Chereads / Gifted with Destruction / Chapter 25 - Chapter 25- And Chaos Ensued

Chapter 25 - Chapter 25- And Chaos Ensued

Sorry this is late, my family have been sick and passed it on to me, giving me a shocking migraine.


POV- Lauren

After a long and exhausting night, both on the mission and during my reward, I settled down to sleep beside my lover. 'Calling him that still feels weird but the tingles I get from it are so exhilarating.' Mom and Dad hadn't spoken to us since yesterday morning, but the talk would inevitably happen, whether they accepted it or not.

The next morning, I woke to Andy trying and failing to sneakily sit up without waking me and I couldn't help but chortle in amusement. 'My big, scary brother being so sweet and considerate is the perfect character type. Doberman boy, I think it's called.' His hand moved to brush my hair as his fingers massaged my scalp, relaxing me enough that I almost returned to sleep before the TV was turned on.

"Police are asking for any witnesses to please come forward in regards to the kidnapping of popular TV presenter Benedict Ryan. Regarded as one of the most influential men in TV, Ryan has been publicly harassed and praised for his antagonistic views on mutants in America."

"How could anyone believe that dipshit was a good guy?" I ask. "The guy was a coward and a racist."

"Because a lot of people see the horrific acts of mutants on TV, fear them and then people like them collect and direct their fear and hate. If channels like this focused on all the mutant suffering or the good deeds of mutants, the purifiers would be much smaller and the silent majority would perhaps be more in our favour." I traced his jaw in my hand, still lying against his chest, wondering just how different Andy would be if he hadn't received the memories of another life, another world. I'd seen some of them but to truly understand is impossible. Our great-grandparent's DNA assimilated into us, altering us but allowing our psyches to remain dominant, however, with Andy, it was different. It was like the original Andy got assimilated instead, not that I'm complaining. The other him was weak, emotional, not particularly bright and only focused on gaming and skating.

While cuddled up against him, since I knew Sophie would demand to join tonight, I continued to listen to the TV while Andy brushed through my hair, enjoying his touch and the obscenely comfortable bed that replaced Reeva's. In fact, almost everything of Reeva's was changed, with the exception of the miniature waterfall feature that was sort of relaxing in a weird auditory way. Andy explained it to me, something about our brains being exposed to positive ions from electricity and thus finding the negative ions of water to be comfortable or something. 'I think that's what he said, I was a little busy with my face stuffed in a pillow.'

"Coming to talk to us now is a special guest from Sentinel Services, Agent Jace Tu-KRRRRZZZ" The screen turned black for a moment before our club's logo burned through the black background, leaving no question about who was responsible for the interruption. The video then changed to Benedict Ryan himself, bound, but ungagged as he confessed crimes I hadn't even known he had been involved in, followed by Heinz, who did similar, both admitting to being leaders of the Purifiers and Heinz leading a particularly violent chapter under Ryan's command.

"What a shitshow," I hear from above me, yet I can feel his amusement. "Now we have two options. Attack and burn the chapters and kill a few dangerous politicians before they hide any evidence today or we can wait til tomorrow when there should be fewer Sentinels and deranged purifiers, but we will risk losing some people when they go into hiding."

I let out a groan, knowing damn well there was no way he would ever wait until tomorrow. "At least give me Georgia this time, she's kinda funny. And Lorna's a little…awkward right now."

"Honey, even if you weren't my sister, she would have been awkward. With how loud we were and the mess we made in the room; it would have been weird regardless." I liked the way the word rolled off his tongue. 'Honey.' Pulling his face down for a warm kiss I melted in his embrace.

POV- Sonya

For Our Future. The end of the TV hijack was less than subtle in its intent. It wasn't just a public display of evidence, but a loud greeting someone does when they kick your front door in. 'We're back,' it almost seemed to shout.

"Well fuck," I exclaimed. "The Hellfire Club's made a huge statement John. But with the Sentinels watching the known purifiers, we could help smuggle some more people through."

One of the older teens, however, disagreed. "Or we could help the Hellfires, I'm sure they're wrecking the local chapters by now."

Turning to him, I couldn't help but groan. "This isn't a game. The Hellfire Club are going to be killing dozens if not hundreds of people today. What they are doing is violent, aggressive and dangerous. I understand the hate you have for the purifiers; I promise you I do. But there is nothing we can do right now without putting more lives at risk than it is worth. John, I need you to give the missions, we are gonna have a busy day."

'I just hope we don't lose anyone during the chaos.'

POV- Andy

Looking down at the list of 'extreme,' chapters and safehouses that were used to kidnap and torture mutants for information, I'm almost glad for the solitude. There were 14 locations that I wanted razing, and after I had the triplets tell me the makeup of them, I prioritised them based on danger. The 4 weakest locations would be taken by Team B, which consisted of Lorna, Jennifer and Maria, while Team C, Laurne, Georgia and Marcos, would take the next 5.

