Chereads / The God of illusions / Chapter 1 - John the God of illusion playing with the town

The God of illusions

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Chapter 1 - John the God of illusion playing with the town

John was waiting in the forest with his trusty spear in hand for some prey to attack him. The last time he went hunting, all he had managed to bring back were 2 small rodents which did not make him a very happy camper.

" ahaha " He said sarcastically as he continued to wait in the dark woods and listen for any sounds. It had been two days since he had first entered this new world of his, so he still wasn't sure if it was day or night outside yet. The trees covering the light anyway

" I AM SO HUNGRY" John groaned in his mind " i hope something will come up soon... but why are all these trees green ? " John thought as he scratched his head, wondering if this strange color of the leaves was a new feature of this place that he had overlooked.

" What do you mean? Why can't we just go to a city or village? We can't even eat plants and stuff! This isn't fair!" John whined. " Well, maybe it's a good thing," the voice said, "you're supposed to be an adventurer; that means that you should be able to take care of yourself for once!" John looked at the speaker curiously, as it spoke with such confidence and certainty. " Who are you?" he asked cautiously.

" Well, who do you think I am?" It sounded like a man speaking with a low rumbling voice. As John stood there confused and not really knowing how to answer the question, he heard a deep breath, and then felt something grab his hand.

" STOP THAT" John growled as he shook his hand to try to get free of whatever was grabbing him, but the hand held on firmly. After a moment of struggle, the hand let go suddenly. John immediately looked down and saw that he was holding onto a small tree.

' am i crazy?' He thought to himself, then looked at the hand which he had just been grasping. The palm was smooth and soft and there were tiny scales covering the back of the hand. As he looked closer, there was something strange about the scales themselves; each one of them seemed to have a faint red light shining within it. He looked up into the trees again and saw more of these things on the branches and even some growing from the trunk itself.

" What...?" John whispered in surprise as he took another look at this odd new world of his. He walked over to a tree and tried to pull out one of its branches, but found that the branch was still attached to the tree. In fact, when he pulled harder, it only caused the tree to bend farther until finally the branch fell away. " What... " he said again as he watched this strange tree. He reached out and grabbed a nearby leaf; when he pulled it out of the tree it came off easily with no resistance whatsoever. This was just too much for him to comprehend all at once!

He started walking back towards town, and soon he could hear voices from above. Looking up he noticed that there were three women floating down through the sky; one was an elf, one seemed like she might be a demon and the third seemed to be a human woman with brown hair. Each of them had something that resembled wings growing out from their backs.

The first woman spoke before her friends could reach him. " Ah! John! You've grown quite a bit since I last saw you!"

'Not her please' He thought to himself as he felt his ears get hot and his head start spinning. His mother always talked about this lady, telling him how annoying she was, so he knew exactly what type of person she was. He ran forward hoping that they would miss him if he went quickly enough, but just as he started to move, they all stopped in midair, hovering in place and smiling at him.

" You're the young man who got lost in our woods aren't you? We saw your footprints heading north, we figured you would come here eventually!"

'This is bad... but i should have known it was too easy' John thought as he tried to calm himself down and think straight. 'She can't be that dangerous, right?' He asked himself while looking at the three floating women. They all had a bright red aura around them as they smiled cheerfully at him. John knew that he had to keep an eye on these strange creatures if he didn't want them to notice the fact that he was different, so he kept his head low and walked towards them slowly.

" I see, I'm not sure where i am though" He said to them. The elves all looked at each other nervously for a moment before their faces broke into big smiles.

" You've been wandering around for days; you must have gotten lost! It's ok, we will guide you back to the village."

They started moving through the air to the north as the other two followed them. John kept his head down as he followed along silently; he couldn't let these things find out that he was different. After only a short time walking, one of the elves stopped suddenly.

" What's wrong? Why did you stop?" He asked as they continued on their path, not even giving the elf time to respond. " I don't like this place!" She said angrily. " Well, what do you mean?" One of the demons asked with a frown.

" This world just doesn't feel right!" Her friend agreed as she looked around at the forest.

" How can you say that?" The human woman asked as she frowned and shook her head. " You have been traveling through this world for two weeks now without a single problem! That's why we all came to look for you."

