Horaldir and Ajéta, once again, were looking at the table, avoiding the stern eyes of Regidal, sitting in front of them with Luzalé to his right. The others members of the Varapren were sitting at different places of the room, waiting for the culprit to speak. Belda was here, drawing on the little table.
-You do not remember anything ?
-No, my lord. I already told you everything i know.
-They did not try to assassinate you just for their pleasure.
-Knowing some of them, it is possible. Commented Osmadrey.
Aesta gently slap his arm, it was not the time for this.
-Focus. Resumed Régidal. If they haven't told you more maybe you heard something when they were talking alone.
Horaldir tried to remember about the smallest details. Meanwhile, Belda, proud of her drawing, stood up and walked to Régidal. When she arrived she stood there silent while waiting for Régidal to finish his sentence.
-Did they say something about some secret plan or something similar ?
The chief remarked the little girl next to him and told her.
-What is it ?
-I want to show you my drawing. She exclaimed with a satisfied smile.
-Not now Belda. I will look at later.
She looked down, sad about his words. She really wanted to show him that.
-Come here Belda. Said Aesta with compassion
Luzalé had seen the scene but she did not say anything. Then Belda, before going to Aesta, left the drawing on the table, near Régidal after a little hesitation.
He stared at her art and saw what was represented on it. Laéla, eldest daughter of the duke, saw it too.
On the drawings was Belda and all of the family playing or dancing, difficult to clearly understand what was happening. On top of them was a crescent moon. Laéla was looking at it but then something flashed in her mind.
-I think i remember something. Said the daughter of Horaldir.
-I am listening. Replied Régidal.
-One of them, i think his name was Léandel, talked with the knight named Anéon about a pendant with a crescent moon made of diamond. It as something to do with a circle they need to reanimate but for that to happen they need the other part.
Régidal was now thinking about what she said.
-Did they talk to you about that, Horaldir ? Asked the chief of the Stars.
-Yes, they asked me if i knew if you had a pendant with crescent moon shaped diamond.
-What was your answer ? Pressed even more Régidal, staring at him with cold bloodded eyes.
-I said that i didn't know, i do not pay attention to the jewelry people wear generally. They also talked about a circle but i never thought it would be that important.
The chief of the Varapren family was thinking to himself.
-What is this circle ? Asked Crécio.
-It is the moon sigil of the royal family. It was used by the late king to gain divine power or favor. He and queen Aurora had each an half of the pendant that activate it. They want the other part to use the power of the moon.
-Well, it will be funny if they succeed. Remarked Aesta.
-You don't need to think to much about it. Said Régidal again. First, we have to focus on our new informations. The assassins said that they were sent by the secret guild of the "black hand". There are two main places in this city for where they gather. Diésir and Crécio will go to one of them and Luzalé and I to the other. The rest of you stay here. It is just to gain informations, no fighting.
He then stood up followed by those he named.
-Are you sure it will be alright with just the four of you ? Asked Aesta a bit worried.
-Yes. Replied her chief.
-Then can i come with you ?
Out of nowhere, Laéla asked them to let come with them
-What ? No ! Disapproved with shock her father.
-What are you thinking about ? Added her mother.
-I know the "black hand" a little, i used them to spy on lord Jéka when he was managing his illegal activities.
-Really ? That's how you knew ? Asked her father.
-Yes. Please. The Stars will be present so there is no problem.
She insisted with hope.
-She can be useful. Expressed Diésir in support to her.
-I am against that ! Clearly proclamed Horaldir.
-She will go with them. She can help with her knowledge. Said Régidal.
-What ? But my lord...
-I spoke.
The duke remained silent more because of the shock than the fear.
-She will be protected, i promise you that but she will go with them, she is valuable in this situation. You can trust Diésir and Crécio.
The dule stayed mute.
-We are leaving now. We will come back as soon as possible. If there is any problem, do not forget to use the signal.
-We will. Replied Osmadrey.
-Can i come with you ? Demanded Belda with her small voice.
-No, it is not a mission for a child like you.
Once again, Belda was and disappointed.
-Next time we go outside. You will cope with us, alright ? Said Régidal with softer tone.
-Alright. Retorted Belda with a little smile.
Easy to comfort her.
-And your drawing is really pretty.
Régidal, while praising her, gave her back her sheet.
-Keep it for me, i will take it back later.
-I will protect this for you !
-Thank you.
Then he walked out of the room with Diesir and Crécio first. Luzalé gave a kiss to Belfa on her forehead.
-Behave, my princess.
-I will, Luzalé.
-Goodbye. She said as she waved her hand.
-Be carefull. Added Aesta.
-Don't worry, we will.
Laéla was also saying goodbye to her parents and sister.
-I will be back with them, i will not put myself in danger, i promise.
-Please, be wary of your surrounding, do not hesitate to run or to be closer to the lords. Okay ?
-I will father.
She then bowed to them and to the Stars before leaving.
A new phase of the mission had started