Chereads / Inseparable (Wednesday Addams x Y/n Grayson(male reader) / Chapter 9 - Hate Nevermore to love it ~ final part

Chapter 9 - Hate Nevermore to love it ~ final part

After the duo finished their tune Wednesday took a deep breath in as Y/n departed back inside kissing his girlfriends head softly whilst thing signed at her 

Wednesday: " thing can you send that boy from the weathervane a message for me" already knowing what Wednesday was thinking the hand quickly signed (are you going to ask Y/n to go with you or do you plan on leaving him here)

 Wednesday: " calm down thing I just wanted to learn more about jericho and I thought Tyler would help us with that" she says whilst thing gestured to her signing (who's us, so you were going to ask him to come) 

Wednesday: " of course I was you idiotic limb" she finished

.Enid: "How the hell did you get that oversized violin out the window?" the pink and blue-haired girl exclaimed in disbelief.

Wednesday: "I had an extra hand. And if you weren't so busy clinging onto Y/n earlier, maybe you would've seen me set this up," the pigtailed girl replied, gesturing towards the instrument.

Enid: "True. Also, whoa, where's the rest of him? " she asked, looking at the severed hand.

A muffled Y/N: "It's one of the great Addams family mysteries," he said, his face pressed against the window.Their attention turned to the moon as they heard werewolves howling in the distance.

Wednesday: "So, how is it you're not wolfing out right now?" the girl asked.

Enid: "It's because I can't. The claws are kind of all I have. My mother says that some wolves are late bloomers, and she sent me to the best Lycanologist. And, well, there's a chance I might never, you know..."

Wednesday: "What happens then?" she asked, raising a brow.

Enid: "I'd become a lone wolf," the bright girl said with a pout. 

Wednesday: "Sounds like fun," the short girl said coldly, her signature blank stare in place.

Enid: "Are you kidding me? My life would be officially over. I'd be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate."

Wednesday: "I fail to see the problem. Having a mate is good and all, but you can still do everything on your own without one."

Enid: "I could die alone," she said, tearing up.

Wednesday: "We all die alone," the dark girl said grimly. 

Enid: "If you ever died, I don't think you'll be alone. Y/n would always be by your side, even I can see that much."

Wednesday: "Well, if he ever died," she began, her voice tinged with sadness. "I might try to forget him, to slowly move on with my life. But deep down, I know that as my time comes, the memories of him would resurface, flooding back in." her words carried a bittersweet undertone as she spoke. She held Enid's gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and strength, as if grappling with the conflicting emotions within her.

Enid: "That was both incredibly dark and heartless, as well as sweet and thoughtful," Enid gulped. "You really suck at cheering people up," she cried.

Wednesday: "Why are you crying?" the girl scoffed.

Enid: "Because I'm upset. Haven't you ever cried, or are you above that too?" she said, trying to stop her tears.

Wednesday: "Actually, it was this week after Halloween. I was 6 years old, and Y/n was turning 7. I had a pet scorpion, Nero, that Y/n caught for me. We were ambushed by a group of boys who thought I was crazy for having a scorpion as a pet. Two of them held me down while the others stomped on Nero. But then Y/n came running up to us," she took a deep breath and slowly smiled as she remembered what he did.

Wednesday's words hung heavy in the air, painting a vivid picture of the events that transpired.

Wednesday: "and, let me tell you, Enid, in that moment, Y/n's kind nature shattered into countless pieces. It was as if a volcano within him had erupted, unleashing a blaze of rage. His eyes, once calm an kind, became engulfed in a fiery inferno as they looked down at the grisly remains of Nero."

Enid stood frozen, her eyes wide with disbelief and her heart racing. She struggled to think this image of Y/n, the person she knew was kind and gentle, with the relentless force of fury described by Wednesday. It seemed unbelievable, yet the truth in Wednesday's voice left no room for doubt.