'I guess this will take a lot longer than I expected!' John thought to himself as he walked along behind the group, feeling a little better about his situation. At least these three are on my side. As John continued walking, the elf who had spoken to him before stopped again. " This is really strange! All of the trees in this area seem to have leaves like these! Is there some kind of plant life here?"

" There is... and that isn't the strangest thing about it."

The other two women turned towards each other, confused and concerned, then turned back to him. " What is it now? Are they dangerous or something?" the human one asked.

"No, these are just plants!" John responded.

"Plants? But they don't even grow in the real world!" The human woman exclaimed.

John nodded at her; there was no point hiding that fact anymore, they all knew.

" So you're saying that these are real?" One of the elves asked hesitantly as she looked over to him, " And not some kind of illusion or trap?" John could see her eyes getting wider by the moment.

" Of course not!" He said confidently; this was his first world and he was sure it was real, so what else would they be? The other two elves exchanged glances for a minute, before their faces suddenly lit up with excitement.

" We can use this herb!" They said excitedly before turning away and continuing through the trees. John couldn't help but feel bad that he had been the reason these strange creatures were so happy. They seemed like they weren't very social creatures, and now he had managed to bring them together again. He started walking quickly after the women, hoping to catch up to them as soon as possible.

As John got closer, he could see that there was indeed a plant that the elf was pointing at, and it was growing right outside of town. As John drew closer still, the plant's leaves grew bigger and bigger until finally its roots burst from the ground and a giant tree shot straight out of the forest, growing upwards towards the sky.

' I guess it wasn't such a great idea to come here after all...' John thought while he stood there with his hands on his hips, trying to think of what to do next. Then all of a sudden, one of the female demons turned around and looked straight at him.

John then got bored of playing the victim and disappeared like a ghost! A moment later he found himself falling through the air towards a group of people who were standing in front of him. John fell down with a thud, causing everyone nearby to look up in surprise and confusion.

"Did any bird shit or what?" One man asked as he wiped the dirt from his clothes.

The demon women all turned their heads and watched as John landed on the ground with a loud 'plop!' He looked up at them with a frown for a second, and then started laughing. 'What is this feeling? It feels so good! Maybe i should just start laughing more often.' He thought to himself while the women smiled back at him.


" We found another traveler!" The woman announced to her friends as they flew over and landed gently on top of each other's shoulders. She seemed to have been watching all the events from above and had seen exactly what had happened. " How did he manage to do that? I mean, we were so sure that he would die!" The demon said angrily as she frowned and shook her head.

" What are you talking about?! He was obviously trying to get away!" The human girl exclaimed.

" Well, it looks like our friend over there has learned how to use his abilities properly." One of the other women said with a grin, looking over at John as he sat on the ground next to the tree.

'What the hell, leave me alone' He thought while glaring at them all, then looked up into the sky and tried to ignore them. As he did, he heard someone call out behind him, " What is going on here?" John turned around to see a tall human man walking towards him. He stood nearly twice as tall as most of the elves that had been watching this whole thing. He walked slowly, almost casually, with no signs of fear in his eyes as he looked down at John. " I've never seen anything like that before..." he said thoughtfully after taking another look at John. " But it doesn't matter right now; the only important thing is that we found you, so thank you for your help."

John looked over to the group of people who had been watching everything from a distance. " We'll go back and let them know," He told the man. As he watched the man start walking towards town, John noticed that something was wrong. 'It's too easy,' He thought to himself while frowning.

When they arrived back at the village, he found that everyone who had been waiting was already standing there. Everyone looked angry or scared by the sudden arrival of an outsider, and none of them seemed particularly happy about his appearance.

'Am i that ugly?!' He asked himself as he walked forward with his head down. The people didn't say much as they all started talking loudly at once, but eventually they calmed down and stopped yelling. John looked up again and saw several people pointing at him. They were looking confused, but they weren't afraid this time either. John took a quick look around to try and understand why this was happening; maybe one of the strange things from earlier had happened again!

'But why isn't anyone asking me any questions? This is so weird!' John thought to himself as he turned towards them all and smiled nervously. A moment later everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at each other in confusion. " What the hell did I do?" John asked as he shook his head in confusion, not understanding how everyone else could have stopped when he hadn't done anything yet. 'It's because i'm not here, it's some kind of...

