Chereads / Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man / Chapter 1 - Arrival (Edited)

Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man

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(Imagine a Peter Parker with Garou from one punch man's build and then some, depressed and almost insane, brought back from the dead with no Aunt May to keep him grounded.) Sixteen-year-old Peter Parker's life was a mess. His successfully failed attempt at giving himself superpowers turned him into a giant mindless feral lizard and his death battle with the very vigilante that inspired his actions, the one who he once admired(Spider-Women) was the least of his problems. After being left for dead and actually dying, something brought him back, changing him to the point where he doesn't even know how much of him is him and how much is the cosmic being that's now a part of him. This novel is written by an amateur in their spar…

Chapter 1 - Arrival (Edited)

-Unknown Location-

Deep within the void, beyond the edge of the universe, something enters through a small crack in the craves of reality. It exited a fist-sized vertical slit in the boundary that separated this dimension and the infinite others that lay beyond the void. The slit closed behind it as the universe attempted to fix the anomaly and the intrusion into its domain.

But the universe was a little too late.

It was a small translucent orb, almost the size of an eyeball that warped the space around it with its presence alone.It knew what it was and its purpose but it didn't have long if it didn't find an anchor soon this reality would correct itself and reject its presence, it would not die, it could not die, something like it transcended the very concept of death itself, that was its nature, but without an anchor, a foothold in this dimension, it was powerless to fight against the forces that called this multi-verse home.

It needed a host, one that met a specific set of conditions that would allow its continued existence in this dimension. Its countless brethren have already found suitable anchors in other realities and as a fragment of ##$%#( #(& it was its duty to do the same.

It needed to find someone or something insignificant here, someone who didn't matter in this universe, whose death and survival mattered little in the long run here in this particular universe yet fundamentally linked to this multi-verse as a whole.

Someone it could alter slowly but whose existence would be too important to end when they were discovered by the many higher beings who govern this world.

It let its instincts take over, this would drive its senses for now, it was weak, and the God of this multi-verse was too powerful for it to face without an anchor.

Even so, that God would not harm it but only kick it out into another multi-verse (which would be an embarrassment like no other among its kind, something it would have to deal with for a hundred universal cycles).

Even if this God found a way to end it here its death would have fatal repercussions for this universe. It would only gain the ire of its own creator. Those two were monstrous beings who existed on a scale of their own and should they ever meet entire dimensions would end with their presence alone. It dreamed of reaching such a level before returning to its origin, it was its primary goal as a fragmented part of its creator, oh the stories and experience it would bring. All it needed was time.

Seeping seamlessly like a tiny particle of sand into the vast universe it felt a pull, a tug on its instincts. A strong pull. 

A fable.

It tasted fate.

It heard the melody of destiny.

A soul resonated with it. Its instincts pulled harder. 

At last, a tethered soul, someone insignificant in this fable, it was strong, it resonated like no other within this multi-verse, one worthy of countless inheriting its will, but the soul was fading fast, too fast.

But that did not matter, death was just a state of being to the entity, like sleeping, it would take the soul back from death's embrace. it would deal with the repercussions of its action after it merged with its anchor.

Besides what's one soul in the vast multi-verse?

With its goal now clear it shot through the universe following the tug on its senses reaching speeds beyond that of light.

It found its partner, it had chosen its fate and now all that was left was reaching him without alerting the loyal guard dog of the God of this world. 

A being called the Living Tribunal.


- Random Alley -

She left him.




His mind was in shambles, blank, confused, tired, too tired to notice that he was still speaking. Quietly muttering to himself, each time the tone of his voice faded, his passing whispers got lower and lower until it was nothing but silent whispering pleas.

"Pleashh shtop it, it'sh not ee, it's not ee, shtop it"

"It ish not me, Shtop it pleashe"

" Thish ishn't me, shtop it"

" It hurts stop it please, it hurts, it's not me"

Each one got lower until he no longer had the energy to even move his mouth. His whimpers faded into gurgled whimpers.


His body was a twisted mass of flesh, bone, and muscle. His face was swollen, cheeks torn with his teeth missing. His body was filled with cuts, bruises, and dark purple patches of mutated skin that were unrecognizable in the darkness. Half of his body was a twisted amalgamation of reptilian skin and human flesh, his reptilian-like tail torn to the base of his back.

