Chereads / Reborn as Sam: A Transformers fanfic / Chapter 4 - Transformers - Trouble

Chapter 4 - Transformers - Trouble

Bumblebee and Cliffjumper had scouted the large farm, the first night they reached the large open area with a few residential and large storage buildings. The two had eyed the storage buildings and noticed it was as large as a sleeping unit for Cybertronians. The two had gone inside out of curiosity only to find a few bundles of hay, some chains of different sizes, empty cargo boxes and tarps lying around. They had overheard the harvest this year had already been sold and dealt with by the farm hands and the cattle and sheep were taken care of.

Cliffjumper, "I really wanted to see this cattle and sheep that they were talking about. The dogs and cats are cute and all but they are too clingy."

Bumblebee twittered remembering how Mojo, Jump, Snowy and Kuku sniffed and slept around Cliffjumper, :They said this place is a mixed farm and fairly large, divided into many sections. I think I recall Sam telling Raph the animals were located down South where it is warmer.:

Cliffjumper, "Little Sam would be highly sought after if he were on Cybertron. Not only is he sweet, he is protective of the young ones too. If he were born Cybertronian there would be many offering their sparks to him."

Bumblebee laughed, :Understatement, I do wonder what he would have looked like if he was Cybertronian.:

Cliffjumper hummed looking around, "He would probably be cute. Welp, let's go. There is nothing else here."

The two had gone on patrol around the vast open space with bare trees and empty roads for miles to see. Since it was late at night there were no humans around though it was very dark thanks to the clouds in the sky. Not a single star in sight, it unsettled Bumblebee a bit, whenever he looked at the sky and not see the stars or the sun. He had actually become accustomed to the sunlight of the day time and even enjoyed it. He did wonder what the big deal with snow was, there were pictures on the internet and the different activities with snow, but he didn't get it.

Bumblebee, 'Guess time will tell.'

The next few days the three families spent cleaning up the residential area. The women spent most of their time going to and from from what humans called the kitchen while the men cleaned up the outer areas. The three young boys divided the time between their female parental units and male parental units helping them. Though most of the time the adults would send them off to the town area to grab things they needed. It was a good way for the two bots to look around the area while the kids shopped and brought colorful lights and trinkets.

Bumblebee liked those trinkets, they were very colorful and beautiful to look at as they were used to decorate the farm house and storage. Cliffjumper would keep a close eye on their charges as they moved around decorating the buildings making sure the ladders were stable. Their fathers would come around keeping an eye on them making sure to remind them to eat lunch and join them for warm drinks. Bumblebee learned quite a bit about the three kids from simply watching them and how they behaved.

Bumblebee mumbled as he waited in the parking lot of the grocery store, -Innocent.-

Cliffjumper turned his optics to his friend, -What?-

Bumblebee, -These kids are too innocent.-

Cliffjumper, -Well, after what happened I'm surprised they still are innocent but I'm glad they are.-

Bumblebee became alert, :Con signal.:

Cliffjumper, "Here?"

Bumblebee, :Very near. Not good.:

Cliffjumper, "Not good. We are in the middle of town."

Sam, "Raph go with Miles, I'll try to distract those stalkers."

Bumblebee, -They are not stalkers, they are worse.-

Miles, "There are two of them Sam, I don't think separating is a good idea."

Cliffjumper, -They don't know about that. Bee, be prepared for a fight.-

Bee, -Yeah.-

Raph, "I'm not leaving you to face those crazy alone Sam. No way. We are sticking together."

Sam sighed then ruffled the young boy's hair starting the car, "You are very stubborn and protective. Your lover is gonna be very lucky."

Raph flushed, "I'm too young though that's a nice thought. Now, what do we do?"

Sam's gloved hand tightened on the steering wheel, "Look around nonchalantly, are they around?"

Raph moved around pretending to check the items, "They are at the end of the road."

Sam, "Phone."

Miles phone rang till he picked up, "We are in a pickle."

Sam, "Stay close, if we stick close they might not do anything."

Bumblebee's radio came on, :Everything's gonna be alright ~ Everything's gonna be alright.:

Sam looked at the radio and muttered, "I hope so, I hope so. I already had to deal with a shooter, I don't need a stalker added to it."

