The next few days seemed like he'll to Olivia, and there wasn't much she could even summarize as to her suffering because she was confined in prison. She smelled like rotten onions, and that was because she hadn't showered for the past five days - bleh. Every night, she became scared of sleeping, because the mosquitoes were literally eating her soul out of her body and there wasn't even a damn basket to protect her from the unforgivable cold. Her eyes were sore and her temperature was boiling, she had a fever, in fact, her fever had a fever.
Olivia would've called for help again but she realized that no one had been answering her at all. In these past few days, the only person she saw was tree tree guard who would always come to give her a plate of brown porridge daily. Now, she understood what it meant to be a prisoner, she understood how it felt when someone's life was limited behind bars, she knew what it was like to be very helpless. But she also knew that she wasn't at fault, she didn't deserve all these punishments, now it didn't matter whether she tripped into that hole or not, what really did matter was that she was trafficked and was being maltreated like a slave. Oh, the moment she steps out of this dungeon, she was going to...!
"You're free to go." Another guard interrupted her thoughts as she sulked on her wooden bed. Olivia couldn't believe her ears as the words came, but as weak as she was, she still managed to raise her head, but couldn't say a word.
"The crown prince has commanded to let you go, the king is finally awake and the prince demands an audience with you." This was just great, her golden ticket came to her in a platter. Today, as furious as she was, she was going to kill the crown prince.
. °. *. °.
Now this was awkward, two palace maids forcefully bathing Olivia. She had earlier refused of course, but they had compelled her to be bathed by them. Olivia felt all levels of discomfort as she sat in the tub as she was very skeptical about herself and won't let anyone but her fiance, Eren touch her. However, as she was being bathed for, even by women, all she needed at that moment was the power to disappear, each time the women's hands slipped down her intestines, her heart would freeze and then she would jerk up instantly. Momentarily, she overcame that phase, the women wrapped a towel around her as she stepped out of the tub. Then, they led her back to the room that came after the bathroom, it was a beautiful cabin that was garnished with an unlimited amount of floral designs. There was a wooden shelf at the upper left of the room, and it probably was filled with different kind of cosmetics. The window blind were primarily made of flowers and behind the blinds was the most beautiful sight of the open world she had probably ever seen. This room was obviously created to meet up to a woman's taste, but it didn't please Olivia, at least the flowers didn't.
She was led to sit on a wooden stool and afterwards, the maids began brushing her wet hair, this action went on for about half an hour, and it eventually made Olivia uneasy and upset. "Why do you keep brushing my hair? It's pretty neat already." She asked.
"Be patient mistress, we're only trying to make it dry." One of the women returned with a smile that Olivia couldn't help but feel suspicious about. She realized that this scenario was just a little tip of an iceberg. Two women were handling her body as if it wasn't her own. She just wanted to explain to them that they could use a hair dryer, but she realized almost everyone in this era had little or no intelligence about how life really worked. To begin with, she noticed that most of them used swords as weapons but no one had a gun. Also, she was brought to a place with roped tied to her hands while being dragged by a horse. Olivia understood that people still rode horses but why use a rope instead of handcuffs? And when the hell did horses replace police cars? Wait, were these people even the police? She was told that the crown prince demanded an audience with her, so did that mean she was in a castle? She was really certain that she had spent almost a week in this mystery place and yet none of her questions had been answered, and that was because she was put behind bars where she had visibly lost her usual weight. But today all that was going to come to an end, she was definitely going back home today.
As they walked through the passages of the palace, Olivia readmired it's beauty, but all she saw was all she had seen was earlier, she just wasn't yet to step into the core of the palace. The maids led her on and on along the seemingly endless passageway until they stopped at a golden cabin door. The maids announced their presence towards whoever was behind that gold door, and Olivia didn't like how much accordance they gave to him. She noticed that the women were bowing so much, and as women who seemed to be in their forties, Olivia thought their health could deteriorate due to too much stress on their waist bone.
"Your Highness, the healer is ready." Olivia couldn't help but wonder what she was supposed to be ready for.
"Let her in." The crown prince answered. But as Olivia stepped into his cabin, she met the most chilling sight ever...