Chereads / Inseparable (Wednesday Addams x Y/n Grayson(male reader) / Chapter 12 - Woe is the loneliest number.

Chapter 12 - Woe is the loneliest number.

After their appointment, the two individuals encountered Tyler.Tyler: "So, I guess you guys are staying even after what happened last night?"Wednesday: "Wait, you see Dr. Kinbott too? "Tyler: "I'm legally required to be here."Y/N: "Yeah, same here. Court ordered," he said, giving the two some space as he distanced himself from the situation.Tyler: "Hey, look at us, a couple of teenage troublemakers. When you guys ran off last night at the festival, I wasn't sure what happened since I ran for help. But then Enid told me the details, it's crazy."Wednesday: "Everyone, including your father, believes we made it all up for attention."Tyler: "Well, for the record, I believe you. I wasn't there to see it, but you did mention that Rowan was in trouble."Tyler checked his phone and saw that his appointment with Dr. Kinbott was ready.Tyler: "Well, it's time I get in touch with my inner rebel," he said as he walked into Dr. Kinbott's office.(At Nevermore)Enid: "Ladies, come on, let's work on those teeth. No more scowls, this kitty is taking no prisoners," she said, rushing Yoko and a couple of other students to finish their boat.Enid: "If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my eyes out," she stressed.Wednesday: "I would pay money to see that," the short girl said with no expression.Enid: "Howdy, roomie! I'm so glad you came to say hi. How was the therapy session with Y/n?" she asked with an uncomfortable amount of excitement.Wednesday: "I have to figure out what's going on in this chaotic place," she said in an icy cold tone, ignoring the girl's question.Enid: "You mean Rowan. I had a nightmare about it last night."Wednesday: "We witnessed his murder, Enid, but... How was he here this morning, very much alive?" Enid finished the raven-haired girl's sentence.Wednesday: "Which leads me to think that if we lost our minds, it's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated," Wednesday said with a sly headache.Enid: "Well, as much as I wish that were true, it's not... How could we lose our minds at the same time?"Wednesday: "You're Nevermore's gossip queen. What's Rowan's story?"Hearing Wednesday call her a queen was a shock, causing the eager girl to let out a laugh.Enid: "Uh, right. Well, other than being a weird loner, no offense." Wednesday: "None taken." Enid: "Well, Xavier Thorpe is his roommate, so I would start there," she finished.The girl walked back to her boat.Enid: "Yoko, are you serious? Flare those whiskers. The Poe Cup droops for no one."Wednesday followed her.Wednesday: "What exactly is the Poe Cup?" the dark girl asked.Enid: "Uhm, it's my entire reason for living right now. It's a part canoe race, part foot race with no rules. Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allan Poe story for inspiration. You know, Ms. Thornhill's ordered pizza if you want to take a stab at being social?" Enid explained.Wednesday: "I like stabbing the social part, not so much. Besides, it will cut into my writing time."Enid: "No worries, just as long as you're lakeside cheering us to victory on race day, or you can glare uncomfortably. Whatever works for you."Y/N was in a meeting with Principal Weems, and she seemed worried.Weems: "Y/N, what's going on? Dr. Kinbott just called and said you had a full breakdown in therapy today. Did something happen?" she asked, looking at the boy as his hurt-induced smile transitioned into a frown.Y/N: "It's... it's fine. I'm just... I'm just tired, and everyone keeps bringing up my family, forcing dark memories upon me," he said, impressively faking a yawn as if he was used to making the tired excuse.Weems: "You should rest then, Y/N. And about your family, I'm truly sorry," she said apologetically.Y/N: "Something you don't understand is that for people like me in the world, there is no rest. We live with constant fear in our minds. The trauma of our past and the fear that we will always be alone, and no one will care," he said in the most lifeless way possible, finally revealing his true self.Once thought to be a bold, caring, and confident young man, he was now seen as a blank, cold, and emotionless boy.Weems: "Why would no one care?" asked Weems.Y/N: "Because they never cared before, so why should they care now? There's nothing I hate more than people who show fake sympathy for their own sake," he spat.