Chereads / Zenko / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

Sana then ran and made it to her fight on time. Sana then says in her head, "Made it on time." The announcer then begins to speak, "Ladies and gentlemen, the fifth match is about to begin! On my right side of the arena, she is the future commander of our kingdom, Sana!" Sana then runs out waving her hands in the air. Lyon then puts his arms around me, almost choking me, and then shouts, "Sana you got this! Beat her ass!" I then began to tap on Lyon's arm saying, "Lyon…can't breathe....LYON!" The announcer then continues to speak, "And on my left side of the arena, she can be creepy and is full of mysteries to be discovered, Satirez! A girl comes out with a weird torn-up white dress with no shoes. Sana looks over at her. Her hair was covering half of her face. They both then began to meet up in the middle. As Sana got closer to Satirez, she was pale with black hair. She had scars on her arms and just by being near her, Sana was feeling negative energy coming from her. Satirez then looks up at Sana, fixing her hair. Satirez then says, "You look pretty. Can't wait to see how ugly you will get." Sana was speechless and didn't feel like replying back to Satirez. Sana was thinking in her head, "This is my first opponent? She is creeping me out but she could be stronger than how she appears to be. I shouldn't underestimate her and take this seriously." The portal then opens and the announcer then says, "Alright, once you enter the portal the battle shall begin!" 

We both then entered the portal and then we took distance from each other. The announcer then shouts, "Let the battle begin!" Sana then took out her Dual Cleavers. Satirez then said, "So that must be your weapon. Looks pretty advanced for a girl like you." Sana then was getting ready to strike first. Sana used her speed and rushed towards Satirez. Satirez then says, "Oh, you're a fast one aren't you." Satirez's eyes then flashed white. Sana then attempted to strike Satirez right arm but then suddenly Satirez dodged Sana with quick speed just like Sana. Sana missed and thought, "Her speed is fast. It's almost similar to mine." Sana then shouted, "Hunter's Sight!" Sana's movement increased and was capable of seeing weak points. Satirez then said, "You have gotten even faster pretty girl." Satirez's eyes then flashed white again. Satirez and Sana were leaving after-images all over the planet. Sana not being able to land a hit. Satirez then has blades coming out of her wrists. This came out of nowhere and got Sana confused. Satirez then rushed back at Sana. Sana was then jumping backward dodging Satirez's attacks. Satirez then says, "I see what you were seeing." Satirez's wrist blade then pierces through Sana's arm. Sana then used her cleavers the break Satirez's wrist blade. Satirez then jumps back. Sana takes the wrist blade out of her arm. Satirez's wrist blade then grows back. Sana then shouts, "What are you?!" Satirez replies back with a smile, "I'm like a killing living doll. Your power is very interesting. I am capable of mimicking my opponent's every move. I already know what your power is." Satirez then leaves four after-images and rushes Sana. Sana then shouts, "Tribal Dance!" A special fighting technique was made to amplify Sana's attack and movement. Sana was then clashing with Satirez. Satirez attempts to pierce out Sana's left eye. Sana then uses the dance to slice Satirez's left hand. Satirez hand falls off but then another blade comes out through the wound. Sana dodges her head to the left and does a sidekick to push Satirez away from her. Satirez's eyes flashed white again. Sana then thought to herself, "She can copy whatever I do. She has my tribal dance now. It's not a perfect copy so she doesn't really know how to use my moves. I have to outsmart her mimic but she has blades on every joint of her body." Satirez then puts her right hand on her head. Satirez then begins to rip off her face. A plastic doll was being shown. She then proceeds to throw her face at Sana. Sana jumps away and shouts, "What are you doing?!" Satirez then replies, "I wear the faces of those I defeat. You have a pretty face, Sana. I would like to wear you." Sana was then creeped out. Sana got in her battle stance. Satirez's left hand that Sana sliced off then stabs Sana from behind. Sana then begins to scream in pain. Satirez then took this as an opportunity and said, "Tribal Dance!" Satirez attacked Sana piercing her 37 times. Satirez left hand then begins to go deeper inside of Sana. Sana then bursts out energy to fling Satirez and her left hand away. Sana then began to charge her energy. Satirez's eyes flashed white and began to copy the same energy Sana was doing.

