Chereads / Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man / Chapter 2 - Hello, Death? Is That You (Edited)

Chapter 2 - Hello, Death? Is That You (Edited)

-Peter's Room-

Peter woke up to a familiar white ceiling. His eyes squinted open as he tried to take in the world around him. His gaze landed on the

familiar ceiling in a sleepy daze, like he was just waking up in a dream unable to accept that it was really only a nightmare. His bed was too comfortable, he didn't want to move, he didn't feel like moving. 

Am I dead? 

He should be. No. He survived. The serum healed him. It saved him. 

Did it? No...No...What happened? Confusion didn't even begin to describe his mental state when, slowly memories from the previous night started coming back. 

He...He walked home. No. He died last night. I DIED!

Peter quickly shot up in shock and panic, instinctively checking the state of his body in fear. his hands grasped his face. The pain was gone!

He checked his body. Hands. Peter quickly clenched both fists, checking both sides with extreme focus. No claws. 

He clenched and unclenched them intently scrutinizing every detail from the lines on his palms to the knuckles on the back of his hands. No scales. No green pigments either. What the fuck?

He then moved on the the rest of his body. Chest. Elbows. Hair. Peter made sure to check every part of his body for abnormalities. His hair was ok, his scalp too. Toes. He quickly glanced at his legs and wiggled his toes.


He glanced behind him to check on his tail only to quickly realize that he didn't have a tail anymore, not only that. The hunger was gone and his senses were no longer as acute as they were when he took the serum.

Right, I don't have a tail, come on Pete. The serum must have worn off completely, but that doesn't explain anything, whats happening? How did I even get to my room?

He let out a shaking breath. He was in his room but that thought just made things worse. He his hands through his hair tugging at the strands softly. His confusion frustrated him.

Calm down... Breathe...What happened last night?

A sigh of relief escaped his lips. Closing his eyes he started to take deep breaths to calm his rapidly beating heart. Panicking now wouldn't help him. There was no pain. Lifting his shirt, he checked for wounds, but nothing was there. Only clear skin. That...that's impossible.

 Calm down. Breath. Peter pushed his shirt back down and closed his eyes. 


I'm not dead. I can still feel my body. I'm in my room right now. No lizard skin, No pain, no tail, nothing out of place, I'm alive. He considered in astonishment. At that moment it hit him like a waze, his breath hitched. His hands began to shake, Peter stared at his hands as the thought settled in. 

I'm Alive! Peter let out a shaky breath.

"Holy shit...I'm Alive" He whispered in shock and relief. Peter's lips quivered and slowly he began to smile as an involuntary chuckle filled the room. 

"I'm alive...hahaha...I'm alive...hhahaahaha. I'm alive...haha...sob...sob...I'm...Al-Alive...hahahahaha.I...I...I'm alive."

He laughed. As he spoke each word came out louder and firmer as if to reassure himself that he was alive, that he didn't die. His eyes felt watery. His voice began to shake. 

What-what the fuck is wrong with me?

Peter realized he wasn't laughing anymore. His joyful laugh steadily descended into silent sobs. Fuck. I'm alive. He hugged his knees up into his chest in a fetal position to rest his head.

What the fuck happened last night?

Hours must have passed but he hardly noticed. He remained sitting on his bed. He tried to rationalize his situation but nothing worked. Peter couldn't understand any of it.

He was sure he died last night.

How am I even alive? He contemplated as the shock and confusion passed giving way to his rational thoughts.

How is this even possible? He questioned the reality of his current situation. He really could not make heads or tails of his situation. He doubted there were any words in the dictionary to even describe whatever this was that was happening.

He was sure that he died last night, he couldn't find the words to describe that feeling, he still felt like a piece of him was missing. Peter was quite confident that he died. 

Everything was still fresh in his mind, the pain, the anguish, the breaking of his bones, his flesh twisting and ripping.

Everything hurting...

The pain, the hunger, the need to feed...

Feed...To feel his claws sink into flesh... To consume and satiate his hunger...

He needed to feed on flesh...




STOP IT! He grabbed his head in alarm, dread, and anxiety creeping into him, but before it could get worse he forced himself to focus. It was strangely easier than he thought. The memory faded as quickly as it appeared.

He suddenly felt better. That was.. easy. 

Slowly he pulled his hands away and inspected his room. Peter noted the absence of blood or claw marks. He inspected the walls, his clothes on the floor, his desk, and his window.

Looking at the random things in the room was a welcoming distraction. 