(Cut to Wednesday)Wednesday sat in her dorm, typing away at her story. She struggled to write a single page, with her desk bin overflowing from discarded scrunched-up drafts of paper.She thought, *I always hated the expression 'write what you know,* and even more so when she looked at the drawing Rowan had left behind. It was a hall pass for the imagination-impaired. But when your life becomes a twisted mystery... She stopped thinking as her gaze settled on a faint water mark on the top right corner of the drawing. Maybe it's time to lean into it.She burst into Weems's office, looking as cold as ever.Wednesday: "I need to speak with Rowan, but I can't find him," she confronted.Weems: "It won't be possible, I'm afraid. He's been expelled," she said, exhaling with ease.Wednesday walked closer.Wednesday: "For what?" she asked with a genuine tone.Weems: "Never you mind. He'll be on the next train out this afternoon."Weems: "What were you doing out in the woods with him in the first place?" she pressed.Y/N, who was still in a meeting with Weems before Wednesday interrupted, got up from the couch closest to the door and spoke up.Y/N: "Well, it wasn't just her, Weems. We've already told you this."His words startled Wednesday, and she spun on her heels to look at the boy with a confused look.Wednesday: "And I already told you, Y/N. Enid, Tyler, and I heard a noise, and Tyler went to notify his father while Y/N, Enid, and I went to investigate."Weems: "I thought there would've been more to it. Well, you are in the clear. All your stories match. But just know, you can't fool me easily," she said with a scoff. "There's no way you just heard a noise. You had a vision, didn't you?"Wednesday didn't say anything, which said everything.Weems: "I realized you might be having them when we passed by the accident, and you knew that poor farmer had broken his neck. You know, your mother had visions around your age. They were notoriously unreliable and dangerous. Have you spoken to her about them?"Wednesday: "May I go now?" she asked.Weems: "Not until you've picked your extracurricular activity. We want our students to be well-rounded."Y/N: "Yeah, well, if I know my Wednesday, she'd prefer to remain sharp-edged."Weems gave Wednesday a list of clubs that had openings. Weems: "You both need to pick one by the end of the day," she said, handing Y/N a list as well. Y/N & Wednesday: "How thoughtful," the two replied.(Outside)Wednesday: "Weems is clearly trying to keep tabs on us."Y/N: "Okay, we have to find separate clubs so that Thing can keep an eye on 'Rowan," the blond-haired boy quickly said.Wednesday: "Thing, you heard him. Don't let your fingers out of his sight."They split ways, with Y/N and Wednesday walking to the quad, and Thing going outside to look for Rowan.Wednesday: "Wait, what? Do we have to join separate clubs?" she groaned through her teeth.Y/N: "let people think we're in a bad patch in our relationship, and then we would know which one of us that thing wants" he said coldly.Wednesday: "smart but stupid Y/n," she pinched him, but he firmly grabbed her hand and pushed it away with a smile.Bianca: "Weems said you two would be stopping by. But to be honest, after what happened at the harvest festival, the drama club might be more your speed," she joked.Wednesday: "After Tyler ran into you at the festival, who did you tell? The sheriff?"Bianca: "You think I'd trust a normie and the cops? No. Tyler told his father, and I kept my mouth shut. Anyway, let's get this audition over with. So, are you an alto, soprano, or just loco?" she said, causing everyone around her to laugh.Wednesday opened her mouth and sung a note that was so high-pitched no human ear could hear it. The noise, or lack thereof, cracked a boy's glasses and broke one of Weems's glass ornaments.Bianca: "What was that?" she said, slightly shocked.Y/N: "A note only dogs can hear."Wednesday: "It's a shame you didn't react," she said with an evil look.The duo then checked off choir from their list and moved on to archery.Y/N: "I'm sorry, I have to take a toilet break. I'll be back," Y/N rushed off towards the bathrooms.Wednesday just stared at him with a dreadful look but it turned to a smirk the way he ran *he must've been holding that in all morning*Xavier: "So, you actually showed up. Where's Y/N?" he asked, looking behind her.Wednesday: "Never you mind," she replied.Xavier: "Uh... okay. Well, have you ever shot a bow before?" He looked at her, flashing a smile.Wednesday: "When Y/N and I were younger, we used to run around town terrorizing the locals with hard rubber-tipped arrows," she said with a sadistic smirk, reminiscing over the time they got called out for it. But her smirk subsided when Xavier's kind smile turned into that of a creep, to which she gave him a cold stare.Xavier: "Okay," he said with a hard gulp. "Well, in case you forgot, square stance, load the arrow like this, yellow side out, of course. Hold