Chereads / Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic / Chapter 16 - Transformers - The Allspark Has A Plan, Sort Of

Chapter 16 - Transformers - The Allspark Has A Plan, Sort Of

Sam knocked the door, "Hey, big guy, let me out. You can battle easier that way."

Optimus would scowl if he could, "It is not safe to do that Sam."

Sideswipe, :Optimus, get out of here.:

Jazz, :Sideswipe, Elita and I will deal with these clowns.:

Elita, :Go, old friend. Chromia and Arcee with me.:

Optimus, "Thank you and we will be ok. Sam stay put. I am speeding up."

Sam lay down, "Yeah, I don't think I can move even if I wanted to. My head feels dizzy out of nowhere."

Optimus, "It is a side effect of using the neural link. Rest Sam, I promise I will keep you safe."

Sam, "I trust you."

Optimus hummed but did not say anything as he drove through the forest into the highway while the battle continued behind him. When Optimus heard the Decepticons had taken Sam he had been terrified, he feared he would be too late to get Sam back from them. When he found Sam his first thought was to take him and escape but then Sam decided to show Megatron what he saw every time he went into a trance like state. What was shown in the neural link screen had made Optimus and every other Cybertronian who were watching freeze what they were doing. Optimus knew Sam was not telling them everything and he might have been hiding some details.

He had wished he could have shared that burden with the young human but had not been sure as to how. Now, he was sure he would not have been of much help to the young man who was fast asleep inside his cab, ignorant of the chaos he created. The leader of the Autobots sighed as he hurled down the road joined by Ratchet and Ironhide who flanked him. The medic was pinging him questions about Sam's health and Optimus pinged back he was fast asleep and had slight migraine before sleeping. Ratchet was worried but held back from making a fuss while out in the middle of the road and insisted on heading to one of the bases.

Optimus, "Lead the way Ironhide."

Ironhide, :Of course Prime. I am just glad Bluestreak agreed to stay with Sarah and Annabelle today.:

Optimus, "Small mercies indeed. Was there any contact with Sam's parents?"

Ratchet, :Beachcomber is with them, so they are alright. They do not know what happened yet. Beachcomber has not been informed of the details either. The bot can't keep a secret to save his life.:

Optimus was amused by that admission despite the situation, "Too true but that's Beachcomber for you."

Optimus looked back at Sam who was now starting to sweat as he curled up against his seat, pressing his forehead to the cooler part of the seat. Optimus hurried them to head to safety as fast as possible and Ratchet took out the siren he had to lead the way faster with vehicles patting like the sea. Sam was a lot of things to them, first contact, first friend, a second home after wandering around for eons through space. But more than that, he was hope for a chance at their future though Optimus wished such a burden was not placed on such young shoulders. He knew better than anyone the young boy would go out of his way to accommodate them, despite the distrust from some of his more jaded soldiers.

Optimus had told Sam he would reprimand those soldiers but Sam had requested him not to do so. Instead, he understood that there had been some trust broken between them and their ex friends who had most likely joined the other side. Sam had told him to give his soldiers and friends time to heal from the hurt, pain and betrayal instead of forcing them to blindly accept whatever was thrown to them. Will who had been with them that time had agreed with Sam's reasoning so Optimus had relented and left it alone. Just like Sam predicted his soldiers had broken down during those months one after another in grief and he and the others had watched over them. Sam had an understanding look on his face and termed it as survivor's guilt, Optimus had a feeling this was Rung's doing.

Optimus entered a hidden base after a few hours of driving and listening to his medic and weapon specialist list everyone's locations. Will and his team were on the moon base along side Prowl and his team of Wreckers learning to work together on a different terrain. The team up was actually going really well, with the Moon base actually welcoming more humans from different countries. Most of the leaders were more welcoming to the Cybertronians after that was a success, except for a few radical ones. Sometimes Optimus wondered how things would have turned out if he and his team had not met Sam first, despite being a child, his advice and reasoning about how humans would react was terrifyingly accurate.

Agent Dominick welcomed them, "Optimus Sir, Medical Officer Ratchet and Advisor Ironhide, welcome to East Base quarter 785."

Optimus, "It is a pleasure to see you again Agent Dominick. Apologies for dropping in without prior notice."

Dominick shook his head, "No apologies necessary, heard the kid was being targeted again by the enemies."

Ironhide transformed, "Understatement."

Ratchet, "Allow me to take him for check up Optimus. He was under the neural link more more than three hours. Something that even us bots do not do."

