Chereads / Wild West best hunter reincarnated back to modern supernatural world / Chapter 63 - a little drive and a little talk about rifts

Chapter 63 - a little drive and a little talk about rifts

So Grandmother where is Grandfather Rose asked innocently she blinked her eyes a few times cutely grandmother smiled at her saying o don't worry dear as I have said he is preparing for the ball there are many powerful hunter families coming early just like your selfs and he must meet them or someone high ranking meet them or the big families will kick up a fuss I chuckled you would do the same if you was invited to a ball by any of the other big families so don't act like your any better she side and looked to me nodding you would be right child we would do the same but the party who is the host gets to complain about hosting at least a little besides the party whose hosts are at a disadvantage I laughed tapping my kain on the ground a few times as I laughed but after the 3 tap my laughter stopped but my grin didn't fade I started at this old woman a bit impressed on her social skills she was trying to make us pity her and her family she was good but no matter I shrugged you lies won't work on me granny everyone knows that the party who hosts holds all the cards we will be in your home after all if you haven't made defenses, traps or killing formation in your home base then your family would have already been destroyed you really need to stop testing us more specifically you need to stop testing me and I looked out the window we had been going in a circle this hole time I am sure I wasn't the only one who noticed but it was getting annoying I chuckled look at that we just passed a bakery that had the same name as the passed 2 we drove by huh how interesting I wonder if it's a big business or something I glanced to my grandmother whose left hand twitched slightly but she actually stayed composed other than that twitch I turned to her grinning granny it's clearly obvious that you're buying time but buying time for what is what I can't figure out there are just so many possibilities she side so you noticed suck a same no matter she tapped in the window that lead to the front seats the black widow rolled down slightly and I heard a females voice ask yes mistress granny side before saying call off the plan head to the hq they have noticed yes mem and the window rolled up I glanced to Meg who I seen her ear twitch slightly I new she could hear the people in the front my eyes quickly want back to the granny who side again I heard her mutter no hi-speed shoot out today a shame no matter I rolled my eyes at these fucking peoples shamelessness they would higher people to attack us just for them to get a peek at are strength and powers Duke and I have already showed off two of our abilities my lightning and his shadows but this wasn't a big deal since anyone could find out we had those powers do to how much we have used them luckily for me the video of me fighting with Azzy and that angel is under lock and key and I hold both the key and the video so no one can see it without my permission so the only ability that people know I have is lightning sense it's in my hunter data but that's it I felt Triss process closer to me I glanced down to see she was looking out the window worry in those green eyes I looked out the window also my eyes fell on 2 familiar ravens following us but that's when I seen a brown blur dive bomb one of the ravens but that raven quickly spun just in the nick of time that brown blur shot by the raven it slowed down that's when I got a good look at the brown blur it was a fucking hock that's when I saw another hock dive down at the other raven but it also moved out of the way just in the nick of time I looked to Triss worried expression I could tell she recognized the hocks so I leaned down and whispered in her ear asking who's she side and mouthed mothers I nodded whispering she was already on my shit list but she has gone to the top of that list send your ravens back to the plan she nodded and like that the 4 birds disappeared Hades and Deimos Triss ravens are coming to you take down the 2 hocks do not kill them got it I spoke in my head that's when I heard two male voices say got it Hades but can I at least eat a wing or a leg please master I side no but pretty, pretty please master I but I count him off saying no means no Hades you will get you food soon enough so be a good boy and listen to my orders huh ok master I looked to the granny who had been staring at me for a few minutes already I raised an eyebrow what is it granny do I got something on my face or something she nodded yes that scare it came from a mutant wendigo right I grinned shrugged and nodded indeed it did it was quite the hunt she put up a good fight granny nodded your lucky she didn't take your eye or lem best to keep your distance from supernatural creatures sense there strength is greater then us humans and that right girls and she looked to Sihtric, And Meg both of them simply huffed ignoring her I grinned you say humans can't be stronger then supernatural creatures is correct granny raised her head in pride at my words till I said this well today's hunters can't be as strong as supernatural creatures that is granny's smile pride and smile faded it turned into a confused frown what do you mean by that lad she asked slowly I shrugged leaning back in my seat resting my arms on the back of the seats behind the girls Triss straightened her wall Sihtric leaned her head on my shoulder as she crossed her legs I grinned at granny saying what I mean is exactly as I said today's hunter can't be stronger then supernatural creature or more specifically they choose not to be granny glared at me saying are you calling today's hunters weak cuz if so you need to watch your mouth boy and I felt a heavy pressure press down upon me this was granny pressuring me with her power but I didn't even move it hurt to fight against this pressure but I wasn't going to show weakness in front of this woman hell I even grinned at her nodding that's exactly what I am saying today's generations are weak you would rather take the weak path you build up your power slowly with no pain or fear for your life cuz your to scared to get hurt or to lose your life hahaha you truly think your life is more important then gaining power don't make me laugh without strength your life is useless cuz only with power can you take your life into your own hands and to forge your own path wall the true path to power you call barbaric and suicide take this for example and I waved my hands to the pressure around me you took the long way to power you put your life and body above anything wall on the other hand take my parents they didn't have the luxury to do that they gain their power through blood sweat and tears they pushed their bodies, minds and there powers limits and what did they do they pushed passed there limits they fight and learned and in the end they are unrivaled even you couldn't take them she huffed they are special they are geniuses of course they but I cut her off saying I wasn't done granny glared at me the pressure increasing a few pounds but I simply had a huge smile on my face it isn't just cuz yall are to scared of a bit of hard work and pain you rely on technology to overcome your weaknesses which is foolish a sword is only