with three fingers, pull back, and let it fly," he explained, demonstrating the proper technique before releasing his arrow, which hit low on the target. Xavier: "Any questions?" he sighed.Wednesday: "When was the last time you saw your roommate Rowan?"Xavier: "You mean the one that was killed by a monster? Yeah, Enid told me. But to answer your question, I last saw him at the festival. Haven't talked to him since. His side of the room was all packed up this morning. He's always been a little off, but recently he has been more erratic," he said, taking a breath. Xavier: "You know, he started to freak me out," he finished.Wednesday: "yes that great, You know, telekinesis can really mess with one's head." she said showing heavy sarcasm Xavier: "So what's the deal with Tyler? I saw him with you guys at the festival," Xavier asked. Wednesday gave him a look of annoyance.Wednesday: "There is no deal. He was doing Y/N and me a favor, giving us information on this place."Xavier: "Yeah, word of advice, steer clear of him," he said, upset. Wednesday: "Why? Because he's a normie?" Wednesday said, unamused. Xavier grabbed an apple and started eating it.Wednesday: "Maybe you're just jealous," she said, taking the apple out of Xavier's hand. She threw it up in the air and shot an arrow through it, hitting the bullseye on the target. She then walked away to find the next club.(Only moments after)Y/N (2nd person):You came back looking confused.Xavier: "Hey, man, what's up? You just missed Wednesday," he said, giving you a smug smirk. Y/N: "right... any idea where?" you asked, not caring much for her whereabouts.He handed you a bow.Xavier: "If you can get that bullseye over there, I will tell you," he said, dropping the smirk. You looked to where he was pointing, seeing a canvas target with an arrow that went through an apple into the bullseye. Y/N: "I guess Wednesday did that," you half smiled.Xavier: "Yeah, let's see if you can do any better," he smugly said, drawing his bow back and shooting an arrow.Harnessing your abilities, time seemed to bend at your will, allowing you to perceive every intricate detail with crystal clarity. In the blink of an eye, you grabbed the sleek bow, which fit perfectly within your grasp. As your fingers danced along its grip, your senses heightened, enhancing your reflexes.With an effortless motion, you loaded an arrow, it glided smoothly against the bowstring. The world around you slowed as you focused your gaze upon your target. Xavier stood dumbfounded, not knowing what's happening, unable to comprehend the swiftness and precision that were about to unfold before him.Like a bolt of lightning tearing through the clouds, your arrow leaped forward, propelled by the sheer force of the string. It sliced through the air, leaving behind a trail, and clashed with Xavier's incoming arrow in a collision, a mesmerizing display of precision. guided by your aim. it pierced through Xavier's arrow, each shard of wood and feather scattering in its wake. your arrow soared towards its mark, a crack echoed through the air, as if the fabric of reality was bent by the arrow, your arrow continued its trajectory, effortlessly cleaving through the arrow that Wednesday had launched moments earlier as the apple split further and fell to the ground.Xavier's voice escaped his lips,Xavier: "What the fuck," he whispered-shouted, his voice trembling with a mixture of admiration and had unveiled a glimpse of your abilities, your speed, precision.Y/N: "Look, I'm not in the mood to play games. Just tell me where she is. Also, that never happened. She would kill me if she saw that," you said, with a smile.Xavier: "Okay, okay, she went to the last club on her list. I think it's in the woods where the Nevermore Hummers reside," he flinched.You ran through the quad, effortlessly vaulting over the towering walls that guarded its boundaries. Your steps were measured and composed, the gentle whispers of the wind and the rustling of leaves. you arrived at the Hummers' shed, a modest structure tucked away amidst the foliage. There she stood, capturing your attention with her presence.