Sitting at a nearby café we find a young woman of just 20 years. The warm sun glittered over her pale skin. She is sitting quietly playing with her long brown hair. Across from her is a young man with short blond hair. "So, the tournament is tomorrow" exclaimed the blond man. The girl nods. "Are you all right Flora?".
Flora finally speaks up. "I am fine" she is speaking quietly but still clear enough for him to hear. "But this is my first time Leo". Leo opens his mouth to answer her worries but before he does 2 glasses are slammed into the table by a bigger man with short black hair. "Relax we have trained you have we not!" he said loudly. Leo shakes his head before chiming in." while that's an oversimplification. Pyre isn't wrong". Flora looks down on the ground. her playing with her hair turned into tucking and her breathing grew heavy but as she finally looks up. "Who are you calling simple shit Head!" she finds her two friends arguing while getting a little physical. Her breathing begins to steady, and she finally lets go of her hair as she begins to chuckle.
The tournament they are talking about is the Max Tournament. The Tournament is a best out of three with one extra allowed in case of injury. Over 50 teams have entered the tournament in the hope of winning and earning three-hundred-thousand scribes.
Leo and Pyre both seem completely worn out with sweat dripping off. Flora is still just sitting there giggling at them. Despite how tired Leo is he smiles at her. "Starting to relax, are we?". Flora nods. "I will do my best tomorrow". Pyre jumps up again seemingly having regained his energy and immediately claps Flora on her shoulder. "That's all we want". Pyre sits back down, and they continue having a nice time but not long after some kids who were playing nearby had a little girl who seemed to have tripped. Flora seeing this rushes over to ask if she is ok, but the child doesn't seem to be able to answer through her tears. Flora extends her hand and puts her palm upwards. it then began to glow as a flower grew out of her hand and gave it to the child who seem to stop crying. While the child seems happy Leo and Pyre now also rush over and grab Flora. "no one saw that right?" asks Pyre. "I think we are good" Leo answers. They pull Flora back to the table and begin to scold her. While small Flora had broken the biggest Law in the world and could have been prosecuted as a rogue sorcerer.