Heindrik and Secretary Lee left to finish the work they had been putting on hold, while Night and Samuel were the only ones left in the living room.
Night sipped on the coffee and turned to Samuel after he cleared his throat.
"I need to check on your wounds."
Night tilted his head to the side, confusion displayed on his face.
"There is no need for that. It's already healed."
That was, of course, a lie. But since Rafael was already taking care of it, there was no need to bother other people.
"Do you have any self-regenerating abilities?"
"You do realize that your question is rude, don't you?"
Samuel's brows furrowed and his hands gripped his knees.
"I'm sorry. I let my curiosity get the best of me-"
"I have."
Night cut him off. Samuel's wide eyes snapped at Night, which made him smile.
"Telling my healer this much is alright, no?"
A smile appeared on Samuel's face. But it was the opposite for Night because his smile disappeared as he sipped once again on his coffee.
"I need to talk to Heindrik. I'll leave you by yourself."
Night didn't bother to wait for Samuel's response and left. His destination was the third floor where Heindrik's office was.
He knocked on the door twice and heard Heindrik inviting him inside.
As he opened the door, Night was greeted by a simple room with no overtly luxurious furniture whatsoever, unlike the room he was brought into.
"What is it?"
Heindrik turned his attention to Night.
"The evaluation, I need you to prepare it as soon as possible."
"I will. Is tomorrow a good time?"
"If you can set up an appointment tomorrow, then let's do it."
Heindrik nodded his head and said, "Alright."
Seconds passed and Night stayed standing in the middle of the bright room.
"Anything else?"
"The bounty..."
He didn't need to say more for Heindrik to understand.
Heindrik dismissed Secretary Lee, who was standing near the desk, and motioned for Night to take a seat on the navy blue cotton couch.
"The bounty was filed by Legion Louis back at the time when you fled the CAS. There is nothing important to know except for the fact that you wouldn't have to worry about losing your life."
The hairs on Night's arms raised. He thought about Legions aiming for his neck made him shiver.
"Legion Louis specifically ordered for you to be captured alive."
Night's eyebrow twitched upon hearing Liam's name.
"For sure he has a picture of me. How will you let me have an evaluation if my face is plastered everywhere in District 8?"
A frown crept on Heindrik's face. He hadn't thought that far.
"We can't use magic to change my hair color because the slightest bit of magic will be detected inside the association's multiple magic radar. So why don't we use the thing from a decade ago?"
Night's lips raised an inch, while Heindrik's brow raised.
A few hours later, a blonde man with newly cut hair stood in front of a full-body mirror. His frail body was the same as well as his pale skin and black pupils, but Night had become almost unrecognizable.
"I think blonde is a bad choice. I look like a bloodsucking vampire."
Face laced with nonchalance, Night stared at himself.
"It's the only natural hair color that could make your original hair color be unrecognizable."
Secretary Lee still held the scissors which he used to cut Night's hair.
"You looked well-kept now though."
Night looked at Heindrik through the mirror. Meanwhile, Samuel stood by the door with his mouth agape and slightly wide eyes.
"No one would recognize you."
Samuel stated.
"Of course, since they don't know me."
Silence ate away at everyone after what Night stated, but it didn't matter to him.
'If they can't even put up with me, then what's the point of working together.'
Since he was from the outskirts and only had relations to insects, Nuggt knew how disadvantageous he was, which was why he was resolved to get the most out of the relationship that he made.
"Rest for now. Get the strength you lost from your fight and conserve your power."
"Doing the opposite seems to be the better option to me."
"I'll make sure that your evaluation report is shown only to us and the Association President."
"The very person I don't want any information about me being known by."
Like lightning flashing, Secretary Lee's head snapped to Night. His narrowed eyes were trying to instill fear in him.
"I've got no control over that. Every single piece of information going inside the association is received by the President. However, I can make it so that it would only go through my hands and the President's."
Night shrugged and tilted his head. Outside the window, he could see several spaces in the atmosphere cracking. At that moment, a ring echoed inside the room.
[Seekers! The tutorial phase of the Chaos Dance ended! Congratulations on surviving the tutorial! The first stage of the Chaos Dance will begin in 336 hours.]
Night's eyes narrowed and a crease appeared on his forehead. There was no information saying that there was a tutorial stage of the Chaos Dance. He glanced at the other two people before his face hardened.
Heindrik and Secretary Lee both stood still, their eyes locked on the huge hologram floating in the sky.
Whatever they were looking at was not visible to Night where he sat. He went to the window and looked up.
[Countdown: 335:59:46]
"Am I the only one who didn't know anything about this?"
"I received a call from the Association President. He received a report from District 3 yesterday. The report contained information about the Chaos Dance. What they know about it and what changes it caused."
Heindrik paused as he plopped back down on his chair.
"The report mentioned things that haven't happened in our District."
Night showed no particular change in his expression, but he was racking his brain.
'There is no way that something that had already happened in District 4 hasn't occurred here.' He thought.
It was normal that all Districts would experience everything equally. The happenings inside the Districts were not exclusive either. If the Chaos Dance was announced, even the ones still living wandering through the apocalypse would have received the same announcement. After all, the Earth was a place the Sage held in her hands. She was the one in charge of this world just like how other Sages were in charge of other worlds.
[She most likely heard of the news about Death sending one of his Constellations somewhere far. Surely she must have already felt a similar presence lurking in your world, which is why she is becoming wary and barely has time to look over the event she recklessly made.]
'Does that mean that I don't have to be wary of the Sage finding out about your existence?'
[When did I ever say that? In fact, you need to be even more careful now as she might suspect you at any given moment. Now that she has become wary even if I try to seal my presence I can't conceal the fact that you have a system. Once she finds that she can't handle your system, she'd definitely target you. When that time comes you'll most likely be the one whom she'll think to be the Constellation.]
'That's troublesome. Let's try not to get involved.'
Secretary Lee's voice then echoed from behind.
"I need your biography, Legion Night."
Night turned away from the hologram and turned his body to the side. His eyes caught something as he did.
A few kilometers away from where he stood, a radius of almost five hundred meters, the space appeared to be fluctuating. He activated his mana perception and instantly felt a shiver run down his spine.
"Legion Night?"
Secretary Lee had already walked over to his side.
"Do you have an artifact that could temporarily grant foresight?"
"There is no such artifact, but we do have something similar."
"Lend it to me."
"I said lend it."
Night turned to Secretary Lee. At that moment, goosebumps appeared on his body. The atmosphere decreased by tenfold, but he could feel something hot caressing his back. Heindrik flinched after noticing it.
It was a similar feeling he felt back when the CAS in Area 4 was destroyed. It was the same feeling of a god descending on earth.
"It is not an artifact, but Secretary Lee's skill."
Heindrik butted in, he stood between Night and Secretary Lee after noticing his assistant having a hard time breathing and sweating bullets.
"He has a clairvoyance skill. Although, it is not that powerful."
"Then, look over there and activate your skill. Tell me what you see."
Night got out of the way that would block Secretary Lee's view of what he had seen as he pointed in the direction of the place.
As tense as he was, he did as Night told him. He didn't turn pale as if he saw a ghost. No, he looked like he became a ghost himself. He took two steps back, his slightly parted lips trembled as he fell on his behind.
"A murky mana, a different structured rift and beyond was the abyss."
Secretary Lee's trembling eyes slowly looked over at Night standing beside the window. He bore no emotion in his clear face. An unintentional whisper escaped his lips:
"How... did you know?"