The sky darkened as thick, heavy clouds gathered overhead, blocking out the lowering sun. The wind picked up, howling through the trees and sending leaves swirling in frantic patterns. Thunder rumbled in the distance, the deep growls of thunder seemed to shake the ground. Wednesday woke with a frantic gasp, regaining composure she looked around her surroundings with wide eyes. The vision clung to her mind like cobwebs.The ruins of the old meeting house stood around her. Rain began to fall like sporadic drops. It felt as if nature itself was taking in the chaos and fear she had witnessed in her vision.Wednesday: " Thing, I saw her again The girl from my visions. Goody Addams, she really is my ancestor from 400 years ago."Before Thing could respond, they both were startled by the sudden snapping of sticks and rustling of bushes nearby.Wednesday: " Must've been the bearded man from earlier," she whispered, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the darkened surroundings.Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the ruins, a sound that sent a chill down her spine. It was the growl of something big and menacing.Wednesday: " Come on! Come on!" she urged, chasing after the noise with Thing close behind.They moved quickly through the woods, the rain now pouring down, the growls had faded, twigs snapped under their feet as Wednesday pushed forward she realized the tracks grew smaller somewhat resembling tracks of a personWednesday: " The monster's human," she stated, looking at the tracks in the mud.Xavier: " What the hell are you doing?" His voice cut through the rain, startling her as he stepped closer, water dripping from his umbrella.Wednesday: " I was following the monster. You saw it?" She straightened up, her eyes narrowing as she met his gaze.Xavier: " It's here? Do you have a death wish or something?" He looked around.Wednesday: " What are you doing here?" Her suspicions were creeping, and she took a step closer to him.Xavier: " I overheard you say you were checking out the old meeting house. It's lucky I showed up when I did." He crossed his arms.Wednesday: " I did learn one thing. The monster is human. Its tracks turned from monster prints to human ones." She pointed to the ground, her finger tracing the now fading imprints.Xavier: " Show me." He leaned in, but the rain was coming down too hard, the tracks had been washed away.Wednesday: " The rain washed them all away." She said with frustration in her voice.Xavier scoffed, rolling his eyes in disbelief.Wednesday: " I know what I saw." She deadpanned standing her ground.Xavier: " I'm trying to keep an open mind." He raised his hands though his skepticism was clear.Wednesday: " How big of you." she said with sarcasm.Xavier: " I do think you might be right about Rowan." He shifted uncomfortably.Wednesday's curiosity showed, her expression softening just a fraction.Wednesday: " Why the sudden change of heart?"Xavier: " I texted him again today. I said maybe we could meet over spring break and go snowboarding like we did last year. This time he texted right back, said he wouldn't be able to make it." He hesitated, his brow furrowing.Wednesday: " Only you never went snowboarding last year." She raised an eyebrow.Xavier: " Part of me wanted to blame his recent weirdness. I didn't want to think something bad had happened." He looked down.Wednesday: " The cover-up is always worse than the crime." She stated this with a grim nod, her expression serious.Xavier: " Now I need you to be honest with me. Why'd you come out to the old meeting house in the first place?" He looked at her.Wednesday: "I was trying to learn more about Crackstone. Figure out how he's connected to this." She glanced aroundXavier: " Yeah, you were trying to use your psychic abilities, right?" He tilted his head, studying her.Wednesday: " What makes you think I have any?" She spat.Xavier: " Lucky guess. When did they start?" He leaned against a tree trying to appear casual.Wednesday: " About a year ago. When they happen, it feels like I'm touching live wire. I usually enjoy that sensation." She said this with a hint of a sadistic smile.Xavier: " Yeah, but you can't control it and that freaks you out. My dad's a psychic. Vincent Thorpe." He watched her closely, gauging her reaction.Wednesday: "My brother's his number one fan. Watched his Vegas Special so many times I'm surprised it's not imprinted on his eyeballs." She said with a blank face like always.Xavier: " The first thing he'll tell you is that visions can't be trusted. They only show one part of the picture." He spoke, hoping to make her understand.Wednesday: " I saw Joseph Crackstone in front of me as clearly as I'm seeing you now. He gathered all the outcasts in the meeting house and burned them alive." Her voice was steady.Xavier: " Okay, he was a sadistic asshole. It was 400 years ago. It's got nothing to do with now." He shrugged.Wednesday: " But what if it does? You saw Rowan's drawing. Crackstone was standing in the quad." She stepped closer to him, her intensity rising.Xavier: " You're creating a story in your head and using visions to back it up. They're telling you what you want to see." He shook his head, frustrated.Wednesday: "Are you mansplaining my power?" She raised an eyebrow, her tone icy.Xavier: " All I'm saying is my dad, the expert, would warn you that psychic ability isn't rooted in logic. It's triggered by emotions. And let's be honest, emotion isn't your strong suit." He softened his tone, trying to be understanding.Wednesday: " I believe Rowan was right. Something bad is