POV- Phoebe
Finally, back as a three-sister-team, we head down to the second largest training room, where the rapid-rotating spherical prison used to prevent Rebecca from escaping by inverting her position or the prison cell itself. For poor, legless, armless and muffled Reeva, she would instead be affected by a constant state of rapid rotation, inducing severe headaches, nausea and best of all, we already had the prison cell.
While it seemed Andy had forgotten her, she had actually been left in the rotating prison that temporarily held Rebecca after her stunt at Creed Financial. 'And what a clusterfuck that was.' While it wouldn't prevent her from using her powers any more than the ball gag currently in her mouth, it would leave her distracted and unable to focus. It wasn't really necessary after the damage Andy had done to our former employer, but as a traitor to her own kind, she was lucky that was all that was being done to her.
As Esme opened the cell door, the sight of Reeva's slumped figure met our eyes. 'She looks bloody awful.' Each of us share a nod as our eyes glow blue, connecting to one another's psyche to form a stronger connection before we invade Reeva's mind. 'Could we have done this with fewer people, yes. Would it be as easy, not even close.' That's the issue with mental scavenging and manipulation. Even a fractional drop in fluidity, control or power could mean causing severe damage to your targets, and potentially damaging the mind before anything worthwhile can be extracted. In this case, we needed the information, and we needed details. 'That's the only reason this backstabbing bitch is still alive.' There was an effort made to communicate with us, as she bargained and pleaded for her life, but as we ignored her cries, we pushed further into her memories. Her perspective on the coup, and her date with the Creed Financial worker that she actually seemed to have somewhat cared for. Sliding past these, we found some calls made to Benedict Ryan on a burner cell phone, as well as a personal meetup near an old bridge bordering the city. Esme went to call off the mind-delving when Sophie caught sight of another interesting piece of information. A folder that described a group of mutants called the Morlocks, who were known to seek haven in the underground storm drains and tunnels that link up underneath the city itself. 'A whole new group of mutants to visit, indoctrinate and poach from. I'm not sure if Andy and Lauren will be pleased or frustrated at the news.'
Slipping out of Reeva's head, we designate tasks to complete. One of us would report to Andy and Lauren, while the others would seek out information on the Morlocks or continue working on the upcoming mission that required rather extensive pre-mission work. Esme ducked off to go report, as she pulled the eldest sibling card, leaving Sophie and I to actually work.
Looking over at my chipper and annoyingly energetic sister, I ask for an explanation. "Since yesterday, you've had a stupid smile on your face and felt absolutely exuberant about something."
"Andy said he loved me." Her words were short and to the point, cutting into the room and leaving me slightly shell-shocked. "I confessed too." There was a moment's hesitation in the air between us as she approached, wrapping me in a hug. "I didn't want things to be awkward between us, Phoebes."
"Why would they be," I asked, as my logic caught up with my stunned emotions. "Considering we both knew how he feels, and how we feel. There's no reason for things to be weird between us. We both also know that we will most likely have to share him with at least one other woman." Soph nods as she affirms.
"The 'King' and his many wives, huh?" Neither of us expected to one day find someone we cared for, least of all with a shared, younger man. "Not that it matters much," Sophie started. "If he becomes king of a new country, he can make whatever laws he wants."
"Power determines position after all." 'I just hope he doesn't go absolutely fucking insane as he grows stronger and more domineering. All three of us knew the Von Struckers had been changing, growing more violent in their aggression. Luckily, both were very good at restraining themselves, but when their tempers flared, both my sisters and I knew that there was little that could stop the enraged Fenris.' "We just need to assist him and promote a healthy mindset." Both of us shared a look that turned into small smirks at the images that flashed through our link. 'We can definitely do something to help with built-up stress.'
POV- Lorna
The time spent with Sonya had been…relaxing. With no Reeva looming over my shoulder, or fear of having my mind broken into and scoured through at any second, I could relax. Even in an annoyingly loud and chaotic HQ, I felt more relaxed than I had since the Creed Financial Massacre, as the news had so accurately described it.
On the drive back to the Inner Circle, as Aurora sat in a bundle in my arms, Marcos had a devious glint to his eye that I hadn't seen in a while. Mischief. His eyes repeatedly flashed to me as he wore a knowing smirk on his stupidly kissable face.
"What? If you're thinking of pulling over and having some fun in the backseat, think again." Somehow his smile grew wider despite my refusal. "Marcos, you're weirding me out. Not something I need before we head back to the Inner Circle." He'd been a little quiet since he and John left on a request from Andy. He'd had that stupid smirk since then too.
