Chereads / Hider / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

My eyes flashed open at the unwelcomed nightmare. I sat up, sweat dripping down my forehead. Closing my eyes at the thought of the painful memory, I reached for the glass of water on my bedside desk, chugging the water in one go.

4:00 AM.

I still had two hours before my alarm rang and 3 before the bus was to arrive.

In fear of more nightmares, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, taking a cold shower in hope to clear my mind.

Munching on the granola bar in my hands, I stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive.


I whipped my head around looking for a face to attach to the voice calling out for me.

My eyes landed on Frankie, my best friend and an old member of my family's mafia.

As my eyes met hers, a smile graced my lips.

"Hey Frankie," I replied.

She held out a finger shushing me as she doubled over trying to catch her breath, the poor girl must have ran 2 miles to get to my stop.

"Oh. My. God!" Do you know how worried I was when I got to your apartment to see you NOT there? And why weren't you picking up your phone?! I thought you died or some shit!" She scolds.

I let out a chuckle, "You should have know better Frankie,"

"But you left earlier than normal! How was I supposed to know whether you were at the stop or kidnapped?!" She whined.

I couldn't argue. I had left earlier than normal. 20 minutes to be exact.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry bae," I sighed.

Almost immediately her mood brightened, making me regret my words.

"GREAT!" She swung her arm over my shoulder, having to go up onto her tippy toes to reach.

Moments later the bus obnoxiously screeched to a stop in front of us.

Grinning, she dragged us to the front of the line of students waiting to board the bus. Grumbles and complaints were heard down the line as we plowed through.

While I mumbled apologies, Frankie just shoved her way to the front with her, 'I couldn't give two shits about what you think of me' attitude.

Finally reaching the front, we climbed on and beelined for our seats in the back of the bus. Settling into the shitty seat, I leaned my head on her shoulder attempting to catch a quick nap as we headed towards campus.

"Hey, wake up, we're here babe," Frankie gently shakes me.

I blink my eyes open as the other students start filing off the bus.

Following the students in the rows ahead of us, Frankie drags us after them.


BRRING! The bell rang, finally signaling the end of fifth hour, and passing time before our last hour of the school day, sixth hour.

With a groan, I dragged my feet to my locker.

Switching out my AP Language textbook for my AP History textbook I head to my last class of the day.

I grabbed a seat near the back where I could see the front clearly but would not stand out to the teacher.

As I sat down and flipped through my book, the teacher, Ms. Gresham, walked in.

"Hello class, we have a new student today, " she announced in a sickeningly sweet voice.

I rolled my eyes going back to my book.

"How about you introduce yourself, Jamie," she all but ordered the poor boy.

"Hey, my name's Jamie Tasca D'Almerita." The boy obliged confidently.

Upon hearing his last name my eyes snapped up to the face. The signature gray orbs of the D'Almerita family meet my emerald green ones.

His eyes widen in recognition as I quickly snap my gaze away. I hadn't seen him since we were 10, 2 years before the…incident.

I felt my eyes water at the thought of my dead family, but I quickly blinked the forming tears away, washing away all emotion on my face. Staring straight at the board again as Ms. Gresham droned on through the lesson.


"Oh my god! Did you hear about the new transfer student? I heard he was Italian!" Frankie squealed.

"Girl, chill, he's not that cute, plus you've seen him before." I stated, annoyed.

"WHAT?!" She exclaimed, drawing unneeded attention to us. "I mean— who?" She knit her brows in confusion, ears still slightly blushed in embarrassment from her earlier outburst.

"Jamie," I clip.

She looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to elaborate.

"Jamie Tasca D'Almerita?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I was summoned?" A deep voice rumbled behind me, the slight italian accent alerting me of who it was.

I immediately stiffened, knowing exactly who he was. Still, my pettiness got the better of me as I sent a kick to his groin.

"Woah there principessa," he chuckled, effectively dodging my attack.

I mentally cursed him out when I didn't hit him, playing it off as an accident.

"What are you doing here?!" I demanded.

"Chill, principessa, you left your pencil in history, I'm just returning it. I also thought it would be nice if we had a…talk…" he trailed off.

Me and Frankie shared a look, no doubt the same thought going through our minds. How did he know?

"Listen, I don't give a shit who the fuck you are but stay the fuck away from both of us. We don't know you, you don't know us, clear? Sì?" Frankie clarified before pulling me away from Jamie, towards the bus stop.

Reaching the bus stop we found our regular seats.

A sigh escaped my lips as I slumped down at the window seat.

"You okay?" Frankie furrowed her brows in worry studying my slumped figure on the other half of our seat.

"Yeah." I muttered.

"Is there something … going on between you two?" She smirked. The suggestive tone in her voice made me whip my head around and shoot her a glare, which she casually shrugged off.

"What? It's giving enemies to lovers, I have built the ship and it is not sinking easily!" She exclaimed.

"Fuck you and your romance books," I mutter under my breath, receiving a giggle from her.

"Okay, but seriously, what is going on between you and hottie?" She questioned.

"Nothing," I clipped, clearly annoyed and eager for this conversation to end.

"So… he's available?"

I raised my eyebrow at her question before a smirk slipped onto my lips.

She shrugged the smirk off, muttering about how cute he was. Her eyes slightly drooped from lack of sleep, our long day today, and likely the small marathon she ran to make it to my bus stop at 6 in the morning.

I offered my shoulder for a short nap on the bus, returning the favor from earlier this morning.

Leaning her head on my shoulder, she shot me a thankful smile before dozing off, no doubt dreaming about Jamie.



Hi besties, I can't believe your still here after that horrid first chapter 😅😅. Hope your day went well.

What do you guys think?

Frankie x Jamie?

Jamie x Lia?

Lia x Frankie?

Ig we'll have to find out…

Furthermore, (yes I DID just pull out an essay transition), I just wanted to confirm that this is NOT a girl love lgbtq+ story. It is just a nickname they have for each other to show their natural flirty attitude towards each other.

(And yes before you ask or send me hate…I DO support lgbtq+ I just did not plan this story to follow that theme)

Enjoy your morning/afternoon/night/day (If it's late night for you, PLEASE GET SOME SLEEP, don't become a sleep deprived zombie!)

Next chapter in Jamie's point of view (pov).


Word count - ~1156?
