Chereads / Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic / Chapter 3 - Transformers - The Planet is not so simple

Chapter 3 - Transformers - The Planet is not so simple

It had been a week since Sam and Miles brought the Camaro car and the Tundra pick up mini truck. The two vehicles sat innocently in their garages making Sam wonder for how long they would act like innocent little truck and car. The brunette shook his head as he applied the last can of wax on the Camaro making him look good as new. Raph and Sam had gone through a booklet from the Banes Garage and Car Shop. Mikaela was surprised to see them but happily showed them what colours and wax were available.

Raph had gone through the different shades of yellow and black sitting next to the Camaro while Mikaela offered to check the two vehicles. Miles and Sam agreed and paid her a full amount for a full vehicle check which Mikaela was happy to take. As far as she s concerned, money was money and business was usually slow during winter, but when she opened the hood she was surprised to see new pipes and equipment. She complimented them on the quick change and went about making sure the two vehicles were working.

Sam, 'She was surprisingly a fun company to have around.'

Raph had picked a bright gold and shiny black color, it would snow soon and when it snowed, it would snow heavily. It was not a bad idea to color the car in bright colours, the Camaro would be easier to notice. Miles though joked about coloring the Tundra a bright Barbie pink color making Mikaela snort and ask if he would add a lacey ribbon too. If Sam was not aware he would have missed the Tundra inching back a little bit at the idea but not more than that. Raph though talked Miles out of it, Barbie Pink could be easily noticeable but it was very pricey to reapply.

Sam hummed, 'The Tundra relaxed but I am pretty sure Bumblebee was laughing at the poor guy.'

Sam put the wax away, "There we go. Looking good as new."

The radio came online, :Hey sexy lady ~:

Sam chuckled, "If I didn't know how old you are I would suspect you were haunted by a ghost."

The radio trilled, :No hate. Love and live life.:

Sam, "I really should get the radio checked but after the snow storm passes."

Bumblebee watched his charge, well one of them clean up the garage and enter the house after locking the garage door. His charge and his friends were a riot together and the yellow Scout could not help but like them, though he was unable to communicate. The thought of Cliffjumper in pink had left him in stitches due to suppressing his laughter. His friend had whined at him but even Cliffjumper couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

Cliffjumper, -Yo, Bee, you there?-

Bee, -I'm listening.-

Cliffjumper, -So, any clue about the glasses?-

Bee, -Nope, they have not spoken a word about the glasses and I have scanned the house. I couldn't find it. Perhaps it's hidden somewhere?-

Cliffjumper, -Possible, humans have a weird fascination with old stuff. This building called museum have stuff that's really old and broken inside.-

Bee, -Maybe they are in a safe house somewhere?-

Cliffjumper, -Should we try talking to them?-

Bee, -... I tried communicating through the radio. Samuel thought my radio is busted.-

Cliffjumper, -Ah.... And Prime ordered us not to break cover.-

Bee, -Samuel was speaking of a snow storm earlier. Maybe we should wait till this snow storm blows over?-

Cliffjumper, -A storm huh? We don't know much about this planet so, yeah. Maybe we should just to be safe.-

The two bots in disguise observed their charges for the next few, days as Sam went to pick up Raph and joined Miles. It seems there was a sense of festivity in the air as the grown ups around them went around talking about Christmas preparations. The two curious about it researched it to come up with many searches about the festival. It sounded similar to the Allspark festival Cybertron used to hold before the war, especially the gift giving and family part. Cliffjumper sorely missed his family unit especially his late Guardian who's spark was now among those in the Well of Sparks.

Human school was another point of interest for the two, while Cybertron had an Academy, it was only meant for younglings. Humans it seemed had schools for their sparklings too, if the kindergarten they pass by daily is anything to go by. Samuel had mentioned high school and college too, it seems younglings education was divided between school and high school. College was meant for almost adult humans, which was an interesting concept for Bee, after the Academy he had not pursued any other education.

If their mission stretched then Bee might be lucky enough to check out this college, sure he would have to stick with Raph. But the young human obviously adored the older one and Bee had a feeling Raph would try to visit Sam whenever he could. The parking lot for students were in front of the gates and the two bots used the long hours of waiting for the classes to end, to their advantage. They would take turns to go out, around town to patrol and send updates to their team about what they learned.

Cliffjumper, -Humans sure are lucky.-

Bee, -What makes you say that?-

Cliffjumper, -Look around you Bee, do any of them look like they are worried about a war breaking out? No they aren't, instead they get to go around have sparklings and raise a family unit.-

Bee, -Cliff, are you jealous?-

Cliffjumper, -Who wouldn't be?-

Bee contemplated the admission, -Well, we could stay here a bit? I mean, when was the last time we relaxed. Besides, it's not like we can just up and ask them about it. Have you seen how over protective the parental units are over there of them?-

Cliffjumper muttered, -They would take a hammer to us first and ask later.-

Bee, -Yeah, let's take the chance to relax, not to forget the color and wax options they have are actually great quality. They have so many color variations too. Raph went through different shades of yellow from the Christmas special and has plans of going through the summer special.-

Cliffjumper snorted, -Miles was the same, they could give Sunstreaker a run for his Energon and credits. These sparklings aren't even being vain about it either.-

Bumblebee snickered and started to tell his friend about a party Sam was telling his parental units about. Cliffjumper hummed recalling Miles talk about it as well, they will probably be going there later. Bumblebee had already sent a report earlier returning to the school parking lot a few minutes ago waiting for the bell to go off. But something was wrong why was no bell going off? Why was it strangely quiet? Was there something going on in school? Then they heard a sound that had Bee's spark racing as he and Cliffjumper moved to the front of the school.

