Hanna crammed into the back of Wilden's squad car next to Aria and Emily. It was where criminals—not that Rosewood had many—typically sat. Even though she could barely see Wilden through the metal grates connected to the front seat, she could tell by his tone of CB radio voice that he was as worried and tense as she was.
"Has anyone found anything yet?" he said into the walkie-talkie. They were idling at a stop sign as Wilden decided which way to go next. They had just driven around the main mouth of Morrell Stream, but they'd only found a couple of public-school kids lying on the grass getting stoned. There weren't signs of Mona's Hummer anywhere.
"Nothing," said the voice on the CB radio.
Aria grabbed Hanna's hand and squeezed hard. Emily quietly sobbed into her collar. "Maybe she meant another stream," Hanna volunteered. "Maybe she meant the stream at the Marwyn Trail." And while she was at it, maybe Spencer and Mona were just hanging out and talking. Maybe Hanna had it wrong, maybe Mona wasn't A.
Another voice crackled through the CB radio. "We got a call about a disturbance at Floating Man Quarry."
Hanna dig her nails into Aria's hand. Emily gasped. "On it," Wilden said.
"Floating Man…Quarry?" Hanna repeated. But Floating Man was a happy place—not long after their makeovers, Hanna and Mona had met boys from Drury Academy there. They'd performed a swimsuit fashion show for them along the rocks, reasoning that it was much more alluring to tease a boy than to actually make out with him. Right after that, they'd painted HM + MV = BBBBBFF on the roof of Mona's garage, swearing they would be close forever.
So was that all a lie? Had Mona planned this from the beginning? Had Mona been waiting for the day she could hit Hanna with her car? Hanna felt an overwhelming urge to ask Wilden to pull over so she could throw up.
When they arrived at the Floating Man Quarry's entrance, Mona's bright Hummer glowed like the beacon on top of a lighthouse. Hanna grabbed the door handle, even though the car was still moving. The door lurched open, and she tumbled out. Hanna started running toward the Hummer, her ankles twisting on the uneven gravel.
"Hanna, no!" Wilden cried. "It's not safe!"
Hanna heard Wilden stop his car, then more doors slammed. Leaves crunched behind her. As she reached the car, she noticed someone curled up in a ball near the front left tire. Hanna saw a flash of blond hair, and her heart lifted. Mona.
Only, it was Spencer. Dirt and tears streamed her face and hands, and there were gashes up and down her arms. Her silky dress was torn and she wasn't wearing any shoes. "Hanna!" Spencer cried raggedly, reaching out for her.
"Are you okay?" Hanna gasped, crouched down and touching Spencer's shoulder. She felt cold and wet.
Spencer could barely get the words out, she was sobbing so hard. "I'm so sorry, Hanna. I'm so sorry."
"Why?" Hanna asked, clutching Spencer's hands.
"Because…" Spencer gestured to the edge of the quarry. "I think she fell."
Almost instantly, an ambulance screamed behind them, followed by another police car. The rescue team and more cops surrounded Spencer.
Hanna backed away numbly as the paramedics began to ask Spencer if she could move everything, what hurt, and what happened. "Mona was threatening me," Spencer said over and over. "She was threatening me. I tried to run away from her, but we fought. And then she…" She gestured again toward the quarry's edge.
Mona was threatening me. Hanna's knees buckled. This was real.
The cops had fanned out around the quarry with German shepherds, flashlights, and guns. Within mixtures one of them yelled, "We got something!"
Hanna leaped to her feet and sprinted over to the cop. Wilden, who was closer, caught her from behind. "Hanna," he said into her ear. "No. You shouldn't."
"But I have to see!" Hanna screamed.
Wilden wrapped his arms around her. "Just stay here, okay? Just stay with me."
Hanna watched as a team of cops disappeared over the lip of the quarry, down toward the rushing water. "We need a stretcher!" one of them screamed. More EMS workers emerged with supplies. Wilden kept petting Hanna's hair, using part of his body to shield her from what was happening. But Hanna could hear it. She heard them saying that Mona was caught between two rocks. And that it looked like Mona's neck was broken. And that they needed to be very, very careful pulling her out. She heard their grunts of encouragement as they lifted Mona to the surface, loaded her onto a stretcher, and tucked her into the ambulance. As they passed, Hanna saw a shock of Mona's white-blond hair. She twisted free of Wilden and started to run.
"Hanna!" Wilden screamed. "No!"
But Hanna didn't run toward the ambulance. She ran to the other side of Mona's Hummer, crouched down, and threw up. She wiped her palms on the grass and curled up into a tiny ball. The ambulance doors shut and the engine roared, but they didn't turn on the siren. Hanna wondered if that was because Mona was already dead.
She sobbed until it felt like there were no more tears left in her body. Drained, she rolled over on her back. Something hard and square pressed into her thigh. Hanna sat up and wrapped her hands around it. It was a tan suede phone case, one Hanna didn't recognize. She brought it to her face and breathed in. It smelled like Jean Patou Joy, which ad been Mona's favorite perfume for years.
Only, the phone nestled inside wasn't the Chanel limited edition Sidekick Mona had begged her father to bring back from Japan, nor did it have MV embossed in Swarovski crystals on the back. This phone was a plain and generic BlackBerry, giving nothing away.
Hanna's heart sank, realizing what this second phone signified. All she needed to do to prove herself that Mona had really done this to them was turn the phone on and look. The scent of the quarry's raspberry bushes drifted past her nose, and she suddenly felt like she was back three years ago, she in her Missoni string bikini and Mona in her one-piece Calvin tank. They had made their fashion show a game—if the Drury boys looked only mildly amused, they lost. If the boys salivated like starved dogs, they would buy each other a spa treatment. Afterward, Hanna chose the jasmine seaweed scrub, and Mona had a jasmine, carrot, and sesame body buff.
Hanna heard footsteps approaching behind her. She touched her thumb to the BlackBerry's blank, innocent screen, then dropped it into her silk purse, stumbling to find the others. People were talking all around her, but all she could hear was a voice in her head screaming, "Mona's dead."