Chereads / Hue in my world (Bl) / Chapter 3 - I won't mind being a sugar daddy

Chapter 3 - I won't mind being a sugar daddy

Dhiraj was having a hard time controlling the expression of his face. After every few seconds, the corner of his lips curled up in a smile. He was frantically tapping his feet as he waited for the man to wake up.

Not soon after the man collapsed in his arms, Dhiraj took him to the nearest hospital. Had it been someone else, he would've done the bare minimum. But this time, things were different, because the man in question was his monochrome. In fact, he was so thrilled about being a chrome that he asked Rajat to attend all the matters for the day and excused himself and that was something out of his character. He never really took day offs, so Rajat knew there was something extremely important that had caught Dhiraj's eye.

He had been in the hospital of over an hour now and was waiting for the man to regain his consciousness. The doctor did made him aware that color rush was often a taxing process on the monochrome's body and they needed some time to get use to it.

The doctor also told Dhiraj that a counselor would soon be appointed, so that things go smoothly between them. Once they had a talk with their counselor things will be decided accordingly. But unknown to the doctor, Dhiraj had made plans beforehand.

His thoughts were interrupted by a nurse who informed that the man had woken up. Upon hearing that, Dhiraj rushed towards the man's room.

When Dhiraj opened the door, the man had already sat up and was looking around for something. He stopped midway as he saw Dhiraj stepping in. The moment their eyes met, breathlessness took over him and he yanked in his bed taking his eyes off Dhiraj.

'Ahh...he's feeling it again.' Dhiraj thought. Although Dhiraj felt really sorry for that man as he whined more in pain, a small part of him was surprising reassured that he was indeed the man's chrome.

Dhiraj launched himself forward to help the man. He wrapped his hands around the boy to support him. The boy was now in tears and it seemed as if he was blinded. Their eyes meet again and they realized the longer they looked at each other, the calmer the boy became, adjusting himself to the color rush.

This was Dhiraj's first time seeing him so up close. He noticed that the boy had sharp features that made him instantly stand out. The boy had upturned eyes with long lashes, a long pointed nose, a bit plum lips and somewhat chubby cheeks. Maybe because he had some baby fat present on his face, he looked like a small boy with a huge body.

'I won't mind being a sugar daddy', Dhiraj thought as he broke into a small smile.

Dhiraj was at loss of words as he had suddenly discovered his Cinderella. He brushed the boy's cheek softly and wiped off the flowing tears. The boy was too dumbfounded to say anything. with eyes open wide, he just kept staring at Dhiraj.

The doctor clearing his throat brought them out of their 'moment' and they pulled themselves apart.

"Are you feeling alright? Can I know your name?" the doctor asked.

The boy just blankly kept starting at him. Soon his pupils shifted to things around the room. It wasn't that he had never been to a hospital before. But it was his first time experiencing the colors of walls and the objects he saw ever day. He just kept looking around at everything with wonder in his eyes.

Dhiraj's heart squeezed a bit as he saw the boy looking around in awe. Unable to control his smile, he covered it with his hand trying his best to hide it.

'He.Is.So.Fucking.Cute!!!' screamed Dhiraj internally.

The doctor mouthed Dhiraj to let the boy satisfy his curiosity and Dhiraj obliged. The expressions on a monochrome while experiencing the colors for the first time was one of the most satisfying aspect of his job. So he gestured Dhiraj to let him be.

After a few minutes the doctor cleared his throat, bring the boy back into the present.

"Can you tell me your name?!" the doctor asked the boy.

"Nakul Shrivastav" the boy meekly replied.

Contrary to what Dhiraj had imagined, Nakul had some-what of a deep low pitched voice which didn't go well with his baby face. Dhiraj had expected a more boyish (?!) tone.

The doctor let out a small smile and continued, "So Nakul, your vitals are all stable for now. I'll get back to you later for more details. For now take rest. And you must be aware that this man is your chrome." He pointed towards Dhiraj.

