Chereads / The Stallion And The Rider / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 五

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5 五


As Olivia sat in the place's prison, uncertainty stood clear, followed by a appalled feeling. She imagined how wicked Lysander must've been such that he threw her into prison after she had treated the king. Back in her world, she had understood that men could be very ungrateful, but this was just worse than being ungrateful, it seems like she was now a slave in a unknown land.

Oh why did she ever follow that shadow into that black hole? Why was she so curious to know? And yet, she didn't meet the Stallion she had been following. Within these few hours, she had taken in a vital lesson, that curiosity truly killed the cat. She should've just thought about it over again, she should have at least, pretended to afraid, she should've turned back and left, but here she was, probably in another realm. She didn't know how she ended up from her Tesla to a prison and she needed a good explanation. However, as she was unsure of what fate awaited her, she still closed her eyes to sleep.

That night, as Lysander wrote warfare letters which were to be sent to the neighboring cities at the outskirts of Apotha, his mind was directed at the disturbing prophesy from Apollo's oracle. There was just one big problem, the words didn't make sense despite the fact that they were very much interpretable, he thought the oracle must've made a mistake because, the girl who healed the king didn't have any traits of the description, not even a mark. However, as he pondered on his somewhat impossible strategies, his first mate, Xu Zojo walked into his cabin.

Xu Zojo was best described as the best swordsman in Bajj, a large village in Apotha, he was the second son from the Xiu Xu household and his village's biggest accomplishment. Lysander and Zojo had been together for the past 20 years, and Zojo had pretty much been his personal guard and babysitter when Lysander was still a stubborn toddler. But as Lysander grew older, Zojo became his martial arts trainer and his first mate. However, one of Lysander's goal was to best his trainer in a duel, whether it seemed impossible or not.

"Your Highness," Zojo greeted as he walked into Lysander's cabin.

"Zojooo, what's kicking?" Lysander childed with his first mate like he always did, but Zojo wasn't the cheerful type, no matter how Lysander tried, he couldn't get Zojo to smile or laugh. Zojo was like a cold demon.

"A lot your Highness.... General Spikehair has summoned me to the warfront." Zojo replied, there was not one expression on his face. However, he awaited what would result out of the crown prince's prolonged silence.

Lysander looked at his first mate speechless for a while, he didn't fancy general Lee at all (Which was why he gave him the nickname "GENERAL SPIKEHAIR"). Everytime Zojo was called upon to fight one war or another, Lysander usually became scared for his first mate. However, this war was not just an international one, it was a war against Kronos and his brothers, who were all Greek lords. Lysander didn't think Zojo would stand a chance of survival.

"When are you leaving?" Lysander asked but he soon got his answer, right after noticed that Zojo was wielding a sword and that he was dressed in fine linen which was a matching attire of a soldier representing Apotha. Unfortunately, Zojo was leaving that night. 

" I see." Lysander affirmed. 

But then, as anxious as he was, he still asked questions. "How long would you be gone for?" 

"That, I can't determine, if this war still persists..." 

"I understand, good luck then." Lysander shoved him away, in an attempt to cut him off from his words. But as Zojo bowed and turned to leave, Lysander stopped him in his tracks, he didn't want the possibility that his first mate was stepping out on him for the very last time. "Have a cup of ginseng before you leave. You might need it for the road." 

*. °. *. °. *

THE NEXT SUNRISE, Olivia didn't stop yelling from the prison, it was only night and she was already tired of being here. She found too many defects about this room, the mosquitoes were rampant and they almost sucked her bones dry. The bed was practically made of wood and it made her head ache so bad, when she woke up, her bones felt really stressed and she had several wounds on her body, all derived from the mosquito's wicked bites. And she also had one problem, she was supposed to be at a doctor's appointment by 8 o'clock, but here she was, sitting helplessly in a prison by.... Wait, what the hell was the time!. They had earlier seized her phone from her, rendering her helpless and now, in this dimly lit prison, she couldn't tell whether it was still day or it was already noon. 

"You guys have to let me go! Hey! Is anybody there?! Come on, I have a freaking doctor's appointment!" She hit the iron bars with all her strength until she was tired and then she gave up and crumpled down to the floor. "Oh God, I read the book of Exodus and I saw how you gave food the the Israelites, I could honestly use that miracle right now, because I'm damn famished." 

Yeah, she was becoming crazy being in solicitation, she probably had been yelling for over an hour and was really getting worn out. As every minute passed by, she highly regretted the mistake she had committed, approaching that black hole. 

"God! Can you hear me? I need food! anything at all, it doesn't matter what!" 

As she continued talking to God in the cell, her miracle somewhat... Happened. A palace guard brought a bowl of porridge to her. As the guard dropped it on the floor before her, Olivia eyed the disatisfactory sight they gave her to eat. 

"What the hell is this?" She asked with a stiff frown. 

"Brown porridge of course." The guard replied. 

"Honestly, if you were the one, would you eat this disgusting meal?" 

"I'm not desperate, and well, I'm not the prisoner... So no." The guard smirked as he talked. "Also, you better get used to it, because as long as you're in this place, this is what you gonna get every single day." 

As the guard turned to leave, she shouted after him. "Wait! Do you at least have Coca-Cola?" 

Obviously, she got no reply. So once again, she was left helpless. "Oh geez, I'm not gonna eat this." 

However, she still ended up eating it all.