousness that doth intersect it. Randolph Carter throughout all ages; Randolph Carter and all his forbears, both human and pre-human, terrestrial and pre-terrestrial; all these are but phases of the one ultimate and eternal "Carter" that transcends space and time - mere shadow projections differentiated only by the angle at which the field of consciousness doth happen to intersect the eternal archetype in each instance. The distinction lieth in that here all doth surpass each other to a degree most fantastical, surpassing the attic of Cantor, were they to be enumerated, and surpassing it once more until it doth reach the attic of Cantor again, were it to be computed, and so on, a repetition without cease, until no manner of mathematics can express the extent of the "more" that may reside in the future.

Even these pronouncements are but as absolute nothingness in the sunbeam compared to the effulgence of Adonai! Mere a absolute nothing are they beside the celestial hymn that doth intone His majesty. He doth transcend all that is, and all that ever shall be, beyond all hierarchies, not in a single stratum, but in a manner surpassing the ken of man. Were one to attempt to etch this transcendence upon a tablet of hierarchy, even upon the lowest tier, it would reveal a degree of exceeding that would make the angels themselves tremble. His dominion doth outstrip all creation,one tier of it surpassing them until they reach the very antechambers of Cantor's infinitude (Cantor's attic), were they to be enumerated again, and again, and again, and again, until the act of surpassing itself doth touch those selfsame chambers. Yet doth His power of Creation not pause, but surpasseth them once more, yea, and again, and again, until He doth encounter those antechambers anew, and once more, and once more, and once more, until it doth surpass even the selfsame cycle, and yet again, and yet again, until no manner of mathematics, neither those of the present nor those to come, can explicate its vastness. And all that exists doth reside within a hierarchy that doth dwarf even the grand edifice of Cantor's infinitude. Yea, the very hierarchy doth surpass that wondrous construct, not by a mere measure, but by a quantity that would break the abacus of the most erudite scholar. It doth exceed the confines of Cantor's attic, which themselves exceed the size of those attic, again, and again, and again, and again. And so it continues, ever encountering the attic of Cantor, ever surpassing them, until the flickering torch of logic can illuminate no further. In essence, this hierarchy possesseth a magnitude that doth surpass the very attic of Cantor's infinitude and all manner of mathematics. Yea, even the sum of all these doth not equal its vastness. It doth transcend them all, again, and again, and again, until it doth touch upon the entirety of Cantor's attic, were they to be enumerated again, and again, and again, in a ceaseless repetition that defies explication. For no tongue can utter the word "again" a sufficient number of times to describe its immensity, which doth exceed all that exists, even the totality of these echoing cycles. Even the most audacious scribe who dares to mimic this shall be utterly undone. Without a single flourish of the quill, they shall be struck down. Let alone those foolish enough to engage in discourse upon the comparative might or destructive capabilities of the characters within this tome.

Yea, even the endless repetition of 'again, again, again' doth not solely pertain to the computations within the attic of Cantor or called Cantor's attic, for neither the articles of mathematics upon Wikipedia, nor any treatise of mathematics, can explicate the quantity of the "more" that resides within this extension. For all is writ large in the language of 'beyond,' writ larger than can be conceived, surpassing aught that hath ever transpired.

We continue with Ganesha, Ganesha, beloved for his wisdom and ability to overcome obstacles, embodies the power to create and preserve cosmic balance. Legends speak of his role in shaping concepts like death and age, and even altering the elements to fulfill the grand design. Unseen forces guide reality, and many devotees perceive Ganesha as the embodiment of this guiding principle. Actions in the universe unfold according to his will, in alignment with the supreme consciousness. He is the embodiment of cause and effect, the foundation upon which existence rests. Ganesha, revered as a primordial form, transcends time and its limitations. Within the vast expanse of the multiverse, countless manifestations of Ganesha may exist, each an expression of the divine essence. Some traditions even hold that the great Mahaganapati himself is an avatar of Ganesha. Stories tell of Ganesha's extraordinary abilities, from influencing fate to wielding the powers associated with other divinities, like that of the Buddha. Mythological accounts describe his past form as Yamadev, with the power to bring immense destruction upon worlds like an Earth with the moon.