Wednesday: "With an intensity I had never seen before, Y/n started to beat upon those boys," Wednesday continued, her tone laced with a mixture of awe and reverence.

 Wednesday: "Every blow he delivered was fueled by his desire to protect not only me but also the memory of Nero. Amidst the chaos, he managed to carry out the task of tending to my beloved pet's remains,."

Enid's mind raced as she struggled to process the magnitude of Y/n's outburst. The peaceful persona she had grown accustomed to had been replaced by a force of nature, a protector driven by a depth of love and loyalty that few could comprehend. It was a revelation that both bewildered and intrigued her.

Enid: "I still could never imagine him being brutal after seeing how chill and happy he is though" she finished.

Wednesday: "As we walked home that day, my tears streamed down my face as I cried my little black heart, staining Y/n's shirt. He carried me on his back, my sobs echoing through the silent winter night, while snowflakes gently fell around us, mourning the loss of Nero. It was in that moment, amidst my sorrow, that Y/n lovingly held out what remained of our dear scorpion companion, he knelt down, with his hands gently cradling the shattered remnants. he laid them to rest in the frozen earth."

Enid listened intently, her own eyes welling up with empathy for Wednesday. As Wednesday finished recounting her story, Enid wiped away her own tears.

Wednesday's gaze remained fixed on Enid. She understood the weight of her words.

Wednesday: "Enid look, I know it's difficult to believe that this side of Y/n exists, with the person we know. But it serves as a reminder that beneath the calm exterior lies a hidden strength and an unwavering determination to shield those he cares for. It's a part of him that we must treasure."

Enid nodded slowly, her disbelief giving way to a newfound outlook on Y/n. She realized that there was more to him than met the eye, and she now understood the depths of his devotion and the lengths he would go to protect what he cherished.

With a sense of gratitude and acceptance, Enid looked at Wednesday and whispered,

Enid: "Thank you for sharing this with me Your secret is safe with me, I may still think you're weird as shit, but I've come to realize that your uniqueness is what makes you so incredible."

Wednesday's lips curved into a small, wistful smile

Wednesday: "Y/n may disagree with you, but I must admit that the feeling is mutual."

Wednesday: "Sometimes, it takes witnessing the darkness within someone to fully appreciate the light they bring into our lives," she replied, her voice filled with a mixture of melancholy and affection.

after hearing that, Enid realized that she had been granted a glimpse into the complex unique mind of both Wednesday and Y/n .  

Wednesday: " if you're up for it, I would be honored to have you join me and Y/n at the upcoming festival."Enid was overjoyed, her excitement bubbling over as she exclaimed, 

Enid: "YES! Oh my gosh, are you serious? I would absolutely love to go! I never expected you to be into social events." She couldn't contain her enthusiasm, yet a realization crossed her mind. 

Wednesday: "But wait, I do have one request. Could you show me how to use your laptop? I'm a bit of a technophobe."


Thing ran through the streets of Jericho and saw Tyler walking into his house the hand quickly rushed over and climbed up a pipe and jumped onto Tyler's window into his room and started knocking on the window to which Tyler opened it to see a limb run at him. 

Tyler: " what the fuck is that " he yelled quickly picking up a bat and begins smashing up his room before he sees a note in the hand and stops. thing tried to sign to him to sit down it took Tyler awhile to get what the hand was trying to tell him before it clicks.

Tyler: " ok, I'm taking orders from a hand, this isn't weird at all " he says as he received a note from thing and opens it to reveal a number with Wednesday's name and a number, he dials the number. a video call is opened. 

Tyler: " hey wednes- Y/n did you sent this to trick me or something" he says expecting to talk to Wednesday. 

Y/N: " I see you met thing, and no I didn't trick you Wednesday and I were wondering if you could take us somewhere" the boy says.

Tyler: are you planning to escape nevermore and uh is he like your pet " he questions as thing punched him.