Everything was as it should be, it was normal, too normal. Even the clothes he wore were the same ones from last night but they were no longer torn, ripped, or covered in dirt, dust, and blood. His clothes looked as they did before they were torn apart by his transformation.

It was too normal. The most abnormal thing about him was the lack of color in everything else. it almost seemed grey.

"How the hell am I even here? how did I even get here? Maybe I am dead and this is some kind of purgatory?"

"Oh, you're not dead. Trust me, I'd know." A feminine voice interrupted. 

"Ghaa! What the-what now?!" he startled, scrambled in surprise to the edge of his bed, far away from where the voice was coming from. 

It was a woman.  

She didn't seem like a person. She looked like one sure, but there was this subtle air of ancient royalty about her. Her presence radiated something different, profound, dark.

It permeated the space around her, it had this feeling akin to an accepted finality as if eventually a person wouldn't know it or understand it, but they would have no choice but to accept her because that was her nature. 

How the hell did I not notice a woman in my room?

She sat in his chair not far from his bed with one leg folded over the other. Her hands were folded over her chest. She was dressed and a long-sleeved white shirt tucked under a duck blue denim jacket with tight black jeans and black ankle boots.

She had a contemplative look on her face, one that expressed interest and irritation.

The strange intruder had long brunette hair and an oddly familiar face. She looked mature and attractive. Peter couldn't quite place it, the familiarity behind her face made him uncomfortable. 

It was her eyes that Peter noticed first, they had a haunting yellow glow, almost as if she could see inside his very soul.


"What?" Peter blinked. 

" I can see into your soul, a soul that shouldn't be here in any way, shape, or form."

"Riiiigghht...Strange lady in my room with yellow eyes. " Peter said measuredly as he locked eyes with the woman. Where was everyone? Am I hallucinating right now?

"Nope. I'm real." The women smiled. " Think of this as a very vivid daydream."

Peter froze. Did she just-

"Yep." The woman's lips quirked into a smile. 

"Okay! Okay! Time out!" Peter quickly stood up and made a 'T' gesture with his hands. "This. This is too much. I am not doing this. We." Peter gestured between the two of them as he returned to his seat on his bed. " We, we're not doing this. I just went through some mind-mending shit last night that I'm still not over yet. I'm not equipped to deal with whatever this is. If you could kindly explain who you are and why you're here and maybe also explain all the stuff that's happening to me right now. I'll just ignore the fact that you just read my mind." 

"Please," Peter added. 

"Think of this as a lucid dream. ." The woman began. "You died last night. That is true. Your soul shouldn't be here on the mortal plane. The dead should stay dead and I am a collector of dead souls."

Okay. So I did die. I died. She killed me. Fuck. Shit. Fucking Shit. Peter was genuinely starting to panic, with equal parts terror and confusion, as more questions started piling up in his head. The woman's eerie grin didn't make it any better. 

Come down. Breath. Come down. Let's see where this goes, Pete. Peter stopped himself before his thoughts ran wild. There it is again. There was that easy at which he could rien his emotions in and control himself. He kept his facial expression as stoic as possible but given the fact that he was sweating up a storm, he doubted it had the intended effect on the woman. 

"So imagine my surprise when something I've already collected decided to walk out on its own and right back into their body." Her eyes were a deep dark yellow. " Well, can you imagine?"

Ah. Of course. Collectin souls. Why not? The teen was on the verge of having a full-blown panic attack. There was a woman in his room, with glowing eyes who could see his soul and read his mind if her words were to be believed. This is crazy? What is she? What the hell is happening? Wait… Who even is she? And why the hell she dies look so damn familiar? How the hell do you even come back from the dead? What is this?

"What, What are you?" Peter finally asked. 

He tried to say something but found himself at a loss for words. He could find the right words, he couldn't even formulate a simple sentence. If he died, then what the fuck is this? 

"Oh do keep up Pete, I thought you were supposed to be one of the smart ones. But I suppose given your present…situation this should be expected." She sighed softly and chuckled under her breath. 

"I'm death, you idiot." She smiled coyly at him, almost as if she was laughing at an inside joke only she knew all while staring intently at Peter like he was some puzzle she couldn't wrap her head around.


No freaking way...

Peter's eyes, widened in astonishment, pupils dilating, and his breath hitched as his heart skipped a beat. A flash of recognition. She didn't just look familiar, she was familiar. She was a bit younger but there's no mistaking that face. Take out yellow eyes and overbearing ancient presence and she looks just like her. How did I not see it? How? She wearing Mom's fucking face! Oh...

Holy shit she isn't lying.

