Chereads / Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic / Chapter 14 - Transformers - College and Trouble

Chapter 14 - Transformers - College and Trouble

Judy, "Sam, here are the clothes and the extra pair of shoes."

Sam, "Thanks mom."

Sari was in the back, "Raphael, we have set up your room."

Raph, "Thanks ma. I will be fine."

Judy was looking at Sam, "Are you sure you got everything?"

Sam, "Yup, sure did. Aren't you guys going to be late for your flight? We already moved in everything."

Ron, "He is right Judy, ladies. We should get going."

Judy, "But... "

Sam, "Mom, we will be fine. Besides we got Bee, Jazz Cliffjumper and even Sideswipe who will check in on us every night. I will be fine not to forget this is one of the Witwicky town house."

Judy relented, "Oh alright. I will try to stop worrying though that might be hard."

Sam smiled, "Just enjoy your holiday mom, dad, I know you have been looking forward to this."

Ron, "You got that right champ. Now, listen here though. If you ever need anything just call us okay. Just because you are off to college now, does not mean you stop being our baby."

Sam, "Thanks dad but seriously I will be fine, it's not like I am alone in this house. Miles and Raph are staying with me although Miles is going to a different college and Raph to the High School across town."

Judy, "Yes, yes you are right. I can't help worrying though."

Jazz used his holoform to approach them, "Do not worry about Sam too much, Judy, Ron. I will make sure he gets home for Christmas and Easter."

Judy, "You better Mister."

Ron chuckled, "Shall we dear?"

Judy, "Let's go."

Jazz chuckled watching the three couples go though Judy ran back for one last hug much to Sams exasperation. But the young lad did not mind and hugged her back before letting her go. Sam shook his head and entered the Witwicky town house only to see Miles in the kitchen taking out ice cream while Raph turned the TV on. Sam snorted and told him not to get brain freeze or he would summon Ratchet on them. Miles' parents had said goodbye to Miles earlier before they left for the town house and despite the tears they were proud. Chatter was going through the house chirping in delight at everything he saw while Quickshot followed him around.

Jazz, "Excited for Monday?"

Miles, "Definitely."

Sam, "As excited as we can be."

Raph, "I guess so."

Jazz chuckled, "It is something new."

Miles, "What will you do while we are in classes?"

Jazz, "I will take Chatter and Quickshot with me to the warehouse Mr Burton purchased for us on the other side of the City. It is close to Raph's High School."

Raph, "Cool!"

Sam, "Do you plan on teaching them more Cybertronian?"

Jazz, "Yes, while you will be studying at college, the sparklings will learn how to read and write Cybertronian. I will be honest though, we do not have everything we need to teach them at the moment but I am hoping between all of us we can create an all round curriculum."

Miles, "You have your work cut out for you big guy."

Jazz, "It is worth it. They are worth it."

Sam, "Damn right they are."

While Sam and the boys were getting settled down, Optimus was talking to other human representatives in an online meeting. The most vocal being Galloway and Trumann about getting new weapons which Optimus flatly rejected. When asked why he brought up the latest school shooting which was a few weeks ago with a very unimpressed look on his face. It was drama that the rest of the representatives quietly enjoyed, they would never admit it but talking to Optimus most of the time felt similar to talking with an Elder Advisor who listened and treated them like equals. Also it was not like the Autobots were unwilling to share their technology, many countries across the world now were connected through the internet.

ISRO had already launched multiple satellites one for each country across the world to outer space. The Autobot scientist Preceptor had been a great help in guiding the scientist on creating a stable ship to launch the multiple satellites. There were many countries who were initially wary of the presence of advanced beings who were much larger and dangerous. However after the few successful collaboration between the two species the wariness went down a bit at least. Optimus then redirected the attention to the current situation which was the sudden attack on the international fleet getting attacked. The humans had promised the shard will be safe despite all the warnings Optimus had given them and yet many had died.

Galloway, "You need to leave planet Earth now."

The Ambassador from Nigeria spoke, "Mr Galloway. You are in no position to demand that on our behalf."

Galloway, "Well, it was his kind who killed so many humans."

The Ambassador from Vietnam spoke, "He also warned us of the danger and all of us signed a legal contract which states we will be responsible."

