(CONTINUATION FROM "AN EXPOSED CREEP AND AN OLD BOOK")Curiosity getting the better of her, Enid persisted,Enid: "Aren't you going to tell me what you two were up to all night?" Wednesday: "And spoil the surprise?" the shorter girl said sarcastically,Enid's eyes sparkled with mischief, Enid: "Oh, speaking of surprises, your costume is in the tent." She pointed towards the blue tent standing on the grass, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Wednesday's eyes widened in horror.Wednesday: "Costume?" her voice quivered with a mix of apprehension and dread.Wednesday reluctantly stepped into the tent and zipped it shut behind her. As she entered, her eyes fell upon the black cat suit lying before her. Disgust twisted her features, and she held the costume up high, silently whispering,* I can't even believe I'm going to wear this.*Minutes went by, and an unexpected voice muffled from outside the tent.???: "Hello, Wednesday, are you in here?" the voice called out. Reacting instinctively, Wednesday swiftly pulled the intruder inside and held a blade to their throat, only to realize it was Y/n.Wednesday: "Y/n, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you," she immediately softened her stance, stepping back and staring at him with a mix of surprise and relief.Y/N: " still as sharp as ever I see"A small chuckle escaped Y/n's lips as he met Wednesday's gaze, his eyes finally taking in her beauty. She stood before him, wrapped in the snug fit cat costume, and he couldn't help but feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Lost in admiration for her petite figure, he found it hard to look away.Noticing Y/n's lingering gaze, Wednesday's initial annoyance resurfaced, and she snapped,Wednesday: "Um, Y/n? What are you staring at, you perv " she Walked up to him with a slightly bothered look in her eyes, she couldn't help but be taken aback. Her expression softened as she saw a sly flinch in Y/n's eye as he turned away,Y/N: "You look good, Wednesday." *I don't like when he calls me by my name,* she pondered silently. *I can't help but feel saddened. I've grown so accustomed to being called pet names that 'Wednesday' sounds foreign coming from him.*Wednesday emerged from the tent, her gaze filled with sternness. Enid's excitement reached its peak as she squealed with delight, rushing over to her friend and pointing at the costume.Enid: "OMG, you look absolutely purr-fect! One thing, though, where are your whiskers? And, uh, what was Y/n doing in there before?" Enid's curiosity got the best of her.Wednesday's eyes narrowed as she replied, her voice dripping with warning,Wednesday: "Say anything more, and you'll be down to eight lives."Just then, Bianca, sauntered past the group, her sass evident in her voice. Bianca: "What do we have here? The runt of the litter," she sneered.A chilling grin spread across Wednesday's face as she confidently asserted, Wednesday: "For the record, I don't think I'm better than everyone else. Just that I'm better than you."Bianca scoffed in disbelief and walked off towards her boat, Wednesday and Enid exchanged knowing glances before following suit to their boat.Xavier met up with Ajax, and Y/n as they stood together, donning their clown/jester-inspired outfits, ready to participate in the festivities.Xavier's intense stare at Wednesday in her tight cat costume did not go unnoticed by Ajax, who promptly delivered a hard slap to Xavier's arm. Xavier snapped his head towards Ajax, gesturing a confused lookXavier: "what?" he says before glancing at Y/n, who appeared unimpressed.Y/n, holding the bridge of his nose with a pained expression, responded firmly, Y/N: "I've already had to deal with a creep since being here, and this time I'm not feeling so generous. So watch yourself, Thorpe." He directed his words at Xavier, signifying his discomfort and frustration.Ajax chimed in, expressing his disapproval.Ajax: "Yeah, that's not cool, man. It's just creepy. Why are you even looking at her like that? You do know she's with Y/n, right? "Embarrassed, Xavier quickly apologized, his face flushed with embarrassment. Xavier: "O-oh, yeah, I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't mean anything by it, I swear."Y/n's mind wandered back to another peculiar incident. On his first day at Nevermore, Xavier had shown him and Wednesday a recording he had taken of them. A sense of