Realization slowly dawned on his face as the entity answered his question while the equal parts terror and confusion very quickly morphed into one of pure terror.

" I am many things but a liar isn't one of them." The entity wearing the face of his late mother replied to his thoughts with an amused smile on her face, now it was more along the lines of a shit-eating grin. An image momentarily overlapped with hiers. Her face and form started to momentarily glitch between his late mother's and that of a skull with gray skin, dressed in a purple dress.

Oddly enough and given the circumstances he was surprisingly calm. He just didn't know why. 

Peter Parker did not piss himself that day. He was close, really close. What exactly was one expected to do in the face of the freaking grim reaper- the embodiment of Death in the Flesh.

Peter came to a single conclusion a moment of consideration. She's here to drag me back to the afterlife, isn't she? 

It wasn't hard to figure it out. He did die last night and he woke up alive this morning so obviously Death is here to balance the scale. His mind was already accepting her for what she was, it was difficult for him to explain but only an idiot would sit across from death and not know who and what she was, words could not describe the feeling he had right now, it would take a person to experience it to know it, kinda like dying.

Oh god, the irony.

Death sat patiently as she watched him. Her lips twitched lightly as if she was struggling to hold back her something, her eyes twinkling with mirth, only Peter mistook that ominous yellow glow for something else, something far more sinister.

"Please don't kill me, I mean I'm alive right now right so you can't actually kill the living right Mom, I mean Death, I mean your greatness, I mean lord death, No sorry, sorry, I meant to say Lady Death, I mean just thinking about it, I don't think I am that important, and-and don't you have like other people to reap, you know more important people, if you do you should you know to go over there instead of wasting your time here with little old me, right, right so… soo… Yeah…Please don't kill me..." The terrified teen did the only thing he could do when backed into a corner and that was the art of bullshitting. Thankfully before he could embarrass himself further Death's soft chuckle filled the room, one that bloomed into a burst of melodious laughter.

"hehehehahahaHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAaahhaahaha" Death held her stomach and laughed with little regard to Peter's terrified state.

Peter could only watch in confused terror as Death of all things slowly finished her laughing fit, of all things Peter thought he would do in life, meeting the literal embodiment of death was not one of them.

"Sorry…hahaha… Don't worry. I'm just fucking with you kid…hahaha… If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. I am still out there reaping souls." she made a gesture with her pointer and index finger for the open and closed quotation marks at the mention of reaping, laughing at an inside joke only she was privy to." as they say."



"Really Peter you have nothing to worry about, I am only here to talk"

"Wait really?" Peter quirked a brow. He was pleasantly surprised that he could talk coherently. His emotions were manageable. Was it because this was a lucid dream?


"You're not here to take me to hell are you?"

A single raised eyebrow from the ancient being was enough to know that he should stop.

"Right sorry, shutting up now."

Peter sighed internally as he still couldn't wrap his head around the idea that the literal grim reaper was sitting just a little distance from him. He also couldn't understand why he was being so chill about it. 

Deep breaths Peter, a level head is what you need right now, Deep breaths, this can't possibly get any w0-NO. No, not going there. Thank God, that was too close, almost made this worse, smooth Pete, real smooth.

The absolute entity simply sat in silence. Her gaze never left Peter, not even for a moment. She allowed him to have as much time as he needed to gather his thoughts. She found his antics entertaining, maybe she should do this more often, certain red and black spandex-wearing merc-with-the-mouth came to mind.

"You taking all this in quite well."

Peter's lips thinned as he gave a haunted look. 

"Sigh...I was a Man-Eating Lizard last night and I died too. If Spider-woman could beat me to death anything's fucking possible…So death right? If you don't mind me asking what exactly do you want to know and uhm…Well, I mean if it's not too much to ask could you like, tell me what's going on right now, 'cause you know, I am human and all" Peter asked, he was also curious about her. 

"Right…You're 'human and all'. For your sake I'll be frank, I don't know too."

"You don't?" That wasn't the answer Peter was expecting. 

"I'm a finality Peter. Nothing living walks away from me. I am the finish line. I am the inevitable END. That's usually how it goes, until now that is." Death had a curious expression on her face as she tilted her head slightly to rest her chin on her palm. She looked at him like he was the most fascinating in the world. Peter didn't like the way she was smiling at him. It put him on edge.

" What you did." She continued." The way you did it. It should be impossible. Even my siblings aren't capable of something like that." 

Death had siblings, who would have thought? Even with that curiosity aside, Peter felt his brow twitch. That...That didn't explain anything. He swallowed the invisible lump in his throat. A bead of sweat slid down his forehead. Peter tried to hold her gaze but found himself looking at anything by her eyes. 