Optimus opened his door, "Very well Ratchet, do inform me when he wakes up."

Ironhide, "This time we need to make sure he does not try to sacrifice himself."

Dominick, "Excuse me? He did what? I thought that was a rumour."

Optimus transformed as well, "I am afraid it was not a rumour. The moment Sam learned about the Decepticons being in the area he went to confront them, so to speak."

Dominick, "..... Of course he did. The brat is just like his grandfather. I will have my men stationed at every entrance and exit with explicit orders to not allow the child to leave."

Ironhide snorted amused, "I would say you are being paranoid but it is Sam we are talking about. Chin up Prime, you can scold the youngling for his foolish actions after he wakes up."

Optimus grunted at the rough pat his oldest friend gave him, "Perhaps, but I am not sure anyone can actually stop him from doing what he wants."

Dominick walked away muttering, "Never mind, I am doubling the guards."

Ironhide snorted when his audio picked up the grumbling, :In all seriousness though Orion, what are we going to do about this now? Sam's little gift was broadcasted across every Cybertronian channel. Every other Mech and Femme who has lost a sparkling might start demanding Sam be handed over to them.:

Optimus, :No, that would not be good for Sam especially if the Decepticons end up getting their servos on him.:

Ironhide, :Red Alert barely managed to keep Earth channels from picking up what was happening. However even he could not stop the Cybertronian ones. They will be wanting the information in Sam's head, Primus knows most of them did not recover from the loss of the bond.:

Optimus sighed, :I know, which is why I have been trying to protect him. However, he makes it difficult sometimes.:

Ironhide, :Still can't believe he talked you into letting him go to college?:

Optimus grumbled, :We could teach him more than those Universities but he wanted the whole experience.:

Ironhide, :How about we open a University on the moon base.:

Optimus, "What?"

Ironhide, "I have been thinking about it, while the young adults have finished Academy others like Blavkracer, his twin, Tailgate and a few others in Ultra Magnus crew did not finish yet."

Optimus had a contemplative look, "I think I get what you are proposing my friend. I think they would like to finish their education and if the young humans can study along side them safe and sound then all the better."

Agent Natranj cleared her throat, "Sorry I could not help but over hear. What do you mean exactly Sir?"

Optimus looked down, "Ah! Young Natranj, we were just discussing what happened recently. We were wondering if it would be possible to open a University on one of our own bases where the young ones can study together safe and sound."

Natranj, "Could... Could our kids study in it too? University can be costly sometimes."

Ironhide, "Well, it is something we have to talk about with your leaders but yes that is the idea."

Natranj, "I will help and I am sure others will too. Where do you want to build it? I can help design the architect. I used to study before I had to drop it because of the fees."

Optimus blinked filing that away, "Any help is more than welcome Miss Natranj."

Natranj, "Please call me Tania, Sir. Do not worry I will gather a group across the base, I have no doubt there will be many interested in this too."

Optimus nodded, "Very well Tania as for where it will be located, I was thinking on the moon base. The base has become more welcoming to humans so I was thinking we could open a center there. Students could study on the moon while also learning about other planets and cultures."

Tania gaped then requested for Optimus to pause for a while as she got on the phone to call other bases and a couple of trustworthy members who were curious. Even though it was not intentional Optimus was glad to distract the attention of the humans from the current situation to something else. It was at this moment Ironhide left Optimus to talk about one of his ideas with the group who was very interested. It was not a secret that the Prime was unhappy when the kids left to study in a different country, though he hid it really well when he was with the young children. Ironhide shook his head at his Prime's over protective tendencies, Primus help his future sparkling.

Sam opened his eyes though he felt a major headache, "Ugh!"

Ratchet, "Sam, are you alright?"

Sam, "Ratchet? Did anyone get the number of the bus that hit me?"

Ratchet snorted, "Afraid not! Can you sit up?"

Sam tried but felt a sharp pain, "Nope, not possible at all."

Ratchet, "Hmm, let me lower the light brightness for you."

Sam, "Thank you. That helps."

Ratchet, "Sam, let me check."

Sam felt a cool hand on his forehead, "Is this your holoform Ratchet? Feels nice."

Ratchet chuckled, "Glad you approve now, try to open your eyes for me. Good job!"

Optimus knocked on the door, "Ratchet, you said Sam is awake."