He remained silent and annoying the entire drive back, leaking absolutely nothing until we made it to the elevator when he was almost vibrating in excitement. Opening up into the top floor where our room had been situated since we first moved, no doubt so that the Frosts could more easily read us, I almost stumbled as I entered the main hall. There, at the top of the room, above the table and positioned in front of the scenic window, was a rather solid-looking throne. Polished silver adorned the majority of its surface, with a matte black trim, moulded into a thick, and rather imposing throne that overlooked the room. "I guess Reeva's finally gone full dictator?" 'Is that what he's been laughing about? Reeva finally revealing what a power-hungry whore she is?' As we made our way through the room, we heard voices coming from the left hallway, opposite our room. Voices I'd never heard of.
"Jen, I told you before. It doesn't matter how strong your ice is if I can just avoid it. It's too slow to use effectively at the moment." The first voice was a young girl, probably a teenager, and it seemed like they'd been sparring with one another.
"It's fast enough to stop people who aren't fucking lizards, Georgia," the second, older voice almost growled. 'Lizard?' As the two girls entered the room, they temporarily sprang into a combat stance, and the room chilled somewhat in only a moment.
"Woah, girls," Marcos tried to calm them. "I'm Marcos, and this is Lorna."
"Oh, the laser guy and magnet girl?" the younger, girl noted. Tall, well-developed, both as a woman and as a fighter, the girl had definite signs of the X-gene. Though the long, thick and shimmering tail and hard scales that formed over her body were probably the more recognisable sign.
Taking a step forward, I go to greet them. 'These poor girls need to know who they're working with before they get hooked.' "Lorna Dane, or Polaris. When did you join? I was only a week."
The older of the two, Jennifer, I think, answered, explaining she was 'hired,' she said with finger quotes, around 5 days ago, and Georgia, the scaled and tailed mutant was hired later that same day. Including you two, there's now, "eleven mutants, I think." 'Wait, what?'
"Did Reeva finally get rid of Rebecca? Who else left?" As I'm asking, Marcos remained silent and frustrating. He'd been hiding something from me all week, and it seems to have something to do with this. He looked somewhat relaxed, though Rebecca leaving was definitely a relief for us all.
"Hrmm?" Georgia intoned as her head tilted slightly. "Oh no, no one left. Reeva, Rebecca and that invisible guy were killed."
"And the computer chick," Jennifer added coldly.
'HOLY FUCKING SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK?!' Whipping my head to Marcos who wore a bright smile now he no longer had to hide it looked over my shoulder with another smirk. Turning around to see what he was staring at, I spotted Andy stepping into the room from the elevator, holding a tablet in one hand as he used the other to begin levitating and telekinetically making himself a coffee as he moved past us without even glancing up. Moving towards… "No fucking way." As his dark grey shirt and black jeans rested against the cushioning of the throne, I felt something in my mind snap, as the coffee reached his hand and instantly began steaming visibly. I knew he was powerful, but the level of control he wielded made me feel like I'd wasted my potential as a mutant. "Andy…is the new leader of the Inner Circle?"
The Ice girl looked at me weirdly, "Yes? Seeing as he killed them all for betraying mutant kind. Shocking event after shocking event seemed to keep hitting me, and I realised how much Marcos had been hiding from me to keep me from worrying over it. He trusted Andy, and I knew the boy was a good kid in general, if somewhat flexible in his morals. "If he expects me to kneel, he's got another thing coming."
POV- Andy
Taking a look at the report on the tablet, I knew what had to be done. 'After all, why should I intentionally ignore the opportunity for new allies at the same time as striking a blow against my foes? I get to show that the Hellfire Club is still active, and actually doing something about the Purifiers, and gather some information at the same time.'
"Marcos," I call, ripping him from the sexy goth milf. "I'd like you to send a message to a reclusive group."
I could almost hear the PTSD in his sigh. "Who do you want burned?" Lorna's eyes were narrowed on me but I ignored them as I looked inquisitively at Marcos.
"Loads of people, but for now, I mean an actual worded message. There's a group of mutants that live in the underground storm drains and sewers in their own little rat community, and I need someone I can trust to deliver the letter. Additionally, Georgia… would you mind accompanying him to go deliver it?"
The scaled girl turned pale, daunted by the idea of being spotted in public. "You can wear a deep hood if you would feel more comfortable. Also, you will be leaving in the evening, so there is no reason you should be spotted. Her face still showed signs of discomfort, but there was a determination in her eye that was as telling as a resounding yes. "Marcos is incredibly old," I teased, and the shock on both of their faces, as well as Jennifer and Lorna's, was worth the breaking of character. "And therefore, can teach you a lot about completing jobs and using any non-physical abilities you may have." Georgia was now nodding her head vehemently, while Marcos simply nodded before he turned to fetch something to write a letter on and with.
Writing out a letter in my, admittedly rather average handwriting, I penned my greeting and proposal for the Morlocks.
