It was in times like these were one appreciated how his azure hair and cold snake like blue eyes best suited his cold and aloof nature.
"So why would we want to negotiate with the ogres?"
"Because I gave them my word."
"Hah you must have a high opinion of your standing mortal if you think your word alone is enough to cause us to stop this war against the ogres."
Saravoya sneered and the other councilmen nodded.
"Your assessment might be correct but I will tell you this, if you decide to break my word to the ogres and attack the ogres forsaking the negotiations I will be fighting on the ogres side this time."
"Hmph! The addition of one measly human will not amount to much in this campaign."
Saravoya was a retired prime minister of the elven nation, despite being a seasoned warrior he had hardly entered the battlefield for more than a century and that is why he had no idea about the sword god of the humans. But some in the council did, Bel tensed and Heilis turned pale. Even the princess expression was full of unease.
"You really do not have any idea how dangerous making me your enemy is do you Lord Saravoya."
They had long learnt that Karlmine was not full of pride and hubris as to boast of his prowess, those where emotions that he simply did not have, he was just blunt and told things as they were without mincing words. Right now he had ascertained that only the chief warrior, the princess, Beldandy and Xavier could really be a threat to him. He had not seen Beldandy and the princess in battle but his gut feeling told him that they were dangerous foes.
"Lord Saravoya, do you remember the incident ten years ago when our forces suffered a major loss against the humans?"
Samora intervened before everything became unsalvageable.
"How could I not, we lost the princes Xenon and Xander may Lady Tiamat bless their soul."
The old lord made a simple warding off gesture.
"Indeed, my two brothers fell at that battlefield and it was at the hands of this very mortal."
"Huh! IMPOSSIBLE____ t-then he is the violence of mortals?"
It seems his infamy had however reached the retired soldier's ears.
"Then that is even more reason why he should not be here, what are you thinking princess bringing a monster inside our armies?"
Karlmine thought it was a convenient reaction, he had been upgraded from a lowly mortal to a monster at least with fear he could control them a little well only if there was no one stupid enough to challenge him.
"Precisely because he is a monster, Karlmine is an entire squadron of soldiers with him victory is almost certain."
She turned to the mortal.
"Please pardon my deceptive actions but our side was faring poorly against the might of the red ogres and already our troops are spread thin defending other territories."
Samora bowed towards him.
"I figured that out a long time ago, allowing a human inside your courts was risking a lot especially considering it is me. I told you I have no idea how I ended up in that river where you picked me up but to repay you like I said earlier I will be your sword."
"You have my sincerest gratitude I really do appreciate your cooperation."
"However I still do not get the reason why you all seem bent on going to war against the ogres."
Even as he said that he had long since figured the reason why at least part of it anyway, he just wanted to hear what the other party would say in response.
"Listen here child of man, what we do and how we do it is none of your concern."