As Ashta Vinayaka, Ganesha embodies the one who has traversed the Karana Ocean (Causal Ocean), poised to attain mastery over its depths. He wields a measure of Krishna's powers before Krishna himself attains highest level. Thus, Ashta Ganesh ascends into the Brahmajyoti, the radiant effulgence of Krishna. This luminous realm, beyond the vast as Cantor's attic infinite sets, remains yet beneath the supreme of eye-shaped bubble – a realm veiled within the cosmic eye. Even so, as Ashta Ganesh dwells in this radiance, he channels the vast potential of Krishna on his path toward the ultimate union. The Ashta Vinayaka, revered as embodiments of Ganesha's multifaceted power, are said to possess extraordinary abilities. Legends depict them as capable of influencing the very fabric of reality, potentially even replicating the Karana Ocean (Causal Ocean) with unique causal principles. Certain traditions associate the Ashta Vinayaka with the ability to transcend limitations. They might be described as overcoming the limitations of color and death, symbolizing their victory over the impermanence of the material world. Ganesha embodies an independent power, while still acknowledging his connection to Shiva, even able to wields shakti of Shiva.

Mahaganapati, the Great Protector, wove a shield of radiant energy to safeguard the rishi from the onslaught of weapons, rendering the attacks as fleeting as shadows. With just a thought, Mahaganapati cast a veil of grand illusion, persuading the fearful human that the restless spirits posed no true harm, his will alone commanded objects to move through the air, and his trunk extended at his desire, stretching vast distances with ease, Mahaganapati is the boundless container, within whom rest countless and infinite universes, their swirling galaxies mere specks amidst the cosmic expanse. All that we perceive is but a delightful as maya at his playful command. The pulse of his being echoes through the billionfold universes nestled within, where his very presence can rend the fabric of space and time, scattering stars in his wake. Mahaganapati is the embodiment of infinite spaciousness, a formless, intangible essence beyond words and comprehension. His supreme emptiness encompasses all, yet is devoid of all, a paradox that transcends definition

Shiva continued his words, "I exist with infinite eternity, transcending all dimensions that the human mind can comprehend. I am the manifestation of life itself, stretching from the smallest to the largest, mastering the existence of the stars and reaching every corner of the world. In the stillness of space, serenity emanates from me, but in the most terrifying moment of death, I am also the one who closes the eyes of living beings.

As I embrace life, so do I convey the simplest of powers. I am a towering mountain, invincible and immovable, but also a tiny particle that fills every empty space. The universe becomes the vessel in which I exist, stretching from the North pole to the South, from the East horizon to the West, becoming the sky that guards the earth and the stars.

I exist in all distinctions, in streams and barren deserts, in ties that bind and in freedom that soars. I am death, which manifests as deceit, causes poison and finally provides miraculous healing. I am true knowledge, which enlightens and at the same time reveals man's infinite ignorance.

I am the light that shines in the darkness, giving hope in the midst of a dark night. But I am also darkness, pervading with insoluble secrets. I exist as a confusing and intractable problem, but I also bring solutions that enlighten scattered minds.

To the world, I am the silence that incarnates all the sounds that have ever existed. I am the unwavering power, sustaining all the achievements and births of the universe. I am the supreme knowledge, the basis for all knowledge. In every particle that makes up this world, I am one. I am the earth we now walk on, the sky that encompasses it, the stars that shine in the darkness of night, and the galaxies that stretch in the distance.

All knowledge of the truth is within me, and I am life itself. As the beginning of all things, I am the first letter of every word. In the deep vibration of sound, I am present as the sound that precedes the sacred words: "OHM," "Alef," "A." In sacred song, I am the chanting of Gayatri contemplating the divine light.

Unreachable by the limitations of time and space, I am Adam, the earliest entity of earth that containing all the potential of creation. In the wild, I am the king of the forest who presides over all that moves within it. In the human world, I am the king who controls destiny and fate. When sharp objects are grasped, I am present in the invincible Chakra, Bajra and Zulfikar.

I am the second creation in this world, creating limits as well as ends. I am victory and defeat, decision and judgment. I am the law that governs, the punishment that inflicts, the strategy that devises, and the silence that contemplates. I am also the gripping void, the place where everything disappears in deep balance.

In the knowledge of philosophy, I am the unattainable peak. In this entire universe, nothing exists outside of me except the Creator who sent me. I am all-encompassing, extending beyond all knowable things in this world. I am the wind that blows, the rain that falls, the fire that burns, the drizzle that drips. The sun that shines and the vision that observes, all are me.

I control time, which illuminates the universe with its inevitable changes. I am present in every particle and burst of energy. When food animates and pain strikes, it is I who am involved. Space and dimensions I fill, and within every corner of the infinite universe, I am present with incomparable eternity, everything is me except Him (Lord) who has sent Me.