"What did I do exactly?"

Death paused for a moment, the edges of her lips quirked up slightly as if she found the answer to his question amusing. " You stole from me." 

"I'm sorry...Maybe I didn't hear that right. You're saying that stole from you. Me, Peter Benjamin Parker. I stole something from you. Death."

"In a manner of speaking, yes." She nodded, her head tilting to the left ever so slightly into her palm. She had that unnerving smile again, the yellow in her eyes also shone a little bit brighter. 

"Okay." Peter did his best to ignore her creepy smile. "I don't know if you noticed but I like being alive. Like a lot...I think I'd know if I stole something from you..." Peter paused. He suddenly had an idea, it made sense in a way. Don't tell me.

 "It's my soul isn't it?" 

"Yes and no." Death's smile morphed into an annoyed scowl. " You stole something, but at the same time you didn't. You see I let you steal it, I chose you even though it was against my will and I for one can't seem to figure out why it all happened the way it did. "

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Peter stated bluntly. As if this couldn't get more mind-boggling, I think I'm gonna have a hell of a headache after. How do you steal something you're allowed to take? He felt the sudden urge to pull his hair out. The fact that this was still the Death he was talking to seemed to cause him to wince and grab his throbbing skull as his mind attempted to come up with a rational explanation for the utter bullshit he just heard.

" You'll figure it out eventually. " Death replied to his thoughts in a tone riddled with annoyance surprising Peter who momentarily forgot that she could still read his mind.

"Oh right, forgot about the whole I can read your mind thing, but still how can you not know, I mean you are Death, aren't you supposed to be, you know, all-knowing and stuff?"Peter asked.

"I am, most of the time. There are always exceptions to the rules but this time it seems whatever brought you back was greater than even me. if only for a moment."

"Wait, wait, wait, whatever what know? now you're saying some other all-powerful being brought me back...Wait...So Which one is it?" I. I don't think I even wanna know anymore. This, this is hurting my head. Just yesterday was a big-ass man-eating lizard. Now I'm talking to Death, what's next, aliens raining from the sky. I feel like I did something wrong. This was the most confusing day of Peter's life, and it would maybe remain that way until he died again. Well, the next time he died seeing as he was alive right now.

"That is for you to find out. What I want to know is why I let you take it. Why in all of creation would I allow you to take a piece of me." Something seemed to change in her, a subtle twitch of her brow, her voice got a little lower, and for the first time since making her presence known, she looked away from Peter, confused at her answer like she was coming to terms with what she just told him.

Yeah, this is officially the weirdest day of my life, how do you even take a piece of Death? Why am I even asking? From her tone Peter could guys that she meant it when she said he had to find out on his own.

Peter could already feel his headache worsen by the second. This was just too much too soon for the poor teen, first, he finds out his alive after he supposedly died, then he finds out from DEATH, THE DEATH, that no Peter something brought you back, but you're alive anyway because this happened and now you(Peter) will watch have a piece of Death in the rest of your mortal life.

Peter rubbed his temple. "So just to clarify so that I can understand all this. Something brought me back and in doing so took my soul from your literal embrace but also in the process of bringing me back to life they left me with a piece of you that you unwillingly chose to give to but I stole it anyway.

"That about sums it up nicely." Death rolled her eyes at his over-the-top reaction.

"I see. So I have a piece of you in me. Sure, why not? Anything else I should know about." Peter rambled on unable to comprehend it even with his intellectual prowess being greater than others of his age group. Maybe I should just stop thinking about it. 

"No at the moment, No but there is one thing I'm curious about." Little did Peter know that Death was subtly influencing his emotional state, calming him down, and keeping him in a rational state that allowed him to better process what they were talking about.

"Is it my soul? Cause if it is I'll have to say no. "

"Your soul is yours, Peter." Now visibly annoyed, Death glared at Peter, prompting him to look away just as quickly.

"Now let's see what you snatched from me." Death pushed her off Peter's chair and walked towards him slowly, a strange glint in her glowing eyes.

"We can do that?" Peter asked curiously. 

"Yes." As Death answered, Peter felt his body freeze up. 

"H-hey, huh, death, w-what are you doing?"

Peter was on high alert, leaning back but try as he might his body remained still as it was unable to move.

