Chereads / In Memoria / Chapter 63 - Pure Talent

Chapter 63 - Pure Talent

It was two days after I had talked to Nia that I found myself outside in some sort of arena.

Unlike how I had expected I was not set with some sparring partner in private but in an audience.

Not like I particularly minded. It was just a fight but for there to be so many people…

It seemed like this was some sort of sporting event.

Even the sword that I wielded was not the usual one. It was a blunted steel sword made of nothing but the most mundane of materials.

I almost had to restrain [En] with how angry she was at not being wielded and even now she was still at my side as restrained as she was. I could even feel the buzz of anger as she scoffed in her own way at the weapon I was holding.

The opponent in front of me seemed to be older than me, if I were to estimate then he would have been maybe twenty-five to thirty years old. But really, from what I had seen you couldn't really judge age by appearance here.

There were people that were hundreds of years old despite looking twenty and others that were almost children looking like elders.

Yet despite that I knew my opponent wasn't quite as fearsome as I had expected. It was all in his posture.

He had this nervous feel around him, his eyes darting around everywhere as if to try and find any threats.

While a good habit it just showed how nervous and cautious he was. Even I had only taken a single glance before noting down the smooth terrain and relative dimensions.

Other than that there wasn't much to see about the arena besides the tens of people here for this casual match.

Apparently there was a season for this, people climbing up in ranks. But it wasn't time for that right now. It was a bit of an off season meaning that it was more of the rookies rather than the pro's.

A horn echoed through the surroundings, signifying the start of the match.

I measured my opponent, my body crouching as I watched his each and every movement.

Yet despite my obvious caution at him, he hefted the sword over his shoulders and charged.

The sword came down in mere moments, the dust clouding the arena for but a moment. The crowd hummed in appreciation of the strength but that was all.

I shifted the weight of the sword in my hand, the dulled edge finding its way to the neck of the opponent.

As expected though my opponent had dodged, his sword left forgotten in the ground.

I stood in front of it, watching the guy's movements for any sign that he wanted to reacquaint himself with his sword.

But there was none, the only movement he made was for the stick at his waist.

I raised my eyebrows at what he had taken out. It was a staff, a magical focus. He waved it for a moment before a circle appeared on the end of it.

For a moment I stood there before in a burst of speed I had disappeared. I swung my sword at him, aiming for his neck.

Yet all that happened was the clanging of metal upon metal. A small dagger had redirected my force to the ground. The sword being lodged into the ground just as his own was.

I jumped back, all the while taking the sword with me.

It was a close call, the dagger that he wielded with his off hand almost finding its way into my neck.

Blunt as it may be it would have told of my defeat. Ending this sparring match. And I didn't want that, this was just getting entertaining.

I charged back in, though this time I was more wary. I watched each and every movement, my concentration unshakable.

The tensing of his muscles signaled his counter attack. I ducked from the attack, the wind buffeting at my hair as it went above me.

The staff in his hand was raised and a downward slash of some sort of silver blade went to intercept my attack.

I rolled to the side though in the process I had lost my momentum. It was a sort of stalemate.

Neither I nor my opponent had managed to gain any ground. Each and every time that either one of us had charged we were repelled and even given a disadvantage.

I smiled a vicious smile, this was just what I wanted. Something to challenge me.

"I don't see what you see in the kid." A voice echoed out their opinion. The annoying follower making himself known.

I cupped my chin as I held myself with my elbow. Below me was the arena. It was holding a small little event that I had set up for the child. It was not a big one, maybe a couple tens of people at most.

The most important part was the opponent that he was facing. Ken, no last name. While unable to advance past the third floor he was able to make his name known in the arena.

However with the skills that the man was showing I would have pegged him for at least a fifth floor climber or at the very most an eighth if he was especially lucky.

But that was besides the point, his sheer skill in many weapons, while pathetic to me and many others, was enough to put pressure on Mihr.

Exactly what he had asked for.

"Just watch, have you not seen his movements"

My follower nodded reluctantly and started to actually pay attention. And the moment he did I smirked as I felt his amazement.

Truly I was lucky for picking up such a talented one.

If I had to put it in terms of numbers he would have increased his [Swordsmanship] by at least five percent in the time that we had been talking.

Monstrous, it was the only word for someone of his talent.

"I- I see what you were talking about" He said, coughing into his fist before looking away.