He was abandoned there with his bare back pointing towards the sky unable to move, unable to do anything. Everything hurt.

His human arm was broken, the shoulder dislocated while the other one was green and covered in reptilian scales- his hand was twisted into a claw that was much worse. It was broken in three places with his radius visible below the base of his elbow, his fingers were missing and a few digits were twisted in the wrong direction. 

The rest of his body was in a worse state. 

Peter could hardly feel his left leg, and given the height he fell from while fighting Spider-Woman, he was sure his insides were all sorts of messed up.

Who knew someone so small could pack that much of a punch?

She practically ripped his reptilian arm off in that last hit, even in that mindless feral state he could feel it, no suffice to say it was worse because of that.

After the battle went on he slowly regained his sense, but when he regained control she was already too out of it to care about what he had to say.

She didn't hold anything back. She didn't pull her punches. 

He probably deserved it, he could vaguely remember some of his actions in his feral state- flashes of memories haunted him. It was like he was chained to sit in the back of his own mind as something primal took over. Something driven by primal instincts and an all-consuming hunger he never felt before.

This was a side effect of the serum that he realized too late. It caused him to act and overtook his senses. Instincts ruled him, he was no different than a mindless starving animal. 

Flashes of his actions ran through his mind.

He could faintly remember the pain-stricken face of Cpt. Stacey- the police caption held his bleeding chest as he emptied his clip into Peter's reptilian body. Peter told them to run, he begged them to stop shooting and leave him alone, despite having no physical control of his body he still felt the pain inflicted on it. As he was stripped of the ability to control his body the pain was all his conscious mind could focus on, whether he wanted to or not.

It made him worse- he lashed out. 

But that hardly mattered now, he was gonna die here. He was going to die alone in some random alley. Some aspiring hero he turned out to be.

Slowly with whatever conscious part of his mind remained he started to rationalize his situation. 

That serum was a bad idea.

At least no one would know it was him. Aunt May and Uncle Ben would find him here in human form. They would assume he fell from the top of the building- the height would explain his mangled corpse.

Hopefully, they would...They would... Worst case scenario they would just assume he killed himself, or maybe they would lean into the idea that the giant man-eating lizard killed him.

That would be better than discovering that their adoptive son was a teenage supervillain responsible for countless deaths.

Gods he didn't want to know what would happen to them if they found out he was the some Lizard Man-Eater. Suddenly something occurred to him. 

His broken body twitched causing him unbearable pain. 


She saw him. She knew who he was, Spider-woman saw his face when she came down and picked him up by his torn shirt. She was going to finish the job. Why didn't she finish the job!? What if...

She might tell them. 

She might tell them all...

Why?!... Why did she flinch back? Why did she stop!?

Why didn't she just finish the job?

What was the point of coming this far if she was just going to leave like this and run away?

This is cruel. Spider-Woman...

Here he was, writhing in a crater she made after beating him to near death, left alone to die in some random back ally far from everyone and everything.

Why couldn't anyone understand, all he wanted to do was be one of them. He wanted to be like her. I just wanted to help...

Why did it turn out like this?

He started to slowly and softly sob in pain.


A low, quiet, and pitiful wave of desperate wails filled the ally, he didn't have the energy anymore.

He was tired.

Everything hurt too much.

He wanted it to end, wanted the pain to stop.

He didn't want to die. He just wanted everything to end. He needed it to end. He didn't feel it before, he was numb due to shock, but as time went on it started to come back...The pain... It increased, it got stronger, more pronounced, getting worse with each passing second.

His body's regeneration only made things terrible. The sickening cracks of his bones moving back into position excruciatingly slow, the shifting and melding of his flesh.

It wouldn't work thought, he was too weak, and his stamina was spent. In a moment of clarity, he began to realize. 

I'm going to die here, aren't I?

His eyes closed as he considered his fate, he knew the effects of his serum were wearing thin, he made it after all.

It was getting harder to breathe. He struggled to speak, be he needed to say it. He had to. They had to know. Would they even hear me? I wonder what they're doing right now.

"Uncle ...Ben...Aunt... May...I'm...shorry..."

