Chapter 28 - 28

"So right now, I'm looking for a job" August said

"Really" Flynn said

"Yeah, it probably will be great to look for one" Rai said

"I was thinking it's about time, I had three previous jobs, so my money is in order, but it's probably a good thing to get another one" August said

"Well I'm going to start looking at careers" Rai said

"But Rai you worked at, the flower shop since forever" Flynn said

"Flynn, I'm not quitting my job, I'm just looking for careers" Rai said

"Oh, I was a bit worried about you, Rai" Flynn said

"Yeah, I really like the flower shop, sometimes I miss, Mrs. Corrigan though" Rai said

"She really cared for me, I'm happy to work at the shop though, it makes me happy" Rai said

"You guys are technically connected by powers though" August said

"Yes" Rai said

"Damn it's about training time isn't it" Rai said looking at his watch

"How many more weeks of that shit" August said upset

"Not many, it's important we train, don't you want to get better, August" Rai said

"Yeah, but it seems like we do it all the time" August said

The boys walked out of the shop


"What the he- Flynn" Rai tackled Flynn to the ground

"Thanks, Rai" Flynn said

"Flynn, stay here" Rai said running toward August

"What the hell are those things" August said to Rai

"It seems like a bunch of giant bug creatures" Rai said

"Rai, look a little girl" August said running toward a little girl


August grabbed the child

"Thank you, Mr" The little girl said

"You need to get out of here, Run that way and warn anyone else not to come here, do you think you can do tha--- oooff

August wrestled to get the creature off of him

The little girl hesitated

"It's ok, I'm alright go warn the rest of the people" August said to the little girl

The girl ran off to warn the others

"Uhhhh AHHH" August threw the creature off of him and ran towards Rai

"Those things grip very hard, Rai how the hell are we going to fight off, what looks to be a few thousand" August said running next to Rai

"I don't know, where the hell is Alder" Rai said

Ring Ring

"ALDER! Do you not see this, where are you" Rai said running still

"Rai I'm currently trying to prevent more of those things from going anywhere else in the world, never mind the city" Alder said

"So what you are telling me is that, August and I have to fight those things off" Rai said

"Unfortunately yes" Alder said

"Hey, your part is protecting the city" Alder said jokingly

"He's probably still going to force us to show up for practice" August said

"Amazing" Rai said

"Why is he always conveniently gone when something is attacking the city" August said

"Come on let's think of a plan" Rai said hiding

"Alright you said they seem to have good grips, right" Rai said

"Yes, very strong and powerful grips" August said

"Your power is gravity based correct" Rai said

"True, but how can I stop gravity when they're already in flight" August said

"True, but can't you stop gravity and catapult yourself" Rai asked

"Uhmm, yes but how would that benefit me" August asked

"It would be easier if it was a regular guy trying to kill me and I could just stop his attacks from hitting me by controlling where they land, it's going to be harder, I have no tactical advantage, to be honest" August said shrugging

"August why the hell are you shrugging, everyone could die" Rai said putting his hand on his head

"Alright, we just have to find out what their weaknesses are, and try from there" Rai said

"How are we supposed to figure that out" August asked

"August, look" Rai said turning August's head around

"Is it raining" Rai said

"Hey! , that's their weakness, water" August said

"Yeah, but the forecast said it's not supposed to rain until Friday" Rai said confused

"AUGUST LOOK" Rai pointed toward Flynn

The boys ran over nearly falling over

"Flynn you can control water" Rai said

"You have powers" August said

"Have you had them this whole time" August said grabbing Flynn's hand

"Don't grab his hand dumbass" Rai said hitting August's head

"I think I've had it about two days, I think that's what caused the sink to break, the same thing happened in my shower" Flynn said

"Wow, you finally got a power" August said patting Flynn's back

"But where did it come from?" Rai asked

"I really don't know, I was going to retrace my steps then, if I found out tell you guys, but I guess it's too late for that" Flynn said smiling

"Great now you can work too" Rai said

"So their weakness is water" Rai said

"Let's try to set something up to where we have the tactical advantage" Rai said

"Does it only work on water, or anything else" August asked

"August get to work" Rai said

The boys set up a device able to shoot water in any and every direction

"Alright, that should do" Rai said

"All we have left is to find out how" August said

"Yeah, like where the hell did these creatures come from" August said

Ring Ring

"August turn your phone off" Rai said

"Alright, it's probably just my mom, I'll turn it of- wwwwait" August said

"Huh, it's a El-

"IT'S ELYSIA" August yelled

"Rai I gotta take this please" August begged

"August the city is in grave danger" Rai said

"What if Elysia is in danger" August said

"Fine take it" Rai said

"Hello" August said

"Hello, El" August said again

"Hello, August" Elysia said

"I was calling you to see what you're up to" Elysia said laughing

"Nothing, not really" August said turning around

"That is nice, my partner, Hiro an-

"Partner" August said pausing

"Yes, a guy I met, he was so sweet as is kind" Elysia said

"He sort of reminds me of you" Elysia said

"Oh well that's amazing" August said looking mad

"Yeah, just less aggressive" Elysia said

"Oh, well aggression is good sometimes, Elysia" August said

"Are you sure you're not doing anything, something sounds loud, are you and the boys watching a movie" Elysia asked

