We all waited until the people outside opened the door. Christian is the first to know that I'm gone and that poor, high-ranking Letlicia is most definitely being punished. Next would be Noelle. She probably blames herself for not escorting me back to the manor; she is that type of girl.
I don't know how they would try to take me away from here, but time counts. I'm going to help myself first; those two can do what they can to assist me. The girls asked me to take a rest because I was also one of the people who got hit, along with the others who got abused. I don't see just being slapped as significant, but I appreciate their kindness. I am indeed tired, but I choose to stay awake.
I turned down their offer, and I realized once again my cringey main character's personality. I grunted unconsciously, raising the alarm of many people around me. I looked at them and said, "I'm fine, don't worry."
They all looked at each other in resolution then forced me to lay down and take a break. I look at them in astonishment, and I tell them in a relieved tone that with this type of attitude, you will have a very good life.
They smiled warmly, looking at me. They told me they were grateful. Someone like me appeared; they don't want me to be here. One by one, they said that the majority of them have already made the decision to accept their fate, submit to others' uses of them, and lead an object-like existence. They all voiced their opinions. They were done. The mood was heavy.
I changed the subject. I asked them, "What are your dreams?" I said my dream was to become a businesswoman, own a company, and lead people to prosperity. 'It would be a miracle if I did that, though'. They all got excited; the children joined, and they all spoke of their dreams and what they aspired to be. They joked, saying they wanted to become the bride of the president. They all laughed, and I also laughed with them to lessen the depressing mood, saying the president is the most powerful and cold person in public, and being his bride, you are made of a block of ice.
This joke is really hilarious, and the mood of the room gets lighter. And when we heard a thud, I made a 'shh' signal and reminded them of our plan.
We are all prepared. As I look around, the people's eyes are filled with determination. The cellar temperature is cold. I'm expecting it's already dawn; no one is excited to wake up this early; this might be... a chance. I heard footsteps heading to the door.
The door swung open, and we all started to act like we were all tied up. We made it look like we had lost hope and tried to erase suspicions. I only saw one person, and I also saw keys because they were always in the pocket; I never heard them ring. It wasn't the person who slapped me. I studied him more. I looked at his muscles; they were not developed. The legs were thin, and the body was skinny. He looked like he was not a fighter.
I looked at the girls; they all looked at me worriedly. I proceeded with the plan I made and put on my best seductive face. I didn't breathe to make my face flush red and my eyes watery, and I bit my lips to make it alluring. As I'm doing this, I see that man's crotch. It's disgusting, but this needs to be done; if he touched even the slightest, 'I'm going to sing him some lullabies and put him to sleep forever.'
Eyes glinted dangerously. I continued my act. I made my maid's sleeves fall off my shoulders. The person watched, lusting over me. He took my arms, and I started to shiver to bring down his vigilance. "Come with me and take care of this." He licked his lips. I made a horrified expression to finish my acting. He chuckled as he turned around to go out of the door, yanking me away.
I took action. I held a teared-up cloth over his mouth and kicked his legs. He knelt down instantly, the girls started kicking the person hard, he grunted in pain, he couldn't shout because of the cloth, and we did not stop until the person stopped grunting and passed out. The bliss of escaping the grasp of people who imprisoned you and getting back to them is exhilarating. We look at each other, and I remind them that it's not done yet.
We tie the person up, legs secured. I take the keys and open the door. The lights outside are dim. 'Chris probably can't find me because I was shipped on a magic boat or... an illegal portal. I focus my attention in front of me. The whole place is empty. I opened the door slowly and went out. I walked the hallway and reached the end, where there is currently no one. There's a stairs leading up with a hatch with a lock.
I motioned for the girls and children to go out of the room; that child with high awareness left second to last, as I promised I would be the last one to leave the room. I let them wait in the hallway. We are all quiet, but it's stifling and could arouse some doubt.
I walked up front quietly. I started to moan quietly, barely heard, then grunted. My favorite past time is to learn how to use a man's voice. People get frightened whenever they look around expecting a man and see women speaking like a dude. The reactions are extremely funny, and I smile whenever I remember them.
I spoke in my man's voice, "Be obedient." Some grunts and men enjoying sounds affect the girls around me, covering the children's ears. I stopped, then I heard a whistle and a chuckle; it sounded familiar. I still had my vigilance up. I unlocked the hatch with the key, tried multiple keys, and opened it the fourth time. I opened the hatch slightly, but it swung open. Oh Shoot!