Sana and Satirez were then done charging. Sana then said, "Hunter's Passion!" Sana then rushed leaving an after-image. Sana strikes Satirez and then a spirit was made and landed the second attack. Satirez then shouts, "There are two of you now?!" Every attack Sana did, the spirit would coordinate and land a second attack. Sana and her spirit then sliced off both of Satirez's arms and then were about to decapitate her. Satirez then opens her mouth, sending out a blade. Sana dodges the blade. Satirez's head then does a 360-degree rotation destroying Sana's spirit and forcing Sana to back away. Sana then shouts, "Cleaving Rampage!" Sana was then sending out energy attacks from her cleavers. Satirez then gets launched in the air. Sana then dashed up above Satirez and shouted, "Hunting Desire!" Sana then strikes Satirez in the eye and a spiritual beast was then summoned and ate Satirez slamming her back to the ground. Sana then comes back floating down. Sana thinking that she has finally won then hears clicking noises. From the equator, two human-sized doll arms appear, and coming out was a broken doll head. Satirez was rebuilding herself. Sana was then ready to kill this freak. Satirez then begins to talk saying, "Your face…..won't be enough for the damage you have caused upon me....I will wear your flesh and make it my very own. I will be pretty like every girl in this kingdom." Satirez then began to flash her eyes white as if she was doing a light show. A loud scary scream then came upon Satirez. Blades coming out of her shoulders, knees, feet, arms, elbows, and fingers appear. Sana then began to close her eyes and went into a transformation.

A huge amount of energy then came from Sana as she begins to go into her transformation. Clicking sounds have gotten louder from Satirez. Sana then finishes and says, "Let's finish this." Satirez and Sana then rushed each other. Satirez's eyes flashed white and said, "Hunter's Sight!" Sana was then spinning her cleavers reflecting Satirez's attacks. Sana saw an opening and attempted to decapitate Satirez. Satirez dodges the attack by bending backward and proceeding with a back kick. Sana then uses the cleavers to break the blade on Satirez's foot. Satirez and Sana then both shouted, "Hunting Desire!" They both then clashed attacks. Sana forces her attack to go through. Satirez's eyes then flash white and says, "Your skin is mine!" Satirez moves towards the side making Sana miss her attacks and then lands the attack. Satirez summons the spiritual beast and it attacks Sana. The spiritual beast burrows Sana into the core of the planet. Sana was then slowly getting up and heard clicking noises echoing off of the walls inside of the planet's core. Sana was looking around and Satirez appears behind her saying, "Pretty girl." Sana quickly reacts and jumps away. Sana sees the flowing core of the planet. Satirez then launches herself towards Sana. Satirez then launches on top of Sana and falls to the ground. Satirez holds Sana down and then opens her mouth. Sana weaves and moves her head to the side dodging the blade coming out of Satirez's mouth. Satirez then begins to rechamber the blade from her mouth and launches it towards Sana. Sana dodged every attempt, triggering Satirez. Satirez then shouts, "Stay still and die already!" Sana then kicks Satirez in the air and shouts, "Kyatchas Purge!" Sana then spins her cleavers and dashes through Satirez. Strikes and slices appear out of thin air upon Satirez. Sana then does a backflip and lands an ax kick towards Satirez launching her into the core of the planet. Satirez's body then begins to burn and melt. Satirez then lets out a devastating scream. Then begins to crawl out of the core with only one arm attached to her. Sana then slices off Satirez's remaining arm and says, "Do you yield?" Satirez then says, "I y-yield." A portal opens with medics coming through to help aid Satirez. Sana goes through the portal and the announcers then shout, "The winner of the fifth match, Sana!" Lyon then shouts, "Let's go, Sana!" Lyon tried to grab me again but I weaved and tripped him over. I then said, "Not this time!" 

Lyon got up and said, "Yup, that is my childhood friend right there." I replied, "Does she only learn from her mistakes during battle or not?" Lyon replied, technically both but she is improving though." I looked back at the bracket and said, " Lyon, do you have any sort of plan for when you go against Raphael?" Lyon grinned and replied, "Err well before watching you, Yanan, and Sana I was just going out there and fighting without any strategy. Now I have to know what his power is and how can I counter his attacks." Then a familiar voice said, "Wow you finally used your head for once Lyon." Lyon and I turned around and saw Sana walking towards us. Lyon replied, "Wow the medic already healed you, that's surprising." Sana replied, "Yeah they said that my injuries weren't life dangerous so it was an easy healing. Also some of these fighters are hard to figure out if they just wanted to fight or trying to get the price." Lyon replied, "You're right but we don't know that it could just be their regular personality." I look back at the stadium watching the next fight while Lyon and Sana were have their conversation. In my head I said, "Wow, each fight is really getting more weirder and weirder. That makes it so much interesting, but everything comes and goes so it really sucks that in the future everyone will die." Ten minutes later, the battle ended then I turned around and saw Lyon already started walking and what is unreal was that Lyon's aura went from goofy to being serious real quick. Sana then looked at me and started to walking towards me. Sana approached me and said, "Maiku listen to me, I want you to watch Lyon's fight from beginning to the end okay because in the battle he wants everyone to know how much he has improved so please do not look away for a second." I replied, " I promise."