The announcer then begins to talk as the 7th match starts, "Ladies and gentlemen! Our 7th round is about to begin! On my left side of the arena, he is energetic and if you get on his bad side he will be trouble, it's Lyon!" Lyon then walks out with a hyper attitude. Sana leans over to me and says, "He has been waiting for his turn for a long time. Hopefully, he doesn't blow it." I respond back by saying, "Just like the rest of them, his opponent will be powerful. Let's hope that he comes out without any intense injuries." The announcer then continues to speak, "And on our right side of the arena, he is a man who gives about zero fucks in life and makes a profit off of the streets, please welcome Raphael!" Raphael then walks out smoking a cigarette. The two then meet in the middle. Lyon looks at Raphael and says, "Let the best fighter win." Lyon then reaches his hand out to shake Raphael's hand. Raphael looks at Lyon and blows smoke into Lyon's face and says, "You talk too much." Lyon then begins to cough and says, "What the hell was that for?" The portal then opens and the two go through the portal.
The two go through the other side of the portal and take distance from each other. The announcer then shouts, "Let the battle begin! Fight!" Lyon then summons his scythe and looks over at Raphael. Raphael just stands there and continues to smoke. Lyon then shouts, "Hey! Are you taking this tournament seriously?!" Raphael then rolls his eyes and blows out smoke. Lyon then loses his temper and rushes Raphael. Lyon swings his scythe towards Raphael. Raphael dodged the attack way before it reached him and grabbed Lyon by the throat. Raphael then leans Lyon closer to him and says, "I am taking this tournament seriously, I'm just not taking you seriously." Raphael then takes the cigarette out and burns it out on Lyon's forehead. Lyon then gets out of Raphael's grasp and starts holding onto his forehead trying to decrease the pain. Lyon then says, "You will pay-" Raphael then kicks Lyon in the gut and says, "Always keep your eyes on your opponent boy." Lyon then jumps back and shouts, "Assault Light Spheres!" Dozens of spheres made out of light mana shoot out as if Lyon had a minigun. Raphael then says, "Shinkei." Raphael was then dodging the attack and started to rush Lyon. Lyon then begins to shout and tries to land a hit on Raphael. Raphael then was two feet away from Lyon. Raphael grabs Lyon's hand and does a spinning back elbow landing in the middle of Lyon's face. Lyon spits out blood. Raphael then pulls Lyon closer and begins to punch him rapidly with his other hand. Lyon then aims his hand towards Raphael's stomach. Lyon then shoots out a burst of light mana. Raphael takes the hit and begins to put Lyon in an arm lock. Raphael then says, "You will pay for that." Raphael then tightens the lock making Lyon scream in pain. Lyon then shouts, "Angelic Burst!" A big burst of light mana shoots out of Lyon sending Raphael flying in the air. Lyon slowly gets up. Raphael then looks at Lyon and says, "Just yield my boy, you can't beat me." Lyon then grabs his shoulder and puts his arm back in place and says, "I would die fighting than surrender to my enemy."
Raphael responds back saying, "You haven't landed a blow on me yet." Lyon then says, "You have been reading my every move. My attacks missed. Not by a little but by a lot as if you knew they were coming. Your power allows you to see the future!" Raphael then begins to clap and says, "Looks like you are not so dumb after all. The little boy figured it all out." Lyon then shoots arrows from the bow part of the scythe. Raphael then says, "Shinkei." The arrow misses. Raphael then says in his head, "He missed. It couldn't have been on purpose. Is he trying to fake me out?" Lyon then begins to fly up. Lyon then flies towards Raphael with a charging fist. Raphael says, "Shinkei." Raphael dodges the punch but then Lyon does a reverse side kick. The kick landed and Raphael was flung backward. Lyon shoots out ten arrows. Raphael dodges the arrows. Raphael then lost sight of Lyon. Raphael then says in his head, "The arrows were a diversion!" That boy is smarter than he looks!" Lyon then appears below Raphael and grabs him by the leg and begins to spin him around and throws him towards the ground. Lyon then shouted, "Assault Light Spheres!" Raphael then puts his arms up blocking the attack. Raphael then crashes to the ground. Lyon then drops down onto Raphael with a dropkick to the gut and says, "Keep your eyes on your opponent." Raphael then spits out blood. Lyon then aims his bow at Raphael towards his forehead and says, "Do you yield?" Raphael then gets angry and shouts, "Make me bitch!" Raphael then does a spin kick on the ground kicking the weapon out of Lyon's hand. Raphael then does a flip, gets off the ground and goes for a roundhouse. Lyon then put his arms up. The roundhouse then turns into a hook kick. The kick lands and then Raphael rechambers the kick into his chest and lands a blow towards Lyon in the gut sending him flying.