"Just testing a theory, tell me, Peter, who do see now?" she answered as her form suddenly shifted, a ripple traveled through her body as the image of his mother was covered in shadows and changed, her form became shorter, the brunette hair changed into long crimson streaks, and what was once his mother's face was now the face of his not so secret crush, and neighbor, Mary Jane Watson, her yellow eyes remained in place of her vibrant green, still possessing that odd glint as she stood just within arm's length of him.

" Do I have to answer that?" Peter asked, his voice expressing his discomfort.


" You...Um, look like my uh, my neighbor Marry Jane, seriously what are you doing? Cause whatever it is it's really um you know" Peter asked, his heart skipping a beat, and who could blame him, he was still a teen in the end, still finding himself unable to move.

'keep it together Peter, this is death, this is death, oh shit'

" Your neighbor is that so." She had a knowing smile on her face, and slowly she moved a hand up towards his face.

"Um, D-death?"

She paid no mind to his plea, but her eyes widened slightly as she stopped her hand about a couple of inches shy of the left side of his cheeks. Peter following her hand movements with his eyes let out a sigh of relief. He failed to notice that Death's hand wasn't stopped because she chose to follow through with her intent but rather

Something was holding it back.


"Huh, that's interesting, you don't see it do you?" death asked, perplexed, the glint in her eyes seemed to worsen, now it really glowing a bright brilliant yellow, looking over his right shoulder.

"W-what, see what, hey, what's happening right now?" Peter tried to calm his rapidly beating heart, struggling to turn his head to look at what she seemed to be looking at, but from what his eyes could see, it was just her hand, inches away from his left cheek.

What Peter couldn't see was what death was intently staring at, behind Peter, his shadow grew dark and shot up, taking form as a pale hand warped in bandages held death's outstretched hand in a tight grip, keeping it from reaching Peter's cheek. Another three pairs of similar arms wrapped themselves around his torso coming out from under his arms and hugging him from behind, two on the side and one on the other while yet another two came up, one caressed his left cheek while the other hugged his neck protectively.

Attached to the end of the six limps was a pale female figure warped in bandages from the neck down and some covered parts of her face, while others floated around her form free from gravity. Her hair, silky and long, hid parts of her body and was as dark as the shadows themselves, to the point where one could hardly tell where the shadows ended and her hair began.

Her face leaned into Peter's own, resting her chin on his shoulders, nuzzling into the nape of his neck.

Her eyes stood out to death the most, a haunting brilliant yellow that matched death's own eyes, glaring at her as if to tell her, that now was not the time, to keep her hands off him.

"So this is what you stole from me" Death muttered to herself, sighing in resignation. Glancing back at Peter's confused face she lights out a light chuckle.

She leaned in slowly until she once inches away from Peter's face, enough so that if she could breathe Peter would have felt it, but death had no need for oxygen, breathing was for lesser beings.

Calm down Peter, calm, my mind as calm, like watEERR. sweet marry the mother of Jesus, that's too close, way too close, she death, Pete, okay… she's hot-cot can it she can read minds, wait does that mean she heard, I mean, man I am hungry, is it hot here or it that just me, calm parker, I am still water…calm is my -

Uncaring of the teen's inner turmoil death, glanced back at the entity now bound to Peter, It was a piece of her. That much she knew now. This one piece, this fragment was bound to Peter's soul for the sole purpose of bringing it back to life, it was her yet it wasn't, not yet, Peter had to die to complete the bond it seemed, by being near him, she forced this fragment out of its dormant state.

Death turned to Peter and leaned forward just a bit. She had that amused knowing grin back on her face, she attempted to move closer to the teen but she couldn't. The entity held her back harder, two hands burst forth, one held her by the neck while multiple bandages wrapped themselves around Death's body in an attempt to hold her back.

"Uh…death?… your… you know…a….little too close, not-not to be disrespectful and all but, there is this thing called personal space we humans abide by, so u-uhm… you know" Peter's heart was beating a mile a minute, and despite constantly reminding himself that this was the LITERAL GRIM REAPER he had little control over his physical reaction to the image of his crush suddenly so close, her glowing eyes just gave an out of this world appeal. 

"I change my mind. I think you may be the most interesting thing I've come across in a long long time." She held his gaze. "You are a thief after all Peter Parker and I'm begging to realize why I chose you. Your soul is MINE and MINE alone, mine to collect, mine to own, nothing in the universe can stop that now, I will come to visit you after your next passing. Until then take care, little thief."

She was gone in a blink as if she was never there to begin with and color returned to the world. The entity that made itself known also instantly vanished with Death's disappearance.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING WITH MY LIFE?" The flustered yelled in shock and did the only rational thing one would do in his situation.

He fainted…

-Chapter End-