going to happen, and I need to stop it. Starting with that monster. Whoever it is." Y/n approached the bookshelf where he had seen the book in his vision. His fingers traced the spines until they settled on an old, worn tome.Pulling it from the shelf, he carefully opened it, and as he did, a rush of knowledge and memories flooded his mind. He saw his ancestors, the Graysons, wielding extraordinary powers. Powers that had been dormant for generations.???: " Your family hasn't lost their powers," a voice echoed in his mind.???: " They just haven't had someone to awaken them."As Y/n delved deeper into the book, he read about Chronomancers and the Temporal Nexus. He learned about the ancient entity, Zenda Melisent, and the Council of Temporal Custodians.???: " You're a Temporal Adept," the voice continued.???: " A conduit for the temporal forces. Your enhanced speed, strength, and visionary wisdom are just the beginning."The realization hit Y/n like a punch. He was part of something much larger than he thought. As he sat in the dimly lit chamber, a strange sensation washed over him once more. This time, it was not like the one he had experienced earlier, but rather a flood of memories that seemed to surface from deep within his subconscious.He noticed shadows and heard footsteps on the steps of the stairs.Y/N: " Who's there?" he shouted, but before he could do anything, the figures of his parents met his view, their faces lit by the soft glow of candlelight. They looked just as he remembered them from his childhood.Y/N: " Mom? Dad?" his voice broke as he whispered.Dad: " Hello, son. It's good to see you again." His father smiled warmly, a flicker of nostalgia in his eyes.Y/n's heart clenched at the sound of his father's voice.Y/N: " I've missed you," he murmured, the words catching in his throat.His mother reached out a hand, her touch was real and comforting.Mom: " We've missed you too, my dear." Her voice was soft, filled with love.Y/n swallowed hard, his emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He hadn't felt this close to his parents in years.Y/N: " But... but how are you here? You're... you're not... your dead."His parents exchanged a knowing glance before turning their attention back to him.Mom: " We may not be here in the physical sense, but we are here guiding and watching over you." Her voice was gentle, reassuring.Y/n blinked back tears, his heart aching.Y/N: " What... what is wrong with me?" he asked, his voice trembling.His mother couldn't hold back her tears any longer and rushed to Y/n, enveloping him in a tight embrace.Mom: " Nothing is wrong with you, my sweet boy. You are strong and brave, just like we always knew you would be."Dad: " You are part of something greater, my son. Something that has been passed down through generations."Suddenly, memories began to flood Y/n's mind.The soft glow of candlelight flickered gently across the walls of Y/n's childhood bedroom as he laid beneath the covers. His mother sat at the edge of his bed, gently stroking his hair, while his younger brother and older sister huddled close.Dad: " In a world far beyond our own, there were beings known as Chronomancers," his father began, his voice low, gaining the attention of his children.Y/n's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he listened, his imagination soaring with each word his father spoke.Little Y/n: " What are Chronomancers, Daddy?" his innocent voice filled the room as he looked up at his father with wide, curious eyes.Dad: " Chronomancers are ancient beings of incredible power, my son," his father replied, his tone filled with reverence.Dad: " They are guardians of time and reality."Little Y/n's brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to grasp the concept.Little Y/n: " But how do they do that?"Older sister: " Did they have magical powers, like in the stories grandpa and grandma?"Dad: " Oh, they had powers beyond imagination," his father replied with a grin.Dad: " you see, Chronomancers have the ability to manipulate time itself, others could glimpse into the past or future with clarity" his father explained,Mom: " They can speed it up, slow it down, or even stop it altogether. With their powers, they can ensure that the past, present, and future moves on as they should."Y/n's brother and sister leaned in closer, excitement shining in their eyes as they hung onto their father's every word.Little brother: " Wow! That sounds amazing!"Dad: " Indeed," his father agreed,Little Y/n: " But what happened to them, Daddy? Are they still around?"Dad: " Chronomancers vanished centuries ago, as times changed and the world evolved. But their legacy lives on in those who are chosen to carry on their powers."Little Y/n: " What about Zenda Melisent, Daddy? Who was she?"Dad: " Zenda Melisent was a powerful being," his father said solemnly.Dad: " She was said to possess mastery over time and reality, wielding her powers with wisdom. She created a council to guide and protect humanity, even after her time had passed."With those words, Y/n's father leaned in and pressed a gentle hand to his forehead, his love and warmth enveloping his children like a comforting embrace.Dad: " Now, it's time for bed, my little ones. But remember, the world is full of wonders and mysteries just waiting to be discovered. All you have to do is open your hearts and minds to the magic that surrounds you."Little Y/n: " I want to be a Chronomancer when I grow up, Daddy! I want to protect the universe and make sure everything happens just right!"His mom and dad gave each other a knowing look and finished tucking them all in, their voices fading into the night as Y/n drifted off to sleep, a sense of peace settling over him.