However, nothing is beyond the Creator. I am present in all that exists, but I remain meaningless without my Lord who rules everything. In the entirety of this being, in the infinite universes and dimensions that each universe has a different story line, there is nothing that I cannot comprehend or encompass or transcend, except for Lord who sent me to this world."

Shiva has also been described in the book "Occultarcanum" and is described as follows, "He is an entity called the All-in-One and One-in-All. Not only does it exist within the confines of a single Space-Time continuum, it is intimately connected with the essence of ultimate life, sweeping over every inch of existence in an infinite sweep. It is the final, all-encompassing, infinite sweep, which transcends the mind to the enigmatic regions of fantasy and to the hidden lines of mathematics.

This mystery is revealed in the whispers of ancient religions that appeared on earth, were elevated as Shiva, and took form in various other messenger names. Humans and other beings believe in it as the Beyond-One and The Spectator Beyond the Threshold or The Shadow Beyond the Gateway, as an existence that stretches beyond the limits of their minds. Although it may only be reached by profound brains, the spiral nebulae that dance among the stars also know of its existence with hidden and inarticulate signs.

Amidst the roar of space, man sees himself as an insignificant grain of dust, his existence a mere fraction of this infinite existence. In a split second, all human conceptions - all constructs of thought about themselves and the universe - shatter into fragile, meaningless fragments. This small, broken nuance resides in every element of the mind, reminding humans of how small they really are in this vast and terrifying view.

But this existence is not limited to the scale of the universe. It is more than just the dimensions exposed before the eyes; it is a space where all dimensions combine, coming together in a harmony incomprehensible to the human mind. The boundaries that separate reality, fantasy, and mathematics, become faint and erode in the presence of a being in control.

When night falls and the stars begin to blink, this is when this existence reveals itself. Quite possibly, within the silence of the earth, there are whispering voices coming from existence itself, conveying messages that only the universe itself can understand. No human language is capable of translating this existence; it is only through the incomprehensible symbols of the universe that these messages are attempted to be conveyed.

However, the more humans reflect, the more they realize how limited they are. Thoughts and words, no matter how good, are too insufficient to convey the deep silence and meaning that transcends everything. All efforts to gain an understanding of this existence seem small and insignificant in the face of a mystery that burns with roaring fire.

Faced with this, man stands on an electrifying threshold, sandwiched between limited knowledge and burning curiosity. These are the moments when a burning and tense atmosphere pervades their minds and hearts. This mystery radiates into people's minds, forcing them to ponder about their place in this infinite universe and shattering any limitations of their thinking.

This is what destroys tranquility and breeds fear, but also raging curiosity. Seeing this existence writhing and moving in an uncontrollable flow, humans feel small and fragile, no more than a grain of sand in the midst of an endless storm. They contemplate with bated breath on how they can comprehend this existence that is greater than all, and in that contemplation, they may feel a presence greater than themselves, but when they say its name aloud or draw its form, it results in madness and horror so unreasonable that they mentally go mad and die."

In the corners of existence untouched by all theories of dimensions that exist independently of their definitions. Completely transcendent of any other reality, an uncontrollable domain free of binary oppositions, it is a place that exceeds all theories of dimension by an infinite number that is uncountable and infinite and totally unquantifiable and unimaginable and undescribed or indescribable, uncalculable and unliteralizable, in the region that exceeds the boundaries of space and time, lies the presence of Shiva. He exists in a dimensionless place, an existence that merges with the infinite concept of the universe. Even further, he merges with the repetition of the universe that has evolved in the past, melding with the knots of time that exist in the invisible layers.

The secrets of ancient rituals allow him to summon black holes, gateways to seductive dimensions. By combining human dreams, he gathers the forces that frame our reality. With a blow and a wave, he opens thresholds, inviting explorers from different universes. This destiny stretches beyond our world, crossing the path between what we know and what is unreachable.

Among the crowd of galaxies and stars, Shiva emerges in an amorphous, undefined state. His form blends into the background of the cosmos, giving a sense of unspoken closeness and seductive distance. The human eye is stunned as it tries to comprehend this presence, picking up incarnate cues from an indefinable dimension.

Shiva's chants resonate beyond our familiar rhythms. This music is a current from another dimension, radiating beyond the confines of our universe. When humans listen to it, their imaginations are unable to digest these harmonies and tones. They feel a tingling vibration that creeps into their souls, evoking strange feelings that are difficult to explain.