"No, we are uhm playing video games, yeah" August said

"Oh, well I hope you win, I almost have to get back to the building, Hiro is going to pick me up in about 30 minutes" Elysia said

"Alright, I hope this Hiro guy is as nice as you describe him" August said fuming

"Bye, August love you" Elysia said

"Love you too, El" August said slightly smiling

"It's over" August said

"What's over" Rai asked

"Me and Elysia" he responded

"She found another guy" August said sadly

"Really" Rai said

"Yeah, his name is Hiro" August said angrily

"He's from Japan?" Rai asked

"I don't know and I don't care" August said throwing stuff

"Well, you win some you lose some, huh" Flynn said

"Be quiet, water boy" August said

"Sorry" Flynn said

"August there are more girls out there" Rai said

"I know but I love Elysia" August said

"She can do no wrong in your eyes" Rai said

"Right she can't" August said madly

"Women are a hassle sometimes" Flynn said

"Yeah they're unpredictable" Rai said

"But also kind and sweet, pretty" August said

"August you're going to get your heartbrokennnn" Rai said

"That looks to be about all the bugs don't ya think" Flynn said

"Yeah, well that was a little thought provoking but nothing we couldn't contain" Rai said smiling

The boys high fived each other

"Never seen a threat like that before" August said

"Yeah me either" Rai said


"FLYNN!" the boys yelled in unison

"Who is that" Rai said pointing up to a tiny spec in the sky

"I don't know who they are but they took Flynn" August said

"Call Alder" August said

"Alder pick up come on" Rai said

"Hello, Rai, you guys, I'm still fighting" Alder said

"There's this thing, person, we don't know they took, FLYNN you have to come now" Rai said

"They took our friend" August yelled

"Rai, August remember what I taught you" Alder said hanging up

"Hey hey hey wait no, what" Rai said

"That bastard hung up on us" August said madly, punching a building

"August, you stop gravity and follow me, I'll see you up there" Rai said

"Alright" August said


"Well yeah your "babies" almost killed a little girl and the whole city, lady" Flynn said

The woman threw Flynn up in the sky and proceeded to bombard him with stones

"Ahhhouahghh" Flynn fell and started coughing up blood

"I'm going to kill you" The woman said preparing herself


"Uhhhhhh" Rai blocked the attack

"Don't worry buddy" Rai said to Flynn

"AUGUST HURRY UP" Rai screamed motioning for him to grab Flynn

August caught Flynn

"You don't look so good" August said

"Well yeah that lady almost killed me" Flynn said laughing while coughing

August smiled

"You took him, you took my target" the woman scowled

"Yeah, your target is my best friend, you don't get to kill him" Rai said using the woman's attack on her

"AHHHHHHH" the woman yelped

"I'll kill you then" She said raising her hand into the sky

The clouds suddenly got dark and the atmosphere went black

"What the hell" Rai said

"RAI!!!!!!!" August yelled

"Nooooo" Flynn yelled

"Close your eyes"

Rai closed his eyes

A bright light beamed, causing the woman to become blinded and losing balance of her focus, she fell out of the sky and hit the ground knocking her unconscious

The boys then landed

"Flynn" Rai said running toward him

"Rai, you were awesome" Flynn said

"Flynn, I didn't do that" Rai said

"He's right, I did" A tall boy with curly hair and a familiar accent walked out with a cheeky smile on his face

"ALESSANDRO!!!!!!!" The boys yelled in unison

"That was quite a save, you had there" Rai said

"But I saw you, Rai you were amazing, and so were you, Flynn, you also had an amazing save, August" Alessandro said

"I'm beat, it sure would've been nice to have El here" Flynn said

"Yeah, I do miss her" August said

"We know" They all said

"We're just going to take a look at him to make sure nothing is wrong" The ambulance said

"Can we uhmm maybe go with him" Rai asked


"What even was that" Flynn asked

"I think those creatures and that woman are linked to something bigger than a random attack" Alessandro said

"Strangely, I feel the same way" Rai said looking out of the ambulance vehicle