- 2tails: Heyheyheeey motherfucker, it is nice to see you, though speaking to yourself is not healthy. Also, it is a nice plan, but I advise you, to go under a table in like 2 millenias 7 days, 3 hours, 20 minutes and 1 seconds.
What and why is this guy is doing here? It is not like he is that bad news, but yet he rages me out, I could scream. Why is he smiling, like I am some kind of idiot???
- 2tails: If you will not speak, then give me the dancing floor. You are fully right and that is how it should be. But a long long time ago, as far as I will not say numbers, since I do not know, but! A handsome guy did something, cause a meteorite shower in space what interrupts and makes this plan pointless. I just came to see, that you are still sane, but sorry for the headsup, I can not see the future, but for you and to this planet, something will be a blast. You have not to worry, you survive, since, your little book is here, you need to watch only and excuse me, for the sake of me. If you are wondering does not I have a better thing to do, I could, but the aftermath of my doings are on the way and I want to clean up. Ask me anything, here and now, I will speak, yet please do not dig a hole and put me 6 feet under.
- me: It is pointless, to ask how long were you here, I will do the 2+2 too, but I would really need a talk. Why do you care so much? What do YOU think EXACTLY I should do from now on?
- 2tails: There are similarities between the 2 of us, not exactly in body or mind, but a little of both, so I understand and I say 1 particular thing. I can not do that, but you can. It is risky, riskier, than most of the things I do. I said the time. I can not do that, but if you skip time, you will be the same and you do not have to suffer, then, just live. That is the thing, what would make you happy. It is not the time you really born for. Just search a cozy place, what can whitstand a thermonuclear war or two, buy that, use that, then you will see. From that point on, magic will happen and you maybe or not, you do not need to, but forgive me, for this thing you clearly not enjoying right now. Just know, I never want 2 things: Drag people into my drama and make anything or people suffer or see them doing it.
- me: You know, what will I do. Even if I will not buy it, see you soon...
As I said that, I could blow up, but how could I say no? I have a few chances, but is he or someone controlling even my bloodvessels I am breaking right now? Am I having the right? Oh well, there are too much things to worry about, but I rather will not be bald, not that I could be...