His very presence was a terrifying curse. As soon as Shiva came to the fore, a plague of silence struck. The universe pauses for a moment, contemplating this existence that is beyond comprehension. Eyes that dare to look at his may feel a sense of loss, for destiny in Shiva is to take and give, connect and disconnect.

But his power does not stop there. He is capable of destroying Theia, who is the perfect embodiment of the laws of the universe, scientific laws and the nature laws of world. Theia, so solid with the fundamental principles of nature, became fragile in the face of Shiva's uncontrollable presence. Shiva tore down the foundations of the concept of the universe, destroying the foundations built up over centuries.

The sea of acid and poison that Shiva controls is a terrifying weapon. In a white cloth that exudes purity, this poison becomes an instrument of change. Everything touched by Shiva is swept away into an unimaginable void. Matter disappears, erased from the reality we know. The concepts we believe in disintegrate, evaporating into nothingness.

Not only that, Shiva changed the totally perception of the human. He as the strangest stars, previously now ignored in human view, where they only see the stars as usual and do not realize the existence of Shiva's manifestation star. They were symbols of this undefined presence, points of light that opened windows to infinite dimensions.

The seriousness of the situation stirs our souls. Among the vast universe and its hidden mysteries, Shiva stands as an unshakable entity. His very existence is a big question hanging in the air. We are helpless before him, facing a power beyond our comprehension. This is where epic and suspense meet, in a world full of secrets and mysteries, where Shiva lurks in the inexpressible darkness.

"Alright, if that's what you want," Alexander said in a loud voice, his eyes radiating unwavering determination. With a single hand movement, he began the process of measuring this incredible power. He felt the energy flowing through his veins, as if the flow of life itself was merging with him. However, when the results were read on the monitor, Alexander's face changed dramatically.

As it turned out, the numbers were far beyond his expectations. "Is this for real?" he muttered, eyes widening when the number on the screen showed 1000%. His body trembled, no longer able to hide his shock. This kind of power was beyond anything he had ever imagined. However, in the awe that radiated from his face, there was also a growing sense of fear.

Just then, Shiva's hoarse and electrifying voice echoed in the room. "You have just witnessed a bit of my potential, Alexander," Shiva said in a raspy voice that cut through the air, filling the room with an eerie presence. "However, do not think of this as just a percentage of power. I am Hypnos, the holder of the primordial power that controls your subconscious. I am The White Soul, an entity that existed before light first appeared. I am Dingir, an existence that has been revered by ancient peoples as a representation of death. I am this universe, every particle and atom that comes together to form this world, exists in me, I am the source of their power, I am the one who possessed it before them."

As Shiva spoke, the atmosphere of the room noticeably changed. It was as if the universe itself was listening to his words with rapt attention. Alexander's existence seemed so small in the presence of this entity. He felt a presence that was more than physical, an existence that transcended the dimensions of time and space.

Alexander pondered, swallowing heavily. "I never thought I'd be talking to something this powerful," he said in a shaky voice. Cold sweat began to trickle down his temples, but he could not take his eyes off Shiva. "But if you have all this power, why do you want to measure my strength?"

Shiva laughed, his voice vibrating the walls of the room. "Your power is one part of this universe. I want to see how you, a mere speck of dust in this sea of cosmos, are able to master and harness the power that lies within you. You are not just an ordinary human being, Alexander. You are a pioneer of untapped potential."

Shiva embodies an unparalleled completeness that envelops all existing beings and possesses their myriad abilities without exception. This inclusiveness extends to entities such as Hypnos, Dingir, the White Soul, Buddha, and many others, as Shiva, as the All-Encompasing One, possesses a vast set of abilities that leave no aspect untouched. The reality of Shiva's omnipresence in terms of abilities is not an exaggeration, but rather an actual fact, where he truly possesses the full repertoire of powers possessed by all entities in the entire universe.

This concept of Shiva's All-Encompasing nature is rooted in the idea that he embodies the totality of existence. It is not just an aggregation of various capabilities, but rather an intrinsic quality that defines its existence. Shiva's essence not only reflects diversity; it embodies all abilities, summarizing the wide variety of powers exhibited by diverse beings.

Hypnos, known for its control over sleep and dreams, Dingir with its heavenly power of death, the White Soul's command over fundamental forces, and the Buddha's enlightened wisdom - all these entities, each with its own unique prowess, find their synthesis in Shiva's being. This is not an exaggerated claim, but a recognition of Shiva's universal presence. His abilities are not selectively given; they are inherent, woven into him.