confusion washed over Y/n as he voiced his curiosity, Y/N: "Wait, why were you recording Wednesday and me that day the gargoyle fell ?"Attempting to stammer out an explanation, Xavier was saved by the timely commencement of the Edgar Allan Poe Cup ceremony. Weems, the event's host, took center stage, diverting Y/n's attention from the uncomfortable question. Sighing, he began listening to Weems words.Weems began explaining the rules of the competition. Teams were required to row across to Raven Island, retrieve a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and return without sinking or being sunk. The first team to cross the finish line with their flag would be crowned the winners and enjoy bragging rights and special privileges.Enid urged Wednesday and their team to rush to the boat and start rowing, with Y/n's team not far behind.Xavier: "Move faster!" his voice rang out, filled with urgency, as he shouted, Y/n rolled his eyes, intentionally not trying. The crowd erupted in applause as all the boats set off.Y/n, Ajax, and Xavier found themselves in the lead, with Wednesday and her team in hot pursuit. Meanwhile, Bianca nodded to Kent, who had been patiently waiting on one of the docks. As she signaled him, he swiftly undressed and dived into the water.In a daring move, one of the opposing teams aligned their boat parallel to Wednesday's. They activated a lever, causing a heavy axe to swing menacingly towards her and Enid. Fortunately, they managed to evade the deadly blow just in time. Before the rival team could make another move, their boat was forcefully pushed in the opposite direction.With a stroke of luck, Enid and Wednesday gained a significant lead. Kent, hidden from view, exerted all his strength to push their boat while shaking it vigorously. The boat crashed into a heavy floaty, causing Bianca's team to zip past the wreckage. Y/n, however, glanced back to check on Wednesday's progress and noticed the merman rapidly approaching her and Enid. In a split second, Y/n made eye contact with Wednesday, subtly pointing out Kent's presence.Responding to Y/n's cue, Wednesday instructed her teammate to activate a lever. As they did, a net shot out from beneath the water, completely ensnaring Kent and hindering his progress. Y/n's team was the first to reach the small island.Y/N: "Let's go, it's over here!" He and Xavier swiftly dashed towards the flag, leaving Ajax behind to guard the boat. Soon after, Wednesday and Enid arrived on the island, securing the second position.Wednesday: "Stay here and make sure Bianca can't sabotage our boat." She then sprinted towards the crypt, leaving Enid and the others behind.Meanwhile, Thing, the helpful hand, popped out and tapped Enid's foot. Enid: "Thing, I'm going to need you to distract a couple of jokers." She tilted her head towards Ajax and another team member. Thing gave a thumbs up and scurried away, playfully flipping off the jokers and causing one of them to give chase. Ajax remained steadfastly by the boat, making it challenging for Enid to sabotage their opponents.Inside the crypt, Xavier and Y/n made their way, with Y/n hesitating briefly before reaching for the flag.Xavier: "Let's go, man! She's right there!" He pointed towards Wednesday, who had also arrived at the crypt.Y/n threw the flag to Xavier, who caught it before sprinting ahead. Xavier: "Later, Wednesday!" he shouted as he rushed away.In that moment, as Wednesday reached for the flag, she suddenly collapsed. Y/n, aware of what was happening, instinctively slid across the ground to catch her before she hit the floor.(this is what imagine it looked like. as wednesday was falling Y/n slid and caught her lmao its a bit goofy but idc)(Wednesday's vision)Wednesday found herself in a dark and quiet space, feeling confused about the purpose of this vision. As she walked, she came to a sudden halt when she saw another version of herself lying on the ground outside the crypt, being held by a boy who wasn't Y/n. Unable to recognize the boy, Wednesday walked closer to get a better view, shocked by what she witnessed. It was Enzo, a friend from one of their schools, the same Enzo who had been there for her when Y/n went missing.To her surprise, the boy saw Wednesday, which was unusual since no one could typically see her in her visions. Enzo, still holding the other Wednesday, asked,Enzo: "What are you doing?" He