Another Ambassador from Bhutan spoke up, "Indeed, I believe the United States of America signed it too. Do not tell us you signed it without reading it."

Galloway started to sweat under the unimpressed stare he was receiving, "Our planet is in danger of being attacked again. I believe they are here for the Autobots."

The Russian Ambassador spoke up, "I have to correct you Mr Galloway. They are here for the planet."

Optimus blinked, "You sound so sure."

The Russian Ambassador cleared her throat, "We found out about a certain case and situation from the past."

The Lady then started to explain about Apollo mission where they discovered that Cybertronians had been visiting Earth for years now. Optimus and his soldiers were just the first active contact between the two species and then explained the findings. To say Optimus was curious was a big understatement, he was wondering if it was one of the Autobot scientist ships that they found. But it could also be a Decepticon so perhaps they should approach this with care and safety. For now however they had to worry about the stolen shard which was no longer in human care. Of course, it was not possible for the meeting to go on peacefully and some of the more hot headed ones started to fight.

Optimus vented his exhaust, 'I need a break from all this.'

Ratchet, "Optimus, everything alright?"

Optimus drawled, "Depends, do you have any pills for helm aches?"

Ratchet motioned him to sit, "The meeting went that bad."

Optimus sat down warily, "As bad as it could. I am just happy we took precautions before agreeing to hand over the shard to the humans."

Ratchet, "I can imagine. Sam as I recall was completely against giving the shard to humans. He just respected you a lot to protest against it."

Optimus, "I know. I regret not listening."

Ratchet snorted, "Let that be a lesson. Now, you are just fine. Get some rest. I believe the humans will request your help though there will be some against it."

Elita One watched him enter the command center, "Is everything alright?"

Optimus, "I think I should visit Sam."

Elita blinked, "What happened?"

Optimus, "Sam once talked about some of the missions being strange before. I wonder if he would be interested."

Elita, "Ah! You think the Witwicky library may have details on it, but forgotten with time."

Optimus, "Sam does spend a lot of time there. I could ask Cogman but he is currently on the Moon base helping Prowl."

Elita nodded, "I can take over the leadership of the base till you return."

Optimus, "Thank you old friend."

Elita, "You are welcome. Say hello to Sam, Miles, Raph, Chatter and Quickshot for me."

Blavkracer, "Me too, sir. Say hello for me too, please. I have just met them once but I really like them."

Optimus chuckled, "Of course, little one. I am sure they would be happy."

Kup, "Optimus, this is not much but the Wreckers and I put together a few toys for them."

Optimus nodded, "They will be very delighted to have them. Is that a spring runner?"

Kup nodded, "Yes, I remember the young Mechs enjoyed play with it as younglings and sparklings."

Optimus, "Indeed, I will be off now. I believe Sergeant Raj is heading out as well."

Raj nodded, "Yes sir. We will be leaving for Mumbai in twenty minutes."

Optimus nodded walking out and then transformed heading to the boarding site which was on the opposite side of the island they were currently in. Optimus hummed as he watched the humans work around like clock work through a controlled chaotic environment. After a few hours they set sail to the mainland. The subcontinent of India was a very fascinating place, from different cultures, to sights, sounds and people coming from different backgrounds. Despite the many problems India has, the country seems to thrive and was generous in hosting them.

Raj, "Sir, I will take my leave here. Happy journey!"

Optimus nodded to the soldier, "Thank you, Sergeant Raj, same to you."

Optimus, 'Well, the port is as busy as always.'

Optimus took his time to travel through the western side of Asia making sure to send heads up to the military bases. The soldiers despite their initial skeptism and wariness had become used to the Autobot presence over the months. Though Optimus suspects that the fact they could transform into fine vehicles might be the actual reason. He had noticed the looks of appreciation thrown in his and his soldier's way, especially the ones with Earth vehicle modes. It was very flattering, if he were to be honest and his fellow bots seem to enjoy it too so he was not complaining.

Far above the Earth's atmosphere, the third in command of the Decepticons, had been listening in on the meeting. He scoffed at the soft attitude Prime had towards the humans who seemed ready to tear each other down to scramble for Optimus's approval. Frag the Primes and their unquestionable ability to make others loyal to them and desire their approval. Soundwave will never trust a Prime, especially after he witnessed how Sentinel treated Lord Megatron. Speaking of his Decepticon Lord, where was he? He had been searching for his body for the past month after getting the last shard of Allspark but he found nothing.