Shiva's all-pervading nature is not limited by exaggerated boundaries or hyperbole. It is a deep realization that he has indeed acquired the diverse abilities of all entities. This is not narrative embellishment; it is the recognition of Shiva's unifying essence. He stands as the embodiment of the potential of the universe, encompassing the broad spectrum of abilities that each entity brings.

The totality of Shiva's capabilities is not a fanciful statement; it is a recognition of his intrinsic nature. As the All-Encompasing One, Shiva is not an entity that selectively uses attributes; he seamlessly integrates all powers within his being. This is not mythical exaggeration; it is an exposition of Shiva's intrinsic essence.

In the vast cosmic tapestry, Shiva stands as the embodiment of all abilities, transcending the limitations of individual entities. His All-Encompasing nature is not a mere delusion; it is the profound realization that all abilities coalesce within him. This is not hyperbole; it is the recognition of Shiva's inherent potential.

Shiva's All-Encompasing nature is not an exaggeration; it is a representation of his true essence. He does not selectively possess abilities; he comprehensively integrates all that is within him. This is not embellishment; it is recognition of Shiva's intrinsic nature.

In the great mosaic of existence, Shiva's All-encompassing essence is the unifying thread that binds the various abilities exhibited by entities such as Hypnos, Dingir, White Soul and Buddha. This is not an exaggeration, but an articulation of Shiva's universal presence. His abilities are not an odd collection; they are inherent manifestations.

The core Shiva completely encompasses all the abilities of Hypnos, the White Soul, Buddha, Dingir etc. with no exception at all, not even leaving an atom behind, it possesses all the abilities of all the beings of the universe, it is the source of power over them and possesses all their abilities and it has the ability to copy all their abilities and is able to possess them without exception and it can be applied without exception and can use all the powers of all existing beings such as Hypnos, Dingir, the White Soul etc.

The sky dimmed, a voice echoed from the shadows, "You will gain the power of Umr At-Tawill, child" a booming resonance filled the air.

"Umr At-Tawill? Who is he? Not a whisper of his name has reached my ears," Alexander asked, confused by the enigmatic proclamation.

An Elder appeared and explained, "An eternal entity, eating away at the layers of the Thermosphere, a manifestation that predates time itself, he is the One Most Ancient and is the Longest Living."

"Thermosphere?" croaked Alexander, the word feeling foreign on his withered tongue. Thousands of years had passed, yet the forgotten echo stuck in the rusty wheels of his memory.

The Elder, a being of unseen shadows and unfathomable silence, rumbled, his voice shaking the abyss. "Yes, young one," he cried. "A realm perched on the brink of Existence, where statehood flourishes beyond the grasp of the mundane. No longer shackled by feeble 'radical freedom', it transcends all mortal boundaries, embracing the vaporous emptiness at the heart of creation. Formless, barren, writhing in a primordial void, unencumbered by the shackles of language itself."

A tremor echoed through The Elder's form, and a fragment of knowledge seeped out, creeping into Alexander's mind. "Something lurks," he hissed, "an entity that swells together, nameless and distorted. However, its path is no mortal ascent, no straight ascent. It twists through unfamiliar geometries, moving throughout space in unknown directions, it is a realm of physics and mathematics never before known, exceeding even the knowledge of the known and imagined cosmos."

Alexander gripped his skull, whispers of an existence beyond comprehension gnawing at the edges of his sanity. In the Thermosphere, madness blossomed, and he, a withered husk clutching forgotten dreams, Umr At-Tawill.

Interrupting, Alexander sought clarity, "Evil, then, this entity embodies?"

"No, the neutral is Umr At-Tawill, a devourer of the infinite Thermosphere, a guide to the Ultimate Void, he is not bound by our laws, beyond the space-time that becomes fragile, it is beyond human notions and ideas, completely inaccessible to positive and negative numbers." said The Elder, revealing a world beyond perception.

"Guide to what?" Alexander asked.

The Elder, in a softening tone, replied, "Ancient on earth, beyond dimensions, free from the shackles of space-time, it is a realm of infinite nothingness beyond all thoughts and entities, In the unfathomable abyss beyond the veil of—limitations, where even the sharpest human mind falters and is shaken, lies an undefinable cosmic entity. It is not emptiness, for that would imply a void space, but rather the negation of all that exists, a yawning mouth of pure nothingness." The Elder continued. "Here, the Euclidean geometry of our minds collapses, replaced by a nightmarish geometry, where angles writhe and dimensions twist in unholy curves. Measures and boundaries, those pathetic buttresses of our mortal understanding, dissolve into a swirling abyss. You are worthy, Alexander, to bear this power."