(END MEMORY)Y/N: " I thought those were just myths," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.His father shook his head, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.Dad: " Myths are often rooted in truth, son."Y/N's head spun, his thoughts racing as he struggled to make sense of it all.Y/N: " But... what am I supposed to do? Why after 80+ years? Why was I the one to get my powers unlocked?"His mother placed a hand on his shoulder, her touch comforting.Mom: " Zenda sees something in you, something that she hasn't seen in our family for generations."Dad: " Son, we are so proud of you."Mom: " You and Wednesday love each other very much, right?" Y/N's smile faltered as he looked to the floor, tears welling up in his eyes.Y/N: " Yes, yes I do."Mom: " You take care of her."With those words, his parents began to fade, their shadows gradually dissolving into the darkness. Y/N reached out desperately, trying to hold onto their presence for just a moment longer.Y/N: " Wait! Don't go," he pleaded.But it was too late. His parents were gone, leaving him alone once more with nothing. As he sat in the silence of the Nightshades' hideout, later on he decided to leave and sat at a bench in the quad.Eugene: " Y/n, are you okay?" the small boy said, concern evident in his voice.Y/N: " I've just... found out what I am," Y/n replied, his voice shaky with emotion.Eugene: " What's that?" he asked, stepping closer.Y/N: " That my family history is more complicated than I thought," he said, holding up the book.Y/N: " And that I might be the only one of my kind left."Eugene's eyes widened in surprise.Eugene: " What do you mean?"Y/n took a deep breath, trying to compose himself.Y/N: " I come from a line of powerful beings known as Chronomancers. But our powers kinda went dormant for over 80 years. That was until mine were awoken by Zenda herself."Eugene: " Chronomancers? Like, time travelers?"Y/N slowly chuckled, shaking his head.Y/N: " No, no, no. We have the ability to manipulate time. That doesn't mean time travel or reversing time or going forward in time. It just means I can use time itself to slow or speed up, kinda like Quicksilver or The Flash. I see things that others can't, whether it be visions from the past, present, or future."Eugene's eyes widened with wonder.Eugene: " That's so cool! So, what are you gonna do now?"Y/N: " I... I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.Y/N: " I need to figure out what Zenda wants me to be."Eugene: " Well, it's best we make it back to Mayor Walker's speech... again."Y/N: " Right, here, jump on," he says, patting his Eugene climbed the tall blonde boys back. Y/N's surroundings blurred into streaks of color as he darted through the quad, his movements would've been a blur to the naked eye. The raindrops hung in the air, frozen in time as he raced towards Jericho with Eugene clinging tightly to his back.Within moments, they arrived at the gathering, the sudden rush of activity jolting Y/N back to real-time. He skidded to a stop, panting slightly from the exertion but relieved to have made it in time.Eugene hopped off his back, wide-eyed with amazement.Eugene: " Whoa! That was incredible!"Y/N: " come on Let's go see what Mayor Walker has to say."Wednesday: " I thought nothing scared me, but that was before I stared into the eyes of Joseph Crackstone. I don't believe in heaven or hell. But I do believe in revenge. I usually serve it warm with a side of pain, but I've never faced an adversary cast in bronze." she thought to herselfMayor Walker: " Thank you. It is my honor to celebrate our town's history and Jericho's noble forefather, Joseph Crackstone. Now, he believed that with a happy heart and an open ear, there was nothing our town couldn't achieve. So together as one, our community and our friends at Nevermore Academy, we've built a monument to celebrate his memory. Now, may the spirit of Joseph Crackstone be memorialized for eternity."Mayor Walker's speech echoed through the crowd as Y/n hurriedly made his way to where Wednesday was seated, her cello poised and ready for the performance. His guitar, waiting patiently beside her, seemed to beckon him with urgency.there Y/n could see Wednesday with her cello but of course she wasn't playing it and his guitar on an empty seat next to her, he rushed through the crowd and sat down with his guitar in handWednesday: " you found anything?" she lent in watching the crowdsY/N: " chat for another time, what about you?" he repliedWednesday: " chat for another time" she admitted Their conversation was cut short by a sudden explosion, the head of Crackstone's statue bursting into pieces. Panic rippled through the crowd like wildfire, screams piercing the air as people scrambled to safety.Y/n's fingers danced over his guitar strings, drawing out agitated notes that mirrored the chaos unfolding around them. The sirens blared in the distanceAs Y/n's fingers plucked the strings of his guitar, Wednesday couldn't help but admire the ease with which he seemed to channel the emotions into music. Despite the chaos erupting around them, there was a sense of calm in the way he played,Wednesday's gaze lingered on Y/n, a soft smile playing on her lips as she watched him play. There was something mesmerizing about the way he lost himself in the music, his eyes closed in concentration, his body swaying gently to the rhythm.As their eyes met, they shared chuckle escaped their lips,