Chapter 41 - Departure

'...Wait, what?'


"Unlike me, Allen is smart. I am sure he would be of great help to you, m'lord."

"Interesting. You want to send your son to enter the service of a Baron?"

'Hold on, father! That's not it! Don't go there! I really, reeeally don't like where this is going!'

Panic was painted all over Allen's face, but Rodin failed to notice it. "Yes, m'lord. Please use him as a houseboy or however else you see fit. I beg of you, please allow him to work for you!"

Seeing the look his master was sending his way, the butler replied, "I have no objections. It seems clear to me that the child is indeed bright and intelligent."

Standing beside him, the Knight Captain also nodded approvingly.

'What?! Why isn't anyone stopping this?! My ideal dream of going hunting every day is getting further and further away from me! Think, Allen! Think!'

More than anything else, Allen loved hunting, and he loved leveling up. Working at the Feudal Lord's place was on the extreme opposite end of the spectrum of things he wanted to do.

Presumably, serving the Feudal Lord would mean lots of rules and restrictions. Worst case, he could end up with less freedom than even serfs had. And so Allen racked his brains as hard as he could. He needed to come up with some way to break through this situation at any cost.

"A houseboy? Hm...that's not quite right," the Feudal Lord murmured, stroking his well-groomed mustache.

A disappointed "Huh?" escaped Rodin's lips. He had almost been sure that his request would be accepted.

'Oh? Is the lord going to say no? Go for it. You really should say no!'

"He did a splendid job as our guide on today's hunt, as well as serving our table last night. I am as impressed with him as I am with you, Rodin. You have raised a fine son."

"Th-Thank you, m'lord."

"Consequently, Allen will become a manservant of House Granvelle."

"A manservant?! Are you sure, m'lord?!" Rodin was so shocked his voice broke.

'Uh, is a houseboy different from a manservant? No, no, that's not what I should be thinking about right now!'

"Is that fine, Sebas?"

"Absolutely, Master."

"Allen! The Feudal Lord said he'd accept you as his manservant!"

Rodin completely forgot that he was in Lord Granvelle's presence and turned to ruffle Allen's hair vigorously in celebration. He was so overjoyed, tears were flowing down his face.

Gerda also chimed in. "Good for you, Allen! His Lordship's offering you an opportunity that us serfs'd never see in a million years!" He then continued going on at length about how incredible the offer was; meanwhile, Allen looked dazed, as if his soul had left his body.

The Feudal Lord remained silent, merely observing. He had just made Rodin—who had contributed so much to the village—recall a memory so traumatic that it gave him the shakes. This was therefore his way of atoning for that transgression.

The Baron smiled with satisfaction at the ear-to-ear grin on Rodin's face, then declared, "Allen, son of Rodin. Be my manservant and join my House Granvelle at the foot of the table."

"Huh?" Allen looked so confused, a cartoonish question mark was practically visible above his head.

'If I say yes here...would I be completely swearing away my chance at a life of freedom?!'

"Hm? What's the matter?" Now it was the Feudal Lord's turn to look confused, as he had expected an immediate affirmative answer.

Rodin, who apparently thought Allen did not know how to reply, said, "Allen, this is where you should say, 'It would be an honor, m'lord.'" 'No, hold on, seriously, what am I supposed to do here?!'

Allen looked at Rodin, whose tears were still overflowing from his eyes and coursing down his cheeks; he was just that happy. Allen realized this was the first time he had ever seen his father cry. This was his father, the man who had dedicated himself to raising Allen over the past eight years.

Allen had indeed lived thirty-five years on Earth before coming to this world, but he deeply respected Rodin and his way of life from the bottom of his heart.

He was glad that he had been born as Rodin's child.

For his family's sake, the man had tilled the fields, day in and day out without vacations, and had put his life on the line to face the great boars every autumn. Rodin also cared deeply for his companions and was a role model to the other serfs.

That same Rodin now had tears streaming down his face.

'There's no way I can say no to that face, is there? It's outright impossible.'

"It...It would be an honor, my lord."

And in this way, Allen became a manservant of House Granvelle.


It was already dusk by the time the audience with Lord Granvelle ended.

Allen was informed that he would be accompanying the Baron when he returned to Granvelle City tomorrow afternoon, and that he would not have any serving duties that night.

He returned home with his father, where Rodin told Theresia about how Allen had become their feudal lord's manservant. Theresia congratulated her son, her expression sorrowful.

The night passed, and morning broke. Allen, who had not slept very well, offered to draw water for the family, then headed out. When he met the serfs at the well, their eyes were warm. These were all faces that he had seen many, many times over the past eight years.

Over a single night, news of the feudal lord granting commoner status to all twenty members of the original hunting party and their families had spread throughout the entire village. Quite a few of the hunters had already decided to accept the offer.