Dhiraj let out his friendly-puppy smile but Nakul looked away from him. That small gesture made Dhiraj's smile vanish instantaneously. The doctor took notice of it too and continued,

"Don't worry. I know the color rush might feel scary but with time it gets better. Later we will also get an appointment with your counselor. And they will guide you both with it. For now, take things slow and...we will leave you guys alone for talking a bit and warming up to each other."

He gave Nakul one last smile. Dhiraj thanked the doctor as he left and then turned his attention towards Nakul.

'Nakul. That's a cute name. Suits him.'

Dhiraj grinned more to himself. Okay!! Time to work your charms, he thought as he made his way towards the bed. Nakul saw him approaching towards him from the corner of his eyes and got cautious. Dhiraj then pulled a nearby stool and sat beside Nakul's bed.

He placed his hands on the bed. Nakul couldn't help but notice it. Dhiraj then slowly rested his chin on his hand and titled his head, staring at Nakul with loveable eyes.

~only silence followed

"Hello Nakul. That's an adorable name." Dhiraj said, breaking the awful silence.

"Thanks" Nakul replied with a meek smile; not being able to comprehend what the man in front of him was doing.

"I'm Dhiraj Raghuvanshi. You must've heard quite a few things about me." he arrogantly bragged.

"Am I suppose to know you?" Nakul replied in a fairly sarcastic tone.

That wasn't something Dhiraj had expected. Usually the people who met him always knew about him or at least had some idea about him. He was the man of tabloids, how could Nakul not know about him, he wondered. Maybe he was just trying to pretend to not know about him.

"Well, I assumed, yes. But it's fine if u don't. I'm the deputy general manager of Enigma. You must have heard about enigma right?...leading IT and tech company..."Dhiraj fumbled a bit.

"And you can find more about me from the internet. Although 89% of it is fake and highly exaggerated." He continued, returning to his braggadocios manner.

~awkward pause

On seeing there was no change in Nakul's expressions and that his 'status' meant nothing to the boy, he was at loss of words. Maybe because, it was the first time in his entire 30 years of life span that he had experienced that.

"Well, take rest for today and then later we can get an appointment with the counsel-", he started again but was cut off by Nakul.

"Sir, you don't have to do this." Nakul calmly stated.

"What do you mean?"

Taking in a deep breath Nakul explained, "We can just pretend that today never happened. And then I go on living my life as I did and you can do...... your thingys. You know like......we never stumbled upon each other."

Dhiraj was visible confused not being able to understand why a monochrome wouldn't want to be with their chrome.

"I...I...don't understand why..."

Their eyes meet. Although Nakul's breathing became heavier again, soon he adjusted himself with the feeling and looked directly at Dhiraj.

"You must have heard some really bad...stuff about monos. You wouldn't want yourself to get involved with that, do you?" Nakul arched his eyebrows making his point crystal clear.

Dhiraj let out a small laugh finding what he had heard to be unbelievable. Finally he got what he wanted and then this happened. But he was adamant on not letting things go away easily. Determined, he looked at Nakul.

"Ahh...that's difficult to do for me Nakul." He said with a sly smile and playful tone.


"Coz I fell for you the moment I saw you. Love at first sight you know..." Dhiraj replied in a soft voice looking at Nakul with endearing eyes.

What Dhiraj said wasn't really the truth. But it cannot be said that he was lying either. He had definitely grown an infatuation for Nakul due to their Chrome-monochrome dynamic. Plus Nakul's puffy-chubby cheeks and baby face made his heart squealed every time the boy pouted.

Nakul blankly stared at him with a poker face.

"Okay, I'm leaving now." Nakul was done with this man.

He got up from his bed ready to leave. Dhiraj immediately lunged in front him to stop him from leaving. Nakul stopped. Sitting back, he skeptically looked at Dhiraj.

"Are u gay?" Nakul questioned.