Sam, 'Whoa! Optimus as a human is very good looking. It's like looking at a younger Peter Cullen with muscles. If only those crazy fans were here. Optimus deserves all the love in the world.'

Ratchet, "Awake and feeling the effects of the neural link. He is not going insane at least though I fear Megatron might be facing those symptoms. I thought he would have attacked by now."

Optimus paused then had a look of realization, "You... You have a point, he did not attack us. I would have thought he would try to get Sam back for revenge or worse."

Ratchet grouched, "Great, we have a crazier Megatron on our hands. Primus help us all!"

Sam, "I am sorry. Your holoform looks good Optimus."

Optimus narrowed his eyes, "And what are you apologizing for? Hmm?"

Sam winced, "Uhhh... For going to meet Knockout on my own?"

Ratchet glowered, "What else?"

Sam shrunk in on himself, "For getting kidnapped?"

Optimus, "And?"

Sam, "I am sorry for not telling anyone and going off on my own. I am sorry. Is everyone ok?"

Optimus sighed, "Worry about yourself for once boy. Honestly child, what do I do with you?"

Sam had a sheepish look, "I swear I thought it was just Knockout and Breakdown so I thought I would offer them neutrality."

Ratchet, "I... I thank you for trying to help my foolish apprentice."

Sam nodded, "What happened to their sparklings was just unfair you know? So, I just wanted to help them. The Allspark power has been building up for a while. I can feel it."

Optimus sat next to Sam, "Please explain what you mean Sam."

Sam, "I have gone through all the last memories of the sparklings and younglings and now I can hear it hum. It sounds like it is gathering energy."

Optimus, "And you offered Knockout and Breakdown an offer because?"

Sam, "I thought it would a first step to reconcile the two sides. I know that it will take years but... I guess I was thinking someone needed to take the first step it might be me."

Optimus pat his head, "Thank you for trying Sam but that was very dangerous. Do not do this alone again."

Sam sighed feeling the cool hand on his head, "I am sorry. I did not mean to make things worse. When I saw Megatron I thought if he took his anger out on me he would not hate you. I did kind of kill him before."

Optimus, :He is being very honest.:

Ratchet, :It is the medicine.:

Optimus, :Ah! That explains it. He is usually not this open.:

Sam, "Is it weird to say I am glad Megatron is alive? He is your brother after all. I really hated the fact I was the reason your sibling was dead."

Optimus, "I never blamed you, Sam. You were, actually you still are a child."

Sam, "I know but human emotions can be really illogical and many time our own minds are our cruelest critic."

Optimus, "I am starting to understand that."

Ratchet, :Are you going to to come in?:

Jazz, :Let Optimus finish first.:

Ratchet, :Sam will be asleep by then. Just come in.:

A man with dark hair and dark tanned skin entered the room, "Sam."

Sam had a doped up grin, "That voice, Jazz, that's you right?"

Jazz placed his hands on his hips, "You got it. I am so mad at you right now, sparkling. So mad, what were you thinking?"

Sam, "You have the right to feel angry, and honestly I just... Well in the beginning, I just wanted to meet Knockout and Breakdown, they are cute together. Knockout is so beautiful too."

Jazz took a deep breath, "Of course, of course, those memories."

Sam, "You overheard Dadbot and my conversation."

Optimus's eyes twinkled but his expression was stern, "Sam, I will have to go to address what happened. Do not go anywhere alone or I will have to confine you. I do not wish to do that to you so behave."

Sam, "Yes Dadbot, as you wish. Someone should tell mom and dad I got kidnapped though."

Jazz, "Beachcomber is on it. He is their guard."

Sam, "Cool! So big guy. Lay it on me. What do you want to say?"

Jazz scowled, "First of all, stop offering yourself as a punching bag, it pisses me off even more."

Sam, "Sorry, that was not my intention."

Jazz, "Second of all, why Knockout? Yes, I heard everything."

Sam, "Well, it felt right."

Jazz demanded, "Was the Allspark guiding you in this?"

Sam, "Most likely that."

Jazz sighed, "I cannot be furious at you if that is truly the case."

Sam, "What if it's not? Then what?"

Jazz deadpanned, "Either way you are grounded."

Sam, "Of course Jazz. Where are the others? Are they safe?"

Jazz, "Bee took the sparklings here where it is safe. Cliffjumper is with Raph and Miles here as well. You gave them quiet the fright though Chatter and Quickshot were not as terrified as I expected them to be."

Sam, "That's good. As long as they are okay.. It's fine."