"Hey there, Allen! I heard you'll be working at a noble's house! Good for you!"

"Thank you very much."

The serfs at the well all wished Allen the best, and he thanked them one by one. When he got home and finished refilling the family jar, he found Mash still sulking from the night before. He complained that he'd be lonely with Allen gone. For his part, Allen had also wanted to be there for Mash, especially when he would undergo his Appraisal Ceremony next year.

Allen ate his breakfast and cleaned himself up, then tied his well-used wooden sword to his waist.

"Here, take this with you," Rodin said, thrusting a small jute bag at his son.

"I already said last night, I don't need it," Allen returned.

Inside the bag they were pushing back and forth was the more than three hundred silver Allen had earned hunting albaherons. Allen expected to receive a salary while working at Lord Granvelle's mansion, so he wanted Rodin to keep the money for an emergency.

"Doesn't matter! Take it!" Rodin insisted gruffly.

In the end, Allen folded. He reluctantly counted out a hundred silver and stashed it in his luggage. "Luggage" might have been an overstatement, as he had few belongings to bring with him. In fact, everything he owned fit inside a single small jute bag. It had taken almost no time at all for him to pack.

"Ah, we managed to catch you!"

Just as Allen was about to leave, Gerda arrived, with Mathilda, Krena, and Lily in tow. Allen had planned on dropping by their house on his way to the residential area, but they had come to see him off instead.

Krena, having heard about Allen's departure from her father, looked absolutely heartbroken. "Do you really have to go?"

Allen nodded. "Mm-hm. You take care of yourself, okay?"

The girl looked down at the ground, at a loss for words. Allen noticed she was clutching her wooden sword as usual.

"All right, let's play knight," Allen offered.

"Huh? Play knight?" Krena whipped her head upwards at Allen's words.

"Yup. You up for a round?"


'Good, I got her on board. I want her to see me off with a smile.'

The moment Allen mentioned "playing knight," Krena perked back up.

However, they could not play in the garden, as it was currently packed with twenty albaheron carcasses. So they stepped outside the garden wall, their families watching on.

Krena took up position a distance away from Allen, then declared, "I am Krena the knight! Let us fight with honor!"

A hot sensation welled up in Allen's chest upon hearing this line—the same line that he had heard so many times over the past five years. He tightened his grip on his weapon and replied, "I am Allen, manservant of House Granvelle. Sword Lord Krena, come at me!"

A look of surprise came over Krena's face. Allen's line was different from usual. This time he had called her "Sword Lord."

Allen's new identity was the fruit of Rodin's efforts after risking his life hunting great boars for thirteen years. Allen had purposely taken up this new title out of respect for his father.

"What's the matter? Are you not coming at me?" He lightly provoked her.

"Here I go!"

So began their final session of playing knight. Both eight-year-olds swung their wooden swords with incredible power and speed far beyond what other children their age could achieve. Allen's and Krena's parents had watched this scene countless times before.

"One final bout to say goodbye, huh," Rodin murmured.

"Sounds just like something they'd do," Gerda responded, chuckling slightly.

However, the spectators quickly noticed something was off. All these years, Krena had always been on the offensive and Allen on the defensive. Krena overpowered Allen in every one of their sessions. Today, however, Allen was the one with the upper hand.

"Huh?!" Krena had noticed as well.

"What's wrong, Sword Lord Krena?! Is that all you've got?!"

Krena answered his provocation with a heavier swing, but Allen dodged it and returned a counterattack. Krena was the one on the ropes now.

As soon as he knew he would have to leave everyone, Allen had decided that his farewell to Krena would be playing knights. He had also made up his mind to win this last match.

"What?! How?!" Krena was completely bewildered. She had never lost, not even once. Now, however, she found herself overwhelmed.

Allen's movements had changed from those she had grown used to seeing over the past five years. He was faster than he had ever been before. Even the four adults' eyes were wide with surprise.

To make a long story short, Allen had Synthesized a whole bunch of Bird E cards ahead of their match. Thanks to this, he had given his Agility a massive boost.


Name: Allen

Age: 8

Class: Summoner

Level: 7

HP: 152 (190)

MP: 208 (260) + 200

Attack: 75 (94)

Endurance: 75 (94)

Agility: 144 (181) + 200

Intelligence: 216 (270) + 200

Luck: 144 (181) + 200

Skills: Summoning {4}, Creation {4}, Synthesis {4}, Strengthening {4}, Expansion {3}, Storage, Deletion, Sword Mastery {3}, Throwing {3}

XP: 0/7,000

Skill Levels

Summoning: 4

Creation: 4

Synthesis: 4

Strengthening: 4

Skill Experience

Creation: 47,946/1,000,000

Synthesis: 47,900/1,000,000

Strengthening: 47,640/1,000,000

Creatable Summons

Insect: E, F, G, H

Beast: E, F, G, H

Bird: E, F, G

Grass: E, F

Stone: E




Bird: E x 20

Grass: E x 20



As a Summoner, Allen's Agility was ranked A. In other words, his class was itself designed with an emphasis on Agility. Now that he was Lvl. 7 and had twenty Bird E cards, his total Agility was over three hundred.

