Chapter 62 - the Grandmother

We find our selfs on a private plane Father, Duke and uncle and I was sitting with each other father was across from me Duke next to him wall uncle was next to me the girls were behind us chatting Dukes girlfriend Jinufer was with them she was in full military uniform metals and all sitting next to her was Lucy she had on a nice dark red suit black vest and black tie sitting across from her was Triss who had on a beautiful dark Green long dress with a slit that ran up the side that would show off some of her leg around her neck was a simple silver necklace with a blue gem in her left ear was 2 gold spike earrings with a hoop on the inside of her ear wall her right ear had 1 spike and 3 hoop earrings but at the tip of her ear was a black spike that pierced through the top of her ear and around her right wrist was a black leather bracelet that had a familiar gator tooth attached to the top of it sitting and lastly her hair was pulled back into a braid that had dark blue and black spikes sticking out of it making her look a bit wild next to her was Meg who wear a very nice green robe that had black lines going through it so it looked like gator scale patterns on it attacked to her right wrist was also a black leather bracelet with a silver gator tooth on it around her neck was a simple gold necklace and her hair was curled and combed as it tested down her back next to her was Sihtric who had on a beautiful dark purple dress that also had the slit going up the side showing off some of her leg and thigh but her snow white back wasnt covered which showed off her huge wings tattoo but her long straight braided hair covered a lot of it also on her right hand was a black bracelet that had a silver gator tooth on it around her neck was a necklace that showed off a raptor claw and both of her ears was pierced with a small gold dragon earring that served around her ear also the sides of Sihtric head was shaved showing of two new raven tattows these ravens was flying around a black dragon this covered the lunging serpent tattoo that she had before across from Sihtric sitting next to Lucy was Rose who had on a simple red skirt and shirt she didn't have any necklace but she did have 2 silver earring on each ear lastly sitting at the head of the drop down table was my mother Moon she had on a beautiful white and black robe that had white dragons roaring on it around her neck was a simple gold necklace she had on her white and black wedding ring and her ears had 2 black earrings her hair was pulled into a bun but also resting on her head was a black circlet that had white dragons flying on it the girls just got done with a round of giggling I side looking back to the boy my Father had on one hell of a blue and black suit his short hair was slicked back and he had on his blue and black wedding ring plus a old silver watch his tei was black with a white dragon flying down it Duke chuckled next to him my eyes moved to him he had on a nice black suit his vest was black and gold wall he had no time he had the top three buttons of his black shirt undone with a gold chain around his neck his short hair was also slicked back and he had on two snake skin bracelets on what you chuckling at lad Samuel asked glaring at him Duke clicked his tongue saying o nothing much old timer just thinking on some things Samuel scoffed whatever my eyes fell onto him he had on a bright red and orange robe that had blue phoenixes rising up out of flames but it couldn't hide his muscles he had a leather necklace around his neck with a colorful feather attached to it he had just started wearing this necklace but I just now was really looking at it that's a sirens feather I grinned knowingly at him Samuel glanced at me warily what you grinning at over there Lad I shrugged chucking o nothing I just noticed your necklace beautiful feather by the way it's from a siren if I ant wrong he glared at me asking yea what about it I simply shrugged again it's nothing Samuel nodded good I grinned but come to think about it you just started to wear it if I ant wrong so if I may ask where did you get it cuz that siren must be a pretty thing Samuel glared daggers at me and with clinched teeth he said I found it I grinned even more stupidly at him o so you just found a sirens feather huh interesting are you sure cuz come to think about it I know of a Siren who lives not to far away from your work and she was quite the looker I believe her name was Siren yes that what it was I believe I told uncle about her not to long ago come to think of it that's about the time you started wearing that necklace mmmmm very interesting very interesting indeed so uncle I leaned back in my seat grinning at him confidently ant you going to say thank you he glared at me but I simply had that stupid grin on my face after a few minutes of this he finally side looking out the window embarrassedly and in a quiet voice he said thanx I guess I moved a hand to my ear asking sorry uncle I didn't hear you