Jazz got up and closed Sam's eyes, "Get some sleep brat. Honestly between the younglings and you I will die of a spark attack. I can already see my gravestone, Here lies Jazz. Reason for death: Spark attack caused by trouble magnet sparklings."

Sam laughed despite falling asleep and then was out like a light while Jazz watched over him like a hawk. The Saboteur sighed as he burried his face in his hands, he was being too emotional and was not sure if that was a good thing. He knew people died in war, and with Megatron back there was a high chance that Sam might be one of the ones who die considering his past with the War Lord. He has not felt this way since they lost Windblade one of the first younglings he and Prowl had adopted. Another man entered and sat beside him holding his shoulder making Jazz look up with a tired smile.

Jazz, "Hello Bee, you heard the conversation?"

Bumblebee, "I think everyone did. They were not exactly hiding the fact they were listening in."

Jazz, "Heh! Of course they were. At least Sam does not have to explain himself over and over again. I have the feeling he will not once the medicine wears off anyway."

Bumblebee, "He is more of the type to observe rather than talk, which makes me really wonder sometimes."

Jazz, "What does he really know and what he does not share?"

Bumblebee nodded, "I have a feeling once he wakes up he will not want to stay."

Jazz turned to the Spark sensitive, "Why do you say that youngling? Speak to me."

Bumblebee, "It's the Allspark energy. I have not felt it in Sam before but now, it is so very obvious and active. I do not think we could keep him here if he wanted to leave."

Allspark, "We should head to Egypt."

Sam stared at what was apparently his inner mind, "You sure?"

Allspark, "I can feel the Matrix stirring and demanding a new wielder. They have waited long enough."

Sam stared at the Cube, "You want me to go all the way to Egypt and bring the Matrix back? How? The base as Optimus insinuated is secured tight against Decepticons."

Allspark, "Against Cybertronians but not against humans. Please Sam ~"

Sam took a deep breath then released it, "I am going to regret this."

Allspark shrugged, "Well.. It won't be for long."

Sam, "We will be grounded for a long time over this."

Allspark, "Maybe?"

Sam, "We will drive them over the wall with this."

Allspark, "Possible."

Sam, "Jazz's prediction about his death might come true."

Allspark huffed, "He was being over dramatic. He will live."

Sam, "Fine but how do we do this?"

Allspark, "We can coax my Spark Sensitive."

Sam deadpanned, "I am not manipulating Bumblebee."

Allspark, "Let me do it. You need to heal from the neural link anyway."

Sam, "I find it morbidly fascinating how you have no problem taking over my body."

Allspark, "I have been inanimate for many a millennium, I would like to move around freely for a bit."

Sam sighed, "You have watched me move regularly yes? Take care of my body and please go easy on Bumblebee."

Allspark huffed, "He is a Sensitive, he knows his duties and responsibilities. Do not worry too much."

Sam watched as the Cube left, "Do not worry they say. That just makes me worry more."

Bumblebee stared as Sam sat up, "Sam?"

Allspark, "Not quite."

Bumblebee, " .... "

Allspark smiled, "Come now, my darling Sensitive, you know who I am. You know what I am. Say my name."

Bumblebee, "Allspark?"

Allspark, "Yes, do not worry. My dear host is resting at the moment."

Bumblebee, "Is he alright? I have called Ratchet. He will be here soon."

Ratchet meanwhile was cursing under his denta while working on Prowl making the Second in Command wary. Ratchet huffed in exasperation and finished Prowl's check up as quickly as he could before stomping away grumbling under his breath. The bots, femmes and humans gave way for the grumpy medic who was looking furious and watched with apprehension as he entered Sam's cubicle only to curse loudly. Both Sam and Bumblebee were missing from the base and Ratchet swore he would weld them to the wall to make them stay put. To say Optimus was upset when he learned his Scout and ward were missing was a huge understatement.

Bumblebee, "This is a bad idea. Great Allspark please reconsider."

Allspark, "Calm down! We are not that far from the base anyway. Look there it is the Smithsonian museum. Come along now, the faster we do this the better."

Bumblebee was pointedly ignoring the angry pings coming from Ratchet, "Please, hurry Ratchet will kill me for this."

Optimus, :Bumblebee, answer me Bumblebee.:

Allspark, "You should answer my darling Prime though. I did choose him for a reason."

Bumblebee, "You did? Huh! Learned something new today. Hello Optimus sir."