There was no way for Krena, who was still only Lvl. 1, to keep up. It was not long before the tip of Allen's wooden sword was at Krena's throat. The match was decided.

"I lost," Krena mumbled, looking stunned.

"Looks like it is a draw between us, Sword Lord Krena," Allen declared.

'I'm glad that worked out. I used up almost all the magic stones I had, but it was worth it.'


The way Krena saw it, she had lost completely. All four of the adults thought the same.

"This is a draw. There's no doubt about it," Allen repeated.


"That's right. A draw, a tie. Sword Lord Krena, it looks like we will have to wait until we meet again to determine the winner."


"Our match remains unfinished. The outcome will have to be deferred."

Allen reverted to his normal tone. "When we meet again. Okay, Krena?"

When they were both older, they would see each other again. It was a promise.

A smile blossomed on Krena's face. "Of course! Next time we meet, I'll be waaay stronger than you!"

'That's the face I wanted to see.'

Allen, however, was more worldly-wise. He knew that once Krena turned twelve, she would leave for Academy City. After she graduated, she would then likely go on to serve the royal family. Their stations in life and social statuses would be vastly different.

He might never see her again—in fact, that was the more probable outcome. Still, he wanted to part ways with her through this undecided match. He had even used up almost his entire stock of magic stones just to ensure this result.

After having said his goodbyes with Krena, Allen turned to do the same with everyone else. Theresia hugged him tight and told him, "Be well, my son." Allen fought back his tears.

He then went over to Mash, who was bawling his eyes out. "Mash, grow up strong and protect Myulla, okay?"


Allen hugged his family tightly but did not cry. He had to uphold his pride as a big brother in front of his younger siblings.

Allen then set off for the village gate with Rodin. The two did not speak along the way, but that was all right. When they reached the village square, they found two familiar faces waiting for them. The first was Dogora, the boy with a bumpkin face, and the other was Pelomas, the Village Chief's son. They both approached Allen.

Dogora thrust a long object forward. "Hey, Allen. Take this." He had quit calling Allen "Black Hair" a while ago.

"You sure I can have this?" Allen asked, accepting what he recognized to be a short sword.

'This is the same one that I asked for the price of two years ago. It cost fifty silvers, if I remember right. I guess I never did get around to buying it.'

Allen had really wanted this sword back when he spotted it in the weapons merchant's shop. However, he had stopped himself, deciding to save the money for his family's sake instead. The weapons merchant had told his son, Dogora, who had then accosted Allen as he was on his way back home. Apparently Dogora had still remembered from back then.

"Thank you, Dogora. I'll take good care of it."

"Well, that's yours now. See ya!" Dogora said gruffly before dashing off as if to hide his embarrassment. Although he and Allen had only known each other for two years, there was no doubting their friendship. Allen slid the short sword into his belt, right next to his wooden sword.

Next, Pelomas and the other villagers also said their parting words.

Apparently everyone in the residential area had heard about Allen leaving to serve the Feudal Lord. All their well-wishes filled Allen's heart.

Rodin and Allen resumed walking. When the village gate came into view, Rodin, who had been silent this whole time, simply said, "Allen, this village is your home."

"Yes, father."

"I'm sure you'll go on to do much greater things than simply being a manservant. Make sure you fulfill your obligations. Don't worry about getting in contact with us until you do."

In other words, Rodin was telling Allen not to worry about his family and to focus only on making the most out of this opportunity—after all, Rodin knew full well just how much capable Allen truly was. He was bound to not always remain a mere manservant.

"I'll give it my all."

After leaving those words behind, Allen parted ways with Rodin before the village gate. It was already time to set off, and so he boarded the carriage that someone pointed him toward.

'So father asked Lord Granvelle to accept me as a houseboy thinking that I would be able to make use of this opportunity to get out of this village.'

He looked out the window at the village where he had grown up. The familiar sight gradually receded as the carriage began its journey. Soon, Rodin's figure was too small to make out. And eventually, the village itself faded from view. The tears Allen had been holding back burst forth, like water gushing from a broken dam.

In this way, Allen left behind Krena Village to start a new life in Granvelle City. After eight years as a serf, he had become a commoner and was accepted as a manservant in the service of Baron Granvelle, lord of the realm of Granvelle.