Chereads / The Gift (a/o/b) / Chapter 4 - chapter 4: Nox

Chapter 4 - chapter 4: Nox

I follow the alpha nervously, my senses on high alert. I had no idea if the guard was still searching for me or if he had returned to the palace. A part of me hoped he was at the palace, at least there he couldn't get me. What if we ran into the guard and Ryan handed me over? I nearly freeze at the idea. My legs were begging to run back to the safety of the cabin, even five days after leaving.

"You're walking so slow, hurry up,"

I blink slowly and blush, The alpha was pretty far ahead of me. I speed forward to meet him and mutter out a soft apology. He is silent. I have no idea how much time passed before we were stopping for a water and a food break. The alpha offers me some sort of food bar and a canteen of water. I accept both silently. I watch as he munches on his food bar. He was breathtaking. Even littered with scars his body was perfect. I could see his muscles shifting erratically under his shirt with his subtle movements. Gods, how could I be so unlucky? Maybe if he'd been ugly and a terrible person I wouldn't feel so sick. about being rejected. When he finishes the bar he looks at me and growls. My heartbeat picks up at the sound. He moves closer to me with angry eyes.

"What is your issue with food?" he questions in a voice as cold as ice. I blush and look away. He grabs my chin and forces it back, his eyes bearing into my own. "Answer me,"

"I do not not have an issue, sir. I am simply not hungry," I pull out of his grasp and stand. I push the bar and canteen back into his hands.

"Come on, I'm sure you want to be rid of me quickly. That will not happen with us stopping," I bite my lip as a lump appears in my throat. Why did he have to act so caring? I shake my head and continue to walk, head held high. In only a few strides he's caught up with me. I could feel his eyes on me as we traveled. I bow my head and drop back a few steps, trying to avoid his gaze. He huffs and continues to walk. I watch his back silently, praying night to come quickly.

When night does finally come, it arrives with frost. The alpha leads me to a brush of leaves, claiming it to be both the safest and warmest area. I lay down and stare up at the stars, Ryan's blanket wrapped around me for warmth. I jump when the alpha sits down next to me.

"I have questions for you," he says gruffly, looking down at me with those dark eyes.

I gulp and slowly sit up. "Okay, I'll answer to the best of my abilities, sir,"

"We'll start easy, what is your name?"

"Nox Worthen,"

"As in Prince Nox Worthern, son of Princess Natasha Worthern?"

"Yes, sir," I look away.

"Okay, Nox, do you want to tell me why a Prince was traveling without an escort?"

"I had an escort… He wasn't a good one. He tried to," I pause, the feeling of the guards lips on my flesh ghosting over me. "He tried to hurt me,"

"Ah, and what about your things? I would've expected an omega of The Royal Court to have come with many lavish items,"

"I am a bastard prince, sir. In Court I am nothing more than a glorified servant. The things I did have I had to leave behind when I ran away from my escort,"

"A bastard prince?" I could hear the shock in his voice.

"Yes, my mother was unfaithful to her husband. It's one of The Courts secrets,"

"Of course it is," he grumbles. I look over at The alpha curiously.

"What do you mean by that?" I whisper.

"Nothing," He turns away and clears his throat.

"Why are you asking questions now? For days you've avoided speaking to me, but now you want to know about me? Why? Are you falling for me? Gonna turn around and keep me after all?" I grin, my heart fluttering at the idea of getting to stay.

He parts his lips to speak, but he stops at a sudden sound close by. He freezes to listen. Another sound, like footsteps. He stands slowly.

"Stay here," he whispers as he silently shuffles off to investigate. My heart was once more thundering in my chest. I knew I had been found. I pull the blanket closer to my chin and search the darkness for movement, just as I had in previous nights. I wait nervously for Ryan to return. Footsteps behind me give me a bit of relief.

"What was it?" I ask as I turn. I am met with the grin of the guard. I scream as he lunges for me. He pins me to the dirt and presses a hand to my lips.

"Shh, omega. I'm not going to hurt you," I try to shake him off, but he's too heavy, it's just like before. Except, this time he wasn't scenting me. Instead, he pulls something from his pocket, a small pill.

"Swallow," he orders as he shoves it past my lips. "Swallow or I'll fucking kill you!" he snarls. Fresh tears seep down my cheeks as I choke down the pill.