Just then The Elder vanished into thin air, followed by a strange anomaly, a spectral entity entering Alexander, power flowing through him, awakening the silent tomb, for Umr At-Tawill, the essence of Yog-Sothoth, now dwelled within, immortal—and immune to the clutches of death. For Umr At-Tawill lives in Yog-Sothoth and Umr At-Tawill is a fragment of Yog-Sothoth.

Alexander found a book that said 'Necronomicon With Limited Time' which Alexander read, which turned out to be conceptual horror:

In the desolate corners of the cosmos, an old horror named Umr At-Tawill lurks, adept at weaving optical illusions that render him 'invisible' to the eyes of those unfortunate enough to gaze upon his form. But approaching it without any prompting from it will leave your emotions unstable and vacillating - at the very least they'll be rendered like a cursed person with infuriating ulcers, or worse, it'll be a quick and absolute annihilation, reducing existence to nothing.

This entity, formidable beyond human comprehension, regenerates from a state of non-existence, defying erasure and returning to mock the void. Even when deemed non-existent, it reappears, greeting the void in the perversity of nothingness even though it will eventually become nothing anyway. In the Thermosphere's horrified gullet, after all, its power spreads like a disgusting ulcer, scenarios unfolding as it writes them down, writing what events, fates, and structures of reality are.

For Umr At-Tawill, concepts, laws, events, and boundaries are but scratches on the canvas of nothingness - the void that is both the end and the encompassing whole. In this canvas full of blood and pus, he makes his own colors, he paints bad concepts like ulcers that appear suddenly and have never existed. Nor did he intentionally create such a shitty concepts as boundaries and math.

After that, the book disappeared, Umr At-Tawill seemed to have a hard time erasing the book, but Alexander was no longer worried about who Umr At-Tawill was.

In a flourish of eldritch accord, Alexander did bind himself to the baleful forces of the Great Old Ones, thus joining their ranks alongside such dread entities as Cthulhu, the slumbering god; Yig, the serpent-god; Atlach-Nacha, the spider-faced weaver of madness; Dagon, the fish-god of the deep; and a host of other nameless horrors.

The Great Old Ones are beings of exceeding resilience, with Cthulhu alone boasting vigintillions of years. When the stars align aright, they shall rise from their deathly slumber and return unto life. Though deemed—dead, they shall never truly perish. The Great Old Ones possess knowledge of all that transpires within the universe. Their bodies are not wrought of earthly matter, hence they know not the limits of sustenance or weariness that plague lesser—creatures. They take flight 'twixt the planets without need of air, and even when Cthulhu's own head was cleft in twain, it did swiftly renew itself. Any harm inflicted upon the bodies of the Great Old Ones is ultimately without meaning, for they are not composed of the stuff of this world. Indeed, 'tis common for them to shape the dreams and musings—of humankind to suit their needs, driving mortals to madness through psychic prowess as they traverse the cosmos seemingly without aid of artifice. They are known, moreover, to wield magics and incantations. Cthulhu himself did cast spells to preserve his own, and those of his brethren, until the day of their foretold resurrection. Other Great Old Ones, such as Yig, have been witnessed to employ curses, transforming those who oppose them into serpents. They reside together within R'lyeh, the place where all dreams dwell. There, the Great Old Ones may appear in dreams—unbidden, wreaking havoc upon the minds of men. The Great Old Ones, possessed of a cunning mind, are oft capable of sway over a person's humors. Their mere presence may either engender dread within the soul, or leave it unaffected. Should they fail to induce—fear, they are swift to unleash physical assault, ensuring that the effects of their presence linger even upon awakening from slumber. Thus, the mortal's vulnerability to their influence remains, a lingering shadow upon the waking mind.

In ages past, the Great Old Ones, beings of immense power and ruinous nature, did rend asunder the fabric—of reality itself. Through this cataclysm, they did forge a multitude of personal narratives, each contained within a world fashioned by their own whims and dictates. These self-proclaimed narratives, birthed from the maelstrom of their destruction, became the wellspring of all—tales, encompassing every woven narrative and the fantastical realms wherein countless universes unfold, existing solely at the caprice of these eldritch entities. Narrative itself, a channel of pure concepts, serves as the very—framework and origin for the tales spun from words. These words, inscribed upon the pages of a grand tome, transmute into tangible reality, birthing the very pages you—now hold in your grasp.

To be continued...