Graceful and kind the villagers stare at her in awe she was a Norwegian woman with dirty blonde hair in a lose bun and a well fitted dress that was white as snow and complimented with a ruby red corset and flats. The woman was pure full of love, but the other woman would disagree they envy her looks, her hazel blue eyes, even just the way she walks. "Look at her slim waist" A farmer had said receiving and hit in the head from his wife "she's probably a slut" the farmer wife replied as she did so she caught eye contact with the Norwegian woman and huffed and went back to selling her crop to the shopkeeper. " what a beauty" a sickening man said.
"Lady Astrid, Please wait for me" The woman's dolt maid runs up to her "Ah
sorry Frida I didn't mean to leave you behind I got distracted" She had responded with a warm smile. the maid and fair lady walked shop to shop buying dresses, shoes, jewelry, and food. "M'lady we must go back to the manor Pastor Odin is waiting for us" Frida states and The woman nods in understandment and the both head back to the carriage.