Getting out of the car at the first of my locations I couldn't repress a little laugh, grabbing my drink from the cupholder before I lock the car. 'This is a dangerous place after all.' The base had landmines, electric fences and dozens of heavily armed bigots. Luckily for them, I am incredibly merciful.

Tearing apart the electric fence, I stepped through, looking at the farmhouse over the hill and across the stream. 'Isn't this where John was tortured?' "Hello Purifiers! I have a message from a Mr Heinz. He said you should drop your weapons and leave." While the bullets had started firing by the time I said the word 'purifiers,' I simply deflected the rounds as I gave them the opportunity to escape. 'More than they deserve, but again, I'm generous. And humble.' Pushing my free hand forward, I send a powerful shockwave through the ground, triggering the dozens of landmines that surround the building and setting off the gas tanks that power the hovel, burning or splattering everyone inside. Taking a sip of my incredibly acidic energy drink, I burn a dark Hellfire Club logo onto the hillside. "Location two involves a corrupt politician…goodie."

POV- Lauren

Working with Georgia was fun but I swear Marcos is even more frustrating to work with than Esme. Always complaining about my 'extreme reactions.' The guy I killed was a known lunatic. Not a rapist, thank God, but still a cruel for no reason asshole.' No, while the list was predominantly threat-ranked, both Lorna and I noticed when we received the folders that the messier stations were being taken by Andy. Child trafficking, rapists, mutant-hunters. Politicians and Purifiers alike, he was going to butcher them. It was like he didn't want Lorna or me to have to witness the scenes in a weird and violent sense of chivalry.

The first place my team, Team C, was hitting was the plastic bullet dealer, hoping to find some information on the manufacturer. How we were going to get that information was left to our discretion, but seeing as one of those plastic bullets nearly killed Lorna last night, Marcos might be a little more motivated and flexible with his morality. Which is good for me and Georgia I guess.

The small gun store didn't stand out much from the last six or seven we'd passed in the last 20 miles, but it was this one with an underground bunker and a large supply of plastic, explosive and high-calibre rounds. Designed and purchased almost exclusively in order to hunt down the 'muties.' Unfortunately, Marcos reminded me that the home on the other side of the store would likely be impacted if I were to crush the gun store filled with explosive and incendiary materials, or at the very least the foundations and ground under it. Which basically meant that I would be acting as the shield while Georgia stabbed and clawed at people. 'Though I guess, I can crush their heads and spines, I guess. Multitalented.'

The sad head shake from Marcos made it seem like he could see what was in my head as he turned towards the store, expecting immediate responses.

"Flashwall," I call and Marcos follows suit, beaming his light into the storefront with enough intensity to blind someone temporarily. Almost immediately after, I conjured a wall, preventing the chance of being shot by blind men as we entered the store. Georgia moved quickly, pouncing on the knocked-down shopkeeper and assistant, who both had kept their hands beneath the counter when they spotted us. She didn't kill them, but with the damage she did to their hands and ribs, I wasn't sure they would survive the surgery required for them. The men were in obvious pain, but now unable to harm us, or anyone really, they remained on the ground while we moved into their basement, ripping the lock from the door and using the door itself as a weapon against the nervous guy that had been doing work down here.

When he heard the sounds above, the clipboard and pen in his hands were replaced with a pump-action shotgun, which admittedly tore straight through the wooden door I intended to smack him with. My actual defence, the air barrier, blocked the buckshot. With each pump he pulled the trigger, splashing the tiny steel balls over the barrier until the gun went click, regardless of how frantically the desperate dude tried. Marcos's light was intense, searing the man's face like a chargrilled beef patty, leaving a smoky smell in the room like cooked pork.

The plan was to take any weapons we thought we wanted, but apart from a set of cool knuckledusters that were equally decorative and performance-focused, there was little that held our attention. That being said, we robbed the store of its cash while Marcos questioned the owner about the manufacturer of the plastic rounds. We added their location to our list before Marcos planted the explosives. When we left, Georgia and Marcos decided to drag the two from the building before he set off the stockpiles of ammunition, which was nice of them. 'I doubt the two cripples would agree, but then again, they would no doubt be permanently disabled. I'm not sure which I'd prefer to be honest.'

POV- Maria

I'd been away for too long it seemed. I'd been freed by the actions of the white-haired brat, but when I next saw him, he was the 'King' of the Club. Reeva talked about the inner circle, while Andrew had dubbed me a rook, something to do with me being a melee-type mutant. At first, I considered leaving, thinking he was just a kid with too much power, but I held back for two reasons. Firstly, I did owe him for giving me a job and rescue and secondly, I noticed the respect they held for him. It wasn't fanatical or fearful like some of the groups I'd heard of both on the news and through my time doing odd jobs, but it was sincere.