(back to normal pov)Y/N: "Hey there you are," he said.Wednesday: "Good, I didn't want to be here by myself, even if I can handle myself," she said, looking around.As they surveyed the surroundings, a sudden interruption jolted their attention. Emerging from the shed, a young boy with tousled black curls and glasses stepped into view.the boy's eyes widened in sheer fascination as he takes in the image of the two that stand ahead of him, caught in a moment of awe, excitement spreads across the boys face.???: "Oh, goody! Are you two interested in the ancient art of beekeeping? I'm Eugene Ottinger, founder and president of the Nevermore Hummers" His words carried a genuine enthusiasm. It was clear that the topic of bees held a special place in the boys heart, he proudly introduced himself as the founder and president of the Nevermore Hummers.Wednesday, true to her enigmatic nature, introduced herself.Wednesday: "Wednesday, Wednesday Addams," she stated, her name rolling off her tongue like a riddle waiting to be solved.Eugene's gaze, now fixated on the composed and well-dressed young man, brimmed with anticipation. he made his introduction, leaving no room for ambiguity. he made his bold, yet effortlessly poised, first impression.Y/N: "Y/n Grayson," he declared, his voice laced with a hint of determination. Each syllable carried a weight of conviction, resonating with an air of unshakable confidence.The mention of Y/n's name stirred Eugene's mind, as if a floodgate of recognition had been opened. Eugene: "Holy beeswax," Eugene exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of disbelief and excitement. "Are you two truly a Grayson and an Addams?" The realization of their lineage, sent ripples of astonishment through the curly-haired boy's being.Y/N: "Yeah, what about it?"Wednesday: "Please elaborate. I don't quite understand," she said with amusement.Eugene: "Well, both of your bloodlines are important. How so?" Wednesday asked, intrigued.Y/N: "Oh my, wait. I know what you mean now," he said to himself, remembering his hallucinations.Wednesday: "What do you mean? What's going on?"Y/N: "Wednesday, our bloodlines, as well as many others, have some significance to this place. Our family names have been around for many generations before us. And being families full of outcasts, well, that was until the 1600s. There was a man named Joseph Crackstone, one of the most revered founding pilgrims of the land. He led others into a massive hunting spree for outcast blood, where he locked them up in a building and burned them all alive," he explained, not entirely certain of his answer.Wednesday: "And what does this have to do with us?" she asked, rushing to grasp the point.Y/N: "But little did he know, there were a handful of survivors, two of which were our ancestors. Although I was told something happened after their escape."Wednesday: "How do you know this?" she questioned with obvious suspicion. "I don't. I was told by a hallucination," he replied, looking at her with a serious expression.Wednesday's eyes narrowed as she processed the information. The idea of connecting with her ancestors intrigued her, but she remained skeptical. She had always been drawn to the macabre and supernatural, but she approached it with a logical mind.Wednesday: "I've always been skeptical of these mystical connections, but if there's a chance to uncover the truth behind this place and our bloodlines, I suppose it's worth exploring."Y/N: "Exactly, Wednesday. We can't ignore the signs anymore. There's something bigger at play here, and we need to find out what it is. the visions, and even the people we've encountered, they all seem to be connected."Eugene: " Perhaps your answers lie within your ancestors."Wednesday's curiosity was piqued. Despite her reservations, she couldn't resist the lure of unraveling the mysteries that surrounded her.Wednesday: "Alright, Eugene. Count us in. But just know, we're not here to follow blindly. We seek the truth."Eugene nodded enthusiastically. thing ran up to them "quick we don't have much time rowan's about to leave" Y/N: " I'm sorry we have to go we'll continue this another time" he says waving to Eugene the trio then run back to the front entrance of the academy.Wednesday: "Rowan, we need to talk," she called out to Rowan, who was preparing to leave.Rowan: "Wednesday, I'm not allowed to speak to anyone," Rowan replied, cutting her off.Y/N: "You sure had a lot to say when you tried to kill us and told Wednesday she was destined to destroy the school, remember?" Y/N said, slightly annoyed.Wednesday: "Where did you get that drawing?" she pressed further.Rowan: "Look, I just went into the woods to clear my head, then you came after me," he explained, getting into the car with Ms. Thornhill, who had been packing.Thornhill: "Wednesday, Y/N, you shouldn't be here."Rowan: "Yeah, leave me alone," he said, winding up the car window.As the car was about to drive off, Wednesday signaled for Thing to follow them.After a half-hour drive, the car came to a stop, and Thing hopped off to see a bustling train station. Curiosity piqued, thing followed Rowan into the toilet area, but when Rowan went into the bathroom and didn't come out, Thing realized something was wrong. The only person present in the bathroom was a rugged man who walked out as Thing entered.Thing wandered around, but Rowan was nowhere to be found. All that remained were his suitcases.