Lyon then spits out blood and has one hand holding onto his stomach. Raphael then flies up and says, "Let's go all out, I want to get this fight over with." Raphael then closes his eyes and says, "My power has a second stage!" A third eye then appears on Raphael's forehead. Lyon then looks at Raphael and says, "I know something more powerful than a third eye." Lyon then begins to burst into energy and goes into an incomplete transformation. Lyon then says, "I know that I won't be able to beat your foresight, but I will try to out speed it." Raphael then smirks and says, "Impressive, but you are still an annoying brat!" Lyon and Raphael then charged at each other clashing both fists together. Raphael then says, "Shinkei!" His third eye then begins to glow. Lyon then summoned his scythe and started spinning it trying to land an attack. Raphael was dodging Lyon's attack left and right. Raphael then tries to go for a kick to the gut but then Lyon blocked the attack by using his scythe handle. Raphael then got angry. Raphael then started to throw a barrage of punches. Lyon starts to block the barrage with his scythe and then slices four of Raphael's fingers. Raphael shouted in pain. Raphael then goes for a reverse hook kick. Lyon catches Raphael's leg, throws him in the air, and shouts, "Angelic Smite!" A big blast of light mana smites on top of Raphael. Raphael then spits out blood. Raphael's eyes then begin to glow. Raphael begins to shout. Raphael launches himself toward Lyon. Raphael grabs Lyon and lands deep inside the planet until they land inside a cave. Sana then shouts, "What is happening to Raphael?" I then replied to Sana saying, "He is going berserk. It's like a transformation but the downfall of it is that you are no longer in control which means that Raphael could kill Lyon if Lyon doesn't play it safe." Sana then thinks to herself, "Was this what Lyon was talking about back at the coliseum? Is this a berserk mode?"
Raphael then throws Lyon through a pillar in the cave. Raphael then begins to shout and say, "It's not fair! All people like you are gifted with such a nice life while people like me have to work our way on the streets trying to make a living! It's not fair to us that we have to work this hard while you get to sit down and relax as if life is a paradise! I'll kill you and everyone who is spoiled!" Raphael then launches himself toward Lyon. Lyon gets out of the pillar and dodges the attack. Lyon then shouts, "That's not true! I also had to work hard in order to grow stronger and live in the kingdom from where I stand! Nobody here has ever taken the easy route! Take my friend Sana as an example! She has worked her ass off to get to where she is now! You have no right to assume this on everyone!" Lyon uses the bow end of the scythe and shouts, "Angelic Light!" A big beam was shot towards Raphael. Raphael then shouts, "Shrink-" The beam was faster than light itself. Raphael couldn't react in time. The beam was shot towards Raphael's forehead. Lyon then says, "I made sure that the beam wouldn't kill but take out your third eye. Now you're finished!" Raphael then gets up and charges toward Lyon with a flying sidekick. Lyon then shouts, "Angel's Fate!" Lyon parry's the attack and the damage inflicted on Lyon was countered back to Raphael. Raphael was then stunned. Lyon then grabs Raphael throws him back into the air, and shouts, "Angelic Light!" beams of light were then burrowing and piercing Raphael from the ground and right back into the air. Raphael has holes through his body, bleeding out, and then collapsed on the ground. Raphael's eyes then turn back to normal. Lyon flies toward Raphael and says, "Give up, you have no more stamina to keep on going." Raphael then says in a painful voice, "I will never….ever….lose to a joke like you!" Raphael then jumps up from the ground and tries to do a roundhouse. Lyon moves the scythe to where Raphael was aiming, making Raphael cut off his own foot. Raphael collapses on the ground and mutters, "I won't…lose…" Raphael then passes out.
The announcer then shouts, "And the winner of this match goes to Lyon!" The portal opens and medics come out rushing to aid Raphael. Lyon goes out of his incomplete transformation and goes through the portal. Back at the Spectators room, Sana was clapping for Lyon and in her mind, she said, "Good job, you finally know how to use your power properly now and not only that you can hold your incomplete transformation, I'm also so proud that you have shown how hard you have been training." I looked at Sana and said, "So do you have a lover?" Sana slowly turned her head towards me and replied, "Wait what…WHAT!!!" I covered my ears and said, "Hey lower your voice, jeez my ears!" Sana started to blush and then ran out with embarrassment. I looked back at the arena and said, "I know you are there, don't worry. I made sure would Sana leave so you and I can talk privately." A person walked through the door then said, "I guess your sensing has gotten even more sharper." I replied, "Thank you for noticing Shamueru." Shamueru grinned and said, "Do you still remember how I beat you back at the mountain because you were getting too noisy?" I replied, "Yeah, I still want that rematch." Shamueru became serious the replied, "Then just make it to the semifinals, also when you reach to the semifinal take off that glove because if you don't, you won't be strong enough to beat me." POOF!!! A black smoke appeared out of nowhere. I tried moving my hand trying to see clearly but when I did, Shamueru vanished. I was confused, in my head I said, "What does he mean if I keep wearing my glove, I won't win against him?" I turn my head towards the bracket, and it shows that the second round is here and I'm up first. I started towards the arena. My body started to feel tingling and warm, my eyes widened in my head. I said, "This is starting to get interesting; a fire has been lit up and it's getting hotter and hotter. I think I just can't wait to fight this round and win."