" Illusion!" Someone shouted in realization as John looked up again. 'Wait... I can use illusion?' He asked himself while thinking back on the tree that had appeared behind him out of nowhere.

" Illusion?!" He asked loudly as several other people began talking excitedly amongst themselves. After only a few seconds all of the villagers were smiling happily, even though there was nothing to smile about. " What's going on?

Worried he put his hand in the air and shouted 'illusion' one more time to try and get their attention back on him. The moment he said the word everyone went silent.

" I am John!" He said angrily as he glared at them all, trying to understand what was going on.

The villagers just kept looking back and forth between John and himself with big smiles. They didn't seem upset or angry anymore; in fact they were even looking excited by this point. Then one of the men standing next to the woman who had spoken before started to laugh hysterically for no apparent reason. All of the others around him then joined in, while others simply stood there shaking their heads. It seemed like they were confused about something but couldn't quite figure it out, so instead they had decided to just start laughing at whatever the man was saying.

Let me try something else 'bird poop summon' ! John thought to himself while taking a deep breath. A second later, one of the birds flying nearby dropped a massive amount of bird poop right on top of all of the elves. John had summoned an illusion specifically to create bird poop from thin air; he looked around with a wide smile and tried to see what would happen. As soon as the first drop hit the ground it exploded into a giant flock of birds that flew straight towards all of the villagers. John watched the entire thing from above as he grinned proudly and started laughing loudly.

'Am i a god or something?' He thought while staring down at them. The whole group was now standing completely still as they looked up at the sky where John was floating above them. Then suddenly a few of the men started waving their hands and shouting as well. 'Oh, right... This is my world!' John thought to himself as he felt his stomach drop out of excitement. 'I can actually do things here! I'm in control! This is amazing!'

He then looked at everyone covered with bird poop and started laughing harder than ever before. " Why are you all just standing there?! Come on! Fight back!" John shouted while waving his hands as fast as possible, making a show of everything that he could do.

John watched the entire group of people start to panic and wave their arms about madly trying to get the bird poop off themselves, but they were no match for him. A second later all of the birds that had flown over came back with new friends and more than enough food to last them several months. The people in the village didn't stand a chance, not even when John turned himself invisible and started floating away from them. They ran after him for a minute before realizing that he was gone forever, then went back inside to complain amongst each other.


John decided to try his new powers while staying in the invisibility, he said 'banana landing' and the sky seemed to be filled with giant fruit. The first thing he did after coming out of the spell was to look over the area where he had created it. Sure enough there were plenty of bananas falling through the air, and some that had managed to land on other things as well.

The people below were shouting

" It's raining bananas! " John heard someone say with an excited laugh. He looked around for a bit and spotted a group of women sitting near a small river next to one of the houses.

Another one continued " And look at that poor woman who is getting attacked by a giant banana!"

" She seems like she knows how to take care of herself," A third commented. John then saw her stand up from a bush that was right in front of her and look towards the rest of the crowd.

"Get of me big banana!" She shouted before grabbing the tree that had been growing right beside her and throwing it at him. " No, you don't!" John laughed as he waved his hand in front of her face while disappearing instantly.

" Where are you?!" One of the elves screamed while pointing her sword in every direction, trying to find John among all of the bananas falling out of the sky. After several seconds she gave up on finding him and ran back towards town because of the pression she leaked a bit. John could see why she would think it was strange that he had just disappeared out of nowhere.

After another minute of watching this happen john stopped it. The people shocked at the scene started looking around nervously and began running towards town again.

One of the villagers shouted " why is there a magician attacking us?" Everyone turned their heads towards the elf woman, confused at what she meant.

'Magic?' John thought as he felt himself becoming angry with the way these people acted. 'Why should i even bother explaining it? I'll just make some more illusions instead!' He said to himself while grinning wickedly.

" I don't believe it... I can't be..." One of them finally spoke up when they realized that nothing was going to attack them anymore. " Magic isn't real here! It's just some stupid fairy tale." They added while looking around nervously for signs of any danger. John watched them all as they began talking among themselves while shaking their heads in disbelief, completely unaware of what they were truly dealing with.