what did he say he gritted hit teeth his hands tightening on the seats arms I seen the arms start to crack I smiled shrugging hi if uncle is to scared to repeat what he said we can move to a different but he shot up out of his seat and he grabbed my by the front of the shirt yelling I said thank you for giving my soul mate my number if it wasnt for you this wouldn't have happened there are you fucking happy I grinned goofily at him nodded your welcome he huffed throwing me back down onto my seat and he sat down with a huff his arms crossed looking out the window his face bright red I looked down to my clothes I had on a green coat that had purple shinny flowers weaved through it the vest was black and dark red rosed weaved through it the under shirt was black the top three buttons were undone showing off my scared chiseled chest my gator tooth around my next my beard was nicely combed and braided in a classic Viking braid my raven black hair was pulled back into a similar braid that want from the top of my head all the way down that want a little passed my neck the hair on the sides of my head was cut shorter then the top on my left wrist was a bracelet similar to Dukes but on my other wrist was a bracelet made from 3 different color robe the same colors as my girls hair and there was a silver pocket watch chain on my vest my left hand had a black skill ring on the middle finger wall on my 3 finger on my right hand a ring that kept on changing colors it want from lightning blue to dark Green and then to Purple it just kept on changing through these three colors constantly and at random times my hands was resting on a black kain that was oval shaped that had a dark blue dragon head at the tip and at the bottom had a dark blue cap I looked quite good if I say so my self but mixed with the scare that want crossed my face that added some mysteries and wildness to my look there were no weapons that could be seen on me the same can be said for everyone else also Father side again the three of us looked at him angrily he looked at us what Samuel scoffed you know damn well what that was like your 15 time sying in the past 30 minutes just speak your damn mind Perseus Duke nodded yea father what's on your mind my father's side when he saw the determined looks in our eyes fine ok I am just a bit nervous the last time I visited the Hera family I ummm to put it simply I wasn't welcomed I practical had to fight every single time I visited Moon it was annoying and wasted the much valuable time I could spend with moon one day one of the boys who tried to court many times challenged me for her hand in marriage this was a trap he was 3 ranks higher then me and if I lost I would lose my love so I refused but the boy wasnt going to take no for a answer he tried everything to get me to fight him but I wasn't a fool I waited till the odds was in my favor and that chance soon came wall Moon and I was on a date he tried to crash are date but it was much harder then he thought Moon and I thought his attempts were funny that was intel he spiked Moons drink with a very strong aphrodisiac or tried to anyway luckily she noticed something was wrong with her drink when I heard that I snapped how dare that bastard try and drug my Moon I expected the terms to a fight the winner would get Moons hand in marriage this was said in front of a hole lot of people may of them was members of the Hera family Moon stood behind me confidently hell she even made bets with others she obviously bet on me wall every e else bet on that brat well the fight started I immediately noticed he was going for the kill or to at leave heavily injure me at least but he underestimated me and my power little did that fucker know I could fight 3 ranks above me equity besides I had gotten stronger in secret plus no one had seen my full power and live to talk about it other then Samuel so let's just say everyone was shocked when I beat that bastard ten ways to Sunday I took his left hand as punishment for spiking my Moons drink I even used my wind to lacerate his cells and bones then I fried it with my lightning so he couldn't regrow it the Hera family wasn't happy that one of there top geniuses had been between by a boy from the sticks but there wasn't anything they could do about it that's when Moon and I got engaged that bastards father tried to make are lifes a living hell and still tries every now and then these people I side shaking my head angrily Duke nodded right brother do you think that family will make trouble for us I laughed shrugged to be honest Duke I ant to worried about them sense this will be a hunters rally there will be hunters from all over the world not just the Hera family so who fucking knows will happen but we should stay on guard at all times that goes for you girls also Meg side we know dear but it would be nice at least ones things go fine and we don't got to fight or kill are way through ste problems I laughed o come now my gatoress where is the fun in that I personally can't wait