Chapter 8 - Months of Storm PART 2

The Ark sailed underwater, reaching the cave entrance's shipyards and releasing its twenty Warriors and a Despotek who stepped on the sea bottom toward the shore.

The Despotek ordered his units to hide behind the beach's rocks upon leaving the water. Then, he commanded the Ark to sail in front of the buildings, firing its Gauss Flayers. Nothing happened at first until the docked ships sank.

"Wot iz happening?" The Mekboy commanding the shipyard's operations shouted, widening his eyes upon seeing green lights in the water, and wasting no time alerting his Boyz. "It's 'da tin men! Shoot 'da light!"

Screams and steps filled the air as several alarmed Orks ran along walkways and platforms with Shootas in their hands, firing at the light and illuminating the night with their bullets.

The Despotek ordered the Ark to circle in front of the shipyard, dodging the attacks while firing at different targets.

Gauss rays hit the ship's submerged hulls, allowing the water to enter, while others knocked down cranes, walkways, and platforms on top of Orks and their vessels.

Meanwhile, Necron troops advanced toward their distracted foes, turning some green-skins to ash before the rest realized what happened.

"Tin man, yer will teef for sink'n 'da ships!" The Mekboy aimed his Kustom Mega Slugga at Despotek, releasing an energy blast. However, the Necron hid behind a boulder as the shots left scorching holes in the rock.

"You are the only one who will pay for defying my Lord. Advance." He left his cover, firing his Gauss Blaster while the Mekboy quickly crossed the shipyard as everything close behind disintegrated.

With the order given, the Warriors marched and exchanged fire with the Orks hidden behind scattered machines and metal boxes, which offered little protection against Necron weaponry.

A beam hit a Ork's chest, covering him in a green light and leaving a pair of falling legs.

Another Ork crossed the shipyard with a raised Choppa, severing a Warrior's arm and head, returning him to the tomb. Nevertheless, the remaining ones disintegrated him soon after before advancing deeper into enemy territory.

The Despotek commanded the Ark to emerge and send a Gauss barrage at the Orks; attacking them from different sides. Eventually, a green beam hit an ammunition box being loaded onto a ship, and...


A huge explosion shook the buildings, agitating the sea, temporally turning the night into day, and covering the facility in flames, consuming the living and dead Orks that found themselves in its path as the scorching metal fell like rain.

Part of the Warriors stopped shooting at the Orks and focused on damaging the shipyards even more, destroying ammunition crates and fuel thanks as explosion after explosion rocked the area.

"I'll rip off yer arms and use it as a back scratcher!" The Mekboy fired his weapon as he ran toward the Despotek, suddenly returning to the fight.

Energy shots opened holes in his body as he aimed his weapon at the Mekboy, but the Ork slapped his weapon aside and hit him on his head's side with a hammer, denting it.

The Necron then swung his weapon at the Mek, its lower blade slashing the Ork's waist, making him retreat and advance, trying to smash the Despotek's chin.

However, he stepped aside, allowing the swing to hit the air, and raised his weapon, lowering its blade towards the Ork and digging into his shoulder.

"AAAHHH! Kome ere ya git!" The Mek pulled him closer and fired his gun at close range, opening holes in his body with each blast.

The Necron endured despite his system's alerts and sank his weapon deeper into the Ork's shoulder, firing it and ripping a hole through his enemy's body, destroying most of his chest.


The Despotek then kicked the Mek away, throwing him on the ground as he aimed and fired at the Necron with little strength remaining, but he didn't even dodged, as his enemy stood on the verge of death.

"Last words, creature?" The Despotek aimed his weapon at the Ork's face.

"I will… I'll rip yer head off… 'An put it on 'da front uv ma ship…" He said between heavy breaths.

"Even in death, you don't say anything relevant." The Necron fired, ceasing the Ork's existence.

Flames burned the crumbling infrastructure, ships sank into the sea, and the Warriors eliminated the few Orks that remained, the Ark joined the destruction and fired its weapons, damaging the area even more.

So, the Despotek walked into the flames, joining the fight as his body's self-repair undid the received damage.


The rain intensified as Haratek advanced through the island's vegetation, and what were a few raindrops, turned into a storm.

Strong winds shook the trees, lightning fell from the sky like an orbital bombardment, thunder as loud as artillery fire assaulted the living being's ears, and the rain hit like an autogun bullet's barrage.