Please God I Don't Wanna Die. Peter's thoughts faded. The pain stopped. 

He drifted off into unconsciousness. embracing the numbing darkness for one final time.

He passed on as the effects of the serum faded leaving his body in a mangled mess as his scales, fangs, and claws resided in his body. 


High above Peter something broke through the stratosphere. It shot across the sky causing spacial distortions in its wake until finally it made a beeline straight into Peter's broken, dying body.

Beings of alien origin, Gods, and cosmic entities that operated on scales that left the universe in the literal palm of their hands, even in this universe they were unknown and incomprehensible, they began to converse within Peter's subconscious mind.

?: {-Link to host established}

?: {Conditions Met_True}

?: {Absolute Bond Established}

?: {Accessing fragment protocal_sequence ##^$**#%}

?: {Link to Admin Granted}


?: [Host Self Preservation Protocol _True_Confirm_]


?: [Temporary access to Acausality (Type #) Granted to Host_Remaining Temp_0_Condition for reactivation unspecified by Admin]

?: [Temporary access to Immortality ( Type #) Granted to Host_Remaining Temp_0_Condition for reactivation unspecified by Admin]

?: [Activation of self-preservation sequence ##^$**#% Granted]

?: [Temporary access to Plot Manipulation_Remaining Temp_0_Condition for reactivation_unspecified by Admin]

?:[Plot Manipulation activated]

Then it changed. Reality flickered, and time reset as if someone hit the rewind button on reality. Peter's breath reverberated throughout the alley...Inhale...Exhale...Inhale...Exhale...Slow and steady, his chest rose and fell dancing to the rhythmic beating of his heart.

Peter Parker was alive, his serum's regenerative properties kicked in and healed him just in time to save his life, and his clothes were repaired too. Slowly Peter opened his eyes, they were dull and lifeless. his face was expressionless.

He pushed himself up, lips thinned before he spoke in a voice that wasn't his own, and as he spoke something responded.

[Caution- Host Self-Preservation protocol detected]

[Initiating protocol #$& *#$^]

Admin:[Access Granted}

[Observer Identified:

species: abstract Entity;

Title: Death;

Intent: Curiosity;

State: Surprised]

Peter tilted his head curiously. He continued to speak in a voice that wasn't his. 

[Observer Identified:

species: Cosmic Entity;

Title: T.O.A.A;

Intent: Unknown; State: Amused]

[Observer Identified:

species: Cosmic Entity;

Name: The Living Tribunal;

Intent: Hostile;

State: Calm]

And again something else responded, something new and the world stilled. Time stopped. All things but Peter 

 'So I was too late it seems, but given your nature that is to be expected.'

[Affirmation] Peter tilted his head unaffected by time-stopping phenomena as he began conversing with the being within his mind. The voice was everywhere and nowhere. 

'You are a tricky little one aren't you?'

 [Designation: Highest Authority. Title: THE ONE ABOVE ALL. Quiry?]

'Ho, you are quite young too, curious too. How peculiar. I guess it's my loss this time, I'll have to chat with that big old whale later then, but for now, your elder will do'


'Oh, Nothing little one, worry not, a little unpredictability is welcomed every once in a while, knowing everything can get old you know, makes life rather dull, very well let us see where you take this story, little whale child.'

A snap of a finger resounded and the world resumed. 

Admin: [Confirm]

Admin: [All temporary access revoked_reactivation unspasified_minor protocols sealed]

Admin: [Accord_Set]

'Well then, a deal is a deal, surprise me, now you can stay here undeterred and travel this universe undeterred, none of the big guys will see you well almost none, don't do anything too crazy though, they will notice that, there is a limit to how much I can interfere without changing things too much, don't want anyone messing up with canon continuity anymore now do we.'