seemed oblivious to the presence of two Wednesdays.Wednesday: "I should be asking you the same thing, Enzo. What are you doing holding me like that?" she deadpanned Enzo responded nonchalantly, Enzo: "What? Am I not allowed to take care of my girlfriend?" He seemed unfazed by the fact that there were two versions of Wednesday present. His words caused Wednesday's heart to sink.Confused and concerned, Wednesday didn't know what to sayWednesday: "What about Y/n?"Enzo displayed confusion Enzo: "I'm sorry, who?"Startled, Wednesday realized something was up.Wednesday: "Y/N Grayson," she emphasized. "I've known him my whole life. He lives with me." Fear began to creep into her voice.Enzo's confusion persisted.Enzo: "Are you okay, amore Mio? We've never met a Y/N Grayson before. It's always been us. Don't you remember that night on your roof when we were under the stars?" Enzo approached Wednesday, holding her hands as he now saw her as his Wednesday.But Wednesday stood her ground. Wednesday: "I've never invited you to my house." As she spoke, Enzo vanished, and Wednesday was overwhelmed by unfamiliar memories of her and Enzo together. She saw scenes of them in London, graduating from Nevermore, but there was no trace of Y/n. This life felt foreign to her, and she knew it wasn't her reality.The vision faded into darkness, and Wednesday found herself back in the crypt. Standing before her was a girl who bore a resemblance to Wednesday but had a completely different appearance. She was dressed in an old-fashioned light-colored dress, with blond hair, a complete contrast to Wednesday's usual style.The girl Wednesday an odd look but spoke enigmatically, ???: "You're a different one, but still, you are the key."( the vision came to an end.)Bianca: "Taking a cat nap with your boyfriend?" she taunted Wednesday, as she then grabbed her own flag and ran off. Wednesday snapped her head up and was relieved to see Y/n. She immediately put her arms around his neck, looking at his lips. Overwhelmed with what had happened, she pulled him into a heated and aggressive kiss. Their lips smacked against each other, their tongues intertwining. Y/n eventually pulled away, but Wednesday tugged on his lower lip with her teeth, pulling him back in. Before they separated again, Wednesday realized that her face was now smeared with clown makeup.Y/n tried to suggest that they should get back, but Wednesday cut him off, saying,Wednesday: "Yeah, maybe we should" He helped her to her feet, and they both ran back to their boat. Once they reached the boat, Y/n saw Xavier and Ajax calling out to them.Xavier / Ajax: "Hey, over here!" Y/n jumped into the boat, glancing over to see Wednesday jumping in as well.Wednesday couldn't help but think about the recent vision she had experienced. She pondered, *What the hell was that? I've never had a vision that involved two different subjects before. Me and Enzo? It was like Y/n didn't even exist. Why London, and who's Lucia? What's going on?* Lost in deep thought, Wednesday saw Y/n's boat sinking as he gave her a warm wave before calmly descending into the water with Xavier and Ajax, splashing around.Enid: "See ya, jokers."Wednesday waved back and then turned her attention to Enid, Enid: " what I just asked myself w.w.w.d, what would Wednesday do" she said proudly before facing the dark petite girl and giggled to herself.Wendesday: "What are you laughing at?" she looked at Enid.Enid: "Nothing, you just got something on your face. Wait, now that I think about it, before Y/n sank, I saw his ruined makeup. Does that mean you two...?" Before Enid could finish her sentence, Wednesday interrupted,Wednesday: "Go any further, and I'll cut out your tongue."Enid: "Seems like you got enough tongue action," Enid whispered under her breath, (A/N: I loved that I made Enid say that, lmao.)Weems: "The final two teams, the Gold Bugs and the Black Cats," as the cheers from the crowd continued.the Black Cats approached the Gold Bugs, Wednesday flipped a switch, releasing metal spikes from the side of the boat. The spikes were meant to pierce the opposing team, but Kent managed to escape the entanglement and began pushing Wednesday's team away. Y/n, who had been watching the situation unfold, quickly took action. He swiftly took off his already wet shirt, revealing his lean muscular build, and jumped into the water. Y/n swam over to the