Chereads / The Tasks of a Flower Boy / Chapter 30 - 30. The Search for Flynn Carlisle

Chapter 30 - 30. The Search for Flynn Carlisle

"You need to go through your entire schedule from yesterday" the investigator said

"Are you kidding me, someone could've killed him, why are you out here interrogating us" August said


"no no, I am not going to listen, you all are always bullying people who need you to do your damn job" August yelled

"Hey, young man be quiet and let me talk, I understand you are upset about your friend, but you know as well as me, that this is the main procedure" The investigator said

"If you want a snack or something we can provide you with that, to calm you down" The investigator asked

"No I just want you and your " boys in blue" to do your damn jobs" August said

"First of all kid, you do not talk to me that way, ok second of all we got guys out there searching for your little buddy, so you need to calm down with the yelling and focus so we can pull through, you realize you and your other friend are the only ones who know what Flynn was doing that day, right" The investigator said

"We didn't spend the day with him you dumb shit, he was in the hospital, are you investigating the hospital staff, too" August asked

"We are investigating everyone who came in contact with Flynn" The investigator said

"Wait doesn't Flynn's dad work here isn't he like a Seargent or something" August asked

"We are working diligently to find his boy, but he is currently home, unfortunately he might get out of control since this is his son, so can you do it young man, can you do it for Flynn, his dad, his brother" The investigator asked

"Alright, I got out of my bed, the first thing I did was brush my teeth and you know everything you do in the morning" Rai said

"My friend, August the other guy y'all are investigating, we were going to train at the gym, but we decided to see Flynn, I left by myself however" Rai said

"Did he follow suit, like did you guys meet up somewhere or" The investigator asked

"No sir, I didn't know he was visiting Flynn, but I guess he figured I was going to visit him and followed" Rai said

"We were talking about his condition and of course what we were going to do they day, but that's about where we left off" Rai said

"Alright thank you young man" The investigator said shaking Rai's hand

"I hope you guys can find Flynn, he's my best friend, but I know he's strong enough to survive this, he also has a good heart so hopefully he will be alright" Rai said

"We will do everything in our power to find him, he's Elijah's boy" The investigator said

"Thank you boys for your cooperation and time, we are working diligently to find, Flynn" The officers said

"I don't trust them" August said

"Well I mean Flynn's dad is the Seargent" Rai said

"So, all of those officers stab each other's backs all the time" August said

"We should visit Flynn's dad" Rai said

"Yeah that's a good idea, we should also do some investigating of our own" August said

"What are you doing on the laptop" May asked

"Oh, umm nothin much" Matthew said closing it

"So why'd you close it so fast, you know I can't see" She said feeling for the fridge

"I was just, I forgot" Matthew said smiling

"Matteo, you should not worry about me" She said

"I am ok, really" She said cupping Matthew's cheek

"But it's not fair, you got your sight taken and Miguel just gets to walk around like nothing happened" Matthew said

"I want him gone" Matthew said cracking up

"Matteo you shouldn't wish that, he will get what is coming for him, believe me" She said

"But you can't rush it, so promise me you won't do anything crazy" Maylin said grabbing Matthew's hands

"I mean, what about Elysia" Matthew said

"Oh, your- hey that's your little girlfriend right" She said laughing

"She's a friend May" Matthew said looking down

"She can heal you, I know she can" Matthew said grabbing Maylin's hands

"I didn't know that was her power, healing?" Maylin said

"Oh, my does Miguel know" Maylin said

"I'm worried he might" Matthew said

"Well if he does, you will just have to be the one to protect her" Maylin said smiling

"Now what do you want for dinner" She said grabbing her phone

"I'll order it" She said smiling

Knock knock

"Yes" Officer Carlisle said

"Hi" Rai said "Hey" August said putting one hand up

"Hello boys come on in, have a seat" Officer Carlisle said

"We're sorry about what happened, sir, I hope they find him" August said

"They will, I have faith in them" He said sitting down

"He certainly wouldn't have escaped" Rai said

"No no way, we don't want to scare you but we think someone may have taken him" August said

"We think it may be linked to the fight earlier this week" Rai said

"Did you boys tell the investigators this" Officer Carlisle asked

"No, August doesn't trust them" Rai said

"Well you all will have your reasons" Officer Carlisle said

"Uhm, where's Flynn's brother" Rai asked

"He's out of town, he's coming immediately though" Officer Carlisle said

"I just want to find my son" Officer Carlisle said breaking down

"Sir, we'll do everything we can to find him" August said

"I hope he's not dead, I worked on tons of cases like this where the children just died" He said crying

"We won't let him die, he's our best friend there's no way that'll happen" Rai said grabbing Mr. Carlisle's hand

"Thank you boys" He said hugging them

"I'm telling you, this is linked to that attack, we need to find evidence, clues" August said

"How can we keep record, we aren't a police force we don't have the tools" Rai said

"That doesn't matter, as long as you have a brain and can reason, that's all it takes, we must find Flynn" August said

"Alright, do we have pictures of that woman" Rai asked

"Yes, I think they took pictures of the woman" August said scrolling through his phone

"The woman seemed angry, almost like that's just her one emotion" Rai said

"She kept using so much force, I think something is wrong with her" Rai said

"But don't they already have her locked up" Rai asked

"Yes, but we can still search clues, maybe there are more people like her" August said

"And those bugs, that's it, they are strange, I don't even know if they're human" Rai said

"Then we have to find out who they really are, because we gotta rescue, Flynn" August said

"We'll find him no matter what" Rai said

"I didn't know you cared so much about, Flynn, August" Rai said

"I know he's kind of an idiot sometimes but he's a kind idiot, he didn't have to do what he did for me but he did, and I was able to get my mother back" August said

"And you too Rai, you risked losing your job and everything, I owe you guys a lot" August said

"August you are sensitive" Rai said smiling

"No I just want to find our friend" August said

"I do too, we must find Flynn, especially after he just received a new found power, what if he doesn't know how to use it properly, he has almost no training,except our guidance that day" Rai said

"If they even try to harm him, I'll kill them" August said his eyes turning black

"August what the, are you alright man, your eyes they"

"I'm good, I'm good it's just something that I have, it's not a big deal" August said

"Since when, you have never told us about this before" Rai said looking into August's eyes

"Dude, will you focus, I just said it's not a big deal, Flynn is our only priority" August said

"Well we have to be in a good state so that we'll be happy finding Flynn" Rai said

"I am, I am more than motivated" August said

"Alright then, let's find him" Rai said hitting August's back