as good as its wielder the same can be said for any weapon or ki and magic abilities these things are nothing but tools a extension of one's self nothing more people tend to forget the lessons of the past lets take your guards up front they are hunters with military training I am sure they are quite handy with a gun and maybe a knife and some hand to hand but nothing more wall my little brother has both military training but also field experience untop of that he has practiced in Marshall arts with both fist and weapon wall I have 0 military training and yet I am even more skilled then my brother and the rest of my siblings this is with skill alone not using our abilities just skill and this is with blade, gun, staff, spear, fist whatever and yet your and I raised my hand and made quotes with my fingers as I said " guards " I lowered my hands back down and I have only been a hunter for only months unlike them so my smile got even bigger as I stared at her you tell me granny is today's hunter weak or not the glared at me for a few minutes before she gralled you honestly can't compare the two of you with normal people he is Cerberus and your the motherfucking death hound of course my common guards would stand no chance against the lifes of you I rolled my eyes flattery won't get you anywhere granny my point stands she huffed angrily don't think I don't know what you did boy you was able to not only fight off against a prince of hell that just came to this world but you also fought a angel and was able to kill it just cuz the bitch head of the new orlance hunter branch was able to delete all data and video of that fight doesn't mean people was able to know what happened I laughed shrugging good job you were able to learn about what happened that day I would applaud your information gathering group but sadly my arms are full with these hotties and I moved my hands pushing Meg closer to Triss who was already hugging my chest wall Sihtric simply wrapped her arm around mine as it was over her shoulder I took in these flowers beauty for a few moments before saying besides it's not like they had to work hard to get that information sense we didn't hide that so good job you got the bear minimum on me wall I got a whole lot on you tell me did you truly think you could hide the presents of eden from us my eyes flashed into my draconic eyes I started at her from top to bottom I could see her own presents which was a dark blue but just above her skin was a very thin layer of green energy even though this layer was thin it was very pure in natural energy a rift huh how fun when I said that everyone was shocked except for granny almost everyone gasped my mother head shot to me asking are you sure son I heard nothing about a rift being open wall I was part if the Hera family I nodded chuckling it's a rift all right and it's not shocking that you didn't know about it sense I am sure they are keeping it a big secret my sister raised her hand asking what's a rift Duke side saying really little sis you really need to read a book someti but Lucy and Jinufer elbowed him before he could finish as father turned to Rose saying he is right sweet heart but anyway a rift is a one way portal to Eden there isn't many of these around hell I have only heard of one other and that's in the Wolfgang family where ever these rifts open the area is rich in pure natural energy that changes it's environments to hold the rift better what these rifts do is simple at random times it will throw out something from Eden this something can be anything really resources, weapons, food, armor, blueprints, heads or lems, parts of clothing parts of vehicles hell even part of monsters and gems I do believe that the Wolfgangs also got a monster egg from there's but that's only a rumor but these things that come from the rift isn't it's greatest benefits no it's the pure energy coming out of it that energy is godly for any normal hunter hell it would speed the process of high rankers also suck as your mom and I and if you trained in that environment the chances of you gaining enlightenment in your powers goes up hundredfold Lucy nodded but that doesn't just go for battle abilities it goes with everything like if a healer did there healing in that environment then there healing powers are easier and there skill in healing would go up the same can be said for smithing if a smith was able to work in that environment not only would there skills improve but the item that smith makes would be much more powerful do to the pure raw energy Rose nodded thank you so if they have this rift like elder brother says then they have kept it a secret we all nodded what's your thoughts Hunter father asked my eyes hadn't left off granny we was in a stare off my draconic eyes glowed I noticed wall the others was taking when Lucy mentioned the smithing part granny expression or pasture didn't change but I noticed her heart beet increase greatly she was nervous but it calmed back down ones they moved on for that topic so they are forging something but what could it be mmm no don't tell me are they that stupid no they can't be right unless a very dark thought came to mind is that y they brought me back they asked me to make as much chaos as I could to turn this world upon it's head hahahahaha I laughed in my mind but my expression stayed that cold smile I broke eye connect leaning back closing my eyes saying what I think is its none of our business I opened my eyes they was back to normal I seen my dad and siblings stare at me confusedly wall my girls and my mother nodded hell even Jinufer nodded like she understood a smart one I thought nodding at Dukes good fortune I looked back to the granny saying my apologies granny she side the pressure lifting from me you lad have a knack for getting into trouble reminds me of your mother yes indeed and she started out the window her expression hadn't changed but I seen remembrance and a bit of sadness in those eyes but that's when the car slowed to a stop and I heard two doors open then the door to the back opened and a male voice said welcome guests to the Hera family we all slowly got out my siblings and girls eyes want wide seeing it well most of my girls Triss eyes want sharp seeing the steel walls wall I simply squented at this wall it wasnt very hi but they didn't need to be I seen watch towers in each corners right in front of us was a huge gate that had a peacock carved into the door above this door was a control room but this wasnt what I was looking at it was the hidden runes scrawled all over the wall hell I even noticed a invisible domed barrier ones granny got out the door got shut behind her and the two guards bowed to her saying mistress granny nodded to them and started walking forward saying keep up now or you will be left behind or killed I through my arms over my girls grinning and followed Duke followed my example with Jinufer Rose and Lucy rolled there eyes at us but followed Samuel side and followed silently wall my parents started at this gate moms eyes was glost over and she had a small smile on her face my father had a complicated look but he side and walked in front of mom and smiled to her and held out his hand saying shall we my mom eyes focused on him and that small smile turned into a huge warm loving smile of course dear and she took his hand and lead the way to followed behind us.