Chereads / The Love of a Vampire Prince. / Chapter 36 - Chapter 34: Smitten

Chapter 36 - Chapter 34: Smitten

In the hazy embrace of dawn, at the precise hour of 5:30 am, Lauren's phone alarm erupted into a soft but insistent symphony, jolting her delicate senses from their sleep.

Ever the light sleeper, her eyes fluttered open in an instant. She extended her hand, seeking her phone on the nightstand, only to find it come to rest upon a velvety surface instead. Startled, she sat up and turned to her side, where a prone figure lay.

"Alanna?" she murmured to herself, her voice barely above a whisper. In reply, a faint murmur reached her ears. Turning to the other side, she beheld Ariana, peacefully immersed in sleep.

The sight filled her heart with a warmth akin to sunlight, compelling a joyous smile to grace her lips. Lost in this euphoric moment, her phone, now relentless, sounded once more. This time, it was an urgent call from the hospital.

To prevent rousing the sleeping beauties, she hastily answered the call and retreated into the comforting confines of the shower room. "Good morning, Professor Ed," she greeted softly, her voice carrying its own melody.

"Good morning, my dear. I hope I didn't disturb your sleep" the wise old man inquired.

"Never, Professor," she reassured him. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm calling because the scheduled surgery for Mrs. Luiz has been postponed until tomorrow. She succumbed to shock just a short while ago, and her vital signs are far from promising. We must monitor her closely until tomorrow, perhaps considering proceeding with the operation in the afternoon," the professor explained.

Her heart sank at the gravity of the news. Mrs. Luiz, a woman of grace and kindness, had become her patient, diagnosed of stage II brain tumor.

"I need to see her," she whispered, her restless pacing within the bathroom serving as an outlet for her mounting worry.

"No, my dear, you needn't trouble yourself. Mrs. Luiz remains stable at present, and today shall be the your much deserve day off. I shall personally attend to her care, and I promise to keep you informed of any developments,enjoy your day" Professor Ed interjected, allowing no room for debate.

Sighing, Lauren sank onto the edge of the jacuzzi, her thoughts drifting. "Very well, then. Please keep me informed of any changes," she acquiesced before ending the call.


Once properly refreshed from her shower, Lauren donned a new outfit before glancing at the clock in her room, confirming the early hour of 6:15 am.

With a swift decision, she selected a pair of trainers she discovered nestled within her dresser. Eager to experience the vastness of her aunt's expansive estate, she anticipated a delightful and invigorating run ahead.

Casting a fond look back at the sleeping figures of the girls, peacefully unaware of her departure, a gentle smile graced Lauren's lips as she softly closed the door behind her. The stillness of the morning embraced her as she ventured forth, ready to immerse herself in the embrace of nature.

The rhythmic beats of her playlist filled her ears as Lauren put on her headphones, the tunes predominantly belonging to her favorite artist, Ariana Grande.

Lost in an adolescent euphoria, she bounded forth, her feet carrying her over the sprawling vastness of land. With each stride, she felt a release of pent-up energy, her voice melding with the melody as she unabashedly sang along to the songs that stirred her soul.

Under the sun-kissed sky, Lauren lost track of time, losing herself in the intoxicating ambiance of the music and the invigorating motion of her run.

It seemed as if she had circled the grounds countless times, covering a distance of approximately 3000 kilometers, before the weariness finally caught up to her.

Gasping for breath, she gradually slowed her pace, her hands finding solace upon her knees as she bent over, seeking respite and a moment of reprieve. Nestled within her thoughts was the notion of returning back to the mansion and quenching her thirst with a much-needed glass of water.

Lying on the velvety grass, Lauren found herself unable to move, her chest heaving with exertion as she caught her breath.

Yielding to the exhaustion, she closed her eyes, savoring the sweet fragrance of lavender that permeated the air, its delicate presence soothing her senses. Lost in the tranquility of the moment, she was abruptly startled by a voice that resonated above her head.

Startled, she opened her eyes to discover a pair of striking blue orbs gazing down at her with a warm smile, a hand reaching out towards her, offering a bottle of water. Recognizing the familiar face, Lauren hesitated before muttering, half questioningly, "Mr. Marcel Bruce?"

Dismissing any formality, he reassured her, "Oh, please, don't mind me. You may continue to rest if you wish. I merely thought you might be in need of hydration after running for more than 30 minutes." With a gentle gesture, he extended the water, which Lauren accepted gratefully.

Expressing her gratitude, Lauren started to gulp down the refreshing liquid, her thirst unquenched by her exertions.

Amused, Marcel chuckled softly, observing her eager consumption.

"My, you must have been quite thirsty," he remarked, his smile unwavering as he watched her finish the entire bottle, her mouth soon wiped dry.

Glancing up at Marcel, curiosity compelled her to inquire, "Did you come here to run as well?" A broad smile spread across his face as he replied, "Well, no. I had already completed my workout in the inhouse gym."

Surprised by his revelation, Lauren queried, "There's a gym here?"

Marcel nodded, taking a seat beside her. Positioned opposite their vantage point, the sun began its descent, painting the sky with breathtaking hues as it prepared to set. Silently, they sat together, appreciating the beauty before them, although the true focus of Marcel's attention was not the sunset itself.

Radiating with delight, Lauren couldn't help but express her sentiments, her smile gleaming brightly. "That's truly magnificent," she remarked, her admiration evident in her voice.

"Yes, it certainly is," Marcel concurred, his words imbued with a depth that hinted at a different meaning, his gaze subtly shifting from the natural spectacle to their own connection.