Wednesday: " he is sensitive, but escaping was a thought, but I-we wanted to know somethings about this place" she answered. 

Y/N: we heard there was the harvest festival this weekend and we thought that would be the best place to have a talk." the tall blonde boy said. 

Tyler: " you know what, I'm in and ill fill you in on this hellhole of a town" he says with a smile.

the video call ends as Enid, Wednesday and Y/n get dressed. Enid wears an oversized pink knitted sweater with blue jeans and a pair of white air force ones. Wednesday was wearing a snug dark grey turtleneck with Y/n's black bomber jacket and some dark pants, and Y/n wore walnut brown chino pants and a grey bomber jacket that had a collar with red and blue strips Weems drops the three of them off at the festival she leaves because she trust's Y/n and Enid to make sure Wednesday doesn't run away

Enid: " are we sure we can trust this normie" Enid says with an unsure look.

Wednesday: " I trust we can handle ourselves" the well put together goth girl says intertwining her arm with Y/ns when the three see Tyler talking to his dad.

Tyler: dad I didn't know they were going to be here" he says with uncertainty in his sentence the sheriff just looked at him with a face that sees through his sons lie.

Tyler: " look I can handle myself "

sheriff Galpin: " I don't really want you talking to them, I want you home by 12:00 " he said " 1:00" his son argued " why do I bother, fine"

Tyler walks away with a sigh of relief he spots the three and looked confused.

Tyler: who's this I haven't met her yet " he says looking at Enid with a warm smile.

Enid: hi I'm Enid, Enid Sinclair and you must be Tyler " she says smiling back not knowing what to do with her arms, so Tyler goes to handshake her, but Enid doesn't really do handshake, so she turned it into a friendly hug which Tyler was unsure of at first.

Enid: " don't worry I am a werewolf, but I don't bite, nice people at least" she says easing his nerves.

Tyler: " ok that's good to know" he says now handshaking Y/n " hey man I never got to properly thank you for the coffee machine"

Y/N: yeah don't worry about it" the taller boy says pulling Tyler into a bro hug. 

Tyler: " why are you two so friendly or am I just being awkward " Tyler laughed to himself.

Wednesday: " where are we going to talk about this, I don't want to be seen here out in the open" she says in a bland tone causing Tyler and the others to look at her.

Enid: so we're not going to have fun first " she says disappointed.

Y/N: " I thought we would've at least played a few games before getting into the talk" Y/n said with Tyler and Enid both agreeing. 

Wednesday: " fine I say we stay around for 20 minutes" she says in agreement.

Tyler: " hey look why don't we play this one first " he says pointing at a dart game where Y/n and Wednesday went up first and both of their dart skills were on par with each other and they hit all of the targets but Y/n may or may not missed one to let his lover win,

the two got their prize which was a large stuffed panda Enid bounced up and down as she saw the two holding the stuffed bear in between themselves before she saw Tyler looking at her surprise and this caused her to stop in embarrassment. next up was Enid and Tyler.

Tyler: " look if we really want to beat this, we're going to have to work together because then we have more darts but that's just a thought, I don't think we'll be as good as those two on our own" he laughed with Enid.

Enid: hey I think your right, good thinking" she smiled.

they both go up to take their turn with Y/n and Wednesday watching on, Y/n cheers the two of them and gave Wednesday a teasing hip bump to which she stomped his foot, as y/n hopped in pain and lowered down to flick the dirt of his shoe Wednesday gave him sneaky nibble on his ear which he pulled his head back and looked at her surprised, after a second they both let out a chuckle.

Y/N: c'mon you can't say you're not having fun I saw you smiling earlier " he says leaning onto her.

Wednesday: " if fun means wasting time doing unnecessary activities with so called friends, then yes I find this worthy of my attention" she haltingly agreed with him she saw Enid throw a dart into the target it was a bit off but instead of saying nothing Wednesday wanted to help them. 