(Another 30 minutes later)Wednesday: "What do you mean you lost him in a bathroom? I doubt it had windows. I know a lefty wouldn't have failed me," she said coldly, causing Thing to droop in self-pity.Wednesday: "Don't sulk. I'll have to find new evidence by myself now that you lost a lead," she continued.Y/N: "Don't worry, Thing. You tried your best, and that's what counts," Y/N reassured the dejected plant, fist-bumping its hand.Bianca: "Ah, I see you've finally made a friend, even if it is a plant. Anyway, hey Y/N, why are you even with her? Since you first came here, all the Nevermore girls have been eyeing you up and down. and when that video of you singing with the guitar came out, it only made them mad for you," Bianca said playfully.Y/N: "what do you me-" Y/N stopped talking as he noticed all the girls looking at him. *Oh my god, it's true. Why are they fixated on me?* he thought to himself scared.Y/N: "Why are they so obsessed with me? Did you sire them?" he asked Bianca, looking serious.Bianca chuckled, her face lighting up. Bianca: "Because you're cute, hot even, and they hate that you're with someone as bland as her," she said, smirking as she looked straight at Wednesday.Y/N:  "well yes i'm with her, but no, she is not bland. She's actually quite cheeky and fun," Y/N said. Y/N: "And I love her for who she is, not for how she is," he added.Wednesday was caught off guard by Y/N's words. She had been silent throughout the conversation. *Did he really just say that?* she thought, observing all the girls looking at Y/N, blinded by their one-sided love.Wednesday: "he's mine, i can never let myself be owned," Wednesday declared, pulling Y/N into a hug. The girls scoffed and gave them side-eyes. Y/n picked her up, holding her by her rear and giving her a kiss. They were lost in the moment for a couple of seconds. Wednesday couldn't believe the boldness of his actions. *Did he really just hold me up by my behind? * She pulled away, gasping for air, as the girls around them gasped in anger and a few even fainted.Bianca: "I took the hint just from the hug, but now I know to back off."Wednesday: "What was that for?" she asked Y/N, looking at him with a mix of anger and surprise. She went to stomp his foot, but he moved it at the last second.Y/N: "I had to let them know I belong to you somehow," he winked.Just then, Ms. Thornhill walked into the classroom.Thornhill: "Okay, why are they passed out? Never mind, just take a seat, class."Xavier: "There are spare seats here," he said, pointing to the two seats between him and Enid, who looked at the couple in awe and disbelief.Wednesday didn't know whether to feel angry or reassured she and Y/N took their seats, with Wednesday sitting between Enid and Y/N, while Y/N was between Wednesday and Xavier on the other side.Enid: "When did you and Y/N work things out?" she asked.Wednesday: "therapy," Wednesday replied.enid just looked at her with a confused yet surprised lookEnid: "didn't think therapy would work for you"Xavier: " that was quite a moment," he said, chuckling.Y/N: "Well, how come you haven't tried talking to Bianca?" he asked, not fully realizing the impact of his question.Xavier: "Because there's nothing to talk about there. She used her siren song on me, and I know she did," he quickly explained.Xavier then hovered his hand over his paper, making his drawing of a spider come to life. It crawled over to Y/N and then to Wednesday.Thornhill: "I doubt Wednesday and Y/N are impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe," Ms. Thornhill commented, and the other students laughed.Xavier: "Admit it, you're a little impressed."Y/N: "I don't know, your line work is a bit shaky," Y/N joked, causing both Enid and Xavier to chuckle, albeit one of them faking it.Wednesday crushed the drawing with a smack, provoking more laughter from the class.Thornhill: "Well, we're thrilled to have you two join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants. Now, who can tell us the name of this beauty?" she asked, gesturing towards a plant, which puzzled the students.Wednesday: "Dendrophylax lindenii," Wednesday answered.Y/N: "Otherwise known as the ghost orchid, for the simple-minded," Y/N added.Wednesday: "First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854," she said, beating Bianca to the answer.Thornhill: "Very good, you two. Looks like we've got competition for first chair, Bianca," Thornhill remarked, eliciting a long "ooooh" from the classroom.Thornhill: "Y/N, maybe you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities," she suggested.Y/N: "Resilience and adaptability. Wednesday, you can continue," Y/N said, letting go of Wednesday's hand, which she had been holding.Wednesday: "It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments. But its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing established plants to reject it," Wednesday explained.Bianca had reached her limit. She hated the fact that someone else was taking away her status as the top student. While Y/N didn't bother her as much, she despised Wednesday.Bianca: "Usually, because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked..." Bianca started to say, but Wednesday cut her off.Wednesday: "Nothing a little weedwhacker couldn't fix," she interjected.Bianca: "You can most certainly try." she scowled.Xavier: "Wait, are we still talking about flowers?" he said, earning laughs from the class, as well as a smack to the back of his head from Y/N: "It's best not to get on their bad side," he said, taking a sip from his water bottle.Thornhill: "Thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights. Clearly, the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today."Wednesday: "Actually, I don't eat meat," she said, causing Y/N to spit out his water and sharply look at her.Y/N: "She wasn't being literal, Wednesday."Meanwhile, Sheriff Galpin was getting his truck ready for a secret search. He told his dog to get in.Sheriff Galpin: "Good boy, oh, watch your butt," he said, shutting the door behind the dog.Tyler: "Hey, where are you going with Elvis?" the young man questioned.Sheriff Galpin: "Just, uh, following a lead on a case," the sheriff replied. The two found themselves standing in front of each other on the driveway of their house.Tyler: "You still believe there's a monster out there, don't you? I hear you and Santiago talking about it. You think it's a Nevermore kid," Tyler said, interested in his dad's response.Sheriff Galpin: "I ran into your shrink; she was kind of tight-lipped about your progress," he said, ignoring his son.Tyler: "Yeah, it's called doctor-patient confidentiality"Sheriff Galpin: "How about father-son confidentiality? What are you two yakking about?"Tyler: "Video games, cancel culture, oat milk versus soy. It's a wild time," the sheriff replied.Sheriff Galpin: "I'll be home late. You're on your own for dinner," he said, getting into the car.Tyler: "Oh, damn. I was hoping we could fire up the grill and then catch the big game. I love these warm fuzzy memories we're making, Dad," Tyler sarcastically remarked.After class, Wednesday and Enid had a conversation.Wednesday: "I have to get back to the woods, but Weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass," she said, looking at the bright werewolf.Enid: "And you want me to cover for you so you can return to the crime scene. What about Y/N? You know you two have to make it up," Enid replied.Wednesday: "We have the beekeeping club this afternoon. I need you as a decoy."Enid: "I'm sorry, I'm busy, and bees totally creep me out. Why don't you ask Thing? Oh, wait, he's mad at you," Enid suggested.Wednesday: "Why is he mad? He's the one who screwed up," she said with a killer look.Enid: "Look, all I know is we spent an hour giving each other manicures. Y/N was with us, but he didn't want a manicure," Enid said, trying to stay on topic.Wednesday: "wait you were with Y/n?"Enid: "It doesn't matter, Ms. Jealous. We had a talk, and Thing really opened up. He feels like you don't respect him as a person," Enid explained.Wednesday: "Technically, he's a hand," the goth girl scoffed. " why would I be jealous? All he does is drag me down," Wednesday lied, unable to believe the words coming out of her mouth. It made her sound like she never cared for him.Enid: "ok Wednesday, first of all, Thing is your family, and he would do anything for you. Secondly, how dare you speak that poorly of Y/N? ," Enid said sternly, standing up for her friend.Wednesday's expression softened, and she looked down,Wednesday: " i mean he drags me away from investigating, his hugs are inescapable "Enid: "that makes sense now," Enid said with a smile.Wednesday walks away with a drawn-out sigh.(what's Y/n up to)Y/n and Ajax were spotted engaged in a conversation at a bench in the quad, surrounded by the greenery of the area. