"Really, asking for a fresher to draw a sketch for you is simply asking for drops!" This girl was so over the line now and I was not in any possible way going to draw that sketch.
"Well you can talk about that from the outside?" Seeing how they unintentionally took the class's attention, the lecturer stopped being so polite.
"Alright, you asked for it. If you fail, don't put it on me." Kevan threatened indirectly.
"What does me failing got to do with you? Just you dare to make it look as I wish it to be, deal with the coming consequences." After her usual threats, she stood up and walked outside and ofcourse, Kevan had to follow from behind.
"Here, draw what others are drawing, make it look nice. It is high time you prove how good you are at studies to make me understand that you really are worthy of treating me or you are just a piece of trash, simply good in jail." After passing her Art book to me, she continued with her threats and I knew that I don't impress her, she will then know how good I deserve to be in jail instead.
It was a green bucket and inside of it was a towel which slipped a bit out of the bucket left hanging to the ground. Near it was a purple soap dish with a sponge perfectly rested inside with a simple part of it also slippint outside a little, on the other side of the soap dish was a piece of soap just opposite to the soap dish.
'You've got to be kidding me' I used to learn art with my sis at home but not this kind of definition art, someone must tell that the items drawn are used to take a bath. It was a simple sketch actually, very simple as defined but I didn't dare to ask for the toning much less sketching because to me, drawing a sketch was simply very hard than just sharing the image. It would have been easy if colours were allowed but by the looks of the instructions on the notice board, someone had to do this work with just a pencil and rubber, no additional items.
After passing the materials, she sat just besides Kevan with an impatient look on her face indicating for him to start. If only she knew how Kevan loved her scent hating her personality, she wouldn't be sitting besides him.
Gazes of jealous were felt by the onlooking male students since it was a rare opportunity for Habibah to ask someone for help and exactly in Art given on how talented she was in the rest of the Medial Grade Two class much less this Fresher sitting besides her. No male student wouldn't envy that but as they felt jealousy, Kevan felt like crying for he was being used helplessly as if he was abducted or something.
"Will you just draw oryou will keep on looking like this is new to your eyes when you were calmly taking a nap infront of the lecturer's class." this girl was just so rude, and what does me taking a nap in a lesson got to dow ith her anyway?
Taking a deep breath,Kevan developed a huge concentration on the image and according to how serious he looked, it was like as if he was having this task as an examination test completely putting all his attention into it.
Kevan being caught up in the drawing forgotten about time that even when the students left for lunch, he was still trying his finishing and I no time, he actually managed to make a visible sketch of the image before him and though it was not that perfect,he was still very satisfied for it was his first anyway and given that it wasn't even his art book,he could careless for now.
With this sketch, Kevan was amazed with talent making him a little bit proud of myself wishing it was his image that mine could do the toning too but unluckily it was for that merciless girl.
'Wait.. where did this witch go!' Kevan panicked, looking around remembering that I had someone supervising me, in my admiration for the image, he actually forgot about the owner but finally, there she was looking at the image with eyes that never left it even for a second .
It was hard to understand whether she liked it or not but all Kevan wanted to do now was to go get some lunch since he really had nothing much for breakfast.
"Here, I'm done with it, I will go get you lunch." Without waiting for her reply, Kevan rushed outside of the almost empty room hurriedly. Witnessing his disappearing body, Habibah raised a devilish smile on her face for whatever was in her mind, who knows but her.
"Can I have a break out card, I wish to buy some food outside." As I entered Mr Bazibu's office, I asked for a simple stamp card for moving out of the school for I need quite some stuff outside like my huge uniform need some fitting so this hour was just perfect.
"We are having restaurants in the school, what kind of food do you want outside that you found lacking from the interiors of school?." Mr Bazibu asked with a knowing voice.
"That girl wants food from outside of the school so I have to go out to fetch it." I simply had to lie in order to get out of this school so why not lie instead.
After a good serious point of lies, the guy finally wrote me a green break out card and then handed it to him but he didn't look at it at all and after a "thanks", Kevan rushed straight to boys' wing dormitories of the Pity Calf, picking up his huge uniform, he moved towards the main exit gate.