The two bots were surprised to see Police cars and some parental units around, they wanted to know what was going on and hacked into the police frequency. They waited patiently and after a while they saw, was that a human sized gun? They watched an Officer go pick up the gun that was thrown out from one of the second storey window. They heard the Officer report about collecting a loaded gun and calling for help. It was a long three hour wait with the two bots fidgeting in their place, wanting to help but unsure how to. However after a while the kids started to trickle out looking terrified, like they just went through a war.

Cliffjumper almost blew a fuse once he realized what was happening, -They wanted to kill their own sparklings. What is wrong with the fragging glitches?-

Bumblebee snarled, -I don't know but I better not see them any time soon.-

Cliffjumper, -We should return to our place. I can see our charges and thank Primus they are unhurt.-

Bee, -Okay.-

Sam and Raph were shaking as they reached the Camaro and sat with the door open not completely getting inside. Bumblebee was worried about both his charges. Yes, he considered young Raph his charge as well, especially with the amount of time he spent with Sam. Cliffjumper was pinging him in fury, Miles had marks of being held roughly on his wrist and a black eye. The red Autobot was acting like a Sire in Bumblebee's opinion but then again he was feeling overprotective as well.

Judy, "Sam, oh my baby! I was so worried when the news came on."

Sam, "Hey mom.... Mom could you drive I don't think I can at the moment."

Miles, "I don't think I can either."

Katie Lancaster was looking her son over, "I will take your Tundra home but are you okay?"

Miles, "I'm fine, Sam was the one who tackled the guy."

Sam scowled, "He deserved it."

Judy, "We are not saying it was not deserved but that was dangerous baby. What if you got hurt? What if he had shot you?"

Sam, "He was threatening a kid, his name is Carlos, younger by two years. No way, I would let that that.... Burbok get away with it."

Raph, "I think, I know him, he is older than me. I think he is okay."

Bumblebee was quite but Sam felt fury emanating from the car. If he had not been aware he was an Autobot and not a car, he probably wouldn't have noticed the anger. He ran his hand in comfort over the car seat, hoping it will calm the bot down, he had read enough fanfics where bots were protective of their charges. He remembers one particular fanfic where Bumblebee was protective over Sam to the point he scared the new neighbors away. Raphael's parents soon joined them and they left the school grounds for home, not wanting to spend more time there.

Judy, "Are you really alright?"

Sam sighed looking out the window, "I will be fine but one kid is in critical condition. I don't know how she is."

Bumblebee whined wanting to comfort him and the radio came on, :Everything's gonna be alright ~:

Judy eyed the radio but ignored it, "It's almost winter break. If you don't want to attend class it's fine. It's just two days left."

Sam, " ..... I want to go to the hospital tomorrow and check in on Misha. She's just eleven years old."

Judy's breath hitched a bit, "Oh! We can go tomorrow. Bring her flowers and maybe a Teddy bear. The poor dear."

Sam nodded, "I'll talk to Raph and Miles, see if they want to join. She should not feel like she's alone after she was hurt."

Bumblebee quietly listened as the mother and son made plans to visit the sparkling in the hospital. The yellow bot was furious but for the moment decided to stay calm and focus on his charge instead. He would check in on Raph later on at night when everyone was fast asleep, no need to scare them with a haunted car. Humans were so superstitious. Later on at night after midnight, the two met up and sent the latest update on their mission. To say Jazz and Prowl were alarmed were nothing compared to the turmoil that was going through those who were caretakers before.

They may not have met the human sparklings yet but after going through the reports the two bots made on the three, they could not help but become fond of them. Ratchet and Ironhide were furious about it though and started to hack into the security systems and found it was not the first time. Sam and Raph along with other children had been much younger when they had first been attacked by a child kidnapper. This was a second attempt on their life by another human, the weapons specialist sat next to Jazz getting full details on both cases.

Optimus had mixed feelings, he was feeling impressed Sam despite his young age still protected someone younger. But at the same time he was worried beyond his processor, especially after he overheard mutterings from Ratchet about human health. Elita muttered she was going to go through human medical needs just in case, something, Ratchet agreed with. Optimus let them do their own thing while sending new orders to Bumblebee and Cliffjumper to take action as they deemed necessary to protect their charges.

Optimus paused after the order was sent, "We have not even met and yet it seems the three bitlets have become important."

