Chereads / I AM HIS ONLY LOVE / Chapter 68 - [ NEVER BE FOOLED AGAIN]


Back in Enoch's living room, Efua seems like she didn't care about any thing that was going on around her. The reason for her visit had been achieved and nothing mattered anymore. She knew Enoch was angery with her and won't mind her after what she did, but not like she cared anyway.

" Must you disgrace me in front of her? You made me look stupid in her presence." Enoch scolded Efua angrily.

" Who cares? Let her think what she wants, I came to send her out since you couldn't." She replied nonchalantly, walking towards Enoch and feeling proud of what she did.

" And was that part of the deal? You knew the consequence for your actions, so don't let me tell you what to do." Enoch said angrily, not alolowing her to hold her as she wanted to, then walked to the dining table to continue his meal even though he had already lost his appetite.

" That wasn't part of the deal either, and anyway I didn't insult her, nor did I hurt her. Ask me out or not, you are stacked with me and you have to marry me no matter what." Efua said as she walked back to the sofa and picked up her bag to leave.

"Dream on. I only said I'll be with you and never promised to marry you. I'll come to you when you need me, so don't think of coming back here." Enoch smashed the spoon on the table and begin to walk away from the living room.

" But that wasn't what you said when you begged me to help get justice for her. You know Amanda's father could have...." At that moment, Efua knew she had made the mistake of trusting Enoch yet again, but she wasn't going to let him go easily.

" What! And did I also begged you to get that shameless man here?" At the stairs, Enoch stopped to cut Efua shot, folding his hands in a form of begging sarcastically.

" But I..." Efua tried to talk.

" But nothing. Just get out of my house and don't think of coming back." At that, Enoch went to his room, locked himself up and went straight to bed with a heart full of rage. Few minutes after, he heard the door to his living room close with a loud bang, and even though he was still angry, he was happy the witch in his life finally left, at least for a while. He closed his eyes to think and in no time sleep took him away, seeding him all the way to an unknown dream land.


Outside Enoch's house, Gideon had just gotten out of the main gate and was about to drive on the only street that connect the house to the city. He looked ahead and no one seems to be on the street, and it looked as if no one had been on it for a while.

"She couldn't have gone that far." Gideon said as he kept thinking of what to do, looking ahead to see if he could get a glimpse of the one he was after but nothing was there. Without a car, even if Abigail decided to run, checking from the time she left the house, Gideon should've been able to see her figure since the street was a straight one from the house till the main road.

Driving slowly, he thought of getting back to inform his boss of the situation, but thinking of the person in the house with his boss, he decided not to. Angrily, he hit the steering wheel with his right fist and took an angry look at Enoch's house, and there he found his pray and happily reversed the car till the back of the fence wall where Abigail was squatting, hidden away from human sight.

>>>>>>Abigail's POV<<<<<<

If there was something greater than embarrassment, I would say that was what I felt, and the sadness that has been in my life was nothing compared to the one that took over my heart. In fact, I know love wasn't meant for me, and if I never believed in true love, at the point, I didn't think it exists at all.

Even though I was trying to be strong, my soul was weak and my heart was sinking deep in the pain inflected on it by the man who gave me hope in loving again. "I've been a fool once more." I said to myself inwardly as my weak legs carried me out of Enoch's compound.

Efua might be feeling great for throwing me out of the house, but am in a way thankful to her. If she had not held my hand and walked me out, I might not been able to do so, and thanks to Gideon's strong arms that gave me courage when I was about to fall to my face.

"I will never be fooled again, not by Enoch nor by any other man." I said to myself angrily in tears as I stepped out of the main gatet. Even the gate man had to cover his eyes with his palm before coming out from his hideout to open the gate for me, and then I new there was no way I could get home in that state.

I wished it would stop running so the dress would at least get dry, but the run that was my friend minutes ago had become an enemy. It began to run even heavier than it was and all I could do was to squat behind Enoch's fence wall few meters away from the main gate.

I couldn't imagine myself walking all the way to the main road which looked like it was miles away from the house even though it was few kilometers away, much less imagine walking in the city with the kind of dress am wearing and that to, when it's wet as it was.

I could have bought a new dressed but I left my phone and puess in Enoch's bedroom, and there was no way I was going back for it. Squatting close to the bushes, I squeezed my knee to my chest with my arms rapped around them and placed my head on it, then I cried my sorrows and worries out.

Few minutes after, I heard the sound of a car engine, and when I looked up, I noticed Gideon's car passing by. "Oh God my last chance just vanished." I said amidst cry and continue to cry more till I heard footsteps coming close to me and it stopped right in front of me, stoping the run from soaking me any further.

"He came?" I said as I looked at the black leather shoes in front of me. I was so happy that, I got to my feet instantly to face yet another disappointment. For a moment, my heart rejoice thinking it was Enoch who came to get me, but why would he, I couldn't even get the reason why my heart was still hoping he came.

Upon realizing it was Gideon who covered me with an umbrella and not my expectations, I covered my chest with my hands out of embarrassment and Gideon turn backwards. "Please get into the car." He said and started working towards his car, which I follow him and entered when he opened the door for me.

"There's a dress at the back, please change. I'll be waiting here." I heard Gideon saying as I was entering the car. Without answering, I sat in the car and begin to change, but on second thought, I didn't want to change at all. Enoch had the audacity to send me the same dress he forced me to wear when we visited my parents, and he was forcing me to wear it again and I had no choice than to change.

Silently, I kept weeping as if I lost an important relative, and uncontrollably tears trickle down my face, wetting the bress I put on as images of me and Enoch from the time we've spent together flooded my mind.

I sat in the car wordlessly, not able to call Gideon but after a while, I felt the car moving and I knew my stay and relationship with Enoch was over. Gideon was kind enough to drive me silently till we got to town and I was calm. The noise from near by told me we wear at the city market, from where I could get a cab home.

"You can stop at the bus stop, I'll be ok from here." I said to Gideon from behind his seat, but nothing showed he was going to stop.

"Am taking you home ma'am." He said without turning and he kept driving till he passed the bus stop.

"Am not interested. Please stop the car." I said as I tried to open the door but it was locked. I frowned so he'll no am not joking but nothing.

Gideon was pretending to be dump and there was nothing I could do about it since the doors were all locked. I stopped trying and sat back in the car with my arms folded on my chest and my face turned away from him. He speed up the car when we were out of the market and silently, we were at my house in no time.

Immediately I saw Gideon out of the car, I opened the door at my sides and stepped out of it, making the door hit Gideon in the face since he was about to open mine for me. "Tell your boss you got me home safely and there's no need for him to check up or keep watch on me." Without saying sorry, I said to Gideon as I rashed home.

"Here ma'am." I turned upon hearing Gideon's voice, only to see him holding my purse and the other clothes I left in the car. I snatch it from him and took my keys to open the door to my room, and when I was in, I smashed the door really hard to his face that I thought I'll have to make repairs the next day.