"So, who's the first target?" I ask, desperate to end the suffocating silence.

"Wellspring Angels. A community church that has several ex-military members that co-run the purifier chapter. They are reported to have been responsible for the deaths of over 15 mutants and that's not including their own criminal histories, which frankly should deserve the death sentence anyways," the ice-chick said.

"They are hunters from what little was gathered. With a preference for toying with their kills." 'If what Lorna said was right, then I have to agree with Jennifer.' "All have been done for assault, domestic violence and one of them was accused of sexual assault but never convicted."

"Well then, I guess these guys are going to be buried rather than crippled." Neither of the girls disagreed with my words and I was glad to see it. 'I can't imagine how one would take down these kinds of groups without at the very least a massacre. I'm just glad that Andy is on the frontlines too. Unlike Reeva.'

The three of us made it to the community church with ease, making good time due to the lack of traffic. 'Everyone's expecting a mutant protest…and if I'm right, they're gonna get one.' The church itself was small, with a modern look that disagreed with the overall aesthetic of the town itself. 'Having these kinds of groups in smaller communities is smart. Everyone knows someone, which makes it easier to indoctrinate and the local police force would no doubt be in on it as well, making reporting it just as dangerous as openly rioting against it.'

I could feel the eyes on us as we drove into the quiet town, members spooked by the downfall of two purifier leaders. Lorna drove us almost straight to the church, knowing we'd be there in time for a scheduled meeting. What met us was not the welcoming arms of religion.

"Stay where you are," a deep, yet nasally voice said. "Who are you and why are you here?" Looking over my shoulder, the man had a rifle pointed at us, his paranoia making this significantly harder than it had to be. Positioning myself in front of the rifle, I raise my hands slowly in surrender, as do the others. Though for them it just made utilising their powers easier.

"The ranch by Mabletone was burned down by a group of mutants. We heard the news and didn't go to today's meet, which is why we survived." Lorna had obviously been a con artist in another life because she had so much fear and relief in her voice, I would have believed it had I not known. I had the acting potential of a rock, while Jennifer was basically a block of ice, frosty at all times.

His gun wavered before he lowered it, asking whether we were moving through or trying to stay.

"We're hoping to stay for a night before we move on and we figured it would be safer here than in any place packed with mutants. The cities are going to be madness after this morning." He only grunted, turning back and guiding us into the church, where almost two dozen members were sat in the hall, most armed or within reach of a firearm of some kind. Maria did her best to seem comfortable, making a coffee for her and Jennifer, who were the least skilled actors and thus the most likely to slip up and reveal something.

The members looked nervous, which was to be expected, but the bloke who'd let us in went over and explained what had happened to the ranch. 'Good thing the ranch is no doubt ash by now considering Andrew's supposed strength. Even if they call to check, they'll get nothing.' Unsurprisingly, one of the men had snuck off to check the information and mentioned that the Hellfire Club was responsible for the attack.

"Over 30 people dead," he reported to the group, recounting what his friend from the police department near there had found. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Speaking of…Is this it? The 22 of you?" Jennifer's coldness was taken as emotional exhaustion from the loss, and one of the women, a short brunette replied that it was just them and the baker's son in their chapter, though he was helping his parents at the shop. The room grew ice-cold and guns were raised. Jennifer had been practising like a mad woman and today, it paid off. Condensing and freezing the water in the air, Jennifer froze the lungs of the three leaders, turning their body temp to zero in seconds. Another three were hit with small spears made of ice, while Lorna held the bullets in the air, dropping them in a show of strength. 'Not sure why she doesn't fling them back though?'

Sprinting past the frozen fuckers, I provide a jumping knee into the nearest victim, shattering their face over my jeans. The next was taken down by a spinning side kick that, after lowering my output, still caved in the man's chest like he was made of aluminium. Punching my way through another two, I receive a shot to the back, obviously too fast for Lorna to block. Luckily, apart from some annoyance and a hole through my jacket and top, there was no damage. Lorna's role was primarily defensive, shielding Jennifer and herself from the bullets that sprayed them in the short fight. That being said, witnessing a metal folding chair swirl through the air like it was held by a ghost wrestler was both amusing and deadly, as the metal would strike with enough force that bones were broken with every blow. Jennifer actually grew more dangerous as the bodies dropped, utilising the spilt blood as her weapon of choice as red spikes burst from the floor and pierced those who were shooting as well as the few that made a desperate attempt to run.

It was over in under half a minute, yet we knew we would soon have to deal with local police if we lingered. Quickly spray-painting our logo on the wall, we made a run for it, as eager to move on to the next target as we were to finish and get home. 'It'll be a long day.'