To the underground-dwelling Morlocks,
We wish no harm to any of your residents, so long as they do not directly interfere with our actions, and instead, are willing to perhaps make a deal for mutual benefits. Firstly, if either of my members are injured or harmed in any way, I will step foot into the underground and wipe you from existence. Secondly, should you wish to communicate, use one of the marked residents to deliver a note to my address (detailed below). I WILL create a mutant-operated haven, which despite your beliefs, does not require absolute submission like rats before the serpent. If you have any doubts, start paying more attention to the news in the coming days.
Signed, Black King of the Hellfire Club, Andrew Von Strucker.
PS. The ones responsible for the human massacre have been dealt with, should anyone ask.
PPS. You were only weeks away from being offered as bait to the Purifiers by my former boss. You're welcome.
Looking over the note I wrote before I hand it to Marcos for delivery, I take note of the others in the room. Lorna, Jennifer, and stepping into the room, my beautiful sister. 'Perfect.' "Lorna, Jennifer, Lauren, I have a job for you three as well." Looking at Lorna, I decide to offer her choice in regards to her acceptance. "Lorna, I know you have to take care of Aurora, but I have a job that should take you three no more than a few hours if you aren't foolish about it. I, or Esme, if you would prefer, could take care of the child while you three have a girl's night out, as it were." Lorna looked surprised by my consideration, despite having lived with me for several months, which showed how much she'd been listening to Cait rather than observing with her fucking eyes. At her nod, I turn to Jennifer, "All three of you should get a kick out of the mission, if that helps. I need you three to SUBTLY kidnap Benedict Ryan and Charlie Heinz. As everyone should know by now, they are leaders of the local purifier chapters, and Ryan in particular has incredible influence in politics and public views." Jennifer somehow looked more frosty as I described the mission, though a devilish smile formed on her lips. "Neither kidnappee is to be killed. I repeat DO NOT KILL THE TARGETS. I want them brought to the old manor we used a few months ago, where we will rip information from their minds and form a confessional video."
Jennifer looked confused by the idea of ripping information from them, though as she asked, "What information could they really have that we need?"
Lauren spoke up from her position on the throne's armrest where she had sat the entire time, "We could learn with political leaders hold incredible support for purifiers or anti-mutant movements. And we can learn information on the local purifier chapters. Who runs them? Which are the most violent and dangerous for us? Essentially, the information we gather forms a hitlist." Jennifer looked between me and the girl 8 years her junior, astounded by the firm determination in her voice as she insinuated the murder of dozens of powerful and/or dangerous people.
"Sis, I need you to watch over the two. You may be inexperienced, but you need the practice if you want to keep up with me." Looking into her eyes for a moment, she agrees with ease, and surprisingly Lorna and Jessica are both just as easily convinced to take the job.
Sending the rest off, I sat alone with Lauren by my side for a moment, enjoying the silence and her presence. "I heard you got a girlfriend," her voice came out quietly, and despite the smile, there was a chill in her eyes. "I hoped it was just Phoebe teasing me again, but your anguish tells me otherwise." While I wasn't going to avert my eyes in embarrassment or guilt, there wasn't much I could do to alleviate the situation.
"I thought she died Sis. That's when I knew." Her eyes grew glassy and I took her hand in mine. "I love you Lauren, b-"
"But we're siblings, and what would our parents think?" She said snarkily, copying my excuses in an annoyingly mocking attempt to replicate my voice. "You're a fucking hypocrite Andy. If it was the incest thing, you wouldn't be in love with, and slept with two sisters at the same time, and there has not been a moment of time since you awakened your X-gene that you sincerely gave a damn about our parents or their opinions. It's only for my sake that you spend ANY time with them, so don't give me that."
Her voice was low, as it had been as she began. Quiet enough not to seep out of the room, but with enough bite to her words that each new one pained me. "I know how you feel, so I can't understand why you're so obstinate in denying me. I think everyone in the Club is at least partially aware of us being close, including our parents, and after one or two lectures about keeping a distance, they haven't said a word." Leaning in, she took my cheek in her palm, and as I looked into her warm brown eyes, I couldn't find another excuse. That's all they were at this point. Excuses so flimsy that even at a casual glance, they were weak at best and plain hypocritical at worst. Sliding my arm around her waist, I pull her onto my lap, kissing the soft, tanned hand that held me.
"I'm sorry for making you wait." Leaning in as my other hand slid up her back and found its place in her gorgeous blonde hair, burrowing into the golden strands, I cross the line of no return. We could feel each other's excitement as our lips approached the other's and the instant our lips touched felt like fireworks were being set off inside my chest. The first kiss was chaste, more passionate than overtly sexual, but the heat that built from it set off a chain of peppered kisses that very quickly turned to impassioned snogging. As my tongue slid into her parted mouth and danced along hers, there was no way either of us could ever go back to being JUST siblings.