Soundwave growled, 'Where are they hiding you?'

Laserbeak, "Carrier? I can scout them out."

Soundwave, "Perhaps we should. This is taking too long."

Laserbeak, "I think I know where to start."

Soundwave, "Witwicky."

Laserbeak nodded seeing the hologram picture of the human who was rumoured to have killed Megatron. Laserbeak did not believe it though, the human was barely a sparkling, not even a youngling. The flyer reckoned it was Autobot propaganda to break the Decepticon morale to keep them from fighting. Laserbeak took flight and headed to the Witwicky farm which had become a marked spot after Barricade's initial report. The Decepticon scout was pretty sure the Autobots had a base there too, despite it being a civilian area, after all they lived in disguise on Earth.

Arcee felt a shiver go down, 'What was that?'

Kup, "Is everything alright Arcee?"

Arcee looked at the older Mech, "I think so, Kup... I just have this strange feeling something horrible will happen. I pray I am wrong though, it has just been a few cycles since we had any semblance of peace."

Kup, "Arcee, when I took you in as a student what was the first thing I told you."

Arcee, "To always trust my instincts. It will save my spark."

Kup nodded, "Come! I also pray nothing happens but it is as the humans say, better safe than sorry."

Arcee snorted despite the feelings before, "I swear Mentor Kup, you enjoy those Earth movies a little too much."

Kup, "They have good messages in them that I find useful."

Arcee, "Of course, I don't deny it. It is just a little strange how useful those messages are to us too."

Kup chuckled, "Sometimes wisdom comes from places you least expect."

Sideswipe who returned to base saw them heading out, "Kup, Arcee, where are you guys headed?"

Arcee, "To check on the Witwicky farm. I know Ironhide and Ratchet made it the main base. But I have a bad feeling."

Sideswipe, "I am joining you, it has been a while since I saw Ironhide."

Kup, "Let's go then, young uns."

Arcee rolled her optics at the phrase from another movie but transformed and sent a message to her leader Elita One. Elita gave her the go to do what was needed to keep their family safe but to also be careful and not to get hurt. Optimus was now travelling towards the City where Sam, Miles and Raph were following further studies. It was way in the morning and he had already sent Jazz and Bumblebee, an alert about his visit which the two did not mind. They were very happy he was visiting and informed their charges about it, though it looked like Sam had expected it. When inquired why he was expecting it, Sam shrugged and said, Optimus did not exactly hide his parenting tendencies towards him, Miles, Raph, Chatter and Quickshot.

Optimus, :Primus, that child, I swear only he seems to be able to predict my movements.:

Jazz, "Come on Optimus, pretty sure you gave yourself away."

Bumblebee trilled, "You were hovering over them the last time they visited base before they moved for college."

Optimus, : ... I was not that bad with my hovering, was I?:

Jazz drawled, "I am amazed you did not bother denying it."

Optimus, :They did not seem to mind.:

Sam, "Okay, we are ready to go, Bee, Jazz. Is Cliff still on patrol?"

Bee, "He will meet up later."

Chatter, "I am very excited Oppi is visiting us."

Raph grinned, "Yeah, I am glad it is the weekend."

Quickshot, "Can you believe it has been a month since we came here?"

Miles laughed, "Time flies when you study."

Jazz, "We will see you in half an hour Optimus."

Bumblebee opened his door, "Hop in and we are off!"

Optimus, :Very well, I am at the designated building.:

Bumblebee, "Is everything alright Sam? You seem distracted."

Sam smiled, 'Oh! It is nothing much Bee. I am just worried I might be killed soon. Like hell I am saying that.'

Miles, "You have been distracted the whole week actually. Even Vince and Alice stalking you was ignored. You normally roll your eyes at them."

Sam, "Just some stray thoughts in my head, I would not worry too much."

Allspark, -Thank you for not telling them about me.-

Sam, 'You are something else, you know that?'

Allspark, -I apologize for the inconvenience.-

Sam, 'I did not mean that as a scolding. I was just pointing out this situation is not exactly feasible.'