Prowl paused, "I think you might be right Sir. I am pretty sure I felt Bumblebee try to connect with Sam. But it's impossible, humans don't have sparks."

Jazz nodded then gave a mischievous grin, "I think we almost became Grand Sires during this mission."

Arcee grumbled, "I'm almost jealous."

Ratchet, "Well, I don't know about you but if we are going to add human sparklings then I need to study their daily requirements."

Meanwhile Cliffjumper and Bumblebee were relieved to receive the new orders, though they were not sure how do so without scaring them away. The last thing Bee wanted was to terrify his charges and after what happened he was not sure if their charges would trust them. They would have to plan this out because neither Bumblebee nor Cliffjumper would just up and leave even after getting the glasses either. The two were invested, they knew they were invested their protective code rearing it's helm with a vengeance.

Cliffjumper sat outside the hospital, -Guess we need to figure out a way to protect them.-

Bumblebee, -I'm just happy they are unhurt.-

After the visit where the Doctors deemed Misha stable and safe, the bullet had gone through and there were no broken fragments left behind. Raph had invited Misha over after the winter break to study together and hang out, watch movies. Misha visibly brightened up at the idea of making new friends and asked if her twin, Buster could join. Raph did not mind saying the more the merrier and much safer too, considering what happened a while back. Misha's parents were talking with the Witwicky, Darby and Lancaster parents and agreed to join them in their meetings about keeping their kids safe.

The rest of the day was spent with Miles trying to make them laugh with his antics and half way Carlos and his parents visited. The young kid was nervous first but soon was comfortable enough to sit with them. They shared their plans for the Christmas, Misha's family were going to her grandparents place while Carlos and his family were returning to Mexico for Christmas this year. Sam, Raph and Miles would be spending the Christmas together at the Witwicky farm, Sam admits it was a family farm meant for the whole family.

Sam, "My Great Uncle Burton and Great Aunt Alice Wembley are not joining us this year though Vivian will."

Raph, "I like Vivian, she's cool."

Miles, "The crazy Uncle is not coming. Awe, I really like his stories."

Misha and Carlos snickered as Sam and Miles started to bicker about the truth behind Edmund's stories. Misha was released from the hospital not too long after and Raph, Miles and Sam prepared to head towards the family farm. Bumblebee was curious and checked the background of his charge again after getting more information. If he was not parked he would have skidded to a halt, Sam's family was old and influential, like an Elite, though Sam didn't act the part. If it had been Cybertron many would have flocked to him looking for favors just like Windblade, perhaps staying under the radar was the go to strategy for many to make actual friends.

Cliffjumper, -He's like a mini you, spark sensitive.-

Bumblebee, -How did you get that idea?-

Cliffjumper, -He hides his family influence and reach kind of like you did.-

Bumblebee was quite for a while, -I suppose you have a point.-

Cliffjumper, -I find it very surprising whenever our charges act similar to us sometimes. Do you think?-

Bumblebee, -Maybe, I don't think anyone ever had a human charge before.-

The farm was pretty large with vast lands for miles, the harvest already harvested a month ago by the farm hand. The three families made themselves at home at one of the larger houses and started to prepare for a joined Christmas celebration. Back with Optimus, he decided to pick a few members and head for planet Earth. Now that the Witwickies and their close family unit allies were no longer in a crowded place they could try to contact them. Meanwhile Sam, Miles and Raph had gone to the nearest town to grab a few things for the house when it happened.

Raph, "Hey Sam, Miles."

Miles, "What's up Raph?"

Sam, "Something wrong?"

Raph nodded at the window, "I think we are being followed."

Sam looked outside and almost did a double take, 'Are those Barricade and Knockout of all people? Okay I knew my actions would change things but I didn't think it would change so much.'

Sam, "Don't look at them. Pretend you didn't notice and let's go."

Miles nodded, "I'll pay it'll be faster if you start loading."

Raph, "Right."

The cashier looked at them concerned, "Should I call the police? This may be a small town but you are just kids."

Miles, "Much appreciated. Though we are not sure how much help it'll be."

Sam, "They are gone.... That was creepy."

Raph, "We should probably go too."

Cashier, "Stay safe."

Sam, "Raph, go with Miles. If they return I'll try to distract them."

Raph, "No way. That's crazy"

Miles, "There's two of them, I think sticking together would be better."

Sam pursed his lips as he got inside and Raph sat next to him. The younger red head was stubborn just like his TFP counterpart. They started to return and hit the dusty road leaving the town behind. It was getting colder and the clouds looked heavier, it would not be long before it snowed. Sam's thoughts were cut off as his car swerved away from gun no, were those laser shots? Miles cursed as his own vehicle moved to dodge the shots and they went off road to take cover among the trees. 

Bumblebee, -Knockout and Barricade.-

Cliffjumper, -Just our luck, at least there is no civilization around.-

[A. N.: Bayverse and TFP were said to have similar starts but different choices.

So this will be a mix between the two leaning more into Bayverse.]