Chereads / Hider / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Stupid ass.

Jamie told me about Orphelia two days ago, on Monday. However, after assigning him the task of keeping track of her whereabouts and finding out more about her. He managed to loose her in a day. He said that she had stopped showing up to class and when he tried to find anything on them, on the internet, through cameras, you name it, he came up empty. We had our best hackers on the case and they still can't find her.


The punching bag hit the ground, spilling sand out from my last hit. I hadn't realized how hard I was hitting it until it split.

"Yo, just because you're angry doesn't mean you should be here, breaking your knuckles… knuckle head." I head Jamie scold from the doorway to our gym.

I sent him a glare, "Must I remind you why I am in such a foul mood."

"Uh, oh…" He trailed, knowing damn well he was in from some deep shit if he kept bothering me. "Brotha, I know you're upset, but there's no need to pull out the formal English on me…" He states, before mumbling, "it makes you sound like a grampy pops," afterwards, as an afterthought.

"Must I show you to the door?" I grind out.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm out, I was gonna let you know about some important information… regarding a specific… someone…" he taunts, "but I guess it'll have to wait…"

At the mention of information my ears perk up as I catch the rest, immediately regretting not asking why he was here when he arrived.

"Jamie get your ass back here!" I shout across the gym to his shrinking figure, "JAMIE TASCA D'ALMERITA! GET YOUR ASS BACK IN HERE ASSHAT!!!" I scream, not in the mood for his games… at least… not when it came to her.

Orphelia Dawn Ricco, the second child and only daughter of the Ricco family that was mercilessly slaughtered in arson five years ago. After the slaughter, the Ventura family took over. Considering the close relations between my father and Orphelia's it made sense, even more so when you consider Orphelia and my engagement.

When she was younger she was always mature for age, to the point where it was sometimes creepy, however, now it always made sense… She was being prepared… For this slaughter. It was obvious that while her parents had promised my parents her hand to me in marriage, they never wanted to involve her in the mafia business.

Well… Even though she has done a good job of keeping her and her friend off our radar for the past 4 years, recently she popped back up for a slightest millisecond. Alerting every single mafia out there of her presence. Now, it's a race. A race between who can find her first, the Russians or the Americans and Italians.

"Hello? Earth to Riano?... ANDRIANO DELLA VENTURA!"

I wince at Jamie's NOT indoor voice volume and the unneeded use of my full name, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Tell me the information before I kick you out," I grumble.

"Okay! So apparently, Leo was searching through the school databases… Uhm… You might not like what you hear next… But… Orphelia and her friend withdrew last night," He finished.

I balled my hands into fists. I had her. How could she have slipped through my fingers just like that?!

"Tell Leo to find any homes owned or rented under her name, and find out what her friend's name is!" I ordered before I made my way to my room.


Pulling on a T- shirt and sweatpants, I log onto my PC, deciding I need some time to destress and think about our next move in locating Orphelia, so what do I do? Play League of Legends. It always helps me destress.

As I log on, I see a new message.


'howve u been'

'nice to see u on'

Drew, my online friend messages as soon as he sees me online. For whatever reason, he's always online. I guess he's a screen addict. Messaging him back I joined him in the game so we can voice chat.

"Hey Drew,"

"Rio!" He exclaims as his avatar speeds towards me, "it's been a while, how've you been?"

"The usual, you?"

He continues to drag out our conversation, asking unneeded questions. I answer them half heartedly… until he brings up another friend of his being online.

"Drew, meet Dawn! Dawn, this is Rio, We've been buddies for years!"

"Hey," A feminine voice replies, freezing me on the spot.

She has a light accent that I can't seem to place. Her voice is surprisingly low and has a soothing effect, instantly calming my nerves.

"Hey," I respond, as void of emotion as possible.

"How are you?" She asks out of formality. I know she was being polite but because I don't actually know her, this annoys the hell out of me.

"Not really any of your business," I snap.

The silence was deafening.

"Well… haha… Uhm… You guys just wanna play then?" Drew asks, attempting to break the awkward silence. When neither of us say anything, he decides to address me specifically.

"Sure I guess, what're we playin?" I decided to play nice.

"Summoner's Rift,"

"Agreed, I sure as hell ain't working well with that asshole," She spits, all the sweetness gone.

"It seems I've upset the principessa," I retorted.

"Don't. Call. Me. That," She grinds out before she leaves the lobby, loading into the map. When Drew follows suit I already know this is going to be a long game.


"Surprisingly you don't suck ass," She laughs as we finish off the bosses, surprisingly faster then I had expected.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I scoff.

"Nothing," She mutters before addressing Drew, "babes I gotta go, I have shit tomorrow morning so I gotta get some sleep, see ya tomorrow, yeah?" As soon as Drew confirms she disappears.

A twinge of jealousy stirs inside of me at her nickname for Drew. It doesn't seem in a romantic way, yet I still seem to want to be on the receiving end of it.

"So, you wanna play Howlings Abyss for a while? Now that she's gone…" He trails.

"Sure, I'll join you,"


As me and Drew finally say our goodbyes and good nights, three hours later, I head to bed, taking off my shirt before climbing in.

I don't know why but sleeping with a shirt on always bothered me.

As I lie there in darkness and silence, I can't help but let my mind wander to the calm, soothing voice I was talking to earlier. Her playing skills exceeded my expectations.

As I think about the risky, yet accurate plays she performed during our short time together, I find myself drifting off to a peaceful, dreamless sleep. One I haven't had in a while.



Heya! Forced myself to write, so getting back into it. Hope you enjoyed this one.

I'm gonna be real here, I do NOT play League of Legends, so yeah, all the League of Legends stuff I include is from Google. We stan Google haha.

Anyway, hope you have a good day/evening where you are!

Next chapter we're back in Orphelia's pov!


Word Count ~ 1199?