for someone to fuck around these people only respect one thing and that's power and many of them will stop at nothing to gain more of it Triss smiled nodded that's right Meg dont act like you ant ready to rip some people apart we all chuckled at that and like this a another few hours want and we had landed in France we walked out of the private airport looking around we was on the outskirts of a big city but off in the distance I could see the Eiffel tower but waiting for us was one huge black limousine that had two people in black suits standing next to it one tall man who had sickly white skin he had black glasses on the other was a Tain skin woman that had a dragon tattoo on her neck she also had black glasses on I noticed they both had a ear bud in also my eyes scanned around inconspicuously and I noticed another car touched into a side corner I also sensed two sets of eyes on me from the roof of the airport snipers I smiled warmly at these people my glasses lenses want from black to dark red asking what's this are grandmother must be worried sick for are safety if she sent a armored limousine two guards, two snipers and even one car to follow us how considerate of her the to guards tensed up slightly but they was well trained not many people would notice there bodies tense but we wasnt normal people my smile faded slightly o don't tell me they are here as a threat to us but the women quickly shook her head no, no sir your mistresses grand-kid she wouldn't care threaten family my smile was gone and I started coldly at this woman I could sense they were both high purple ranked hunters and in a cold voice I spoke no offense mam but you're full of shit what mother would rip the rank from her own daughter and kick her out for not following one order and do not call me that I am no ones grandson my grandparents died way before me and my other siblings was born the man snarled watch your mouth brat I smiled mockingly at him or what are you going to sneeze on me or something I must ask what does poison taste like mmm is there different flavors like soda or it is all basically the same taste he glared at me his hands twitching but the second I noticed his hand twitch I flashed right in front of him and a hidden blade shot from under my coat into my hand and I pressed it against his throat that huge smile still on my face this is your one warning to all of you Hera members watching us from his button camera do not try anything we have no problems painting the floor and walls red with your blood do not test us cuz this man took yalls only strike and with that the man blinked and I was back to where I was standing before no bagger in my hand and that warm smile on my face might as well come out grandmother we all know your there my eyes fell onto one of the windows the door was opened and stepping out was a small woman who had on a navy blue dress her gray hair was pulled into a bun she was very beautiful for being over 60 hell she didn't even look a day over 40 her eyes shined with a cold blue light she was very elegant in the way she held her self I could sense her power same as my parents she looked us all over I could tell she was making judgments in her minds but I didn't care I stood there my back straight that huge grin on my face the two guards clasped there hands and bowed to her saying grand mistress silence fell over us but then the female guard glanced to us saying bow to the grand mistress my father scoffed he wasnt the only one that did that I just chuckled shaking my head y should we I asked she glared at me responding out of respect of her position and power so bow and I felt her ora press down onto us but it was detected specifically on me but I stood there on moving that huge grin on my face hell there wasn't any sign that I felt anything I looked around chuckling cut ora is this supposed to scare us but it would seem yall and understanding my words let me dumb it down for you I nor my family give to shits about this woman power nor position nor do we respect her or her power enough finally the old women spoke her voice sounded wise and strong she looked at me with those cold blue eyes you got a sharp tongue boy be careful it doesn't get you into trouble I smiled shrugging it almost sounds like your worried about me she shook her head and looked to my mom her eyes want sharp and in a commanding voice she spoke Moon ant you going to great your mother and elder but my mother shook her head and with a sad smile spoke sadly my husband mother died a very long time ago I heard she was a nice woman sadly I didn't get to meet her so I have no mother as for my elder I don't see then either the old woman clicked her tongue annoyed well I see where the boy gets his sharp tongue I thought I tot you better but it would seem this bastard seed has tainted my teachings tell me I heard one of your daughter got kidnapped and rapped by a asmodeus coltest a week or so ago and if that wasnt bad your eldest son got kidnapped and tortured by a wererat and