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of ease.Ajax expressed his relief, his voice tinged with a hint of gratitude. Ajax: "Well, I'm glad we cleared things up," he shared, a genuine sense of satisfaction in his tone. Y/n, taken aback, responded with a touch of surprise, Y/N: "Yeah, me too. I had no idea you were into producing music."A warm chuckle escaped Ajax's lips as he revealed a little secret. Ajax: "Why do you think I always wear my headphones? Hahaha," he laughed, sharing a moment of amusement with Y/n. He then extended an invitation,Ajax: "Hey, you know, you can drop by my dorm anytime. Besides, I'm pretty sure we have music class together."Y/N: "Yeah, I saw. It's gonna be great."Ajax's attention shifted to Y/n's musical talents, prompting him to inquire further.Ajax: "Hey, you sing and play guitar, right? Y/N: "You saw the video too, huh?"Ajax: "You're good, man. Maybe you should ask Enid for that Instagram account she made up about you." As their conversation flowed, the two friends noticed a commotion in the courtyard and turned their attention towards the source. A shriek of excitement reached their ears, causing Y/n to utter, Y/N: "Speak of the devil," he said jokingly holding his earEnid, brimming with enthusiasm, approached them, expressing her delight at seeing her Enid: "two of my favorite boys" together. She then shared some information about Wednesday's whereabouts, mentioning her intent to apologize and explore a crime scene.Y/N: "Well, I'm sure she can handle herself," which wasn't the response Enid had anticipated. Her gaze conveyed a mixture of surprise and expectation, silently questioning Y/n's seemingly casual reply.Ajax, attempting to lighten the mood, interjected by addressing Enid. Ajax: "Hey, E-Enid, we were just talking about music," he nudged Y/n playfully. Y/n, seizing the opportunity, asked Enid for the Instagram account she had created for him.Y/N: "right uh Enid is it alright if I could get that account you set up of me from you" he askes. Enid: "sure thing your gonna have to change the password though" she says pulling out her pink phone Y/n did the same thing getting ready to add an account to Instagram.Y/n: "ok what is it"Enid: "well the username is *PrettyBoy_Y/N* " she says with a smile causing to Y/n to type it in with a weirded out look Enid: "and the password is *cutiepiewends1*" she says giving him a cheeky smirk y/n put that in as well instantly changing the password and username.Enid, eager to capture his posts, proposed a condition. Enid: "Now, only one condition. You have to let me record whenever you post." Y/n, understanding the value of collaboration, agreed, affirming, Y/N: "Alright, those had to be changed. If Wednesday found out about that password, you'd be dead within an instant. Okay, I'll let you record."Enid embraced Y/n tightly before regaining her composure and walking away, leaving Y/n to briefly drop his facade and light up again upon seeing Ajax.(Back to Wednesday)Wednesday entered the dorm room, approaching Enid's bed. She addressed Thing, who appeared engrossed in flipping through a beauty magazine.Wednesday: "I snapped at you. I'll check my tone in the futurenow chop-chop before our leads get cold" she whispered, urging Thing to be swift. Thing remained unresponsive, focused on the magazine.Intrigued by Thing's silence, Wednesday probed further. Wednesday: "What is it you want? Hand cream? Nail buffer? New cuticle scissors? Consider it done."Thing finally signedWednesday: " I know I'm stubborn single minded and obsessive but those are all good traits of great writer's "thing signed (and serial killers)Wednesday: " yes. and serial killer's what's your point." (I want you and Y/n to get over this bull so I can see you happy again are you sure you don't have anything to get off your chest) thing signed again expressing his desire for Wednesday and Y/n to reconcile.Wednesday's eyes widened in surprise, realizing the depth of Thing's observation.Wednesday: "I have nothing to get off my chest. I am not submitting to your emotional blackmail," she retorted with a touch of defiance.thing only shook his non-existent head and finally signed (think of it however you want I know your upset) signing its response. It implied that Wednesday should consider her motivations, whether she was acting for both of them or solely based on her perceived obligations.Wednesday stood there, silently contemplating Thing's words, her mind dwelling on the weight of its observations.Wednesday: " fine when rowan showed me this drawing it confirmed my greatest fear that y/n could possibly die due to me doing something terrible, and not good terrible, like bad terrible and I can't... no I won't let that happen that's why I came to the conclusion to put us to a halt but i see that was stupid of me, breathe a word of this to anyone I will end you" she says with contempt.Thing signs (are you sure you're doing it for the both of you, or are you doing it because it's what you think you need to do) after he signed that he went back to ignoring the macabre girl who just stood there really thinking about what thing said.