If Haratek was an organic being, he would have difficulty seeing and hearing during this climate.

Nevertheless, he and his company marched in a loose formation among the trees, stopping at the tree line upon seeing artificial lights ahead, and analyzing the area with his improved vision.

It was a large clearing with warehouses and airstrips without planes, probably due to the weather. However, there were Orks on watchtowers and patrolling the base.

He marked the Xenos position and sent it to his units, who advanced to the tree line and aimed at the Orks.

-Ork Base-

"Hey, do yer fink 'da boss will kall us ta fight?" An Ork Boy asked the other while patrolling the perimeter, wearing goggles to see during the rain.

"Wot?" The other screamed, unable to hear anything due to the rain and thunder.

"I asked if ya fink 'da boss will kall us ta fight!"


"I SAID… AAAHHH!" He did not finish as a Gauss Flayer blast disintegrated most of its body.

The remaining one immediately turned to where the shot came from, ready to fire his Shoota, but it was too late, he saw a green light and was disintegrated as well.

Meanwhile, two Orks in a watchtower observed the area for anything suspect.

"'Dat sucks!" One of them said.

"I know, but Zazzog will take our heads off if we don't do wot 'e says. 'Da Boss 'as put him 'n charge an he 'as ta do wot 'he says, take kare uv 'da island, an if someth'n happens ta it, 'da Boss will krump Zazzog an Zazzog krump us." The other one answered.

"Why iz Zazzog so important?"

"Listen ere, he iz a Big Mek, 'e's bigga an stronga dan ya, 'e 'as weapons 'dat kan turn ya inside out, so ya betta not let 'him hear ya talk'n bad about 'him! Did ya understand?!"

The Ork nodded.

"Well, Zazzog an' his Mekz make 'da best Shootas 'n 'da bunch; if ya survive long enough, maybe 'e'll send a Mek ta make a Shoota to ya."

"Do ya fink I kan get a snazzgun?"

"If yer 'ave enouf' teef… But wot iz dat?" He saw something glowing in the tree line, walked to the tower's edge, and turned on a spotlight at it, seeing a pair of green eyes staring back.

Suddenly, lightning split the sky, illuminating the forest, shortly revealing dozens of green orbs staring from between the vegetation.

"Sound da alarm!"

The second Ork ran towards the "alarm", consisting of a Squig sitting in the tower's cabin, and kicked it, making the creature scream similar to a World War II bombing alarm.

The base went on alert and Orks left the warehouses with weapons ready, joining the patrols to fight the invaders. However, Gauss fire came from the forest in different directions, hitting the Xenos that failed to take cover and leaving some areas unprotected.

This distraction allowed Haratek to infiltrate the base accompanied by a Despotek and four Warriors, and advance toward the largest warehouse, placing a metallic disc on the building gate, molecularly destroying it into an ash pile.




However, a bullet hail stopped his advance and he quickly stepped back, allowing the projectiles to hit the ground.

"'O 'da zog are yer?!" A guttural voice demanded.

He saw a large Ork standing on top of a walkway overlooking the warehouse's lower part.

The green-skin wore a rudimentary visor, and metallic armor, carried a device similar to Tesla Coils on his back with electricity flowing through them, had a pincer-shaped bionic gauntlet replacing his left hand, and held a Kombi-Weapon in the other.

"I am called Haratek, and I am here in service of the great Overlord Akatosahk Ulthagakh. Are you responsible for this installation?"

"Dat's right, ya tin man! I am Big Mek Zazzog Brazzhead!" He pointed his pincer at the Cryptek.

"I see, fire!"

The Necron units fired at the Ork, but the beams never contacted as an energy shield blocked them.

"HAHAHA! Wot do yer fink uv ma force field?! Krump them Boyz!"

A large metal door across the warehouse opened and an Ork mob ran in, carrying Shootas and Choppas of all shapes and sizes.

"You are but scum, not worth my effort." Haratek pressed a button on a screen on his arm and emitted a signal across the warehouse, using his Cryptogeometric Adjuster to mess with non-Necron life forms' senses, distorting their perception of space and time.

The Orks, minus their leader, thrashed and shot wildly, allowing the Necrons to fire freely. Meanwhile, the Cryptek advanced, teleporting his weapon to his hand, a meter-long black Rod covered in gold and silver hieroglyphs.