"Bananas landing from the skies are fairy tale ?!" The other villagers laughed while shaking their heads.


Another day another trick, 'idead idea idea' john shouted inwardly, he wanted to laugh more, while looking at the villagers fishing he had an idea.

He said 'A Big fish that jumped around summon!' A big fish from the place people were fishing appeared right next to all of them, and began swimming around happily in a circle. " What is going on?!" A villager screamed after jumping up with shock at the sight.

John smiled as he looked over at the villagers and waved his hand; instantly all of their lines dropped onto the ground without even having anything attached to them anymore. Then John floated towards one of the fishermen who had his mouth open wide as he tried to figure out what happened.

He stopped the summon, looking at them from afar. " What the hell was that?" He asked while smiling, then waved his hand again and made another giant fish appear.

" That is not natural!" Someone shouted as everyone began screaming at once, all while some that were swimming tried to swim away from the fish that kept jumping around, in and out of the water. John just smiled and looked back down at the ground; he was still invisible but the rest of the world seemed to have forgotten about him since he was doing nothing anymore. He stop his summon and walked around to find his next prey.

'This might take a bit' He thought while laughing to himself. After another minute he saw another group of people standing together by a small pond that was surrounded by rocks. There was another woman in the group who stood alone while the others argued about something.

" You are not a wowan! Look at your chest it's so flat that we can use it as a table! " one of the girl said to another.

" Shut up you idiot!" She shouted back before walking away angrily. The other girl didn't seem to hear her, because she only continued staring at herself with a confused look on her face. " It must be an illusion," John thought to himself as he noticed how thin and flat her chest looked from far away.

'I know how to make them fat again!' John decided after noticing this while looking closer; he then said 'making this falt girl into a big cow ' to start the fun. The girl who was flat then started transforming into a bigger version of herself. A few seconds later she looked completely different; she had turned her whole body into a fat cow.

The other two girls who were still arguing about her suddenly went silent and looked back at the other one as they all began talking quietly amongst themselves.

"Hey what happened to her! She got a big chest now! Am i seeing things?" She asked to the others, but they just kept silent for some reason.

" What?! " The other one suddenly started shouting. " She isn't flat anymore... I'm sure she doesn't have anything like that under there, or on top of that! I bet it's just an illusion! " The other girl added. " You see it too? We need to tell everyone else so they will believe us."

They both stood up and started running towards the crowd as John laughed silently to himself; he then waved his hand to make the fat cow disappear. After a moment the two girls turned around in shock and stopped to look behind them for any signs of what had happened.

" How can it be gone!? It was here!" The first girl said as they started walking again. " Wait! There must be something wrong with our eyes!" She added before continuing her way to the other side of the town where they saw more people standing in groups, talking loudly amongst themselves.

"Clear the way, where is the flat girl that turned into a big cow?" One of them shouted while looking around nervously. John watched the women running past him and started laughing louder than ever.

More people started coming out of their houses and running towards the crowd, some were even asking if someone could explain why all of a sudden this woman had gotten so fat, but no one seemed to understand why they couldn't see her for themselves.

John was the god of creating big commotion!

The people kept talking " It's not normal!" " It wasn't her at first! " John just watched them as they started shouting at each other, then he decided to transform the girl again into a fat girl again, in a mere second she transformed into a big fat cow this time again.

The eyes of the villagers frowned and they commented on the girl " what happened ? She is a fat not flat table? "

" I know it's an illusion because my friend said that we were going to go see her at the pond and now she looks different, how can someone change her whole body like that in such a short amount of time?"

Another one confirmed " I've never seen anything like this before, I can't believe she is not flat anymore."

After a minute of silence the girl suddenly started laughing to herself, everyone was shocked by this as well.

"How can you bully me now ? Your are the flat one now ahahaha" she said with a wide smile, before turning around and walked off without saying anything else to anyone. All of them stood there speechless and looked confused. John watched as people started asking each other questions like ' What was that ?' and ' How come the flat girl suddenly turned into a cow? '

After five minutes of people wondering and talking, they went back inside their homes. John had his fill for the day!