Bumblebee shared the sentiment as they sped down the road leaving the populated area behind. They were soon zooming through empty roads, most humans were either at home or office. Then Bumblebee and Cliffjumper had to swerve away from the path of laser beams that were heading towards them. Their charges shrieked in fear and shock, as they grabbed on to the seat belts and seats as the car and truck headed in the direction of the forest. Bumblebee noticed that Sam was gripping the steering wheel tight, Bee wanted to comfort him but focused on keeping them safe.

Cliffjumper transformed, "Miles, go hide, little one."

Miles stared, "Woah just woah."

Cliffjumper, "We will talk once I deal with that clown."

Miles, "You have a lot of explaining to do big guy. A lot of explaining but I can wait.... Sam, Raph. SAM! RAPH! Where are you?"

Cliffjumper, "There, over there go, go."

Bumblebee transformed holding Sam and Raph close to him, :Do not fear. Your Savior is here.:

Raph, "Pfffffffft.... Seriously?"

Sam, "Well that's something."

Bumblebee gave a cheeky wink before placing them down, :Go, find a safe place, I will find you later. Stay safe.:

Sam, "We are gonna have a long talk later. You better come back to us cute guy."

Bumblebee whirled, :I'm not. You are.:

Raph, "Look out."

Bumblebee shot at the con, :Barricade.:


Sam, "Miles?"

Bumblebee, :Go hide.:

Sam, "Don't have to tell us twice. Come on Raph. Let the bug guy do his job, we need to keep ourselves safe."

Raph, "Okay, please be careful with umm.. I don't know who that is but they look really scary."

Bee nodded and turned to face Barricade who was reloading his gun and got ready to shoot again only for Bumblebee to run for cover while shooting him. Sam grabbed Raph and ran far from the fight area joined by Miles who looked back at Cliffjumper who was fighting a con that looked like Knockout. At least Sam thought that was Knockout, he could be wrong though, Knockout usually teamed up with Breakdown. Sam really wanted to kick himself there was a third con, right in front of them staring at them.

Sam pulled Raph behind him, "Who are you?"

The con got closer to them, "Who I am is not important. I want the glasses."

Raph spoke quietly feeling intimidated by the huge con, "Glasses? Which ones?"

Miles, "Yeah big guy. We have many glasses you know?"

Sam nodded, "You'll have to be more descriptive than that."

Breakdown had been watching the Witwickies long before the bots got involved with the three kids. He and his sparkmate Knockout had really reached their limit with the rest of the Decepticons in the Nemesis and had decided to tag along with Barricade. The grumpy ex - Enforcer had stared at the two before grunting out how it will be easier for a medic to fix soldiers if they knew what they were dealing with. The couple most of the time did their own thing offering to keep an eye on the Witwicky sparkling when some of the adults became suspicious.

Starscream and Soundwave may not like each other but they both agreed they didn't need nosey humans getting involved in their business. Especially overprotective parental units, they had done their research and were very appalled by what had happened. If the human who attacked the sparkling had more years added to his punishment and jail time, no one had to know it was them. Breakdown was a softie, as Knockout always teased him for sparklings and young children. He was also very envious of the humans who unlike other organic creatures they came across were more Cybertronian like in behavior with the ability to have sparklings. 

Knockout had seen when Bumblebee and Cliffjumper had sneaked into the second hand sales dump. They were not as slick as they thought they were. The con could never imagine allowing himself to be treated in such a low class manner as these bots. Instead he had resumed watching the humans while Barricade went off doing who knew what elsewhere on the planet. The following Days Knockout had grown a little envious, not much just a bit, when he saw how much the human sparklings were willing to spend on the two fake vehicles.

The vain Ferrari had followed them hiding his spark signature, a trick he learned early on during the war to keep himself and his spark mate safe. His holoform had stolen one of the Banes sparkling's brochures and had gone through the many shades of colours curious about what they had been talking about. To say he was taken aback by the number of red options that were available was a big understatement. He had not expected humans to take the coloring and looks of their vehicles so seriously. Perhaps following Barricade and offering to stay on the planet was not such a bad idea, after all.