Optimus, :Where are you?:

Bumblebee, "The Smithsonian museum, just a few miles away from the base sir."

Optimus, :What you did was very reckless Bumblebee.:

Bumblebee, "Apologies sir, but as a Spark Sensitive I have my own responsibilities to carry out."

Optimus paused, :The Allspark, is Sam?:

Bumblebee, "According to the Allspark, Sam is resting. I think he is okay... Allspark, wait what are you doing?"

Optimus, :Bumblebee what is happening?:

Bumblebee stared, "Sir, you should get here as quickly as possible."

Allspark hummed as he looked around while Bumblebee was talking, 'Here we are, just like in Sam's memories. My darling flier, it is time to awaken from slumber.'

The jet transformed, "Behold the glory of Jetfire. I could have sworn I felt the Allspark calling me."

Jeffrey looked around and saw the tiny organic, "You.... Allspark? How are you here? Am I offline?"

Allspark turned around, "This is Sam Witwicky, my newest host."

Jeffrey, "An organic, but they do not live as long as we do. Are you sure?"

Allspark, "I would not be here if I was not, besides my other host cannot hear me nor sense me. So, a human it is."

Jetfire, "Who is the other host if I may inquire?"

Allspark, "The one I chose as my High Lord Protector. Unfortunately they cannot even feel my presence not like this human can."

Jetfire nodded, "Very well then. Ugh! My parts are rusted. I apologize for my terrible appearance."

Allspark grinned, "Hold still I can fix that."

Bumblebee wanted to protest as he could see the Decepticon logo but the Allspark was already on the move, "Optimus hurry."

Jetfire groaned on feeling his aches lessen a lot, "Much better but now I need to go in search of the Matrix. Come with me."

Allspark grinned, "Why else do you think I awakened you. The Matrix is getting very impatient, let's go."

Optimus then entered, "Bumblebee."

Ratchet hollered behind him, "SAMUEL JAMES WITWICKY!"

Allspark, "My sweet Prime and his medic. I must apologize but I have to go."

Bumblebee jumped, "Wait Allspark."

Ratchet stared as they disappeared, "I am going to turn that flier into a waste disposal."

Optimus moved a little away from his furious medic, "Understandable Ratchet. At least Bumblebee is with him."

Jazz was in disbelief, "I cannot believe this. I just got Sam to promise me he will stay put only for the Allspark to hijack his body."

Prowl, :Prime, I detected a huge surge of Energon where you are. What is happening out there?:

Optimus, "Sam or rather the Allspark found a teleporter."

Elita, :Like Skywarp?:

Optimus, "Yes, can you locate their trajectory?"

Prowl, :On it. Also I found out what went on inside Sam's room. It looks like the Allspark called on Bumblebee to fulfill his duties as a Spark Sensitive.:

Elita muttered, :Of course they did. Should we prepare?:

Optimus, "Be ready for anything."

Bumblebee stared at the sky from where he landed questioning his life choices, 'I was not expecting that.'

Jetfire was crooning beside him, "Are you alright Allspark?"

Allspark, "Oh, I am just fine my dear flyer, are you alright my Spark sensitive?"

Bumblebee sighed sitting up, "I am alright, is Sam okay?"

Allspark, "My sweet host is fine. He is fast asleep in his mind. The neural link effect should be gone in the next twenty four hours though."

Bumblebee, "I see, thank you."

Allspark, "It is the least I can do after everything he has done. From accepting my children, providing them a home and to accepting me."

Bumblebee, "Where to next?"

Jetfire, "I brought us as close as I can to the location of the Matrix. The daggers tip."

Allspark, "Egypt, I recall Sam studying about it in history before. It was fascinating."

Bumblebee was distressed, "You warped us to Egypt? The Decepticons have probably picked up on that by now. I am calling Optimus."

Allspark, "You do that. I am getting the Matrix."

Bumblebee watched the Allspark move in a nonchalant way "Primus help me. Prowl, please tell Optimus, we are in Egypt."

Prowl, :My dear youngling, you have a lot of explaining to do.:

Bumblebee deadpanned, "I blame the Allspark."

Prowl, :Of course you do. Hang in there Bumblebee. Optimus and the others are on route.:

Bumblebee sighed, "Good! I do not think the Allspark will stop, at least not till Sam wakes up. I fear the Decepticons may already know we are here."

Optimus, :Bumblebee, you keep Samuel safe. I get the feeling the flier can take care of himself.:

Bumblebee, "Got it boss!"