Chereads / The Gift (a/o/b) / Chapter 6 - chapter 6: Nox

Chapter 6 - chapter 6: Nox

I lay on the hard bed silently, listening to Kero and Ryan speak. Tears flooded my eyes as I listened to Ryan's reasonings. I roll onto my side and clutch my stomach, it hurts. It had been years since I'd had a heat. The king had put me on suppressants just after I'd presented as an omega. I knew eventually I'd have a heat with Ryan, seeing as the king took me off the suppressants before I left for the warrior's residence. I hadn't expected it to be so soon. Then again, I hadn't expected to be rejected, or to be almost raped, or to be drugged. This whole situation was unexpected. I push the blanket from my heated body and curl tighter on myself. I was sure Ryan could smell me and that scared me just as much as it exhilarated me. I wanted the alpha to know I was ripe and ready for his pups, even though I knew he would never fill me with them. I meant nothing to the man, he didn't care for me or our potential future. I sniffle softly as I hear him enter the room.

"Nox, are you awake?" he whispers, breath bated, probably hoping I was asleep. I don't answer. He sighs and I hear him move closer.

"Why are you crying? Does it hurt?" I nod slowly. Heats were extremely painful for unmated omegas. "I'm sorry," he whispers, voice holding a deep sadness. He sighs softly and sits on the bed next to me. "I wish I had the courage to just mate you and take away your pain. I just…I can't do that to you," I cry harder at the words and curl further into myself.

"Th-then go away. Stop torturing me with your scent and presence. Stop acting like you care for me!" I yell, feeling furious at the alpha. I sit up and face him. His eyes widen, probably because I look like shit. I can smell myself, my scent had soured with distress. I wipe under my nose and slowly stand.

"You suck," I grumble as I move out of the sterile room, searching for a safe place where the alpha wouldn't be able to reach me. I push open the first door I find and sigh as it reveals a bedroom. The contents were neat and it was scentless. A guest room, I supposed. I slam the door and push the lock into place. I slide down against the door and start crying again.

"Nox, please don't lock yourself up," Ryan calls through the door. I make a soft growling sound, fed up with him and his faux care.

"I'll tell you this now since you know nothing of omega's: If rejected by an alpha during their heat and omega can die. The rejection will send an omega into shock and they will be unable to do anything because they weren't good enough to snare their alpha of choice. So leave me alone!" I yell, my scent becoming even more sour. I can hear him muttering to himself, but I can't make out the words. I stand and move to the small vanity in the room. I peered into the mirror and gasped, I looked terrible. My hair was sticking up in awkward places, my face was red and blotchy, snot was dripping from my nose, sweat covering my forehead and my eyes were bloodshot. No alpha would want an omega that looked the way I did. My lip wobbles and I toss the mirror to the side, smiling a bit as I hear it break. I then crawl onto the bed and lay down, my eyes trained on the wall opposite me.

I must've fallen asleep, because when I next open my eyes the sheets are drenched in sweat and I can smell food. I sat up a bit to find the mirror cleaned up and food and water to be littered all over the small table next to the bed. My stomach growls softly and I reach for the food. I take a bite of the unknown substance and I groan at the delicious taste. It was wonderful. I eat about a third of the plate before setting it aside. I then drink a bottle and a half of water before allowing my body to go lax against the mattress. I lay there a moment before discomfort rolls over me. I strip from my sticky clothes and move around the pillows and blankets on the bed into some semblance of a nest. I glared at the clothes, they were covered in blood and dirt. I gag softly and throw them onto the floor in hopes they would disappear like the glass had. I sigh, my nipples and cocklette being exposed to the cool air felt amazing. I could feel the haze of heat fuzzing my brain and I reached for my cocklette, wanting a bit of pleasure before heat fully took over and I wasn't able to feel any of the pain or pleasure. Slowly, my mind succumbs to the haze, my last thoughts about how it would feel if an alpha was the one encompassing my cocklette.