"Well, I don't allow myself to be bounded by the gender if I am to fancy someone's company." Dhiraj over-explained himself making things awkward instead.

"Wow, that's...that's quite an answer. So you are bi?" Nakul asked trying his best to make sense of what he just heard.

Dhiraj just shrugged his shoulders in agreement. Taking a pause Nakul continued.

"Well, I am not gay or Bi...and even if I was, there are no chances that we will be together." He said getting out of the bed.

"Where are you going? You are not allowed to leave." Dhiraj halted his path once again.

"I am fine. I can go back. I have work to do."

Dhiraj blocked him.

"No. You are clearly exhausted and you need to stay here. Even the doctor won't allow that." Dhiraj pressed on adamantly.

He made Nakul sit on the bed. He knew he had to do something to get this man to stay in the hospital and rest.

"Why don't you take a day off? I will do the same. Let's spend more time together. Get to know each other. Maybe you will be impressed by good looks." Dhiraj said putting on a ridiculous smirk in an attempt to make Nakul laugh.

Nakul had an 'are-you-serious-?' look on his face. He was totally done with Dhiraj.

"You look good, which isn't totally a lie. But I will give you a 6 on 10 if I'm being honest."

'Ouch. That hurts', Dhiraj thought.

"I'm your chrome. We should spend more time together. Let's meet the counselor tomorrow and talk about this with them."

"I'm not gonna see any counselor." Nakul sternly replied.

"Why? It's good for you. For both of us?!"

"I won't. I never will." Nakul looked away and completed off his sentence by muttering, "Never in a million years"

"Pretty please?! I'm practically begging you now. Have some mercy." Dhiraj tried to work magic with his puppy eyes but Nakul had other plans.

"Leave. Either you do or I'll leave." Nakul once again got up to leave.

The one thing Dhiraj was now pretty confident about now was that his monochrome was THE MOST stubborn person alive. He needed to come up with a better way to make his pouty-baby oblige.

Fortunately, he his mind worked pretty quickly.

"Okay let's do this. If you agreed on seeing the counselor tomorrow, I'll leave the next moment." Dhiraj told Nakul in the most serious tone he had ever used.

"Okay I will."

Contrary to Dhiraj's prediction, Nakul replied immediately.


"Yeah." Nakul just wanted that man to leave him alone.

"You can't go back on this." Dhiraj reconfirmed. "I'll get an appointment from the doctor and let you know the details."

"Are you leaving? Or else the deal is off." Just go away!! Nakul screamed in his mind.

"No, I am." Dhiraj reluctantly leaves but come back a second later.

"Tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you. Impatiently." Dhiraj said giving off an idiotic yet lovesick grin.

Finally, Dhiraj was gone, and Nakul let out a huge sigh. He lay back on his bed thinking how could the thing he wanted to avoid the most, happened so out of the blue?

Sighing again, he deliberately pushed himself into a deep slumber.


Dhiraj had just gotten out of the hospital building and the first thing he did was to call Rajat. He tapped his feet again as he waited for the call to push through. 3 rings later, Rajat picked up.

"How was your little picnic?" he complained in his ever sarcastic tone.

Obviously, he was mad that Dhiraj dumped all of his work on him in the very end moment. That small event made him spend the rest of his day rectifying Dhiraj's blunders.

"Hey!!!! It was great." A tone-deaf Dhiraj replied. "Listen, I need you to do something for me."

Rajat could only sigh more, knowing well that his employer had a ridiculous demand he will have to meet. "Sorry, I can't arrange a date with Elon musk for you."

"Hahaha, you got a funny bone there." Dhiraj's laugh halted mid track "but I'm trying to be serious here."

"I want all information about someone. As soon as possible. I'll text you the name."

Of course, he would want that, the number of sighs Rajat let out only increased as minutes passed by. "Okay. I'll get it done. Anything else?"

"Ahh...I need you to appoint two security personnel at this hospital." Dhiraj answered grinning to himself.

'I won't let you get away from me babe!'