Wednesday: " no Enid stop your aiming to low try going higher, same for you Tyler you're going to high take it down a bit " she encouraged them.

Enid/Tyler: r-right thanks for the help" the duo says. they take one last breath " you ready for us to get this" Enid says to Tyler with max concentration " ready as I'll ever be it would suck if we missed this one " he smiled back to her.

they take their shot and... boom right in the middle of that balloon and another dead center on the target. 

Enid: " yes! way to go to Tyler in your face you two" she says holding onto Tyler pointing at the couple next to them.

Tyler: " you choose the prize you want I don't really car which one" he says looking at Enid. 

Wednesday: " alright you're on Enid I'm willing to play something else to beat you in" she says challenging the happy bright girl.

Y/N: " nicely done man at first I thought you weren't going to pull it off " he laughed at Tyler

Tyler: yeah I got scared for a minute there" he laughed back.

Enid: " oh my god I want that one please" she giggled pointing to a bundle of two bracelets with a small steel pendant the pack had writing and it read " our first win bracelet one for you one for me, no matter how far in the future you are, you will have this memory of our first win together" because there isn't actually a bracelet that exists that says that lmfao, and if you want you can picture something else other than an elephant for me it's just a twisted metal pendant)Tyler looked at it " but we're not partners" he said not getting it.

Enid: " don't you get it silly it's a token for our first win we don't have to be together to wear matching bracelets here just think of it as a token of a new friendship if you will " she says excitedly putting the bracelet on his wrist before putting on hers " there now let's go have more fun" she runs over to Wednesday as Tyler went to Y/n.

Tyler: so Enid's crazy hahaha" he burst out in laughter.

Y/N: " yep that's Enid for Ya" Y/n says putting his arm over Tyler's shoulder as he laughs, Tyler did the same.

Enid: Wednesday look at my prize she" she showed the morbid girl her wrist. 

Wednesday: " small, simplistic and minimal it's a good pick, but does that mean Tyler did all that for nothing" she says to her happy friend " no we got matching bracelets, now what game did you say you wanted to beat me in next" Enid says back.

the four were reunited Wednesday notices Tyler and y/n bonding and smirked but suddenly someone bumped into her she turned and noticed it was the group of boys from the weathervane. 

Boy1: " watch where you- oh ho ho you again you got some nerve being here

Boy2: " get them"the boys started chasing the four as they ran into the crowd.

Wednesday: " come on we can lose them in the crowd " they kept running when they were no one coming after them.

Enid: " who were they" Enid said out of breath.

Tyler: they attacked when Wednesday and Y/n were at the weathervane"

Y/N: I'm surprised they wanted to go at us again after what happened." someone barged through Wednesday and her head flew up she saw rowan standing Infront of her before being ripped apart by something, but she come back to her sense's before she could see what it was.

Wednesday: " that was rowan we need to help him" she said pulling Y/n with her.

Enid/Tyler: " but what about the festival 

Y/N: " just come on, this could be interesting if Wednesday feels the need to help him" he says as the two sighed in agreement.

once they agreed Enid and Tyler look back to Y/n who was now yards away with Wednesday

Enid: oh come do we have to run" she whined.

Tyler: wait Y/n slowdown, damnit we're basically third wheeling at this point "they started running but the couple were long gone. 

Wednesday: " rowan, wait come back!" she yells.

Y/N: "rowan stop running damnit." rowan stops and turns around to see Y/n and Wednesday she looks at him cautiously. 

Rowan: what do you want? why are you following me" he says with attitude

Wednesday: " I don't know how to explain but you're in danger" rowan chuckles at the response then looks at the two with a twisted smile.

Rowan: " oh no I think you two got it backwards, you two are the ones who are in danger " he seriously chuckled throwing Wednesday into a tree

Y/N: what are you doing? " Y/n said concerned. 