merman, giving a simple wave before delivering a punch straight to his face, knocking him out. As Y/n resurfaced, he realized that everyone had already seen him. Feeling self-conscious, he tried to cover up his body, displaying scars, mainly because he didn't want people seeing him shirtless.Y/n turned to see Wednesday's boat effortlessly penetrating Bianca's boat. All the attention shifted to Wednesday and her team as they ran up the main dock, holding their flag triumphantly. Y/n walked over to Wednesday, standing in front of her with a small smile.Enid approached Wednesday, shaking her shoulder in excitement,Enid: "Oh my god, Wednesday, we did it! This is the greatest moment of my entire life!"Wednesday looked at Y/n, with her grin victorious,Y/N: "Admit it, you kind of got into the whole school spirit thing." he smirked, teasingly.Wednesday glanced at Bianca and her defeated team as they emerged from the water. With a smirk, Wednesday: "Well, no one told me it was a dark, vengeful spirit." As time passed, everyone changed back into their uniforms, and the Black Cats team stood at the front, ready to be celebrated by the crowd. Weems continued with her speech, emphasizing the values of community, perseverance, and determination. Wednesday stood at the front, seemingly indifferent, with messy bangs and a dislike for attention. Amidst the crowd, the only person she sought was Y/n.Weems concluded her speech by announcing,Weems: "And we certainly saw those values on display today. Congratulations to Ophelia Hall !" She handed a large trophy to Enid, and the rest of the Black Cats jumped up and down in excitement. Wednesday left the podium and sought a moment of solitude.As she walked over to the Edgar Allan Poe statue, Wednesday sat at the end of it, sighing and looking up at the statue. Her gaze wandered to the book the statue held, which displayed the same symbol as the picture Rowan had shown her. Her thoughts were interrupted by someone speaking.Y/n approached her,Y/N: "I thought you would've wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible."Wednesday directed her full attention to Y/n as he walked closer.Wednesday: "People keep randomly smiling at me. It's unsettling." She stopped in front of the tall, green-eyed boy, getting lost in his tired yet peaceful expression.Y/N: "Now you know how I felt all those times I went up on stage." he poked her whilst speaking, Wednesday playfully smacked his hand away.Y/n then asked about their earlier heated moment, wondering what it was all about. Wednesday explained that she had a vision, but something about this one was different. Holding her head, she elaborated, Wednesday: "It was like you never existed."Y/N: "What do you mean?"Wednesday: "I was with Enzo instead of you. I saw memories where I was with him my whole life, and you were no where to be seen."Y/n recalled their past connection with Enzo, Y/N: "Enzo? Weren't you close to him at one point?"Wednesday: "Y/n, after your family died and you went incognito, I was alone. He was the only one that was there for me, so at some point, I did like having him around. But I couldn't force myself to like him. He was nothing like you."Y/n understood the situation, acknowledging the strangeness of the vision. He mentioned that whenever Wednesday had a vision, it turned out to be true. Silence fell between them as Wednesday held onto Y/n tightly, not wanting to let go. She had never been one for physical displays of affection, but her love for Y/n was undeniable.Wednesday: "I can't see myself with anyone else. I don't want that vision to be true."Y/N: "But how would it happen?" his voice trembled, as he replied Vulnerability seeped into his words.Wednesday: "Why would- you say that, Y/n? " Her tone was deadpan.Y/N: "Because I'm scared, Wends. to think if that's possible for me to just disappear from your memories and existence as a hole scares me " His voice cracked with emotion.Wednesday: "But why are you scared, Mon Cheri?" Her soft voice and the use of the nickname made Y/n fall in love with her all over again.Y/N: " I'm scared that one day I won't be with you anymore."Wednesday: " I'm scared that I'll lose you too" she admitted. Y/n pulled her closer, offering a reassuring hug, and she snuggled into him. However, their moment was cut short when Xavier called Y/n away, and Weems approached Wednesday, starting a conversation.