[reinitiating protocol #$& *#$^]

[Observer Identified:

species: abstract Cosmic Entity;

Title: T.O.A.A;

Intent: Unknown;

State: Content-]

 [Observer Identified:

species: Cosmic Entity;

Name: The Living Tribunal;

Intent: Neutral;

State: Annoyed]

[Observer Identified:

species: Abstract Entity;

Title: Death;

Intent: Extreme Curiosity;

State: Extreme Interest]

Admin: [Link Denied]

[Host Preserved_Insisiating Host- Fragment Fusion_Intergration compatibility_100%_Host-Fable-Tetheared_Class: Protagonist Tier: Z]

[Host Detail

Name: Peter Benjamin Parker;

Species: Human;

Verse: Marvel;

Universe: Unspecified(Admin Accord Restriction);

Variant: Unspecified(Admin Accord Restriction);



Fusion Protocol-Fable Initiated

Verifying Power Slot Compatibility

Slot Compatibility 4; Slot 6-? sealed

Multi-fandom Power Package Uplink Generated

Link Forged

Slot One:

Fragment Variant: Quarth

Host: Rie Hikigaya

Fable: On-going

Fandom: Anime/Manga

World: OPM Verse

Universe: Unspecified

Ability Granted to host: Incarnation of Garou (partial sealed-Condition for Activation not met)

The host has an innate supernatural ability that allows him to instantly learn hand-to-hand and martial art fighting styles he witnessed before and can instinctively utilize Garous's fighting prowess that is limited to his physical capabilities, he can master, improve, and adapt to all forms of hand to hand combat styles. His instincts are refined the more he exerts himself through combat experience and his physical body will continue to evolve the more damage he takes in a fight with his Upper limit being a continental class. Garou's personality traits will slowly influence and merge with the host and may over -right the host in moments of extreme physical stress or when he feels intense fear against an unbeatable foe

Slot Two:

Fragment Variant: Quarth

Host: Rie Hikigaya

Fable: On-going

Fandom: Anime/Manga

World: OPM Verse

Universe: Unspecified

Ability Granted to host: Will of Saitama (Partial Sealed-Condition for activation not met)

Condition: Completion of Saitama's Training regiment

The host is now compelled to Saitama's Training regimen for complete activation for a specified number of years. The stronger the host gets the more he loses touch with his humanity. Perfect Strength adjustment allows the host to adjust his growing strength to one of his opponents. Hosts' emotions are dampened.

Condition met: have slots filled by variants from the same world

Bonus Slot active

Side effect gained: The Cruelty of Mercy

Due to the nature of Garou, Satama, and the host, the host Peter Parker is now incapable of harming any individual he deems innocent and is unable to kill human opponents though in this way he can brutally beat them to the point of death ensuring their survival, however anything he doesn't consider human he can kill

Slot 3

Fragment Variant: Darth23423*

Host: Jerry Gorden

Fable: On-going

Fandom: Anime/Manga

World: Ajin; Demi-Human

Universe: Unspecified

Ability Granted to host: Ajin(Dormant)

Activation condition: User must experience physical death

Grants the host immortality through death. Once resurrected the host will have the ability to summon his own Ajin, a sentient shadow-like entity that bears an aspect of Death. The entity may seek to protect the host in its own way as it acts out the host's subconscious desire.

Slot 4

Fragment Variant: Canibulblue

Host: Azura Malakith

Fable: Complete

Fandom: Anime/Manga

World: Tokyo Ghoul

Universe: Unspecified

Ability Granted to host: Kagune-Altered(Dormant)

Activation condition: The user must consume human blood that's not his own

The host is still a human but possesses a Kagune Rinkaku at the base of his spine and once activated will actively seek to consume blood instead of human flesh

Fable Fusion Protocol- Phase 1 Complete

Physical State: Altered

Mental State: Altered

Emotional State: Altered


[Satisfaction] Peter smiled. It was wrong, his lips twisted in odd angles and his eyes were still lifeless and dull. It was almost as if he attempting to imitate a smile. As if his body knew the general idea of a smile, had an idea of how a human should smile but 'it' wasn't sure how to 'express' it. This plane, this body, it had limitations. 

It was complete. They were one, the tethered soul and the being from beyond the void. Peter and IT, there was no distinction between the two. It was satisfied, the being tilted his head up and looked into the starry horizon. This would be its last time in the physical world, this would be its last act of independence. After this, they were one. Peter, IT, spoke its last sentence for the night. Its voice was Peter's and yet it wasn't.

"ACceptANCE " 

When morning came Peter would wake up in his room with more questions than answers. 

-Chapter End-