Rowan: " saving everyone from the both of you" he snapped towards Y/n lifting him up in the air using his telekinesis to the max as he has both Y/n and Wednesday in the air

 Wednesday: " so that gargoyle, that was you"

 Y/N: " its al-always the q-quiet o-ones" Y/n joked as he was being chocked.

piece of paper floats through the air as rowan uses his telekinesis dropping Y/n to the ground when Wednesday grabs the paper still being pushed against a tree. Y/n is gasping for air at this point and yet again getting picked back up in the pushed next to Wednesday so he can see the torn page it seemed to be a drawing.

Rowan: " the people in that picture is you"

Y/N / Wednesday: " your gonna kill us all because of a drawing" they scoffed a little

Rowan: you see my mother drew that 25 years ago when she was a student at nevermore, she was a powerful seer" he says moving closer

Wednesday: " rowan, put us down" she said trying to persuade him.

Rowan: what? no my mother said it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to nevermore because she will destroy the school and everyone in it"

Y/N: " why not kill me as well why just her" Y/n questioned with visible confusion.

Rowan: " she said you would already gone after Wednesday destroyed the school"

Wednesday: what do you mean gone, like gone dead or gone he left " she said worriedly. 

Rowan: she never said, Y/n was just gone"

 Y/N: " well if I was gone then why am I in the picture with her standing in front of a flaming nevermore" he says.

Rowan: enough questions, I should just end you two now" he says this squeezing the twos insides

Enid: " Rowan? Rowan stop" she squealed.

Rowan: " wha-" Rowan's words were abruptly cut off by a bone-chilling growl that echoed through the dense forest. The group's collective gaze darted anxiously in all directions, peering through the thick fog that obscured their vision. Before anyone could react, a horrifying creature lunged at Rowan, its razor-sharp fangs sinking deep into his abdomen. Time seemed to stand still as the creature viciously tore through his flesh, twisting and stretching his insides, leaving behind a grotesque scene of blood and carnage.

With urgency, Wednesday lunged forward, her hand outstretched to protect Enid from the horrifying sight unfolding before them.

She moved with desperation, her fingers closing over Enid's eyes just as the creature's fangs sank into Rowan's abdomen, earning a bloodcurdling scream

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Y/n fearlessly charged at the monstrous creature, his determination overriding any sense of self-preservation. He delivered a powerful kick to the creature's face, momentarily stunning it, but not without receiving a small wound over his eye from its retaliatory swipe.

As the creature retreated into the shadows, strands of Rowan's flesh still clinging to its claws, Y/n rushed back to Wednesday and Enid, his heart pounding with a mixture of relief and concern.

Enid: how bad was rowan hurt" she cried out of fear.

Wednesday: he won't be making it, but where's Tyler is he okay"

Enid: " yeah he said he was going to warn someone, I think i saw him last with Bianca after you guys ran off "the three rushed back to nevermore academy with Enid feeling better now. 

Y/N: " Weems might split us up if she hears we've been apart of this if she does ill sneak into your dorm" the boy says comforting the two girls.

Wednesday: " I think it would be best if we sta-" " we would love that Y/n" Enid cut Wednesday of which was a good thing because once Wednesday thought about what she was going to say and instantly regretted bringing up the thought they should stop seeing each other.

Wednesday: yes that would be appreciated " she says grabbing ahold of the boy when she noticed him bleeding from the face.

Wednesday: "Your hurt" she says grabbing a napkin out of her bag and goes to wipe the cut, but she saw that it was deep and wouldn't stop oozing blood anytime soon.

Enid: " yeah I think that needs stitches" she says looking at Wednesday who was repeatably wiping his face.

after they got back and patched themselves up, they were greeted by Weems. 

Weems: " what happened to you Y/n" she says shocked at the cut that was carefully patched up by Wednesday.