Allspark, -I have seen your memories. I must say I find the multiverse fascinating.-

Sam, 'Yeah, this is just one of the Universe's out there. There are a lot of them though.'

Allspark, -I will stay with you till the end.-

Sam, 'Suit yourself but you know what will most likely happen right?'

Allspark, -Yes, but my choice has been made, young one.-

Sam thought back to the very first week in college, he had gone to meet the Principal and his college guide. They were happy to have him as part of their college and had shown them around the mostly empty college. It was empty because classes would start after half an hour but Sam wanted a head start and some peace before the college officially started. The first two days had been peaceful, no issues as far as he could tell and then two students had approached him. They introduced themselves as Vince and Alice and we're very awkward with their talks. Sam had to question if they were both Pretenders or they were humans before they were replaced by Pretenders.

That had been quiet the dark thought to have but Sam smiled politely and greeted them back before turning his attention to the front. But the two were not deterred and had pointedly sat behind him watching him the whole class to the point the Professor had called on them. Of course, that moment was enough to confirm they were Pretenders and not humans, because if they were paying attention, they would notice the question was not part of the subject. The Professor however had to give them points for the right answer and told them to behave in class. It did not stop there, the two followed Sam around the college making the rumour mill go wild to the point Miles who was in another college heard it.

It was also during this time that the Allspark finally spoke to him. It did not give a cryptic message, not a cryptic clue but a full sentence was spoken inside his head. For a moment Sam feared he had developed Schizophrenia but the Allspark had assured him he was fine and it had just taken up residence inside his mental realm. It turns out being a reborn soul made Sam a good enough vessel and home for the Allspark and the fact Sam did not reject them, made it easier. Sam was confused by the second part but then realized those memories he had been seeing had been for a reason. It left him feeling a little funny inside learning about the two conditions which were required to be the perfect vessel. It was a little out of left field but Sam figures he understood the reasoning in a twisted sort of way.

Bumblebee, "Sam, we are here."

Sam blinked and noticed Optimus was watching him with worry, "Oh!"

Optimus, "Is everything alright Sam?"

Sam, "Yes, everything is alright. How have you been?"

Optimus eyed him then smiled, "I have been well, Sam. If you do not wish to talk about it I will not force the subject. Just understand I am willing to listen if you wish to rant to someone."

Sam opened his mouth then closed it before speaking, "I will keep your offer in mind, Optimus. Thank you. It seems you have done nothing but listen to my rambling every single time we see each other."

Optimus chuckled holding Chatter, "I quiet enjoy listening to how other people think, Sam. It is of no big consequence."

Miles, "Sam, I hate to be that guy but you have been really spacey lately. Although you have not drawn anything."

Raph, "Yeah, I am just glad there were no accidents."

Sam, "Sorry for worrying you. There have been things in my mind, that's all."

Allspark, -You will not be alone. I will be here.-

Sam, 'We need to tell them at some point.'

Allspark, -Soon, not yet. We need my twin.-

Sam choked on his drink making Jazz alarmed, 'Twin? What do you mean exactly?'

Allspark, -The Matrix, it was created alongside me to guide Cybertronians. They are my twin.-

Sam, "Well, that's something."

Optimus, "Sam? Are you alright?"

Sam, "Yes, yes, I just was not expecting to learn about the Allspark and Matrix being twins created at the same time."

Cliffjumper, "... That makes sense."

Bumblebee, "It does?"

Cliffjumper, "I mean, they have been recorded to exist from the start. If the Allspark is there then the leader with the Matrix is also known to be right next to the Allspark. They were the original protectors, remember?"

Optimus, "True."

Bumblebee shared a look with Jazz, 'I hope things stay calm.'

Jazz sighed from the side as he settled down, "So, boss bot, what is the latest tea?"

Optimus, "Well, to begin with the shard of the Allspark which was given to the humans have gone missing."

Raph, "That took longer than I had expected."

Cliffjumper, "You were expecting it?"

Miles, "Yeah, the shard is basically a high level treasure considering everything that happened. I am more surprised it took so long really."

Sam, "We had a vet going between us."

Raph, "And Sam won, sort of."

Sam laughed, "Yeah, jokes aside you are lucky I got your back."

Optimus watched Sam move across the floor to the opposite wall, "Oh?"