"I'll throw yer 'n da trash kompactor, tin man!" The Big Mek aimed his Kombi-Weapon at his enemy, sending an electric bolt toward him.

However, he didn't bother to dodge and hit the shot with his Rod, absorbing the energy and spinning his weapon with electricity accompanying his movements before pointing it at its sender and releasing a lightning bolt.

Zazzog ran aside as the attack exploded in the walkway, destroying part of it together with the roof and wall, leaving a large molten hole.

"Waaagh!" He fired repeatedly with the Tesla mode of his weapon, but Haratek blocked each charge with fluid movements and returned them to the Big Mek, who dodged most of the shots, with his force field blocking but cracking due to the ones he couldn't avoid.

"Try block'n now tin man!" He switched his weapon's function to a machine gun and fired.

"You waste your breath with empty threats, primitive creature." The Necron dodged the shots as if teleporting, but the Ork's visor revealed that he moved from one point to another quickly.

"Waaagh!" He screamed, trying to keep up with the Cryptek.

Haratek crossed the warehouse, the bullets a few centimeters behind as he ran between machines and Orks scattered around. However, the Big Mek didn't avoid destroying his equipment or killing his Boyz if meant krumping his enemy.

Eventually, the Cryptek stood with his back against the wall and Zazzog took his chance, switching his weapon's function to a rocket launcher, sending several explosives toward his cornered foe, however, he flew away from the exploding projectiles when they were about to hit.

"Stop runn'n an' fight tin man!" He tried to hit Haratek, who dodged the attacks that alternated between the machine gun and rocket launcher.

Haratek flew close to the ceiling, the rockets blasting holes in it, letting the rain in together with the previously muffled storm.

He went from the warehouse's center to the right, descending upon reaching a wall, and stopping a few centimeters from the ground before flying to the left, all while dodging the attacks.

"Fight Tin Man!"

"I will grant your wish."

He evaded the projectiles, each one exploding and creating a smoke cloud, but the Necron left it a few seconds later, landing on the walkway.

"Tired uv running?" Zazzog mocked.

"Tired of your futile elimination attempts."

The Ork aimed at the Cryptek with a furious scream, only for him to push his weapon upward with a Rod's swing, the shoot opening a hole in the ceiling.

He tried to grab the Necron with his pincers, but he stepped back, making him grab the air. Unfortunately, the Mek was not out of tricks and pointed his pincers at his foe, revealing a tube that fired a flaming jet.

"HAHAHA! Do ya like 'dat, tin man?"

Haratek stepped back as the fire enveloped him, but his Necrodermis was of such high quality that it wouldn't be damaged by something so simple.

He steadied his feet and advanced, knocking the flamethrower aside and slamming his Rod into Zazzog's force field, making it glow as the coils on his back exploded, fully absorbing the energy.

Then, he slammed his Rod into the Ork's chest, electrocuting him.

"AAAHHH!" He screamed but resisted as he wasn't a Big Mek for nothing, he fought the agonizing pain and advanced, his pincer grabbing and squeezing Haratek's head as he tried to move away.

"I win, tin man!" He crushed the Cryptek's head, only for him to explode in a blinding light.

Haratek had activated his Photonic Transubjector, replacing himself with a hard light hologram, allowing the Mek to grab it as he retreated.

"Wrong, creature, I win." He stood under the hole in the ceiling, pointing his Rod upwards while a lightning bolt fell as if the storm understood what he desired, filling the warehouse with a strong white light.

The Big Mek regained his vision, seeing his enemy pointing his Rod of Night at him, he didn't have time to scream, run, or think, in the end, Zazzog was no more, only ashes remained.

A huge explosion demolished the warehouse, with Haratek, the Despotek, and the Warriors emerging from its ruins.

"My Lord, we completed the mission; we destroyed the primitive's military infrastructure." He contacted his Overlord.

"You did well Haratek, eliminate the remaining Orks and return to the tomb."

"As you wish, my Lord." He ended the communication.

With the mission complete, Haratek did what Necrons do best, wipe out all life in the region.


Well, he succeeded in his mission, now to get rid of that damn cannon. My forces advanced at an acceptable speed, but it was time to deal with the Warboss personally.

"Rahkikh, Thaszan!" I rose from my throne.

"Yes, my Lord!" They responded simultaneously.

"Bring me my Command Barge!"