Giving out the green card to the gateman, he looked at it intently before handing it over to me.
"You're a lucky guy! you even got a whole term green card receipt from Bazibu himself with a stamp too. But, still, you don't need to take so long out there, you must be here before the end of the lunch hours." I had no idea of what the 'whole term green card meant' and I was so lazy to ask so after opening the gates, I rushed out immediately.
According to Job's intel, this town of our school's location was called Manja, but in a place called Kiwangala. Those two names were very weird but that was not the reason to why Kevan was here, he had to first look for the tailor's shop before doing anything so he started by asking around and finally, he was directed to a small inferior stall built with wood timber.
'This is truly a village' Kevan sighed on how unlucky be could be.
Nevertheless, since he was already here, he decided to enter despite his disappointment.
Inside the school some minutes after Ken leaving, in a room with a label at the top of the door "Medial Grade Two" was now filled with a number of students all from the Medial Grade, standing a distance away from a very calm looking beautiful girl who was gracefully painting her sketch with extreme care.
Habibah was so pleased by the sketch that Kevan had drawn for her, 'with my painting skills, no one will dare win a mark higher than mine this time!' she smiled confidently.
As time went by, the image was already done seemingly looking alive as many students were looking at it with admiration and some felt like holding it for ounce but none of them even tried to mess with Shabs' stuff much less get any closer to it finally sighing to their zero talent abilities at last.
'Why isn't he coming back yet' Habibah have been waiting for Kevan, 'NOT AT ALL..., I'm supposed to wait for my lunch, why should I wait for a jerk like him!' she convinced herself and decided not to think about him anymore.
"Won't you come with us to the restaurant for lunch?" Momo, one of Habibah's friends asked.
"Nop, someone is getting me lunch so you guys can have it first, I will catch up with you later." she replied still wondering why Kevan wasn't coming back, like what took him so long.
'Where did he go? ' was she worried about him! No it cant be because back then she wanted him to get arrested, yeah it served him right because why did he have to slap her infront of the students. Very disrespectful of him, serves him right.
Waiting for another half an hour, lunch was up and still Kevan was no where to be seen. Instead of sitting here, I should visit Bazibu maybe he knows where this fool went.
Reaching Bazibu's office, thank God the deputy is around. Habibah knocked on the door before entering.
Bazibu was sitting in his chair behind his table as usual but at times, he never looked at me when I came knowing I always come looking for his trouble yet this time, it is different, he is looking at me with a questioning look on. 'why does he have to look at me like that?'
"Kevan had to be bringing my lunch but from the start to the end of the lunch hours,he is no where to be seen? " Shabs tried tried to sound polite though this was nothing like her even if she wanted something from someone.
'Oh damn, now he is looking at me with more complicated looks but still saying nothing! what is he up to?' Shabs sweated in her mind, she hated this feeling of keeping her waiting.
"He had to bring me lunch but he is not back yet, so did you ask him off some where?" Shabs really failed to understand why Bazibu was playing mute right now!
Bazibu finally dropped his weird gaze off me but now, he is looking at my back..is there a problem again?
Turning around, my eyes met Kevan standing just in the middle of the door with both his hands hidden atthe back.
"I have been waiting for you the whole of lunch time, where have you been?" Habibah coldy inquired without waiting for Kevan to say a word.
"I told you that I went to get you lunch, are you still hungry or I should eat it myself " Kevan really didn't believe that this girl will fail to eat lunch because she was waiting for something he was preparing for her. And knowing that,Kevan took his time during his visit of the outside world, and if she thought of him as his true paid house boy, she was about to starve for days.
Kevan knew how expensive stuffs from the school shops were so he had to buy a lot of everything with some of his cash in order to have escorts for her breakfast. Escorts bought from outside were cheaper than those inside of the school. He also bought these many escorts just to be able to get time for his studies not just time for baby sitting.
"If you wont eat, I'm leaving" Kevan really did have his limits and if you were to go passed them, he wouldnt hesitate to tolerate, he bought her food, she still wanted him to plead for her to eat it. it was a huge joke.
"You...!" she blurted out but he was already gone.
Moving outside she started following him leaving Bazibu who was still wearing a weird look on his face.