yet he has a weregator next to him she glanced to Meg disapprovingly and your eldest daughter doesn't even have a man and she is what late 20s I see the only good child you born was your second son all though I don't particularly like the Bella famuly but at least his marriage is strong and has good benefits I fell bad for you I bet your disappointed in most of them especially the first two especially this girl she has been given a caltest seed ant that right my dear sweet daughter so will you be a good girl and show you mother some respect or will I have to tell the world what happened to your eldest son a huge cold confident smile spread across her face my mother was emotionless and she slow walked in front of her mother slowly my mothers hands tightened and loosened a few times my mom started into her mothers eyes for a few moments very my mom lowered her head my grandmother nodded happily that's right good dont worry we can fix smack but before she could finish my mother head shot up and she bitch slapped her mother everyone was stunned my grandmother still had her head turned to the side a red hand prant mark forming on the side of her face and in a ice cold angry voice my mother said don't you dare say that about my kids again bitch hahaha I recovered fast and started to laugh father also recovered right after me he nodded smile you tell her baby the next few was Samuel, Duke Triss and Rose who had grinds spread across her face my laughter didn't stop my grandmother slowly looked back to her daughter who glared at her with those cold eyes o you don't approve of my little gatoress who gives to fucks she is mine anyone not yours so y should I care what a old witch thinks but just for that I got to give my wifey a gift to cheer her up and I turned around and walked straight up to Meg who had a worried but interested look on her face I dragged her close to me turning around flashing my grandmother a huge grin and started to mack out with Meg right in front of everyone Meg hesitated at first but that bit of resistance quickly vanished wet smooching noises could be heard from us my grandmother and the two guards started dumbfoundedly at us but we didn't care hell Meg through her arms around my neck wall I grabbed a hand full of soft ass I started to move it around making hand patterns was she had one hand at the back of my head and wasnt removing it but I didn't mind hehe it turned me on this want on for a bit longer till I heard someone clear there throat Meg and I stopped and looked to see who did that it was my mother who chuckled at us saying that's enough you two no playing grab ass when we are trying to have a serious talk I grinned but mom this is some of the best ass my hands have played with and to prove my point I make a few more hand movements my mom side at my shamelessness wall my father and uncle grinned at each other proudly no buts my mother finally said Meg and I side and at the same time said ok mom and we let go of each other and Meg stepped back next to the jealous gazes of Triss and Sihtric out of the corner of my eye I seen Jinufer slip her hand into Dukes back pocket I chuckled at that but didn't say a work grandmother rubbed her cheek then glared at mother with angry eyes you dare slap you mother but my mother clapped back saying no how fucking dare you insult my children I don't really care what you say about Hunter he has handled his shit and he is eld skilled enough but you had to speak about my youngest my little rose but you didn't stop there you fucking spoke of what happened to her like she wanted any of that shit to happen you fucking judge her when you have no right judge no one you old slut not everyone spreads there legs at the first sight of power you dared to speak ill of my baby's how fucking dare you at this point the temperature dropped and frost started to form on stuff the two guards felt this and I seen guns be pulled yelling protect the mistress and the pointed there guns at my mother but before they could even get a shot off they was pinned on the floor two figure standing on top of them these figures was Duke and my self I placed the end of my kain in the center of her chest saying make a move and this goes through your heart Duke had one of the daggers i made for him presses against that mans through as he sat on top of him he rested his head on his other hand saying as he scanned over everyone yall are boring I would have thought a member of the mighty Hera family would be stronger and does all grand mistresses talk as much as her no matter o right you and his eyes feel back onto the man under him struggle and you will die move and you die hell if you even breathe the wrong way and you die so be a good boy and stay quiet grandmother waved her hand saying that is enough you can release them I give you my word that they won't try anything Duke and I looked to each other I could tell we had the same thought who does this hag think she is ordering us around we scoffed at the same time saying no grandmother