Sam hummed as he opened a hidden safe which had been installed by Cogman a long time ago, "Here big guy. To even the odds. I have this strange feeling they already took Megatron back."

Allspark, -They have his spark is no longer with me.-

Optimus, "This is... A shard? How long?"

Sam, "After the human government demanded to hold on to the one you had, I found that one. I decided to hide it with a little help from Cogman. You are welcome."

Bumblebee laughed, "Never change Sam."

Jazz nodded, "That was some quick thinking there little spark."

Cliffjumper, "How did you hide it though?"

Sam grinned "The same was Sector Seven did with a specialized cement coating. It took a while to figure out the composition but we managed to do it."

Optimus purred, "Clever little one. I am impressed dear one."

Sam beamed feeling proud, "You are most welcome Dadbot."

Optimus felt his spark desire to claim him as a sparkling but knew it was impossible and comforted his very irritated Sire coding which was demanding a sparkling. Jazz pat Optimus's shoulder plate understanding his expression and Bumblebee chuckled as Sam gave the shard to Optimus. Well, he tried to but Optimus decided the shard should be in Sam's hands at the end of the day. At the curious looks, Optimus pointed out Sam was able to keep the shard safe compared to an entire army which had Sam feeling flattered and worried at the same time.

Sam, "If you are sure?"

Optimus gently pat his head marvelling at the texture of human hair, "Positive Sam. I trust you."

Sam closed the box again, "Alright! I will hold on to this."

Unknown to them, however Laserbeak had followed the Prime all the way to where the young humans were studying. Soundwave had huffed at the Prime's interest in the young humans but when the third in command realized who it really was he changed his thought process. The third in command observed the interaction and had to agree with Prime, what the young human did really was very clever. Using a thick alloy to hide the signature of the Allspark which had already dimmed because of the small size was clever. Of course, Soundwave would not let this chance escape especially with the combiners searching for Megatron.

Soundwave was still cross over the fact their plans had been thrown a few cycles off course all because of a human. When his Lord Megatron returns, Soundwave had no doubt Samuel James Witwicky will be the first target Megatron goes after. In the beginning they were unsure of who the next Leader would be, he hoped it was not the fool Starscream. Luckily for them all Primus answered their prayers and Megatron's Mentor stepped up and found a way to bring him back. It had sent a wave of relief through the army though none of them would truly admit to being nervous.

Skywarp, :Soundwave, come in, Soundwave, we have found Megatron.:

Soundwave turned to another feed to observe the situation, "Acknowledged! Proceed with the plan."

Skywarp, :Are you sure the Autobots are here including that trigger hungry Ironhide.:

Soundwave, "Do it! Megatron could use the exercise."

Skywarp, :Exercise sure, let's call it that. Do it Thundercracker.:

Thundercracker, :Here goes nothing.:

The eldest trine sibling took the shard they had and pressed it against Megatron's burned spark chamber. The same place Sam the human sparkling had pressed the Allspark to defeat him. Now do not get him wrong, Thundercracker did not like humans, they were too organic and disgusting for him to even consider getting lose to like the Autobots were doing. But even he had to admit to being impressed and flabbergasted when he heard an organic sparkling had gotten the jump on Megatron. That was the nonsense from fiction stories where a tiny creature could overpower a stronger being.

Ironhide, "Megatron!"

Megatron grunted getting up, "Where? You Autobots.... That child. Grrrr! I will kill him painfully slowly. What was it he said again?"

Thundercracker, "Lord Megatron?"

Megatron shot at Ironhide who dodge and instead Wheeljack who shrieked in pain as he fell from the shot. Ratchet cursed, he was thankful this happened during his round, Primus knew what could have happened if his femmeling had been here. Megatron got up and transformed as he jetted away to the sky with the Seekers and Decepticons following him. Soundwave looked forward to meeting Megatron with the very interesting clip he acquired from Laserbeak.

Megatron, "Soundwave, report."

Soundwave took out the clip of Optimus and Sam, "Optimus weakness: Confirmed!"

Megatron growled, "That boy. What irony! I suppose if an organic had defeated Prime I would wish to keep them too."

Starscream, "My Lord, welcome back. I am so happy you are here."

Megatron, "Enough with the pede licking Starscream. Is he here?"

Starscream, "Yes he is waiting for you in the private chambers."