"If we die, I am going to kill you"
Aries and Damon both held the same poster, not wanting to let go.
-what are you doing? – Aries looked at him
-Getting a job , you? – Damon replied with the same look
-Same. But umm, are you sure you can handle a boar by yourself? –
~hell no are you crazy ~-maybe. Can you? – Damon said to himself and to Aries the opposite
-Probably . Why? Are you worried? ~there is no way im doing that solo ~Aries similar to Damon.
Both wouldn`t let go of the poster yet both wanted to.
And so they just struggled with each other and themselves for the job.
-Can`t you guys just… go together.- Arron showed up from behind
Pair looked back, still gripping the poster.
-We can? – confused look from their faces.
-Well duh. We don`t send people alone for quests. Usually-
Back to starring at each other, they shrugged shoulders
-You know , I could use some support with this –
-Yeah , maybe two is better than one here –
Arron smiled happy to help the new guys.
Damon slammed the poster on the secretary desk.
-We want to take this – Aries said loudly.
Lisa slowly turned on her chair, looked at the poster, than at the two.
-Okeeyy… you don`t have to be so loud. Or hit my desk.-
-Sorry. So.. we just go for it? –
-Do you know where to go? – Lisa started asking .
-Well no – Aries scratched his head.
-Do you know what to hunt? –
-the boar-
-And what do you know about it?-
-mmmm. Not much – Damon also started to think.
-E X A C T L Y . you know nothing about the quest. Wait for me a second - she went to the backroom.
-Here you go – she pulled out a larger paper file. – more detailed work description location ,last sighted, looks , reward details, possible dangers etc.
-You got like small map we can use? – Aries asked too.
She hid under the desk to again look for something like that.
-MMM No, I don`t think I .. oh wait…. Maybe this… no no that`s not .. Ah here it is. –
She pulled out an old paper with something that used to be a map I think.
Some lines and colors. Not much but still.
One or two city names.
Havenmoon was one of them, simple black dot with some text over it.
Blue squiggly line , possibly a river, left to it.
Some black line right to it. Not sure what, maybe a border.
Little triangles as forests, curves as hills.
Sure it had some detail but it still looked like it was drawn by a five year old.
-That should be enough for your needs. Let me just show you where it is –
Lisa added a small dot over one forest. -Here –
-You didn`t need to add more things to this – Damon reminded her.
-Meh, we have better ones – She raised here shoulders quickly – Anything else you need? –
-Yeah can we get some rope or something like that? –
-For? – Catching it alive. Gotta try this at least- Aries said.
-I thought we were just straight killing it – Damon added.
-Well yeah me too. But one more silver is one more silver .
-True. It`s much harder tho.
-You never know if you don`t try – Aries realized that it sounded very film-like, taken out of a scene where the main characters friend is about to die.
~ew, gotta watch out for that ~ he scolded himself.
-that`s all? – for me yeah – me too –
-Good. Have fun and may the goddess bless your quest –
~Goddess? ~Damon confused about that statement.
~Goddes! ~Aries joyingly mention his diety.
And the two went on their next first quest.