side looking ar Duke you was doing so well dear y don't you listen to your grand but before she could finish Duke pressed the dagger closer to the mans throat drying a bit of blood and a mocking smile spread across Duke's face you think I give two fucks about your opinion of me ha don't make me laugh it's just as my elder brother said your actions haven't been that of a mother let alone a grandmother and yet you think you have the right to call me that thinking I would listen to you instead of standing next to my family your fucking mental if you think I would choose your over them so choose your next words very carefully or my hand might just slip grandmother gritted her teeth scanning over us her eyes finally fell onto her daughter standing in front of her there was no fear nor hesitation in her cold eyes they started at each other for a few minutes the air was heavy from the looming silence you could practically cut the tension in the air but after a few more seconds a proud smile spread across grandmothers face it would seem you have found something worth fighting for my daughter I am truly happy seeing the family you made and how far you have came allow nothing to take them away from you even if it's the heavens above don't end up like me and she did something we wasnt expecting she want down to her knees bowing to my mother saying daughter I am truly sorry for what I said and did those things should have never been said but I had to cross that line to see if you had grown up and it would seem you have my mother was stunned staring down at her own mother bowing to her a snarl was on my face not for anything grandmother had said or done it was the fact I felt the warmth in her words she was genuinely sorry and she meant every word she spoke my mom looked over to me questionly I side calming my self down nodding with much effort my mom smiled saying stand up mother I will maybe never forgive you for the past but I will just this ones since I am happy to be back in my birthplace so stand up mother but as my eldest son said do not try anything funny cuz this is your last strike if something like this happens again we are killing our way through grandmother nodded smiling naturally well we should be off your father is waiting for us come and she turned around and walked to the door of the car but before she got in she turned to me with a huge grin I see the death hound is as warry and brutal as the stories say good but I give you my word that nothing will happen the test is over you can let little Z up I chuckled shrugging your word means little to me sense I neither trust you or them but I will back off not cuz you asked me to but for my mother just be warned my eyes are on all of you so if you do something I don't like I promise I will burn your gild to the ground she laughed you do what you want lad and she got into the car I looked down to the woman called Z she was pale-faced and hadn't moved at all hell I could tell she was barely breathing I moved my kain off her chest chuckling you can breath easy lass and I walked to the door and held it open for my family they all slowly got in I soon followed closing the door behind me I sat down in between my three flowers I looked to the front of the car to see my grandmother smiling at all of us especially me I raised an eyebrow asking what you smiling at so much grandmother I said that last part in a slightly mocking town of voice but I could tell she didn't care she shrugged o nothing just admiring the pretty flowers next to you every one of there backgrounds and normal but and her eyes fell onto Triss saying I ant sure if you know this dear but your family will be attending the party also I felt Triss tense next to me but I squeezed her hand comforting and all her worries disappeared and in a neutral voice she said o good for them but seeing how I ant one of them anymore I don't think I care to much anymore I am a Colt and Hunters first wife now grandmother nodded I see well good for you for finding your own way my mom looked over to grandmother asking mother who all is attending I thought it was going to be a hunters meet my grandmother smiled widely o it will be but don't you worry about the little things dear my mom nodded at her but discreetly glanced at her husband I didn't like the sound of that my body slightly twitched Triss and Sihtric felt this sense they was hugging my arms wall Meg could sense something was wrong my finger started to tap on my kain my skull ring making a click noise each time it moved I want through many thoughts trying to figure out what she meant by that but everything I thought off was either to fucking crazy or way to bulled for even the Hera family but I didn't have a good feeling about this my instincts was screaming a slotter will happen soon and my instincts are rarely wrong but I felt 4 warm things press against my arms I chuckled seeing Triss and Sihtric press closer to me which easily broke me out of my thoughts man this is heaven I thought grinning.