Later when Barricade returned he resisted the urge to bang his helm against one of the cement pillars humans used to build road structures. Of course, that vain medic would be side tracked and more interested in his personal looks and vanity instead of watching the targets. Breakdown was no help, he was too smitten by Knockout to even bother trying to remind him about their mission to retrieve the glasses. Though they did keep an eye on the family units as a whole, Barricade really could do without the helm ache of dealing with the two.

They monitored their calls and schools only to have at the audacity and cruelty of some of the human adults. Even the most vicious and cruelest of the cons and bots would never ever attack an Academy full of sparklings and younglings. Barricade snarled ugly things about adult, ungrateful humans when the news report started to speak about some of the sparklings who were hurt. These fleshies did not realize how blessed they were to be able to have sparklings by themselves and that caused some bitterness inside the three cons.

Barricade remembers when he first joined the Decepticons, it was the day his youngest sibling went missing. He will never forget Chase his youngest sibling whose missing status caused a fall out between him and Prowl. Neither of them could find their youngest and while Prowl suspected the cons, Barricade accused the bots. Megatron respected the Rescue bots, especially the team Chase was part of, as they didn't differentiate between cons or bots, a true neutral. But Prowl thought differently and accused Megatron of getting rid of his youngest sibling because he didn't want to appear weak. The fight between them had been loud and explosive with the two walking away from each other and joining opposing armies.

While Barricade remembered his bitter fight with his younger sibling, Knockout and Breakdown were glaring at the accused who was arrested. The two remembered their sparklings, they remembered the three little rambunctious sparklings very well before the sparkling center fell. The eldest youngling almost a Mech was definitely a Wrecker like Breakdown always following him to and from from work when he could. The second youngling a femme was a speed junkie like Knockout, obsessed with speed and reckless like her Sire. The youngest though was the calmest and a mix between the two, wanted to be a Rescue bot. Then it happened just before their eldest got the final frame, news the sector being destroyed reached them.

The couple had been besides themselves with grief, they wanted the bodies of their young ones back. They wanted to give them a proper burial but they had been denied it just because they were originally from the planet Velocitron. Only one Mech had helped them back then, their only friend in the whole mess, Barricade, who had gone through the rubble finding the bodies of sparklings. The two had thanked him for returning their sparklings bodies so they could bury them properly and when he joined the Decepticons, they had followed him. Megatron has raised an optic at their presence but understood they were there because Barricade was and he needed a reliable medic.

If the school shooter had an accident on the way to his parole and punishment, most humans chalked it up to his karma coming to bite him. Humans were funny creatures sometimes, there was no such thing as a coincidence only planned outcome. The ex - Enforcer didn't comment on their actions full understanding the bitterness and hate the two felt against the human who took the existence of sparklings for granted. Instead he informed them of their plan, the families were heading to an out of place Witwicky barn for a Christmas celebration. Humans had a lot of celebrations in Breakdown's personal opinion, looking at the Christmas ads and items being sold around.

Breakdown, 'I'm tempted to just steal the sparklings away. I'm sure Soundwave won't mind.'

Cliffjumper, "Get away from them Breakdown."

Breakdown, "Well, well, well, if it isn't my old friend Cliffjumper. Still alive I see."

Cliffjumper snarled, "Frag off you back stabber."

Breakdown, "Make me."

Both Cybertronians noticed Sam pulling the other two away as they started to brawl and met up with Bumblebee and Barricade. It was a show down between the Autobots and the Decepticons now with both sides shooting and fighting. Cliffjumper had managed to push Knockout off a cliff making it more even for them to have one on one. Breakdown noticing his mate was missing pinged him only to hear his mate screeching about his ruined paint job. Barricade huffed at the loud complaints as they exchanged more shots and shit talk before another brawl started.

Raph held on to Sam, "Will they be okay?"

Sam, "I don't know. From the looks of it they have known each other and hate each other."

Miles, "Old enemies?"

Sam nodded, "Probably... We should find a safe place. If they have heat reading tech then we should use the trees to put as much barrier as possible between us."

