„search and you will find"
Calm smoke emerges from the fireplace and fills the room.
Nice ,warm and cozy atmosphere in the smithy feels like a sauna.
Two man after work sit down to relax.
Wethir and Damon sip on some tea while their creations cool down in the basin.
-Boy, ye have picked a big thema for your "little question" –
-Well… - exhausted boy tried to answer – I really want to know that –
-Still surpreysin no one taught ye that before –
-Didn`t really have anyone for that. –
~Gotta keep up the orphan story~ Damon reminded himself.
Since he had a few interactions already in the city.
Some cases proved that being from a mystical other world is….
He had to think where is he from, what`s his story
Why is he asking so many questions and why doesn't he know anything.
So now he perfected his background story.
Damon – orphan boy from eastern village of Merton. Then it was attacked before he could do much by some monsters ( unknown for now , will have to patch it up ) and he ran away being 7-8 .
Perfect story, no loopholes, no one is confused why a boy is running around the country alone.
And makes for a great excuse to the locals.
-Ay forgot about that. Apologies – smithy put down the cup and started his explanation
-So mages you say? –
-Yeah I saw one on my way here. He tossed fire like it was a ball or something like that. How? –
-Hmmmm. There are some people lucky enough in this world, that the diety decides to …
Award them lets sey with… - took a quick sip – Oi this is good tea…..-
-Thanks. Award them with what ? –
-For one it may be simple like more muscles or great eyes. –
-more lucky or greater ones get…. Abilities .
We call them AWAKANED.
People faster than arrows, harder than steel. Some say there was one who could control monsters.
But many of them get more… interesting power. Magic.
Flame conjurers , lightning bolt strucker or
Great names in history have been so called mages. Both the good ones.-
Wethir took the last deep sip of his tea.
-And the bad ones-
-So… how can someone become … - Damon also sipped his tea. – a mage?-
- If I knew how, I wouldn`t be here, a smithy with guild problems. –
Disappointment clearly was on Damon`s face
-But.. – he continued regardless -awakening is a different story-
-You may not choose what you will become .
A mage , a farmer , a smithy or a healer –
Damon stopped drinking
~Don`t do it. I know what you`re going to say ~
-It does not matter boy. Whatever ye get, no matter what people may sey -
~Don't say it . Don't say it ~
-You can be great at it.
Damon internally threw up. Too many movies with this dialogue.
Too obvious death flag
-mmmm – Damon struggled not to answer rudely – thank you. –
Both have finished their drinks.
And they just sat their looking at the setting sun.
~I hope this isn`t like a story. Shame if he died ~ Damon really hoped he could write this.
-Well – Dwarf left his chair – I gotta close the shop now. –
-guess I`m going then – He also lifted himself from his sitting.
-We can have a chat again sometimes. I have some more tea to try with you- Damon told him
-Looking forward to it boy – Wethir disappeared inside.
Damon went home with one word echoing in his head.