Chapter 77
Jake Pov:
I indeed, hadn't reminded my sister about her dress. It was mainly a lesson, but also for a little bit of fun. She had learned her lesson and would not make the same mistake again. Henry had gotten down and into the carriage and Dallas had gotten out and up beside me.
The carriage was only fit for around eight people, we currently had eleven people. This is why we had four people on the outside of the carriage. We exit the clearing and continue through the forest, but as we do I sense something. We are being watched by someone, but I don't know who.
They seem to not like us being here, but we own this property. It was about seven miles from the entrance to the house from my understanding. It was also around about five miles uphill from the lake in the center of the property.
Judging by what I am sensing I guess that some people have been using this for nefarious activities. I need to be careful and find out who it is and where they are, they may know where Layla is! I eventually see light shining through the canopy up ahead and go towards it.
I enter into a giant clearing, inside there is a large mansion. It seems that this is what we are looking for, I think. The mansion is on ground that is elevated by around ten feet on a Stone base. There is a little cut in the side of the base, seems to be for a carriage. But I'll leave it here for the time being, it could be unstable.
"We're here!," I call out to everyone, to which they get off the carriage.
"This is a pretty large mansion! The territory size in width and length is the same as the distance from Shirgana to Bitagunira, a little smaller though," Hannah says.
"Yeah, I know, I am honestly wondering why no-one has wanted this before though. I know that Rex was lying about there being no other mansions though. He just didn't want us to wreck stuff in the capital, and this is the perfect place to train. From my understanding this entire estate is surrounded by a Fence. That fence is ten feet high meaning no animals can get in, but monsters may be able to," I say.
"We will need to be careful until we are sure there are no monsters here. We can also see about upgrading the fence into a magic fence. Though I don't know if that is possible though, if it can be done it can keep out monsters though," I finish as our guests watch on.
"True, but can we explore it now!," Emma yells to which I chuckle.
"Yeah, all in good time Emma," I say as we head up the stairway to the entrance. Looking around everything needs work, no matter what it is, even these steps.
"Emma, can I borrow Slimo so I can get a rough outline of the building? Also we should survey the outside first before going in," Hunter calls. I must applaud his tactical mind.
"Yeah, here," She says handing him the green slime. He grabs the Slime, and to everyone's horror, He throws him up in the sky!
"What is wrong with you! Why did you through that Slime!," Aaron yells. Now that is a surprise since I thought Hannah would jump to the defense. As she liked Halfdan when she first met him. Looking back I see him taking a nap by the carriage with Dallas. Being his size, he needs to eat a lot and hasn't recently. I better go hunting with him to get food for him.
"I threw it so he could tell me what the Mansion looks like!," Hunter retaliates.
"That's no excuse!," Aaron yells back. At this point they are in a full on argument and no maid or butler is going to intervene. They know when they should and shouldn't.
"He's alright see!," Hunter says catching the slime. Then Aaron Takes him and starts hugging him a lot. "If you do that, he might melt your clothes off," Hunter points out to which she drops the slime.
"What were you saying about taking care of him?," Hunter asks sarcastically as he picks Slimo up. Why my sister had to use such a weird name is a mystery. "Got it, so the mansion is in an American craftsman style, and it uses natural materials. It isn't the traditional with it being this size though, it is a much larger one than normal. The only one who could build this is a veteran in building and loved their art. It seems to have three floors, an attic, garage, and a basement below that as well. It is around 300 by 200 feet on the outside, the height is around forty feet tall from the bottom of the first floor to the top of the third," Hunter says.
"I see, I like that style but not many nobles do, that may have also contributed to no-one wanting it. But, since we have a different taste, it should be nice. Well, lets start with that walk around the outside, we will be walking around 1000 feet. Since that is the case, we better get moving," I say, going with Emma towards the left.
The others follow and as we go, you can see the wear and tear that there is on the building. I decide to use my area sense to get a familiar feeling for the surrounding area. But when I do, I sense hundreds of sources of energy in the basement! What is going on here?!