Raph, "Sounds a bit of a stretch but we don't really have much choice."

There were more sounds of fighting then they heard the sound of a car rushing towards them at high speed just as the two cons and bots appeared from the forest. Sam cursed their luck, the last thing they needed was for a curious human to anger four already pissed off Cybertronians. Then the car transformed and Sam's oldest cousin Vivian came out making the three boys stare at her in shock from what they just saw. Knockout managed to pull himself up and back to the fight only to see there was another Autobot joining the fight.

Barricade, "Retreat for now."

Knockout looked at the humans, "Till next time sparklings."

Sam, "Huh? Wait what did you call us?"

Breakdown chuckled, "It doesn't matter."

Cliffjumper had a dark look on his face, "Not under my watch."

Bumblebee though was staring at the newcomer, :Hot Rod?:

Hot Rod, "Bee, my Mech, you are alive."

Cliffjumper, "Hot Rod."

Hot Rod, "Cliffjumper too. Boy is it great to see more Cybertronians around here."

Vivian looked at the two bots up and down, "I suppose they are friends of yours Hot Rod."

Hot Rod, "You got that right my lady."

Miles burst out, "You knew about them?"

Vivian, "Every Witwicky adult above eighteen years knows actually. I was not expecting you to find an Autobot, Sam."

Sam, "I was not expecting to be in the middle of a fight either. They wanted a pair of glasses or something."

Bumblebee whirled in concern, :Are you alright? He didn't do anything.:

Raph, "We are okay big guy. He didn't hurt us."

Vivian, "How about introductions first?"

Cliffjumper looked sheepish, "Right, I'm Cliffjumper, call me Cliff though. It's nice to officially meet you."

Miles, "Miles Lancaster, call me Miles. We have so much to talk about."

Raph, "Raphael Sumdac Darby, call me Raph though."

Sam, "Samuel James Witwicky, just call me Sam."

Bumblebee's radio came on, :Sting like a Bee.:

Hot Rod winced, "So it's true Megatron ripped... "

Cliffjumper, "That's Bumblebee, he prefers Bee though."

Raph looked concerned, "Your voice was ripped out."

Bumblebee, :Don't worry, be happy. I'm good.:

Cliffjumper, "Ratchet our medical officer is doing his best to help my friend here. So don't worry too much okay little guy."

Bumblebee nodded at Raph when he looked at him, his soft green eyes filled with worry for him. The yellow scout bit back on his desire to purr out loud at that and instead chose to transform into a car. Vivian sighed and said it would be better to get back to the farm so they could explain everything at one go for everyone. Yes, they would be talking and meeting with the parental units, they already knew that Cybertronians existed. Well Sam's parents knew, the Darbies and Lancasters would be brought into the fold this season it seems. As they reached the farm Sam noticed all their parents were waiting for them outside looking worried.

Judy, "Sam, Raph, Miles, come here please."

Hot Rod transformed after Vivian got out, "Go on. It will be alright."

Sari, "Are you three alright?"

Raph, "We are fine mama. Bee protected us and kept us safe."

Dave, "Miles you good son."

Miles, "Sure am Dad. Don't worry."

Rad, "I know you told us about them but I didn't realize how tall they are."

Katie, "Thank you for keeping our children safe."

Ron, "Why don't you join us properly? We can talk. I can tell we have many questions for each other."

They had another round of introductions before they got settled around a large campfire with Dani, Cody and their parents joining them. Sam wasn't even surprised anymore the adults knew, Edmund in the movies did mention he kept an eye on the Witwiccans. This was no doubt that man's work, he always did things that were secretive to the point his parents got exasperated. Sam though adored the eccentric man, he was fun to be around and always had a strong opinion about everything.

Raph, "Your paint is all messed up."

Bumblebee, :Don't worry, easy fix.:

Sam, "We will have to wait. Look it's snowing."

Vivian, "And there is a forecast for snowstorm tomorrow."

Hot Rod, "Come on, we can crash in the barns over there. It was built for us anyway."

Cliffjumper, "Seriously?"

[A. N.: I introduced Vivian a little early.

Hope it was not too confusing.

See you next month.]