Wednesday: " something attacked us tonight we will be telling you more tomorrow" the pale girl says shutting the door in her face.

later in the night

Gomez: " hello, my black little cloud wait why do you have a bruise on your cheek, and why isnt Y/n there

Wednesday: " he is, he's just cleaning up, and for this bruise that was Y/n, but I think there's some tension between us" she saw the look Gomez was giving her

Wednesday: no father Y/n didn't hit me he would never resort to physical violence on me, he actually saved me from a stone gargoyle but the prize that got me was a bruised cheek" she said relieving her father.

Morticia: " well I hope what's going on with you two will be fixed, anyway so tell us darling how was your first week"

Wednesday: let's see I narrowly avoided death twice discovered my father may be a murderer, learned that I could potentially destroy the school and Y/n and I was mysteriously saved by a homicidal monster which left Y/n a cut, and who knew one boy with a drawing could possibly ruin my relationship with Y/n, as much as it pains me to say it, I think I'm going to love it here"

the bathroom door opened up

Wednesday: " Y/n is here right now actually I'll let him in to say hello" she says walking over to to the sparkly green eyes of Y/n looking down at her.

Y/N: hey mister and missus Addams"

Gomez: Y/n you've lived with us since you were seven years old you can call us padre and Madre."

Y/N: " ok padre I'm sorry we may have had a little fight, but I promise we will work through it."

Morticia: " ahh there's nothing quite like young love am I right Mon Cher"

 Gomez: your just right Tish"

 even more time passed.

Y/N could sense that something was amiss with Wednesday. Her cold demeanor and distant expression raised alarm bells in his mind, and even Enid seemed to notice that something was off.

Y/N: "What's wrong, Wends?" he asked, his voice trembling with worry.

Wednesday: "I'm just thinking about what Rowan said about you. Maybe he's right. Whenever people get close to me, they become targets. It's dangerous, Y/N," she replied, her voice heavy with sadness.

Y/N: "But love should conquer all. If you truly love me, we can face the dangers together like we said," he pleaded, his eyes brimming with tears.

Wednesday: "I do love you, Y/N, more than words can express. But my love for you is also the reason I have to let you go. I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt or worse. It's better for both of us if we're apart," she whispered, a single tear streaming down her face.

Y/N: "No, please, don't do this, I don't want... No, I don't want to go.. We promised to stay together forever, to face any challenge together. Don't abandon me, you cant do this, not after what you promised" he sobbed, his heart breaking in anguish.

Wednesday: "I'm sorry, Y/N. but it's for your own safety. I can't bear to lose you" she choked out, her voice filled with sorrow.

They held each other, their embrace suffused with a mixture of love and heartache. as Y/n went into the bathroom.

Enid looked at Wednesday with a mix of concern and frustration evident in her eyes. She couldn't fathom the decision Wednesday had just made, and she felt compelled to voice her thoughts.

Enid: "Look, I don't know what Rowan did or said, but I need to say this. What you just did with Y/N wasn't right. You're supposed to ride out whatever is going on together. Pushing him away like this won't help either of you. How can you be sure he'll be alright if you don't see each other? It's not a wise choice, Wednesday. By distancing yourself, you're only making him question if he did something wrong," Enid stated, her words carrying a hint of wisdom.

Enid's straightforward and logical perspective struck a chord with Wednesday, making her reflect on her actions. She realized that perhaps she had let her fears and desire to protect Y/N cloud her judgment.

Wednesday: "You're right, Enid. I let my own fears get in the way, and I didn't consider how it would affect Y/N. I love him, and I shouldn't have pushed him away like that. It was unfair to him," Wednesday admitted, her voice tinged with regret.

Enid: "Exactly. Love means being there for each other, even in the face of danger or uncertainty. You two need each other, especially now. It's not too late, Wednesday. Go to him, talk to him, and work through this together. Don't let fear drive you apart," Enid urged, her words resonating with a sense of genuine concern.

Wednesday nodded, her determination renewed. She realized that she had to rectify her mistake and fight for the love they shared. but she starts to let that fear take control